blob: ca96d0bea3cdce3fab49687283f89a13357b706d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class NavigationTreeDirectoryNode extends NavigationTreeNode {
/// If this is a directory node, list of nodes nested under this one.
/// Otherwise `null`.
final List<NavigationTreeNode> subtree;
/// Creates a navigation tree node representing a directory.
{@required String name, @required String path, @required this.subtree})
: super._(name: name, path: path);
/// Returns the status by examining [subtree]:
/// * If all children nodes have the same status, then that status is returned.
/// * Otherwise, if all children nodes are either 'alreadyMigrated' or
/// 'migrating', then [UnitMigrationStatus.migrating] is returned.
/// * Otherwise, if all children nodes are either 'alreadyMigrated' or
/// 'opting out', then [UnitMigrationStatus.optingOut] is returned.
/// * Otherwise, [UnitMigrationStatus.indeterminate] is returned.
UnitMigrationStatus get migrationStatus {
if (subtree.isEmpty) return UnitMigrationStatus.alreadyMigrated;
var sharedStatus = subtree.first.migrationStatus;
var allAreMigratedOrMigrating = true;
var allAreMigratedOrOptingOut = true;
for (var child in subtree) {
var childMigrationStatus = child.migrationStatus;
if (childMigrationStatus != sharedStatus) {
sharedStatus = null;
if (childMigrationStatus != UnitMigrationStatus.alreadyMigrated &&
childMigrationStatus != UnitMigrationStatus.migrating) {
allAreMigratedOrMigrating = false;
if (childMigrationStatus != UnitMigrationStatus.alreadyMigrated &&
childMigrationStatus != UnitMigrationStatus.optingOut) {
allAreMigratedOrOptingOut = false;
if (sharedStatus != null) {
return sharedStatus;
if (allAreMigratedOrMigrating) {
return UnitMigrationStatus.migrating;
if (allAreMigratedOrOptingOut) {
// TODO(srawlins): Is this confusing? Should there be an 'optingOutStar'
// which indicates that all opted out files will remain opted out, though
// some files exist in the subtree which are already migrated.
return UnitMigrationStatus.optingOut;
return UnitMigrationStatus.indeterminate;
NavigationTreeNodeType get type =>;
void setSubtreeParents() {
if (subtree != null) {
for (var child in subtree) {
child.parent = this;
/// Toggle child nodes (recursively) to migrate to null safety.
/// Only child nodes with 'opting out' or 'keep opted out' status are changed.
void toggleChildrenToMigrate() {
//assert(type ==;
for (var child in subtree) {
if (child is NavigationTreeDirectoryNode) {
} else if (child is NavigationTreeFileNode &&
child.migrationStatus == UnitMigrationStatus.optingOut) {
child.migrationStatus = UnitMigrationStatus.migrating;
/// Toggle child nodes (recursively) to opt out of null safety.
/// Only child nodes with 'migrating' status are changed.
void toggleChildrenToOptOut() {
for (var child in subtree) {
if (child is NavigationTreeDirectoryNode) {
} else if (child is NavigationTreeFileNode &&
child.migrationStatus == UnitMigrationStatus.migrating) {
child.migrationStatus = UnitMigrationStatus.optingOut;
Map<String, Object> toJson() => {
'type': 'directory',
'name': name,
'subtree': NavigationTreeNode.listToJson(subtree),
if (path != null) 'path': path,
class NavigationTreeFileNode extends NavigationTreeNode {
/// If this is a file node, href that should be used if the file is clicked
/// on, otherwise `null`.
final String href;
/// If this is a file node, number of edits that were made in the file,
/// otherwise `null`.
final int editCount;
final bool wasExplicitlyOptedOut;
UnitMigrationStatus migrationStatus;
/// Creates a navigation tree node representing a file.
{@required String name,
@required String path,
@required this.href,
@required this.editCount,
@required this.wasExplicitlyOptedOut,
@required this.migrationStatus})
: super._(name: name, path: path);
NavigationTreeNodeType get type => NavigationTreeNodeType.file;
Map<String, Object> toJson() => {
'type': 'file',
'name': name,
if (path != null) 'path': path,
if (href != null) 'href': href,
if (editCount != null) 'editCount': editCount,
if (wasExplicitlyOptedOut != null)
'wasExplicitlyOptedOut': wasExplicitlyOptedOut,
if (migrationStatus != null) 'migrationStatus': migrationStatus.index,
/// Information about a node in the migration tool's navigation tree.
abstract class NavigationTreeNode {
/// Name of the node.
final String name;
/// Parent of this node, or `null` if this is a top-level node.
/*late final*/ NavigationTreeNode parent;
/// Relative path to the file or directory from the package root.
final String path;
factory NavigationTreeNode.fromJson(dynamic json) {
var type = _decodeType(json['type'] as String);
if (type == {
return NavigationTreeDirectoryNode(
name: json['name'] as String,
path: json['path'] as String,
subtree: listFromJsonOrNull(json['subtree']))
} else {
return NavigationTreeFileNode(
name: json['name'] as String,
path: json['path'] as String,
href: json['href'] as String,
editCount: json['editCount'] as int,
wasExplicitlyOptedOut: json['wasExplicitlyOptedOut'] as bool,
_decodeMigrationStatus(json['migrationStatus'] as int));
NavigationTreeNode._({@required, @required this.path});
/// The migration status of the file or directory.
UnitMigrationStatus get migrationStatus;
NavigationTreeNodeType get type;
Map<String, Object> toJson();
/// Deserializes a list of navigation tree nodes from a JSON list.
static List<NavigationTreeNode> listFromJson(dynamic json) =>
[for (var node in json) NavigationTreeNode.fromJson(node)];
/// Deserializes a list of navigation tree nodes from a possibly null JSON
/// list. If the argument is `null`, `null` is returned.
static List<NavigationTreeNode> listFromJsonOrNull(dynamic json) =>
json == null ? null : listFromJson(json);
/// Serializes a list of navigation tree nodes into JSON.
static List<Map<String, Object>> listToJson(List<NavigationTreeNode> nodes) =>
[for (var node in nodes) node.toJson()];
static UnitMigrationStatus _decodeMigrationStatus(int migrationStatus) {
if (migrationStatus == null) return null;
return UnitMigrationStatus.values[migrationStatus];
static NavigationTreeNodeType _decodeType(String json) {
switch (json) {
case 'directory':
case 'file':
return NavigationTreeNodeType.file;
throw StateError('Unrecognized navigation tree node type: $json');
/// Enum representing the different types of [NavigationTreeNode]s.
enum NavigationTreeNodeType {
/// Enum representing the different statuses a compilation unit can have.
enum UnitMigrationStatus {
/// Indicates that a library was already migrated to null safety at the start
/// of the current migration.
/// Indicates that a directory's status is indeterminate, because the statuses
/// of it's children libraries (recursive) are mixed.
/// Indicates that a library was not migrated to null safety at the start of
/// the current migration (either the package was not opted in, or the library
/// was explicitly opted out), and that the current migration does migrate the
/// library.
/// Indicates that the current migration opts the library out of null safety.
/// This may mean that the library is explicitly opted out with a Dart
/// language version comment, or that the package is currently opted out of
/// null safety.