blob: b88be0e35ac67ecf2692c3dd0bde9e8d0e8e89b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/syntactic_entity.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/diagnostic/diagnostic.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/inheritance_manager3.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/resolver/extension_member_resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/resolver/resolution_result.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
/// Helper for resolving properties (getters, setters, or methods).
class TypePropertyResolver {
final ResolverVisitor _resolver;
final LibraryElement _definingLibrary;
final bool _isNonNullableByDefault;
final TypeSystemImpl _typeSystem;
final TypeProviderImpl _typeProvider;
final ExtensionMemberResolver _extensionResolver;
late Expression? _receiver;
late SyntacticEntity _nameErrorEntity;
late String _name;
bool _needsGetterError = false;
bool _reportedGetterError = false;
ExecutableElement? _getterRequested;
ExecutableElement? _getterRecovery;
bool _needsSetterError = false;
bool _reportedSetterError = false;
ExecutableElement? _setterRequested;
ExecutableElement? _setterRecovery;
: _definingLibrary = _resolver.definingLibrary,
_isNonNullableByDefault = _resolver.typeSystem.isNonNullableByDefault,
_typeSystem = _resolver.typeSystem,
_typeProvider = _resolver.typeProvider,
_extensionResolver = _resolver.extensionResolver;
bool get _hasGetterOrSetter {
return _getterRequested != null || _setterRequested != null;
/// Look up the property with the given [name] in the [receiverType].
/// The [receiver] might be `null`, used to identify `super`.
/// The [propertyErrorNode] is the node to report nullable dereference,
/// if the [receiverType] is potentially nullable.
/// The [nameErrorEntity] is used to report an ambiguous extension issue.
ResolutionResult resolve({
required Expression? receiver,
required DartType receiverType,
required String name,
required SyntacticEntity propertyErrorEntity,
required SyntacticEntity nameErrorEntity,
}) {
_receiver = receiver;
_name = name;
_nameErrorEntity = nameErrorEntity;
receiverType = _resolveTypeParameter(receiverType, ifLegacy: true);
if (name == 'new') {
_needsGetterError = true;
_needsSetterError = true;
return _toResult();
if (_typeSystem.isDynamicBounded(receiverType)) {
recoverWithStatic: false,
_needsGetterError = false;
_needsSetterError = false;
return _toResult();
if (_isNonNullableByDefault &&
_typeSystem.isPotentiallyNullable(receiverType)) {
if (_hasGetterOrSetter) {
return _toResult();
if (_hasGetterOrSetter) {
return _toResult();
AstNode? parentExpression;
if (receiver != null) {
parentExpression = receiver.parent;
} else if (propertyErrorEntity is AstNode) {
parentExpression = propertyErrorEntity.parent;
} else {
throw StateError('Either `receiver` must be non-null or'
'`propertyErrorEntity` must be an AstNode to report an unchecked '
'invocation of a nullable value.');
CompileTimeErrorCode errorCode;
List<String> arguments;
if (parentExpression == null) {
arguments = [];
} else {
if (parentExpression is CascadeExpression) {
parentExpression = parentExpression.cascadeSections.first;
if (parentExpression is BinaryExpression) {
errorCode = CompileTimeErrorCode
arguments = [name];
} else if (parentExpression is MethodInvocation ||
parentExpression is MethodReferenceExpression) {
errorCode = CompileTimeErrorCode
arguments = [name];
} else if (parentExpression is FunctionExpressionInvocation) {
errorCode =
arguments = [];
} else {
errorCode =
arguments = [name];
List<DiagnosticMessage> messages = [];
var flow = _resolver.flowAnalysis.flow;
if (flow != null) {
if (receiver != null) {
messages = _resolver.computeWhyNotPromotedMessages(
nameErrorEntity, flow.whyNotPromoted(receiver)());
} else {
var thisType = _resolver.thisType;
if (thisType != null) {
messages = _resolver.computeWhyNotPromotedMessages(
nameErrorEntity, flow.whyNotPromotedImplicitThis(thisType)());
errorCode, propertyErrorEntity, receiverType,
arguments: arguments, messages: messages);
_reportedGetterError = true;
_reportedSetterError = true;
// Recovery, get some resolution.
receiverType = _resolveTypeParameter(receiverType, ifNullSafe: true);
if (receiverType is InterfaceType) {
return _toResult();
} else {
var receiverTypeResolved =
_resolveTypeParameter(receiverType, ifNullSafe: true);
if (receiverTypeResolved is InterfaceType) {
if (_hasGetterOrSetter) {
return _toResult();
if (receiverTypeResolved.isDartCoreFunction &&
_name == FunctionElement.CALL_METHOD_NAME) {
_needsGetterError = false;
_needsSetterError = false;
return _toResult();
if (receiverTypeResolved is FunctionType &&
_name == FunctionElement.CALL_METHOD_NAME) {
return _toResult();
if (receiverTypeResolved is NeverType) {
_needsGetterError = false;
_needsSetterError = false;
return _toResult();
if (_hasGetterOrSetter) {
return _toResult();
return _toResult();
void _lookupExtension(DartType type) {
var result =
_extensionResolver.findExtension(type, _nameErrorEntity, _name);
_reportedGetterError = result.isAmbiguous;
_reportedSetterError = result.isAmbiguous;
if (result.getter != null) {
_needsGetterError = false;
_getterRequested = result.getter;
if (result.setter != null) {
_needsSetterError = false;
_setterRequested = result.setter;
void _lookupInterfaceType(
InterfaceType type, {
bool recoverWithStatic = true,
}) {
var isSuper = _receiver is SuperExpression;
var getterName = Name(_definingLibrary.source.uri, _name);
_getterRequested =
_resolver.inheritance.getMember(type, getterName, forSuper: isSuper);
_needsGetterError = _getterRequested == null;
if (_getterRequested == null && recoverWithStatic) {
var classElement = type.element2 as AbstractClassElementImpl;
_getterRecovery ??=
classElement.lookupStaticGetter(_name, _definingLibrary) ??
classElement.lookupStaticMethod(_name, _definingLibrary);
_needsGetterError = _getterRecovery == null;
var setterName = Name(_definingLibrary.source.uri, '$_name=');
_setterRequested =
_resolver.inheritance.getMember(type, setterName, forSuper: isSuper);
_needsSetterError = _setterRequested == null;
if (_setterRequested == null && recoverWithStatic) {
var classElement = type.element2 as AbstractClassElementImpl;
_setterRecovery ??=
classElement.lookupStaticSetter(_name, _definingLibrary);
_needsSetterError = _setterRecovery == null;
void _resetResult() {
_needsGetterError = false;
_reportedGetterError = false;
_getterRequested = null;
_getterRecovery = null;
_needsSetterError = false;
_reportedSetterError = false;
_setterRequested = null;
_setterRecovery = null;
/// If the given [type] is a type parameter, replace it with its bound.
/// Otherwise, return the original type.
/// See
/// There was a bug in the analyzer (and CFE) - we were always resolving
/// types to bounds before searching for a property. But extensions should
/// be applied to original types. Fixing this would be a breaking change,
/// so we fix it together with null safety.
DartType _resolveTypeParameter(
DartType type, {
bool ifLegacy = false,
bool ifNullSafe = false,
}) {
if (_typeSystem.isNonNullableByDefault ? ifNullSafe : ifLegacy) {
return _typeSystem.resolveToBound(type);
} else {
return type;
ResolutionResult _toResult() {
_getterRequested = _resolver.toLegacyElement(_getterRequested);
_getterRecovery = _resolver.toLegacyElement(_getterRecovery);
_setterRequested = _resolver.toLegacyElement(_setterRequested);
_setterRecovery = _resolver.toLegacyElement(_setterRecovery);
var getter = _getterRequested ?? _getterRecovery;
var setter = _setterRequested ?? _setterRecovery;
return ResolutionResult(
getter: getter,
// Parser recovery resulting in an empty property name should not be
// reported as an undefined getter.
_needsGetterError && _name.isNotEmpty && !_reportedGetterError,
setter: setter,
needsSetterError: _needsSetterError && !_reportedSetterError,