blob: 2e50336ce336f7b3eaf7ac69c68a1e73e3db339d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart'
show SourceFileEdit;
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart' as protocol;
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/src/utilities/navigation/navigation.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/navigation/navigation_dart.dart';
import 'package:cli_util/cli_logging.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/fix_reason_target.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/instrumentation.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/nnbd_migration.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/edit_plan.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/front_end/dartfix_listener.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/front_end/driver_provider_impl.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/front_end/instrumentation_information.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/front_end/migration_info.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/front_end/offset_mapper.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/front_end/web/navigation_tree.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/utilities/progress_bar.dart';
/// A builder used to build the migration information for a library.
class InfoBuilder {
/// The node mapper for the migration state.
NodeMapper nodeMapper;
/// The logger to use for showing progress when explaining the migration.
final Logger _logger;
/// The resource provider used to access the file system.
ResourceProvider provider;
String includedPath;
/// The instrumentation information gathered while the migration engine was
/// running.
final InstrumentationInformation info;
/// The listener used to gather the changes to be applied.
final DartFixListener listener;
/// The [NullabilityMigration] instance for this migration.
final NullabilityMigration migration;
/// A map from the path of a compilation unit to the information about that
/// unit.
final Map<String, UnitInfo> unitMap = {};
/// Initialize a newly created builder.
InfoBuilder(this.provider, this.includedPath,, this.listener,
this.migration, this.nodeMapper, this._logger);
/// The provider used to get information about libraries.
DriverProviderImpl get driverProvider => listener.server;
/// Return the migration information for all of the libraries that were
/// migrated.
Future<Set<UnitInfo>> explainMigration() async {
var sourceInfoMap = info.sourceInformation;
Set<UnitInfo> units =
SplayTreeSet<UnitInfo>((u1, u2) => u1.path.compareTo(u2.path));
var progressBar = ProgressBar(_logger, sourceInfoMap.length);
for (var source in sourceInfoMap.keys) {
var filePath = source.fullName;
var session = driverProvider.getAnalysisSession(filePath);
if (!session.getFile(filePath).isPart) {
var result = await session.getResolvedLibrary(filePath);
for (var unitResult in result.units) {
var sourceInfo =
// Note: there might have been no information for this unit in
// sourceInfoMap. That can happen if there's an already-migrated
// library being referenced by the code being migrated, but not all
// parts of that library are referenced. To avoid exceptions later
// on, we just create an empty SourceInformation object.
// TODO(paulberry): we don't do a good job of the case where the
// already-migrated library's defining compilation unit isn't
// referenced (we'll just skip the entire library because we'll only
// ever see its parts).
sourceInfo ??= SourceInformation();
var edit = listener.sourceChange.getFileEdit(unitResult.path);
var unit = _explainUnit(sourceInfo, unitResult, edit);
if (provider.pathContext.isWithin(includedPath, unitResult.path)) {
return units;
Iterable<EdgeInfo> upstreamTriggeredEdges(NullabilityNodeInfo node,
{bool skipExactNullable = true}) {
var edges = <EdgeInfo>[];
for (var edge in node.upstreamEdges) {
if (skipExactNullable &&
node.isExactNullable &&
edge.sourceNode.isExactNullable) {
// When an exact nullable points here, the nullability propagated
// in the other direction.
if (edge.isTriggered) {
for (final containerNode in node.outerCompoundNodes) {
// We must include the exact nullable edges in the upstream triggered
// edges of the container node. If this node is in a substitution node,
// then it's possible it was marked exact nullable because it's container
// was marked nullable. It's container could have been marked nullable by
// another exact nullable node. We cannot tell. Err on the side of
// surfacing too many reasons.
upstreamTriggeredEdges(containerNode, skipExactNullable: false));
return edges;
void _addSimpleTrace(SimpleFixReasonInfo info, List<TraceInfo> traces) {
'Reason', [_makeTraceEntry(info.description, info.codeReference)]));
/// Returns a list of edits that can be applied.
List<EditDetail> _computeEdits(
AtomicEditInfo fixInfo, int offset, ResolvedUnitResult result) {
var content = result.content;
EditDetail removeHint(String description) => EditDetail.fromSourceEdit(
EditDetail changeHint(String description, String replacement) =>
.changesToReplace(content, replacement)
var edits = <EditDetail>[];
var fixKind = fixInfo.description.kind;
switch (fixKind) {
case NullabilityFixKind.addLateDueToHint:
edits.add(removeHint('Remove /*late*/ hint'));
case NullabilityFixKind.addLateFinalDueToHint:
edits.add(removeHint('Remove /*late final*/ hint'));
case NullabilityFixKind.addRequired:
var metaImport =
_findImportDirective(result.unit, 'package:meta/meta.dart');
if (metaImport == null) {
EditDetail('Add /*required*/ hint', offset, 0, '/*required*/ '));
} else {
var prefix = metaImport.prefix?.name;
if (prefix == null) {
EditDetail("Mark with '@required'", offset, 0, '@required '));
} else {
"Mark with '@required'", offset, 0, '@$prefix.required '));
case NullabilityFixKind.checkExpression:
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Determine whether we can know that the fix is
// associated with a parameter and insert an assert if it is.
edits.add(EditDetail('Add /*!*/ hint', offset, 0, '/*!*/'));
case NullabilityFixKind.checkExpressionDueToHint:
edits.add(removeHint('Remove /*!*/ hint'));
case NullabilityFixKind.downcastExpression:
case NullabilityFixKind.otherCastExpression:
// There's no useful hint to apply to casts.
case NullabilityFixKind.removeAs:
case NullabilityFixKind.removeDeadCode:
case NullabilityFixKind.removeLanguageVersionComment:
// There's no need for hints around code that is being removed.
case NullabilityFixKind.addType:
case NullabilityFixKind.replaceVar:
// There's no need for hints around inserted types.
case NullabilityFixKind.makeTypeNullable:
case NullabilityFixKind.typeNotMadeNullable:
edits.add(EditDetail('Add /*!*/ hint', offset, 0, '/*!*/'));
edits.add(EditDetail('Add /*?*/ hint', offset, 0, '/*?*/'));
case NullabilityFixKind.makeTypeNullableDueToHint:
edits.add(changeHint('Change to /*!*/ hint', '/*!*/'));
edits.add(removeHint('Remove /*?*/ hint'));
case NullabilityFixKind.typeNotMadeNullableDueToHint:
edits.add(removeHint('Remove /*!*/ hint'));
edits.add(changeHint('Change to /*?*/ hint', '/*?*/'));
case NullabilityFixKind.addLate:
case NullabilityFixKind.addLateDueToTestSetup:
// We could add an edit to add a `/*?*/` hint, but the offset is a
// little tricky.
case NullabilityFixKind.conditionFalseInStrongMode:
case NullabilityFixKind.conditionTrueInStrongMode:
case NullabilityFixKind.nullAwarenessUnnecessaryInStrongMode:
case NullabilityFixKind.nullAwareAssignmentUnnecessaryInStrongMode:
// We don't offer any edits around weak-only code.
// TODO(paulberry): offer edits to delete the code that would be dead in
// strong mode (
case NullabilityFixKind.compoundAssignmentHasBadCombinedType:
case NullabilityFixKind.compoundAssignmentHasNullableSource:
// We don't offer any edits around bad compound assignments or bad
// increment/decrement operations.
case NullabilityFixKind.addImport:
case NullabilityFixKind.changeMethodName:
// These fix kinds have to do with changing iterable method calls to
// their "OrNull" equivalents. We don't offer any hints around
// this transformation.
case NullabilityFixKind.noValidMigrationForNull:
// We don't offer any edits around unmigratable `null`s. The user has
// to fix manually.
return edits;
/// Return the navigation sources for the unit associated with the [result].
List<NavigationSource> _computeNavigationSources(ResolvedUnitResult result) {
var collector = NavigationCollectorImpl();
result.session.resourceProvider, collector, result.unit, null, null);
var files = collector.files;
var regions = collector.regions;
var rawTargets = collector.targets;
var convertedTargets =
List<NavigationTarget>.filled(rawTargets.length, null);
return {
var targets = region.targets;
if (targets.isEmpty) {
throw StateError('Targets is empty');
var target = convertedTargets[targets[0]];
if (target == null) {
var rawTarget = rawTargets[targets[0]];
target = _targetForRawTarget(files[rawTarget.fileIndex], rawTarget);
convertedTargets[targets[0]] = target;
return NavigationSource(
region.offset, null /* line */, region.length, target);
void _computeTraceNonNullableInfo(NullabilityNodeInfo node,
List<TraceInfo> traces, FixReasonTarget target) {
var entries = <TraceEntryInfo>[];
var description = 'Non-nullability reason${target.suffix}';
var step = node.whyNotNullable;
if (step == null) {
if (node != info.never) {
// 'never' indicates we're describing an edge to never, such as a `!`.
traces.add(TraceInfo(description, [
description: 'No reason found to make nullable')
assert(identical(step.node, node));
while (step != null && !step.isStartingPoint) {
if (step.codeReference != null) {
step = step.principalCause;
traces.add(TraceInfo(description, entries));
void _computeTraceNullableInfo(NullabilityNodeInfo node,
List<TraceInfo> traces, FixReasonTarget target) {
var entries = <TraceEntryInfo>[];
var step = node.whyNullable;
if (step == null) {
assert(identical(step.targetNode, node));
while (step != null) {
if (step.codeReference != null) {
step = step.principalCause;
var description = 'Nullability reason${target.suffix}';
traces.add(TraceInfo(description, entries));
List<TraceInfo> _computeTraces(
Map<FixReasonTarget, FixReasonInfo> fixReasons) {
var traces = <TraceInfo>[];
for (var entry in fixReasons.entries) {
var reason = entry.value;
if (reason is NullabilityNodeInfo) {
if (reason.isNullable) {
_computeTraceNullableInfo(reason, traces, FixReasonTarget.root);
} else {
_computeTraceNonNullableInfo(reason, traces, FixReasonTarget.root);
} else if (reason is EdgeInfo) {
if (reason.sourceNode.isNullable &&
!reason.destinationNode.isNullable) {
var target = entry.key;
_computeTraceNullableInfo(reason.sourceNode, traces, target);
_computeTraceNonNullableInfo(reason.destinationNode, traces, target);
} else if (reason is SimpleFixReasonInfo) {
_addSimpleTrace(reason, traces);
} else {
assert(false, 'Unrecognized reason type: ${reason.runtimeType}');
return traces;
/// Return the migration information for the unit associated with the
/// [result].
UnitInfo _explainUnit(SourceInformation sourceInfo, ResolvedUnitResult result,
SourceFileEdit fileEdit) {
var unitInfo = _unitForPath(result.path);
unitInfo.sources ??= _computeNavigationSources(result);
var content = result.content;
unitInfo.diskContent = content;
var alreadyMigrated =
unitInfo.wasExplicitlyOptedOut = result.unit.languageVersionToken != null;
unitInfo.migrationStatus = alreadyMigrated
? UnitMigrationStatus.alreadyMigrated
// Whether or not a file is explicitly opted out, its initial status for
// this migration is "migrating." It must be again explicitly opted out
// in the preview app in order to keep the unit opted out.
: UnitMigrationStatus.migrating;
var regions = unitInfo.regions;
// There are certain rare conditions involving generated code in a bazel
// workspace that can cause a source file to get processed more than once by
// the migration tool (sometimes with a correct URI, sometimes with an
// incorrect URI that corresponds to a file path in the `bazel-out`
// directory). That can cause this method to get called twice for the same
// unit. To avoid this creating user-visible problems, we need to ensure
// that any regions left over from the previous invocation are cleared out
// before we re-populate the region list.
var lineInfo = result.unit.lineInfo;
var insertions = <int, List<AtomicEdit>>{};
var infosSeen = Set<AtomicEditInfo>.identity();
// Apply edits and build the regions.
var changes = sourceInfo.changes ?? {};
var sourceOffsets = changes.keys.toList();
var offset = 0;
var sourceOffset = 0;
for (var nextSourceOffset in sourceOffsets) {
var changesForSourceOffset = changes[nextSourceOffset];
var unchangedTextLength = nextSourceOffset - sourceOffset;
offset += unchangedTextLength;
sourceOffset += unchangedTextLength;
for (var edit in changesForSourceOffset) {
var length = edit.length;
var replacement = edit.replacement;
var end = offset + length;
// Insert the replacement text without deleting the replaced text.
if (replacement.isNotEmpty) {
content = content.replaceRange(end, end, replacement);
(insertions[sourceOffset] ??= []).add(AtomicEdit.insert(replacement));
var info =;
var edits = info != null
? _computeEdits(info, sourceOffset, result)
: <EditDetail>[];
var lineNumber = lineInfo.getLocation(sourceOffset).lineNumber;
var traces = info == null
? const <TraceInfo>[]
: _computeTraces(info.fixReasons);
var description = info?.description;
var isCounted = info != null && infosSeen.add(info);
var explanation = description?.appliedMessage;
var kind = description?.kind;
if (edit.isInsertion) {
edit.isInformative ? RegionType.informative : RegionType.add,
edits: edits,
traces: traces));
} else if (edit.isDeletion) {
edit.isInformative ? RegionType.informative : RegionType.remove,
edits: edits,
traces: traces));
} else if (edit.isReplacement) {
regions.add(RegionInfo(RegionType.remove, offset, length, lineNumber,
explanation, kind, isCounted,
edits: edits, traces: traces));
regions.add(RegionInfo(RegionType.add, end, replacement.length,
lineNumber, explanation, kind, isCounted,
edits: edits, traces: traces));
} else {
throw StateError(
'Edit is not an insertion, deletion, replacement, nor '
'informative: $edit');
sourceOffset += length;
offset += length + replacement.length;
// Build the map from source file offset to offset in the modified text.
// We only account for insertions because in the code above, we don't delete
// the modified text.
var edits = insertions.toSourceEdits();
edits.sort((first, second) => first.offset.compareTo(second.offset));
var mapper = OffsetMapper.forEdits(edits);
regions.sort((first, second) => first.offset.compareTo(second.offset));
unitInfo.migrationOffsetMapper = mapper;
unitInfo.content = content;
return unitInfo;
/// Searches [unit] for an import directive whose URI matches [uri], returning
/// it if found, or `null` if not found.
ImportDirective _findImportDirective(CompilationUnit unit, String uri) {
for (var directive in unit.directives) {
if (directive is ImportDirective && directive.uriContent == uri) {
return directive;
return null;
TraceEntryInfo _makeTraceEntry(
String description, CodeReference codeReference,
{List<HintAction> hintActions = const []}) {
var length = 1; // TODO(paulberry): figure out the correct value.
return TraceEntryInfo(
codeReference == null
? null
: NavigationTarget(codeReference.path, codeReference.offset,
codeReference.line, length),
hintActions: hintActions);
TraceEntryInfo _nodeToTraceEntry(NullabilityNodeInfo node,
{String description}) {
description ??= node.toString(); // TODO(paulberry): improve this message
return _makeTraceEntry(description, node.codeReference,
hintActions: node.hintActions.keys
.map((kind) => HintAction(kind, nodeMapper.idForNode(node)))
TraceEntryInfo _stepToTraceEntry(PropagationStepInfo step) {
var description = step.edge?.description;
description ??= step.toString(); // TODO(paulberry): improve this message.
return _makeTraceEntry(description, step.codeReference);
/// Return the navigation target in the file with the given [filePath] at the
/// given [offset] ans with the given [length].
NavigationTarget _targetForRawTarget(
String filePath, protocol.NavigationTarget rawTarget) {
var unitInfo = _unitForPath(filePath);
var offset = rawTarget.offset;
var length = rawTarget.length;
var target = NavigationTarget(filePath, offset, null /* line */, length);
return target;
/// Return the unit info for the file at the given [path].
UnitInfo _unitForPath(String path) {
return unitMap.putIfAbsent(path, () => UnitInfo(path));
/// Builds a description for [node]'s enclosing member(s).
/// This may include a class and method name, for example, or the name of the
/// enclosing top-level member.
static String buildEnclosingMemberDescription(AstNode node) {
for (var enclosingNode = node;
enclosingNode != null;
enclosingNode = enclosingNode.parent) {
if (enclosingNode is ConstructorDeclaration) {
if ( == null) {
return _describeClassOrExtensionMember(
enclosingNode.parent as CompilationUnitMember,
'the default constructor of',
} else {
return _describeClassOrExtensionMember(
enclosingNode.parent as CompilationUnitMember,
'the constructor',;
} else if (enclosingNode is MethodDeclaration) {
var functionName =;
String baseDescription;
if (enclosingNode.isGetter) {
baseDescription = 'the getter';
} else if (enclosingNode.isOperator) {
baseDescription = 'the operator';
} else if (enclosingNode.isSetter) {
baseDescription = 'the setter';
functionName += '=';
} else {
baseDescription = 'the method';
return _describeClassOrExtensionMember(
enclosingNode.parent as CompilationUnitMember,
} else if (enclosingNode is FunctionDeclaration &&
enclosingNode.parent is CompilationUnit) {
var functionName =;
String baseDescription;
if (enclosingNode.isGetter) {
baseDescription = 'the getter';
} else if (enclosingNode.isSetter) {
baseDescription = 'the setter';
functionName += '=';
} else {
baseDescription = 'the function';
return "$baseDescription '$functionName'";
} else if (enclosingNode is VariableDeclaration) {
var description = _describeVariableDeclaration(enclosingNode);
if (description != null) return description;
} else if (enclosingNode is VariableDeclarationList) {
var description =
if (description != null) return description;
throw ArgumentError(
"Can't describe enclosing member of ${node.runtimeType}");
static String _describeClassOrExtensionMember(CompilationUnitMember parent,
String baseDescription, String functionName) {
if (parent is NamedCompilationUnitMember) {
var parentName =;
if (functionName.isEmpty) {
return "$baseDescription '$parentName'";
} else {
return "$baseDescription '$parentName.$functionName'";
} else if (parent is ExtensionDeclaration) {
if ( == null) {
var extendedTypeString = parent.extendedType.type.getDisplayString(
withNullability: false,
return "$baseDescription '$functionName' in unnamed extension on $extendedTypeString";
} else {
return "$baseDescription '${}.$functionName'";
} else {
throw ArgumentError(
'Unexpected class or extension type ${parent.runtimeType}');
static String _describeVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
var variableName =;
var parent = node.parent;
var grandParent = parent.parent;
if (grandParent is FieldDeclaration) {
return _describeClassOrExtensionMember(
grandParent.parent as CompilationUnitMember,
'the field',
} else if (grandParent is TopLevelVariableDeclaration) {
return "the variable '$variableName'";
} else {
return null;