blob: 71176e50c790b74504f00b8ea885f7e9fe6806d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.kernel_target;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/clone.dart' show CloneVisitorNotMembers;
import 'package:kernel/type_algebra.dart' show Substitution;
/// Data for clone default values for synthesized function nodes once the
/// original default values have been computed.
/// This is used for constructors in unnamed mixin application, which are
/// created from the constructors in the superclass, and for tear off lowerings
/// for redirecting factories, which are created from the effective target
/// constructor.
class SynthesizedFunctionNode {
/// Type parameter map from type parameters in scope [_original] to types
/// in scope of [_synthesized].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Is this ever needed? Should occurrence of type
// variable types in default values be a compile time error?
final Map<TypeParameter, DartType> _typeSubstitution;
/// The original function node.
final FunctionNode _original;
/// The synthesized function node.
final FunctionNode _synthesized;
/// If `true`, the [_synthesized] is guaranteed to have the same parameters in
/// the same order as [_original]. Otherwise [_original] is only guaranteed to
/// be callable from [_synthesized], meaning that is has at most the same
/// number of positional parameters and a, possibly reordered, subset of the
/// named parameters.
final bool identicalSignatures;
this._typeSubstitution, this._original, this._synthesized,
{this.identicalSignatures: true});
void cloneDefaultValues() {
// TODO(ahe): It is unclear if it is legal to use type variables in
// default values, but Fasta is currently allowing it, and the VM
// accepts it. If it isn't legal, the we can speed this up by using a
// single cloner without substitution.
CloneVisitorNotMembers? cloner;
void cloneInitializer(VariableDeclaration originalParameter,
VariableDeclaration clonedParameter) {
if (originalParameter.initializer != null) {
cloner ??=
new CloneVisitorNotMembers(typeSubstitution: _typeSubstitution);
clonedParameter.initializer = cloner!
..parent = clonedParameter;
// For mixin application constructors, the argument count is the same, but
// for redirecting tear off lowerings, the argument count of the tear off
// can be less than that of the redirection target.
assert(_synthesized.positionalParameters.length <=
for (int i = 0; i < _synthesized.positionalParameters.length; i++) {
if (identicalSignatures) {
assert(_synthesized.namedParameters.length ==
for (int i = 0; i < _synthesized.namedParameters.length; i++) {
_original.namedParameters[i], _synthesized.namedParameters[i]);
} else if (_synthesized.namedParameters.isNotEmpty) {
Map<String, VariableDeclaration> originalParameters = {};
for (int i = 0; i < _original.namedParameters.length; i++) {
originalParameters[_original.namedParameters[i].name!] =
for (int i = 0; i < _synthesized.namedParameters.length; i++) {
class TypeDependency {
final Member synthesized;
final Member original;
final Substitution substitution;
TypeDependency(this.synthesized, this.original, this.substitution);
void copyInferred() {
for (int i = 0; i < original.function!.positionalParameters.length; i++) {
VariableDeclaration synthesizedParameter =
VariableDeclaration constructorParameter =
synthesizedParameter.type =
for (int i = 0; i < original.function!.namedParameters.length; i++) {
VariableDeclaration synthesizedParameter =
VariableDeclaration originalParameter =
synthesizedParameter.type =
synthesized.function!.returnType =