blob: 0e196d78e14f77467d2ef1a2cff7dc0601bc5b33 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Example that illustrates how to use the incremental compiler and trigger a
/// hot-reload on the VM after recompiling the application.
/// This example resembles the `run` command in flutter-tools. It creates an
/// interactive command-line program that waits for the user to tap a key to
/// trigger a recompile and reload.
/// The following instructions assume a linux checkout of the SDK:
/// * Build the SDK
/// ```
/// ./tools/ -m release
/// ```
/// * On one terminal (terminal A), start this script and point it to an
/// example program "foo.dart" and keep the job running. A good example
/// program would do something periodically, so you can see the effect
/// of a hot-reload while the app is running.
/// ```
/// out/ReleaseX64/dart pkg/front_end/example/incremental_reload/run.dart foo.dart out.dill
/// ```
/// * Trigger an initial compile of the program by hitting the "c" key in
/// terminal A.
/// * On another terminal (terminal B), start the program on the VM, with the
/// service-protocol enabled and provide the precompiled platform libraries:
/// ```
/// out/ReleaseX64/dart --enable-vm-service --platform=out/ReleaseX64/patched_sdk/platform.dill out.dill
/// ```
/// * Modify the orginal program
/// * In terminal A, hit the "r" key to trigger a recompile and hot reload.
/// * See the changed program in terminal B
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert' show ASCII;
import 'package:front_end/src/vm/reload.dart';
import 'compiler_with_invalidation.dart';
VmReloader reloader = new VmReloader();
AnsiTerminal terminal = new AnsiTerminal();
main(List<String> args) async {
if (args.length <= 1) {
print('usage: dart incremental_compile.dart input.dart out.dill');
var compiler = await createIncrementalCompiler(args[0]);
var outputUri = Uri.base.resolve(args[1]);
listenOnKeyPress(compiler, outputUri)
.whenComplete(() => reloader.disconnect());
/// Implements the interactive UI by listening for input keys from the user.
Future listenOnKeyPress(IncrementalCompiler compiler, Uri outputUri) {
var completer = new Completer();
terminal.singleCharMode = true;
StreamSubscription subscription;
subscription = terminal.onCharInput.listen((String char) async {
try {
CompilationResult compilationResult;
ReloadResult reloadResult;
switch (char) {
case 'r':
compilationResult = await rebuild(compiler, outputUri);
if (!compilationResult.errorSeen &&
compilationResult.program != null &&
compilationResult.program.libraries.isNotEmpty) {
reloadResult = await reload(outputUri);
case 'c':
compilationResult = await rebuild(compiler, outputUri);
case 'l':
reloadResult = await reload(outputUri);
case 'q':
terminal.singleCharMode = false;
if (compilationResult != null || reloadResult != null) {
reportStats(compilationResult, reloadResult, outputUri);
} catch (e) {
terminal.singleCharMode = false;
}, onError: (e) {
terminal.singleCharMode = false;
return completer.future;
/// Request a reload and gather timing metrics.
Future<ReloadResult> reload(outputUri) async {
var result = new ReloadResult();
var reloadTimer = new Stopwatch()..start();
var reloadResult = await reloader.reload(outputUri);
result.reloadTime = reloadTimer.elapsedMilliseconds;
result.errorSeen = false;
if (!reloadResult['success']) {
result.errorSeen = true;
result.errorDetails = reloadResult['details']['notices'].first['message'];
return result;
/// Results from requesting a hot reload.
class ReloadResult {
/// How long it took to do the hot-reload in the VM.
int reloadTime = 0;
/// Whether we saw errors during compilation or reload.
bool errorSeen = false;
/// Error message when [errorSeen] is true.
String errorDetails;
/// This script shows stats about each reload on the terminal in a table form.
/// This function prints out the header of such table.
showHeader() {
print(terminal.bolden('Press a key to trigger a command:'));
print(terminal.bolden(' r: incremental compile + reload'));
print(terminal.bolden(' c: incremental compile w/o reload'));
print(terminal.bolden(' l: reload w/o recompile'));
print(terminal.bolden(' q: quit'));
'# Files Files % ------- Time ------------------------- Binary\n'
' Modified Sent Total Check Compile Reload Total Avg Size '));
/// Whether to show stats as a single line (override metrics on each request)
const bool singleLine = false;
var total = 0;
var iter = 0;
var timeSum = 0;
var lastLine = 0;
/// Show stats about a recompile and reload.
reportStats(CompilationResult compilationResult, ReloadResult reloadResult,
Uri outputUri) {
compilationResult ??= new CompilationResult();
reloadResult ??= new ReloadResult();
int changed = compilationResult.changed;
int updated = compilationResult.program?.libraries?.length ?? 0;
int totalFiles = compilationResult.totalFiles;
int invalidateTime = compilationResult.invalidateTime;
int compileTime = compilationResult.compileTime;
int reloadTime = reloadResult.reloadTime;
bool errorSeen = compilationResult.errorSeen || reloadResult.errorSeen;
String errorDetails =
compilationResult.errorDetails ?? reloadResult.errorDetails;
var totalTime = invalidateTime + compileTime + reloadTime;
timeSum += totalTime;
var avgTime = (timeSum / total).truncate();
var size = new File.fromUri(outputUri).statSync().size;
var percent = (100 * updated / totalFiles).toStringAsFixed(0);
var line = '${_padl(iter, 3)}: '
'${_padl(changed, 8)} ${_padl(updated, 5)} ${_padl(percent, 4)}% '
'${_padl(invalidateTime, 5)} ms '
'${_padl(compileTime, 5)} ms '
'${_padl(reloadTime, 5)} ms '
'${_padl(totalTime, 5)} ms '
'${_padl(avgTime, 5)} ms '
'${_padl(size, 5)}b';
var len = line.length;
if (singleLine) stdout.write('\r');
stdout.write((errorSeen) ? :;
if (!singleLine) stdout.write('\n');
if (errorSeen) {
if (!singleLine) errorDetails = ' error: $errorDetails\n';
len += errorDetails.length;
if (singleLine) {
var diff = " " * (lastLine - len);
lastLine = len;
_padl(x, n) {
var s = '$x';
return ' ' * (n - s.length) + s;
/// Helper to control an ANSI terminal (adapted from flutter_tools)
class AnsiTerminal {
static const String _bold = '\u001B[1m';
static const String _green = '\u001B[32m';
static const String _red = '\u001B[31m';
static const String _reset = '\u001B[0m';
static const String _clear = '\u001B[2J\u001B[H';
static const int _ENXIO = 6;
static const int _ENOTTY = 25;
static const int _ENETRESET = 102;
static const int _INVALID_HANDLE = 6;
/// Setting the line mode can throw for some terminals (with "Operation not
/// supported on socket"), but the error can be safely ignored.
static const List<int> _lineModeIgnorableErrors = const <int>[
String bolden(String message) => wrap(message, _bold);
String green(String message) => wrap(message, _green);
String red(String message) => wrap(message, _red);
String wrap(String message, String escape) {
final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
for (String line in message.split('\n'))
final String result = buffer.toString();
// avoid introducing a new newline to the emboldened text
return (!message.endsWith('\n') && result.endsWith('\n'))
? result.substring(0, result.length - 1)
: result;
String clearScreen() => _clear;
set singleCharMode(bool value) {
// TODO(goderbauer): instead of trying to set lineMode and then catching
// [_ENOTTY] or [_INVALID_HANDLE], we should check beforehand if stdin is
// connected to a terminal or not.
// (Requires to be resolved.)
try {
// The order of setting lineMode and echoMode is important on Windows.
if (value) {
stdin.echoMode = false;
stdin.lineMode = false;
} else {
stdin.lineMode = true;
stdin.echoMode = true;
} on StdinException catch (error) {
if (!_lineModeIgnorableErrors.contains(error.osError?.errorCode)) rethrow;
/// Return keystrokes from the console.
/// Useful when the console is in [singleCharMode].
Stream<String> get onCharInput => stdin.transform(ASCII.decoder);