blob: b3e34c0f16d7e8625404374b65633dc2ab7af0e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/semantic_tokens/legend.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/semantic_tokens/mapping.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/line_info.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart';
/// Collects information about Semantic Tokens using absolute line/columns and
/// token types/modifiers and encodes them into a [List<int>] in a
/// [SemanticTokens] (a [List<int>]) as described by the LSP spec .
class SemanticTokenEncoder {
/// Converts [regions]s into LSP [SemanticTokenInfo], splitting multiline tokens
/// and nested tokens if required.
List<SemanticTokenInfo> convertHighlights(
List<HighlightRegion> regions, LineInfo lineInfo, String fileContent) {
// LSP is zero-based but server is 1-based.
const lspPositionOffset = -1;
final tokens = <SemanticTokenInfo>[];
// Capabilities exist for supporting multiline/overlapping tokens. These
// could be used if any clients take it up (VS Code does not).
// - clientCapabilities?.multilineTokenSupport
// - clientCapabilities?.overlappingTokenSupport
final allowMultilineTokens = false;
final allowOverlappingTokens = false;
Iterable<HighlightRegion> translatedRegions = regions;
// Remove any tokens that will not be mapped as there's no point further processing
// them (eg. splitting multiline/overlaps) if they will be dropped.
translatedRegions = translatedRegions
.where((region) => highlightRegionTokenTypes.containsKey(region.type));
if (!allowMultilineTokens) {
translatedRegions = translatedRegions.expand(
(region) => _splitMultilineRegions(region, lineInfo, fileContent));
if (!allowOverlappingTokens) {
translatedRegions = _splitOverlappingTokens(translatedRegions);
for (final region in translatedRegions) {
final tokenType = highlightRegionTokenTypes[region.type];
final start = lineInfo.getLocation(region.offset);
start.lineNumber + lspPositionOffset,
start.columnNumber + lspPositionOffset,
return tokens;
SemanticTokens encodeTokens(List<SemanticTokenInfo> tokens) {
final encodedTokens = <int>[];
var lastLine = 0;
var lastColumn = 0;
// Ensure tokens are all sorted by location in file regardless of the order
// they were registered.
for (final token in tokens) {
var relativeLine = token.line - lastLine;
// Column is relative to last only if on the same line.
var relativeColumn =
relativeLine == 0 ? token.column - lastColumn : token.column;
// The resulting array is groups of 5 items as described in the LSP spec:
semanticTokenLegend.bitmaskForModifiers(token.modifiers) ?? 0
lastLine = token.line;
lastColumn = token.column;
return SemanticTokens(data: encodedTokens);
/// Splits multiline regions into multiple regions for clients that do not support
/// multiline tokens.
Iterable<HighlightRegion> _splitMultilineRegions(
HighlightRegion region, LineInfo lineInfo, String fileContent) sync* {
final start = lineInfo.getLocation(region.offset);
final end = lineInfo.getLocation(region.offset + region.length);
// Create a region for each line in the original region.
for (var lineNumber = start.lineNumber;
lineNumber <= end.lineNumber;
lineNumber++) {
final isFirstLine = lineNumber == start.lineNumber;
final isLastLine = lineNumber == end.lineNumber;
final isSingleLine = start.lineNumber == end.lineNumber;
final lineOffset = lineInfo.getOffsetOfLine(lineNumber - 1);
var startOffset = isFirstLine ? start.columnNumber - 1 : 0;
var endOffset = isLastLine
? end.columnNumber - 1
: lineInfo.getOffsetOfLine(lineNumber) - lineOffset;
var length = endOffset - startOffset;
// When we split multiline tokens, we may end up with leading/trailing
// whitespace which doesn't make sense to include in the token. Examine
// the content to remove this.
if (!isSingleLine) {
final tokenContent = fileContent.substring(
lineOffset + startOffset, lineOffset + endOffset);
final leadingWhitespaceCount =
tokenContent.length - tokenContent.trimLeft().length;
final trailingWhitespaceCount =
tokenContent.length - tokenContent.trimRight().length;
startOffset += leadingWhitespaceCount;
endOffset -= trailingWhitespaceCount;
length = endOffset - startOffset;
yield HighlightRegion(region.type, lineOffset + startOffset, length);
Iterable<HighlightRegion> _splitOverlappingTokens(
Iterable<HighlightRegion> regions) sync* {
if (regions.isEmpty) {
// When tokens have the same offset, the longest should come first so
// the nested token "overwrites" it during the flattening.
final sortedRegions = regions.toList()
..sort((r1, r2) => r1.offset != r2.offset
? r1.offset.compareTo(r2.offset)
: -r1.length.compareTo(r2.length));
final firstRegion = sortedRegions.first;
final stack = ListQueue<HighlightRegion>()..add(firstRegion);
var pos = firstRegion.offset;
for (final current in sortedRegions.skip(1)) {
if (stack.last != null) {
final last = stack.last;
final newPos = current.offset;
if (newPos - pos > 0) {
// The previous region ends at either its original end or
// the position of this next region, whichever is shorter.
final end = math.min(last.offset + last.length, newPos);
final length = end - pos;
yield HighlightRegion(last.type, pos, length);
pos = newPos;
// Process any remaining stack after the last region.
while (stack.isNotEmpty) {
final last = stack.removeLast();
final newPos = last.offset + last.length;
final length = newPos - pos;
if (length > 0) {
yield HighlightRegion(last.type, pos, length);
pos = newPos;
class SemanticTokenInfo {
final int line;
final int column;
final int length;
final SemanticTokenTypes type;
final Set<SemanticTokenModifiers> modifiers;
this.line, this.column, this.length, this.type, this.modifiers);
static int offsetSort(t1, t2) => t1.line == t2.line
? t1.column.compareTo(t2.column)
: t1.line.compareTo(t2.line);