blob: 21cbf0c5af5ecde7551b438d7eef2efe2a5772eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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part of;
* Temporary move `toString` methods into this class.
class ToString {
// TODO(jjb): visiting list should be an identityHashSet when it exists
* Returns a string representing the specified collection. If the
* collection is a [List], the returned string looks like this:
* [:'[element0, element1, ... elementN]':]. The value returned by its
* [toString] method is used to represent each element. If the specified
* collection is not a list, the returned string looks like this:
* [:{element0, element1, ... elementN}:]. In other words, the strings
* returned for lists are surrounded by square brackets, while the strings
* returned for other collections are surrounded by curly braces.
* If the specified collection contains a reference to itself, either
* directly or indirectly through other collections or maps, the contained
* reference is rendered as [:'[...]':] if it is a list, or [:'{...}':] if
* it is not. This prevents the infinite regress that would otherwise occur.
* So, for example, calling this method on a list whose sole element is a
* reference to itself would return [:'[[...]]':].
* A typical implementation of a collection's [toString] method will
* simply return the results of this method applied to the collection.
static String collectionToString(Collection c) {
var result = new StringBuffer();
_emitCollection(c, result, new List());
return result.toString();
* Appends a string representing the specified collection to the specified
* string buffer. The string is formatted as per [collectionToString].
* The [:visiting:] list contains references to all of the enclosing
* collections and maps (which are currently in the process of being
* emitted into [:result:]). The [:visiting:] parameter allows this method to
* generate a [:'[...]':] or [:'{...}':] where required. In other words,
* it allows this method and [_emitMap] to identify recursive collections
* and maps.
static void _emitCollection(Collection c,
StringBuffer result,
List visiting) {
bool isList = c is List;
result.add(isList ? '[' : '{');
bool first = true;
for (var e in c) {
if (!first) {
result.add(', ');
first = false;
_emitObject(e, result, visiting);
result.add(isList ? ']' : '}');
* Appends a string representing the specified object to the specified
* string buffer. If the object is a [Collection] or [Map], it is formatted
* as per [collectionToString] or [mapToString]; otherwise, it is formatted
* by invoking its own [toString] method.
* The [:visiting:] list contains references to all of the enclosing
* collections and maps (which are currently in the process of being
* emitted into [:result:]). The [:visiting:] parameter allows this method
* to generate a [:'[...]':] or [:'{...}':] where required. In other words,
* it allows this method and [_emitCollection] to identify recursive maps
* and collections.
static void _emitObject(Object o, StringBuffer result, List visiting) {
if (o is Collection) {
if (_containsRef(visiting, o)) {
result.add(o is List ? '[...]' : '{...}');
} else {
_emitCollection(o, result, visiting);
} else if (o is Map) {
if (_containsRef(visiting, o)) {
} else {
_emitMap(o, result, visiting);
} else { // o is neither a collection nor a map
* Returns true if the specified collection contains the specified object
* reference.
static _containsRef(Collection c, Object ref) {
for (var e in c) {
if (identical(e, ref)) return true;
return false;
* Returns a string representing the specified map. The returned string
* looks like this: [:'{key0: value0, key1: value1, ... keyN: valueN}':].
* The value returned by its [toString] method is used to represent each
* key or value.
* If the map collection contains a reference to itself, either
* directly as a key or value, or indirectly through other collections
* or maps, the contained reference is rendered as [:'{...}':]. This
* prevents the infinite regress that would otherwise occur. So, for example,
* calling this method on a map whose sole entry maps the string key 'me'
* to a reference to the map would return [:'{me: {...}}':].
* A typical implementation of a map's [toString] method will
* simply return the results of this method applied to the collection.
static String mapToString(Map m) {
var result = new StringBuffer();
_emitMap(m, result, new List());
return result.toString();
* Appends a string representing the specified map to the specified
* string buffer. The string is formatted as per [mapToString].
* The [:visiting:] list contains references to all of the enclosing
* collections and maps (which are currently in the process of being
* emitted into [:result:]). The [:visiting:] parameter allows this method
* to generate a [:'[...]':] or [:'{...}':] where required. In other words,
* it allows this method and [_emitCollection] to identify recursive maps
* and collections.
static void _emitMap(Map m, StringBuffer result, List visiting) {
bool first = true;
m.forEach((k, v) {
if (!first) {
result.add(', ');
first = false;
_emitObject(k, result, visiting);
result.add(': ');
_emitObject(v, result, visiting);