blob: 7081e40fb974fca76aed6db66875375c8b121046 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/error/hint_codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.g.dart';
import 'package:test/expect.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../dart/resolution/context_collection_resolution.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class UnusedElementTest extends PubPackageResolutionTest {
test_class_field_isUsed_objectPattern() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void f(Object? x) {
if (x case A(_foo: var bar)) {
class A {
int _foo = 0;
test_class_field_isUsed_objectPattern_generic() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void f(Object? x) {
if (x case A<int>(_foo: var bar)) {
abstract class A<T> {
abstract T _foo;
test_class_getter_isUsed_objectPattern_hasName() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void f(Object? x) {
if (x case A(_foo: var bar)) {
class A {
int get _foo => 0;
test_class_getter_isUsed_objectPattern_hasName_generic() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void f(Object? x) {
if (x case A<int>(_foo: var bar)) {
class A<T> {
T get _foo => throw 0;
test_class_isUsed_extends() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {}
class B extends _A {}
test_class_isUsed_fieldDeclaration() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class Foo {
_Bar? x;
class _Bar {
test_class_isUsed_implements() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {}
class B implements _A {}
test_class_isUsed_instanceCreation() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {}
main() {
new _A();
test_class_isUsed_isExpression_expression() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
class _A {}
void f(Object p) {
if (_A() is int) {
test_class_isUsed_jsAnnotation() async {
..add(name: 'js', rootPath: '$workspaceRootPath/js'),
newFile('$workspaceRootPath/js/lib/js.dart', r'''
library _js_annotations;
class JS {
const JS();
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
import 'package:js/js.dart';
class _A {}
test_class_isUsed_staticFieldAccess() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {
static const F = 42;
main() {
test_class_isUsed_staticMethodInvocation() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {
static m() {}
main() {
test_class_isUsed_typeArgument() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {}
main() {
var v = new List<_A>.empty();
test_class_isUsed_with() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
mixin class _A {}
class B with _A {}
test_class_notUsed_inClassMember() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {
static staticMethod() {
new _A();
instanceMethod() {
new _A();
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 6, 2),
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 20, 12),
test_class_notUsed_inConstructorName() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {
_A() {}
_A.named() {}
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 6, 2),
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 26, 5),
test_class_notUsed_isExpression() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {}
main(p) {
if (p is _A) {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 6, 2),
test_class_notUsed_isExpression_typeArgument() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {}
void f(Object p) {
if (p is List<_A>) {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 6, 2),
test_class_notUsed_isExpression_typeInFunctionType() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {}
void f(Object p) {
if (p is void Function(_A)) {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 6, 2),
test_class_notUsed_isExpression_typeInTypeParameter() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {}
void f(Object p) {
if (p is void Function<T extends _A>()) {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 6, 2),
test_class_notUsed_noReference() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {}
main() {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 6, 2),
test_class_notUsed_variableDeclaration() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
class _A {}
void f() {
_A? v;
print(x) {}
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 6, 2),
test_class_notUsed_variableDeclaration_typeArgument() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
class _A {}
main() {
List<_A>? v;
print(x) {}
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 6, 2),
test_classGetterSetter_isUsed_assignmentExpression_compound() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
int get _foo => 0;
set _foo(int _) {}
void f() {
_foo += 2;
test_classSetter_isUsed_assignmentExpression_simple() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
set _foo(int _) {}
void f() {
_foo = 0;
test_constructor_isUsed_asRedirectee() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
factory A.b() = A._constructor;
test_constructor_isUsed_asRedirectee_viaInitializer() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
A() : this._constructor();
test_constructor_isUsed_asRedirectee_viaSuper() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
class B extends A {
B() : super._constructor();
test_constructor_isUsed_explicit() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
A f() => A._constructor();
test_constructor_notUsed_multiple() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 14, 12),
test_constructor_notUsed_single() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
test_constructor_notUsed_single_inSubclass() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
class B extends A {
B() : super._constructor();
B._named() : super._constructor();
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 87, 6),
test_enum_constructor_parameter_optionalNamed_isUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum E {
v(a: 0);
const E({int? a});
test_enum_constructor_parameter_optionalNamed_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
enum E {
v1, v2();
const E({int? a});
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT_PARAMETER, 37, 1),
test_enum_constructor_parameter_optionalPositional_isUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum E {
const E([int? a]);
test_enum_constructor_parameter_optionalPositional_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
enum E {
v1, v2();
const E([int? a]);
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT_PARAMETER, 37, 1),
test_enum_isUsed_fieldReference() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _MyEnum {A}
main() {
test_enum_notUsed_noReference() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _MyEnum {A, B}
void f(d) {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 5, 7),
test_extension_unnamed_getter_isUsed_objectPattern() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void f(Object? x) {
if (x case int(foo: var bar)) {
extension on int {
int get foo => 0;
test_extension_unnamed_getter_isUsed_objectPattern_generic() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void f(Object? x) {
if (x case List<int>(foo: var bar)) {
extension<T> on List<T> {
T get foo => throw 0;
test_extension_unnamed_operator_isUsed_relationalPattern() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void f(int? x) {
if (x case > 0) {}
extension on int? {
bool operator >(int other) => true;
test_extensionType_isUsed_typeName_typeArgument() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
extension type _E(int i) {}
void f() {
Map<_E, int>();
test_extensionType_member_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
extension type E(int i) {
void _f() {}
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 33, 2),
test_extensionType_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
extension type _E(int i) {}
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 15, 2),
test_extensionType_notUsed_variableDeclaration() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
extension type _E(int i) {}
void f() {
_E? v;
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 15, 2),
test_extensionType_notUsed_variableDeclaration_typeArgument() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
extension type _E(int i) {}
void f() {
List<_E>? v;
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 15, 2),
test_factoryConstructor_notUsed_multiple() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
factory A._factory() => A();
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 22, 8),
test_factoryConstructor_notUsed_single() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
factory A._factory() => throw 0;
test_fieldImplicitGetter_isUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
int? _g;
int? get g => this._g;
test_functionLocal_isUsed_closure() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
main() {
print(() {});
print(x) {}
test_functionLocal_isUsed_invocation() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
main() {
f() {}
test_functionLocal_isUsed_reference() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
main() {
f() {}
print(x) {}
test_functionLocal_notUsed_noReference() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
main() {
f() {}
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 11, 1),
test_functionLocal_notUsed_referenceFromItself() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
main() {
_f(int p) {
_f(p - 1);
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 11, 2),
test_functionTypeAlias_isUsed_isExpression() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
typedef _F(a, b);
main(f) {
if (f is _F) {
test_functionTypeAlias_isUsed_reference() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
typedef _F(a, b);
void f(_F c) {
test_functionTypeAlias_isUsed_typeArgument() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
typedef _F(a, b);
main() {
var v = new List<_F>.empty();
test_functionTypeAlias_isUsed_variableDeclaration() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
typedef _F(a, b);
class A {
_F? f;
test_functionTypeAlias_notUsed_noReference() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
typedef _F(a, b);
main() {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 8, 2),
test_getter_isUsed_invocation_deepSubclass() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
abstract class A {
String get _debugName;
String toString() {
return _debugName;
class B extends A {
String get _debugName => "B";
class C extends B {
String get _debugName => "C";
test_getter_isUsed_invocation_implicitThis() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
get _g => null;
useGetter() {
var v = _g;
''', [
error(HintCode.UNUSED_LOCAL_VARIABLE, 52, 1),
test_getter_isUsed_invocation_parameterized() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A<T> {
List<int> _list = List.filled(1, 1);
int get _item => _list.first;
set _item(int item) => _list[0] = item;
class B<T> {
A<T> a = A<T>();
void main() {
B<int> b = B();
b.a._item = 3;
print(b.a._item == 7);
test_getter_isUsed_invocation_parameterized_subclass() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
abstract class A<T> {
T get _defaultThing;
T? _thing;
void main() {
_thing ??= _defaultThing;
class B extends A<int> {
int get _defaultThing => 7;
test_getter_isUsed_invocation_prefixedIdentifier() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
get _g => null;
void f(A a) {
var v = a._g;
''', [
error(HintCode.UNUSED_LOCAL_VARIABLE, 50, 1),
test_getter_isUsed_invocation_propertyAccess() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
get _g => null;
main() {
var v = new A()._g;
''', [
error(HintCode.UNUSED_LOCAL_VARIABLE, 45, 1),
test_getter_isUsed_invocation_subclass_plusPlus() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
int __a = 0;
int get _a => __a;
void set _a(int val) {
__a = val;
int b() => _a++;
class B extends A {
int get _a => 3;
test_getter_notUsed_invocation_subclass() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
int __a = 0;
int get _a => __a;
void set _a(int val) {
__a = val;
int b() => _a = 7;
class B extends A {
int get _a => 3;
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 35, 2),
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 155, 2),
test_getter_notUsed_noReference() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
get _g => null;
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 16, 2),
test_getter_notUsed_referenceFromItself() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
get _g {
return _g;
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 16, 2),
test_method_isUsed_hasPragma_vmEntryPoint() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
void _foo() {}
test_method_isUsed_hasReference_implicitThis() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
_m() {}
useMethod() {
print(x) {}
test_method_isUsed_hasReference_implicitThis_subclass() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
_m() {}
useMethod() {
class B extends A {
_m() {}
print(x) {}
test_method_isUsed_hasReference_prefixedIdentifier() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
_m() {}
void f(A a) {
test_method_isUsed_hasReference_propertyAccess() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
_m() {}
main() {
new A()._m;
test_method_isUsed_invocation_fromMixinApplication() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
mixin A {
_m() {}
class C with A {
useMethod() {
test_method_isUsed_invocation_fromMixinWithConstraint() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
_m() {}
mixin M on A {
useMethod() {
test_method_isUsed_invocation_implicitThis() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
_m() {}
useMethod() {
test_method_isUsed_invocation_implicitThis_subclass() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
_m() {}
useMethod() {
class B extends A {
_m() {}
test_method_isUsed_invocation_memberElement() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A<T> {
_m(T t) {}
void f(A<int> a) {
test_method_isUsed_invocation_propagated() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
_m() {}
main() {
var a = new A();
test_method_isUsed_invocation_static() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
_m() {}
main() {
A a = new A();
test_method_isUsed_invocation_subclass() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
_m() {}
class B extends A {
_m() {}
void f(A a) {
test_method_isUsed_privateExtension() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
extension _A on String {
void m() {}
void main() {
test_method_isUsed_privateExtension_binaryOperator() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
extension _A on String {
int operator -(int other) => other;
void main() {
"hello" - 3;
test_method_isUsed_privateExtension_generic_binaryOperator() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A<T> {}
extension _A<T> on A<T> {
int operator -(int other) => other;
void f(A<int> a) {
a - 3;
test_method_isUsed_privateExtension_generic_indexEqOperator() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A<T> {}
extension _A<T> on A<T> {
void operator []=(int index, T value) {
void f(A<int> a) {
a[0] = 1;
test_method_isUsed_privateExtension_generic_indexOperator() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A<T> {}
extension _A<T> on A<T> {
A<T> operator [](int index) => throw 0;
void f(A<int> a) {
test_method_isUsed_privateExtension_generic_method() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A<T> {}
extension _A<T> on A<T> {
A<T> foo() => throw 0;
void f(A<int> a) {;
test_method_isUsed_privateExtension_generic_postfixOperator() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A<T> {}
extension _A<T> on A<T> {
A<T> operator -(int i) => throw 0;
void f(A<int> a) {
test_method_isUsed_privateExtension_generic_prefixOperator() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A<T> {}
extension _A<T> on A<T> {
T operator ~() => throw 0;
void f(A<int> a) {
test_method_isUsed_privateExtension_indexEqOperator() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
extension _A on bool {
operator []=(int index, int value) {}
void main() {
false[0] = 1;
test_method_isUsed_privateExtension_indexOperator() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
extension _A on bool {
int operator [](int index) => 7;
void main() {
test_method_isUsed_privateExtension_methodCall() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
extension _E on int {
void call() {}
void f() {
test_method_isUsed_privateExtension_operator_assignment() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
extension _A on String {
String operator -(int other) => this;
void f(String s) {
s -= 3;
test_method_isUsed_privateExtension_postfixOperator() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
extension _A on String {
String operator -(int i) => this;
void f(String a) {
test_method_isUsed_privateExtension_prefixOperator() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
extension _A on String {
int operator ~() => 7;
void main() {
test_method_isUsed_public() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
m() {}
main() {
test_method_isUsed_staticInvocation() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
static _m() {}
main() {
test_method_isUsed_unnamedExtension() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
extension on String {
void m() {}
void main() {
test_method_isUsed_unnamedExtension_methodCall() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
extension on int {
void call() {}
void f() {
test_method_isUsed_unnamedExtension_operator() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
extension on String {
int operator -(int other) => other;
void main() {
"hello" - 3;
test_method_notUsed_hasSameNameAsUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
void _m1() {}
class B {
void public() => _m1();
void _m1() {}
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 17, 3),
test_method_notUsed_noReference() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
static _m() {}
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 19, 2),
test_method_notUsed_privateExtension() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
extension _A on String {
void m() {}
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 32, 1),
/// Postfix operators can only be called, not defined. The "notUsed" sibling to
/// this test is the test on a binary operator.
test_method_notUsed_privateExtension_indexEqOperator() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
extension _A on bool {
operator []=(int index, int value) {}
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 34, 3),
test_method_notUsed_privateExtension_indexOperator() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
extension _A on bool {
int operator [](int index) => 7;
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 38, 2),
test_method_notUsed_privateExtension_methodCall() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
extension _E on int {
void call() {}
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 29, 4),
/// Assignment operators can only be called, not defined. The "notUsed" sibling
/// to this test is the test on a binary operator.
test_method_notUsed_privateExtension_operator() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
extension _A on String {
int operator -(int other) => other;
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 40, 1),
test_method_notUsed_privateExtension_prefixOperator() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
extension _A on String {
int operator ~() => 7;
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 40, 1),
test_method_notUsed_referenceFromItself() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
static _m(int p) {
_m(p - 1);
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 19, 2),
test_method_notUsed_referenceInComment() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
/// [A] has a method, [_f].
class A {
int _f(int p) => 7;
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 44, 2),
test_method_notUsed_referenceInComment_outsideEnclosingClass() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
int _f(int p) => 7;
/// This is similar to [A._f].
int g() => 7;
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 16, 2),
test_method_notUsed_unnamedExtension() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
extension on String {
void m() {}
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 29, 1),
test_method_notUsed_unnamedExtension_operator() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
extension on String {
int operator -(int other) => other;
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 37, 1),
test_mixin_isUsed_with() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
mixin _M {}
class C with _M {}
test_mixin_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
mixin _M {}
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 6, 2),
test_optionalParameter_isUsed_constructor() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {
_A([int a = 0]);
f() => _A(0);
test_optionalParameter_isUsed_functionTearoff() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
f() {
void _m([int? a]) {}
test_optionalParameter_isUsed_genericConstructor() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
class C<T> {
C._([int? x]);
void foo() {
test_optionalParameter_isUsed_genericFunction() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
void _f<T>([int? x]) {}
void foo() {
test_optionalParameter_isUsed_genericMethod() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
class C {
void _m<T>([int? x]) {}
void foo() {
test_optionalParameter_isUsed_local() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
f() {
void _m([int? a]) {}
test_optionalParameter_isUsed_methodTearoff() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
void _m([int? a]) {}
f() => A()._m;
test_optionalParameter_isUsed_named() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
void _m({int a = 0}) {}
f() => A()._m(a: 0);
test_optionalParameter_isUsed_overridden() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
void _m([int? a]) {}
class B implements A {
void _m([int? a]) {}
f() {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT_PARAMETER, 26, 1),
test_optionalParameter_isUsed_override() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
void _m([int? a]) {}
class B implements A {
void _m([int? a]) {}
f() => A()._m(0);
test_optionalParameter_isUsed_override_renamed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
void _m([int? a]) {}
class B implements A {
void _m([int? b]) {}
f() => A()._m(0);
test_optionalParameter_isUsed_overrideRequired() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
void _m(int a) {}
class B implements A {
void _m([int? a]) {}
f() => A()._m(0);
test_optionalParameter_isUsed_overrideRequiredNamed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
void _m({required int a}) {}
class B implements A {
void _m({int a = 0}) {}
f() => A()._m(a: 0);
test_optionalParameter_isUsed_positional() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
void _m([int? a]) {}
f() => A()._m(0);
test_optionalParameter_isUsed_publicMethod() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
void m([int? a]) {}
f() => A().m();
test_optionalParameter_isUsed_publicMethod_extension() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
extension E on String {
void m([int? a]) {}
f() => "hello".m();
test_optionalParameter_isUsed_requiredPositional() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
void _m(int a) {}
f() => A()._m(0);
test_optionalParameter_notUsed_constructor_named() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
A._([int? a]);
f() => A._();
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT_PARAMETER, 22, 1),
test_optionalParameter_notUsed_constructor_unnamed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {
_A([int? a]);
f() => _A();
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT_PARAMETER, 22, 1),
test_optionalParameter_notUsed_extension() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
extension E on String {
void _m([int? a]) {}
f() => "hello"._m();
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT_PARAMETER, 40, 1),
@FailingTest(issue: '')
test_optionalParameter_notUsed_genericConstructor() async {
// TODO(srawlins): Change to assertErrorsInCode when this is fixed.
class C<T> {
C._([int? x]);
void foo() {
await resolveTestFile();
expect(result.errors, isNotEmpty);
@FailingTest(issue: '')
test_optionalParameter_notUsed_genericFunction() async {
// TODO(srawlins): Change to assertErrorsInCode when this is fixed.
void _f<T>([int? x]) {}
void foo() {
await resolveTestFile();
expect(result.errors, isNotEmpty);
@FailingTest(issue: '')
test_optionalParameter_notUsed_genericMethod() async {
// TODO(srawlins): Change to assertErrorsInCode when this is fixed.
class C {
void _m<T>([int? x]) {}
void foo() {
await resolveTestFile();
expect(result.errors, isNotEmpty);
test_optionalParameter_notUsed_named() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
void _m({int? a}) {}
f() => A()._m();
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT_PARAMETER, 26, 1),
test_optionalParameter_notUsed_override_added() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
void _m() {}
class B implements A {
void _m([int? a]) {}
f() => A()._m();
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT_PARAMETER, 66, 1),
test_optionalParameter_notUsed_overrideRequired() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
const A({
required this.a,
required this.b,
final String a;
final String b;
class _B extends A {
const _B({
required super.a,
super.b = 'b',
const foo = _B(
a: 'a',
test_optionalParameter_notUsed_positional() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
void _m([int? a]) {}
f() => A()._m();
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT_PARAMETER, 26, 1),
test_optionalParameter_notUsed_publicMethod_privateExtension() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
extension _E on String {
void m([int? a]) {}
f() => "hello".m();
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT_PARAMETER, 40, 1),
test_optionalParameter_notUsed_publicMethod_unnamedExtension() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
extension on String {
void m([int? a]) {}
f() => "hello".m();
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT_PARAMETER, 37, 1),
test_optionalParameter_static_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
static void _m([int? a]) {}
f() => A._m();
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT_PARAMETER, 33, 1),
test_optionalParameter_staticPublic_notUsed_privateClass() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {
static void m([int? a]) {}
f() => _A.m();
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT_PARAMETER, 33, 1),
test_optionalParameter_topLevel_isUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void _m([int? a]) {}
f() => _m(1);
test_optionalParameter_topLevel_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
void _m([int? a]) {}
f() => _m();
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT_PARAMETER, 14, 1),
test_optionalParameter_topLevelPublic_isUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void m([int? a]) {}
f() => m();
test_parameter_optionalNamed_fieldFormal_isUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {
final int? f;
f() => _A(f: 1);
test_parameter_optionalNamed_fieldFormal_isUsed_constructorInvocation() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {
final int? f;
f() => _A(f: 0);
test_parameter_optionalNamed_fieldFormal_isUsed_factoryRedirect() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {
final int? f;
factory _A.named({int? f}) = _A;
f() => _A.named(f: 0);
test_parameter_optionalNamed_fieldFormal_isUsed_superInvocation() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {
final int e;
final int? f;
_A(this.e, {this.f});
class B extends _A {
B(int e) : super(e, f: 1);
test_parameter_optionalNamed_fieldFormal_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {
final int? f;
f() => _A();
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT_PARAMETER, 38, 1),
test_parameter_optionalNamed_fieldFormal_notUsed_factoryRedirect() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {
final int? f;
factory _A.named() = _A;
f() => _A.named();
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT_PARAMETER, 38, 1),
test_parameter_optionalNamed_isUsed_superFormal() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {
_A({int? a});
class B extends _A {
test_parameter_optionalPositional_fieldFormal_isUsed_constructorInvocation() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {
final int? f;
f() => _A(0);
test_parameter_optionalPositional_fieldFormal_isUsed_factoryRedirect() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {
final int? f;
factory _A.named([int? a]) = _A;
f() => _A.named(0);
test_parameter_optionalPositional_fieldFormal_isUsed_superInvocation() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {
final int e;
final int? f;
_A(this.e, [this.f]);
class B extends _A {
B(int e) : super(e, 1);
test_parameter_optionalPositional_fieldFormal_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {
final int? f;
f() => _A();
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT_PARAMETER, 38, 1),
test_parameter_optionalPositional_fieldFormal_notUsed_factoryRedirect() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {
final int? f;
factory _A.named() = _A;
f() => _A.named();
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT_PARAMETER, 38, 1),
test_parameter_optionalPositional_isUsed_superFormal() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {
_A([int? a]);
class B extends _A {
test_privateEnum_privateConstructor_isUsed_redirect() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
const _E._foo() : this._bar();
const _E._bar();
void f() {
test_privateEnum_privateConstructor_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
const _E._foo();
const _E._bar();
void f() {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 52, 4),
test_privateEnum_privateInstanceGetter_isUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
int get _foo => 0;
void f() {
test_privateEnum_privateInstanceGetter_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
int get _foo => 0;
void f() {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 25, 4),
test_privateEnum_privateInstanceMethod_isUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
void _foo() {}
void f() {
test_privateEnum_privateInstanceMethod_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
void _foo() {}
void f() {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 22, 4),
test_privateEnum_privateInstanceMethod_optionalNamedParameter_isUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
void _foo({int? a}) {}
void f() {
_E.v._foo(a: 0);
test_privateEnum_privateInstanceMethod_optionalNamedParameter_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
void _foo({int? a}) {}
void f() {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT_PARAMETER, 33, 1),
test_privateEnum_privateInstanceMethod_optionalPositionalParameter_isUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
void _foo([int? a]) {}
void f() {
test_privateEnum_privateInstanceMethod_optionalPositionalParameter_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
void _foo([int? a]) {}
void f() {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT_PARAMETER, 33, 1),
test_privateEnum_privateInstanceSetter_isUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
set _foo(int _) {}
void f() {
_E.v._foo = 0;
test_privateEnum_privateInstanceSetter_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
set _foo(int _) {}
void f() {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 21, 4),
test_privateEnum_privateStaticGetter_isUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
static int get _foo => 0;
void f() {
test_privateEnum_privateStaticGetter_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
static int get _foo => 0;
void f() {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 32, 4),
test_privateEnum_privateStaticMethod_isUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
static void _foo() {}
void f() {
test_privateEnum_privateStaticMethod_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
static void _foo() {}
void f() {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 29, 4),
test_privateEnum_privateStaticSetter_isUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
static set _foo(int _) {}
void f() {
_E._foo = 0;
test_privateEnum_privateStaticSetter_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
static set _foo(int _) {}
void f() {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 28, 4),
test_privateEnum_publicConstructor_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {;
void f() {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 50, 3),
test_privateEnum_publicInstanceGetter_notUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
int get foo => 0;
void f() {
test_privateEnum_publicInstanceMethod_notUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
void foo() {}
void f() {
test_privateEnum_publicInstanceMethod_optionalNamedParameter_notUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
void foo({int? a}) {}
void f() {;
test_privateEnum_publicInstanceMethod_optionalPositionalParameter_notUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
void foo([int? a]) {}
void f() {;
test_privateEnum_publicInstanceSetter_notUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
set foo(int _) {}
void f() {
test_privateEnum_publicStaticGetter_isUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
static int get foo => 0;
void f() {
test_privateEnum_publicStaticGetter_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
static int get foo => 0;
void f() {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 32, 3),
test_privateEnum_publicStaticMethod_isUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
static void foo() {}
void f() {
test_privateEnum_publicStaticMethod_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
static void foo() {}
void f() {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 29, 3),
test_privateEnum_publicStaticSetter_isUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
static set foo(int _) {}
void f() {
_E.v; = 0;
test_privateEnum_publicStaticSetter_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
enum _E {
static set foo(int _) {}
void f() {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 28, 3),
test_publicEnum_privateConstructor_isUsed_redirect() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum E {
const E._foo() : this._bar();
const E._bar();
test_publicEnum_privateConstructor_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
enum E {
const E._foo();
const E._bar();
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 49, 4),
test_publicEnum_privateStaticGetter_isUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum E {
static int get _foo => 0;
void f() {
test_publicEnum_privateStaticGetter_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
enum E {
static int get _foo => 0;
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 31, 4),
test_publicEnum_privateStaticMethod_isUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum E {
static void _foo() {}
void f() {
test_publicEnum_privateStaticMethod_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
enum E {
static void _foo() {}
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 28, 4),
test_publicEnum_privateStaticSetter_isUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum E {
static set _foo(int _) {}
void f() {
E._foo = 0;
test_publicEnum_privateStaticSetter_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
enum E {
static set _foo(int _) {}
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 27, 4),
test_publicEnum_publicConstructor_isUsed_generic() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum E<T> {
const E.named();
const E.renamed() : this.named();
test_publicEnum_publicConstructor_isUsed_redirect() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum E {;
const :;
test_publicEnum_publicConstructor_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
enum E {;
factory E.baz() => throw 0;
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 47, 3),
test_publicEnum_publicStaticGetter_notUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum E {
static int get foo => 0;
test_publicEnum_publicStaticMethod_notUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum E {
static void foo() {}
test_publicEnum_publicStaticSetter_notUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
enum E {
static set foo(int _) {}
test_publicStaticMethod_privateClass_isUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {
static void m() {}
void main() {
test_publicStaticMethod_privateClass_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class _A {
static void m() {}
void f(_A a) {}
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 25, 1),
test_publicStaticMethod_privateExtension_isUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
extension _A on String {
static void m() {}
void main() {
test_publicStaticMethod_privateExtension_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
extension _A on String {
static void m() {}
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 39, 1),
test_publicStaticMethod_privateMixin_isUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
mixin _A {
static void m() {}
void main() {
test_publicStaticMethod_privateMixin_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
mixin _A {
static void m() {}
void main() {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 25, 1),
test_publicTopLevelFunction_notUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
int get a => 1;
test_setter_isUsed_invocation_implicitThis() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
set _s(x) {}
useSetter() {
_s = 42;
test_setter_isUsed_invocation_PrefixedIdentifier() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
set _s(x) {}
void f(A a) {
a._s = 42;
test_setter_isUsed_invocation_PropertyAccess() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
set _s(x) {}
main() {
new A()._s = 42;
test_setter_notUsed_noReference() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
set _s(x) {}
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 16, 2),
test_setter_notUsed_referenceFromItself() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
set _s(int x) {
if (x > 5) {
_s = x - 1;
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 16, 2),
test_topLevelAccessors_isUsed_questionQuestionEqual() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
int? get _c => 1;
void set _c(int? x) {}
int f() {
return _c ??= 7;
test_topLevelFunction_isUsed_hasPragma_vmEntryPoint() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void _f() {}
test_topLevelFunction_isUsed_invocation() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
_f() {}
main() {
test_topLevelFunction_isUsed_reference() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
_f() {}
main() {
print(x) {}
test_topLevelFunction_notUsed_noReference() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
_f() {}
main() {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 0, 2),
test_topLevelFunction_notUsed_referenceFromItself() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
_f(int p) {
_f(p - 1);
main() {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 0, 2),
test_topLevelFunction_notUsed_referenceInComment() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
/// [_f] is a great function.
_f(int p) => 7;
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 30, 2),
test_topLevelGetterSetter_isUsed_assignmentExpression_compound() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
int get _foo => 0;
set _foo(int _) {}
void f() {
_foo += 2;
test_topLevelGetterSetter_isUsed_postfixExpression_increment() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
int get _foo => 0;
set _foo(int _) {}
void f() {
test_topLevelGetterSetter_isUsed_prefixExpression_increment() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
int get _foo => 0;
set _foo(int _) {}
void f() {
test_topLevelSetter_isUsed_assignmentExpression_simple() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
set _foo(int _) {}
void f() {
_foo = 0;
test_topLevelSetter_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
set _foo(int _) {}
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 4, 4),
test_topLevelVariable_isUsed() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
int _a = 1;
main() {
test_topLevelVariable_isUsed_plusPlus() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
int _a = 0;
main() {
var b = _a++;
test_topLevelVariable_isUsed_questionQuestionEqual() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
int? _a;
f() {
_a ??= 1;
test_topLevelVariable_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
int _a = 1;
main() {
_a = 2;
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 4, 2),
test_topLevelVariable_notUsed_compoundAssign() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
int _a = 1;
f() {
_a += 1;
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 4, 2),
test_topLevelVariable_notUsed_referenceInComment() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
/// [_a] is a great variable.
int _a = 7;
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 34, 2),
test_typeAlias_functionType_isUsed_isExpression() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
typedef _F = void Function();
main(f) {
if (f is _F) {
test_typeAlias_functionType_isUsed_reference() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
typedef _F = void Function();
void f(_F f) {
test_typeAlias_functionType_isUsed_typeArgument() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
typedef _F = void Function();
main() {
var v = new List<_F>.empty();
test_typeAlias_functionType_isUsed_variableDeclaration() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
typedef _F = void Function();
class A {
_F? f;
test_typeAlias_functionType_notUsed_noReference() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
typedef _F = void Function();
main() {
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 8, 2),
test_typeAlias_interfaceType_isUsed_typeName_isExpression() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
typedef _A = List<int>;
void f(a) {
a is _A;
test_typeAlias_interfaceType_isUsed_typeName_parameter() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
typedef _A = List<int>;
void f(_A a) {}
test_typeAlias_interfaceType_isUsed_typeName_typeArgument() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
typedef _A = List<int>;
void f() {
Map<_A, int>();
test_typeAlias_interfaceType_notUsed() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
typedef _A = List<int>;
''', [
error(WarningCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 8, 2),