blob: da4e0fc3728879ae1d769982c6571a5f0c6e4dc4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/compiler/jit/jit_call_specializer.h"
#include "vm/bit_vector.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/branch_optimizer.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph_compiler.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/il_printer.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/inliner.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/range_analysis.h"
#include "vm/compiler/cha.h"
#include "vm/compiler/frontend/flow_graph_builder.h"
#include "vm/compiler/jit/compiler.h"
#include "vm/cpu.h"
#include "vm/dart_entry.h"
#include "vm/exceptions.h"
#include "vm/hash_map.h"
#include "vm/object_store.h"
#include "vm/parser.h"
#include "vm/resolver.h"
#include "vm/scopes.h"
#include "vm/stack_frame.h"
#include "vm/symbols.h"
namespace dart {
// Quick access to the current isolate and zone.
#define I (isolate())
#define Z (zone())
FlowGraph* flow_graph,
SpeculativeInliningPolicy* speculative_policy)
: CallSpecializer(flow_graph,
CompilerState::Current().should_clone_fields()) {}
bool JitCallSpecializer::IsAllowedForInlining(intptr_t deopt_id) const {
return true;
bool JitCallSpecializer::TryOptimizeStaticCallUsingStaticTypes(
StaticCallInstr* call) {
return false;
void JitCallSpecializer::ReplaceWithStaticCall(InstanceCallInstr* instr,
const Function& target,
intptr_t call_count) {
StaticCallInstr* call =
StaticCallInstr::FromCall(Z, instr, target, call_count);
const CallTargets& targets = instr->Targets();
if (targets.IsMonomorphic() && targets.MonomorphicExactness().IsExact()) {
if (targets.MonomorphicExactness().IsTriviallyExact()) {
flow_graph()->AddExactnessGuard(instr, targets.MonomorphicReceiverCid());
instr->ReplaceWith(call, current_iterator());
// Tries to optimize instance call by replacing it with a faster instruction
// (e.g, binary op, field load, ..).
// TODO( Evaluate how much this can be shared with
// AotCallSpecializer.
void JitCallSpecializer::VisitInstanceCall(InstanceCallInstr* instr) {
const CallTargets& targets = instr->Targets();
if (targets.is_empty()) {
return; // No feedback.
const Token::Kind op_kind = instr->token_kind();
// Type test is special as it always gets converted into inlined code.
if (Token::IsTypeTestOperator(op_kind)) {
if ((op_kind == Token::kASSIGN_INDEX) && TryReplaceWithIndexedOp(instr)) {
if ((op_kind == Token::kINDEX) && TryReplaceWithIndexedOp(instr)) {
if (op_kind == Token::kEQ && TryReplaceWithEqualityOp(instr, op_kind)) {
if (Token::IsRelationalOperator(op_kind) &&
TryReplaceWithRelationalOp(instr, op_kind)) {
if (Token::IsBinaryOperator(op_kind) &&
TryReplaceWithBinaryOp(instr, op_kind)) {
if (Token::IsUnaryOperator(op_kind) &&
TryReplaceWithUnaryOp(instr, op_kind)) {
if ((op_kind == Token::kGET) && TryInlineInstanceGetter(instr)) {
if ((op_kind == Token::kSET) && TryInlineInstanceSetter(instr)) {
if (TryInlineInstanceMethod(instr)) {
bool has_one_target = targets.HasSingleTarget();
if (has_one_target) {
// Check if the single target is a polymorphic target, if it is,
// we don't have one target.
const Function& target = targets.FirstTarget();
if (target.recognized_kind() == MethodRecognizer::kObjectRuntimeType) {
has_one_target = PolymorphicInstanceCallInstr::ComputeRuntimeType(
targets) != Type::null();
} else {
has_one_target = !target.is_polymorphic_target();
if (has_one_target) {
const Function& target = targets.FirstTarget();
if (flow_graph()->CheckForInstanceCall(instr, target.kind()) ==
FlowGraph::ToCheck::kNoCheck) {
ReplaceWithStaticCall(instr, target, targets.AggregateCallCount());
// If there is only one target we can make this into a deopting class check,
// followed by a call instruction that does not check the class of the
// receiver. This enables a lot of optimizations because after the class
// check we can probably inline the call and not worry about side effects.
// However, this can fall down if new receiver classes arrive at this call
// site after we generated optimized code. This causes a deopt, and after a
// few deopts we won't optimize this function any more at all. Therefore for
// very polymorphic sites we don't make this optimization, keeping it as a
// regular checked PolymorphicInstanceCall, which falls back to the slow but
// non-deopting megamorphic call stub when it sees new receiver classes.
if (has_one_target && FLAG_polymorphic_with_deopt &&
(!instr->ic_data()->HasDeoptReason(ICData::kDeoptCheckClass) ||
targets.length() <= FLAG_max_polymorphic_checks)) {
// Type propagation has not run yet, we cannot eliminate the check.
// Call can still deoptimize, do not detach environment from instr.
const Function& target = targets.FirstTarget();
ReplaceWithStaticCall(instr, target, targets.AggregateCallCount());
} else {
PolymorphicInstanceCallInstr* call =
PolymorphicInstanceCallInstr::FromCall(Z, instr, targets,
/* complete = */ false);
instr->ReplaceWith(call, current_iterator());
// Replace generic context allocation or cloning with a sequence of inlined
// allocation and explicit initializing stores.
// If context_value is not NULL then newly allocated context is a populated
// with values copied from it, otherwise it is initialized with null.
void JitCallSpecializer::LowerContextAllocation(
Definition* alloc,
const ZoneGrowableArray<const Slot*>& context_variables,
Value* context_value) {
ASSERT(alloc->IsAllocateContext() || alloc->IsCloneContext());
AllocateUninitializedContextInstr* replacement =
new AllocateUninitializedContextInstr(
alloc->source(), context_variables.length(), alloc->deopt_id());
alloc->ReplaceWith(replacement, current_iterator());
Instruction* cursor = replacement;
Value* initial_value;
if (context_value != NULL) {
LoadFieldInstr* load =
new (Z) LoadFieldInstr(context_value->CopyWithType(Z),
Slot::Context_parent(), alloc->source());
flow_graph()->InsertAfter(cursor, load, NULL, FlowGraph::kValue);
cursor = load;
initial_value = new (Z) Value(load);
} else {
initial_value = new (Z) Value(flow_graph()->constant_null());
StoreFieldInstr* store = new (Z) StoreFieldInstr(
Slot::Context_parent(), new (Z) Value(replacement), initial_value,
kNoStoreBarrier, alloc->source(), StoreFieldInstr::Kind::kInitializing);
flow_graph()->InsertAfter(cursor, store, nullptr, FlowGraph::kEffect);
cursor = replacement;
for (auto& slot : context_variables) {
if (context_value != nullptr) {
LoadFieldInstr* load = new (Z) LoadFieldInstr(
context_value->CopyWithType(Z), *slot, alloc->source());
flow_graph()->InsertAfter(cursor, load, nullptr, FlowGraph::kValue);
cursor = load;
initial_value = new (Z) Value(load);
} else {
initial_value = new (Z) Value(flow_graph()->constant_null());
store = new (Z) StoreFieldInstr(
*slot, new (Z) Value(replacement), initial_value, kNoStoreBarrier,
alloc->source(), StoreFieldInstr::Kind::kInitializing);
flow_graph()->InsertAfter(cursor, store, nullptr, FlowGraph::kEffect);
cursor = store;
void JitCallSpecializer::VisitAllocateContext(AllocateContextInstr* instr) {
LowerContextAllocation(instr, instr->context_slots(), nullptr);
void JitCallSpecializer::VisitCloneContext(CloneContextInstr* instr) {
LowerContextAllocation(instr, instr->context_slots(), instr->context_value());
} // namespace dart