blob: 2248b30b5f1bb5dd41c010a45b80cdd71b496173 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analysis_server/protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol/protocol_internal.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/server/driver.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/documentation_cache.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/analysis_context.dart';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'completion_metrics_base.dart';
import 'metrics_util.dart';
import 'output_utilities.dart';
import 'relevance_table_generator.dart';
import 'visitors.dart';
Future<void> main(List<String> args) async {
var parser = _createArgParser();
var result = parser.parse(args);
if (!_validArguments(parser, result)) {
var rootPath =[0];
final targets = <Directory>[];
if (Directory(rootPath).existsSync()) {
} else {
throw "Directory doesn't exist: $rootPath";
var options = CompletionMetricsOptions(result);
var stopwatch = Stopwatch()..start();
var client = _AnalysisServerClient(Directory(_sdk.sdkPath), targets);
CompletionClientMetricsComputer(rootPath, options, client).computeMetrics();
var duration = Duration(milliseconds: stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds);
print('Metrics computed in $duration');
final _Sdk _sdk = _Sdk._instance;
/// Given a data structure which is a Map of String to dynamic values, returns
/// the same structure (`Map<String, dynamic>`) with the correct runtime types.
Map<String, dynamic> _castStringKeyedMap(dynamic untyped) {
final Map<dynamic, dynamic> map = untyped! as Map<dynamic, dynamic>;
return map.cast<String, dynamic>();
/// Creates a parser that can be used to parse the command-line arguments.
ArgParser _createArgParser() {
return ArgParser(
usageLineLength: stdout.hasTerminal ? stdout.terminalColumns : 80)
abbr: 'h',
help: 'Print this help message.',
allowed: [
defaultsTo: CompletionMetricsOptions.OVERLAY_NONE,
help: 'Before attempting a completion at the location of each token, the '
'token can be removed, or the rest of the file can be removed to '
'test code completion with diverse methods. The default mode is to '
'complete at the start of the token without modifying the file.',
defaultsTo: '0',
help: 'The number of characters to include in the prefix. Each '
'completion will be requested this many characters in from the '
'start of the token being completed.',
defaultsTo: false,
help: 'Print information about the completion requests that were the '
'slowest to return suggestions.',
negatable: false,
/// Prints usage information for this tool.
void _printUsage(ArgParser parser, {String? error}) {
if (error != null) {
print('usage: dart completion_metrics_client.dart [options] packagePath');
print('Compute code completion health metrics.');
/// Trims [suffix] from the end of [text].
String _trimEnd(String text, String suffix) {
if (text.endsWith(suffix)) {
return text.substring(0, text.length - suffix.length);
return text;
/// Returns `true` if the command-line arguments (represented by the [result]
/// and parsed by the [parser]) are valid.
bool _validArguments(ArgParser parser, ArgResults result) {
if (result.wasParsed('help')) {
return false;
} else if ( != 1) {
_printUsage(parser, error: 'No package path specified.');
return false;
return validateDir(parser,[0]);
class CompletionClientMetricsComputer extends CompletionMetricsComputer {
final _AnalysisServerClient client;
final CompletionMetrics targetMetric = CompletionMetrics();
final metrics = CompletionMetrics();
CompletionClientMetricsComputer(super.rootPath, super.options, this.client);
Future<void> applyOverlay(
AnalysisContext context,
String filePath,
ExpectedCompletion expectedCompletion,
) async {
// TODO(srawlins): Support overlays.
Future<void> computeMetrics() async {
await client.start();
await super.computeMetrics();
await client.shutdown();
// A row containing the name, median, p90, and p95 scores in [computer].
List<String> m9095Row(PercentileComputer computer) => [,
var table = [
['', 'median', 'p90', 'p95'],
rightJustifyColumns(table, range(1, table[0].length));
Future<void> computeSuggestionsAndMetrics(
ExpectedCompletion expectedCompletion,
AnalysisContext context,
DocumentationCache documentationCache,
) async {
var stopwatch = Stopwatch()..start();
var suggestionsData = await client.requestCompletion(
expectedCompletion.filePath, expectedCompletion.offset, 1000);
var metadata = suggestionsData.metadata;
void removeOverlay(String filePath) {
// TODO(srawlins): Support overlays.
void setupForResolution(AnalysisContext context) {}
class CompletionMetrics {
/// A percentile computer which tracks the total time to create and send a
/// completion request, and receive and decode a completion response, using
/// 2.000 seconds as the max value to use in percentile calculations.
final PercentileComputer totalPercentileComputer =
PercentileComputer('ms for total duration', valueLimit: 2000);
/// A percentile computer which tracks the time to send a completion request,
/// and receive a completion response, not including any time to encode or
/// decode, using 2.000 seconds as the max value to use in percentile
/// calculations.
final PercentileComputer requestResponsePercentileComputer =
PercentileComputer('ms for request/response duration', valueLimit: 2000);
/// A percentile computer which tracks the time to decode each completion
/// response into JSON, using 2.000 seconds as the max value to use in
/// percentile calculations.
final PercentileComputer decodePercentileComputer =
PercentileComputer('ms for decode duration', valueLimit: 2000);
/// A percentile computer which tracks the time to deserialize each completion
/// response JSON into Dart objects, using 2.000 seconds as the max value to
/// use in percentile calculations.
final PercentileComputer deserializePercentileComputer =
PercentileComputer('ms for deserialize duration', valueLimit: 2000);
/// A client for communicating with the analysis server over stdin/stdout.
class _AnalysisServerClient {
// This class is copied from package:dartdev/src/analysis_server.dart and
// stripped.
final Directory sdkPath;
final List<FileSystemEntity> analysisRoots;
Process? _process;
/// When not null, this is a [Completer] which completes when analysis has
/// finished, otherwise `null`.
Completer<bool>? _analysisFinished;
int _id = 0;
bool _shutdownResponseReceived = false;
final Map<String, StreamController<Map<String, dynamic>>> _streamControllers =
final _onCrash = Completer<void>();
final Map<String, Completer<Map<String, dynamic>>> _requestCompleters = {};
final Map<String, _RequestMetadata> _requestMetadata = {};
_AnalysisServerClient(this.sdkPath, this.analysisRoots);
/// Completes when we next receive an analysis finished event (unless there's
/// no current analysis and we've already received a complete event, in which
/// case this future completes immediately).
Future<bool>? get analysisFinished => _analysisFinished?.future;
Stream<bool> get onAnalyzing {
// {"event":"server.status","params":{"analysis":{"isAnalyzing":true}}}
return _streamController('server.status')
.where((event) => event!['analysis'] != null)
.map((event) => event!['analysis']['isAnalyzing']! as bool);
/// Completes when an analysis server crash has been detected.
Future<void> get onCrash => _onCrash.future;
Future<int> get onExit => _process!.exitCode;
Future<bool> dispose() async {
return _process?.kill() ?? true;
/// Requests a completion for [file] at [offset].
Future<_SuggestionsData> requestCompletion(
String file, int offset, int maxResults) async {
final response = await _sendCommand('completion.getSuggestions2',
params: <String, dynamic>{
'file': file,
'offset': offset,
'maxResults': maxResults,
final result = response['result'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
final metadata = _requestMetadata[response['id']]!;
final deserializeStopwatch = Stopwatch()..start();
final suggestionsResult = CompletionGetSuggestions2Result.fromJson(
metadata.deserializeDuration = deserializeStopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds;
return _SuggestionsData(suggestionsResult, metadata);
Future<void> shutdown({Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 5)}) async {
// Request shutdown.
await _sendCommand('server.shutdown').then((value) {
_shutdownResponseReceived = true;
return null;
}).timeout(timeout, onTimeout: () async {
logger.stderr('The analysis server timed out while shutting down.');
await dispose();
}).then((value) async {
await dispose();
Future<void> start({bool setAnalysisRoots = true}) async {
final process = await _startDartProcess(_sdk, [
_process = process;
_shutdownResponseReceived = false;
// This callback hookup can't throw.
process.exitCode.whenComplete(() {
_process = null;
if (!_shutdownResponseReceived) {
// The process exited unexpectedly. Report the crash.
// If `server.error` reported an error, that has been logged by
// `_handleServerError`.
final error = StateError('The analysis server crashed unexpectedly');
final analysisFinished = _analysisFinished;
if (analysisFinished != null && !analysisFinished.isCompleted) {
// Complete this completer in order to unstick the process.
// Complete these completers in order to unstick the process.
for (final completer in _requestCompleters.values) {
final errorStream = process.stderr
.transform<String>(const LineSplitter());
final inStream = process.stdout
.transform<String>(const LineSplitter());
_sendCommand('server.setSubscriptions', params: <String, dynamic>{
'subscriptions': <String>['STATUS'],
// Reference and trim off any trailing slash, the Dart Analysis Server
// protocol throws an error (INVALID_FILE_PATH_FORMAT) if there is a
// trailing slash.
// The call to `absolute.resolveSymbolicLinksSync()` canonicalizes the path
// to be passed to the analysis server.
final analysisRootPaths = [
for (final root in analysisRoots)
root.absolute.resolveSymbolicLinksSync(), path.context.separator),
onAnalyzing.listen((isAnalyzing) {
final analysisFinished = _analysisFinished;
if (isAnalyzing && (analysisFinished?.isCompleted ?? true)) {
// Start a new completer, to be completed when we receive the
// corresponding analysis complete event.
_analysisFinished = Completer();
} else if (!isAnalyzing &&
analysisFinished != null &&
!analysisFinished.isCompleted) {
if (setAnalysisRoots) {
await _sendCommand('analysis.setAnalysisRoots', params: {
'included': analysisRootPaths,
'excluded': [],
void _handleServerError(Map<String, dynamic>? error) {
final err = error!;
// Fields are 'isFatal', 'message', and 'stackTrace'.
logger.stderr('Error from the analysis server: ${err['message']}');
if (err['stackTrace'] != null) {
logger.stderr(err['stackTrace'] as String);
void _handleServerResponse(String line) {
logger.trace('<== $line');
var responseTime =;
final decodeStopwatch = Stopwatch()..start();
final dynamic response = json.decode(line);
var decodeDuration = decodeStopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds;
if (response is Map<String, dynamic>) {
if (response['event'] != null) {
final event = response['event'] as String;
final dynamic params = response['params'];
if (params is Map<String, dynamic>) {
} else if (response['id'] != null) {
final id = response['id'];
final metadata = _requestMetadata[id]!;
metadata.responseMilliseconds = responseTime;
metadata.decodeDuration = decodeDuration;
if (response['error'] != null) {
final error = _castStringKeyedMap(response['error']);
} else {
//response['result'] as Map<String, dynamic>? ??
// <String, dynamic>{});
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _sendCommand(String method,
{Map<String, dynamic>? params}) {
final String id = (++_id).toString();
final String message = json.encode({
'id': id,
'method': method,
'params': params,
_requestMetadata[id] =
_requestCompleters[id] = Completer();
logger.trace('==> $message');
return _requestCompleters[id]!.future;
/// A utility method to start a Dart VM instance with the given arguments and an
/// optional current working directory.
/// [arguments] should contain the snapshot path.
Future<Process> _startDartProcess(
_Sdk sdk,
List<String> arguments, {
String? cwd,
}) {
logger.trace('${sdk.dart} ${arguments.join(' ')}');
return Process.start(sdk.dart, arguments, workingDirectory: cwd);
StreamController<Map<String, dynamic>?> _streamController(String streamId) {
return _streamControllers.putIfAbsent(
streamId, () => StreamController<Map<String, dynamic>>.broadcast());
class _RequestError {
// This is copied from package:dartdev/src/analysis_server.dart.
final String code;
final String message;
final String stackTrace;
_RequestError(this.code, this.message, {required this.stackTrace});
String toString() => '[RequestError code: $code, message: $message]';
static _RequestError parse(dynamic error) {
return _RequestError(
error['code'] as String,
error['message'] as String,
stackTrace: error['stackTrace'] as String,
class _RequestMetadata {
/// The timestamp of when a request was started, in milliseconds.
/// This does not include the time it takes to encode the request into JSON.
final int startMilliseconds;
/// The timestamp of when a response was received, in milliseconds.
late final int responseMilliseconds;
/// The duration of decoding a response, in milliseconds.
late final int decodeDuration;
/// The duration of deserializing a response, in milliseconds.
late final int deserializeDuration;
/// The duration of time between sending a completion request and receiving a
/// completion response, not including the time to decode the response.
int get requestResponseDuration => responseMilliseconds - startMilliseconds;
/// A utility class for finding and referencing paths within the Dart SDK.
class _Sdk {
// This is copied from package:dartdev/src/sdk.dart and stripped.
static final _Sdk _instance = _createSingleton();
/// Path to SDK directory.
final String sdkPath;
factory _Sdk() => _instance;
String get analysisServerSnapshot => path.absolute(
// Assume that we want to use the same Dart executable that we used to spawn
// DartDev. We should be able to run programs with out/ReleaseX64/dart even
// if the SDK isn't completely built.
String get dart => Platform.resolvedExecutable;
static _Sdk _createSingleton() {
// Find SDK path.
// The common case, and how cli_util.dart computes the Dart SDK directory,
// [path.dirname] called twice on Platform.resolvedExecutable. We confirm by
// asserting that the directory `./bin/snapshots/` exists in this directory:
var sdkPath =
var snapshotsDir = path.join(sdkPath, 'bin', 'snapshots');
if (!Directory(snapshotsDir).existsSync()) {
// This is the less common case where the user is in
// the checked out Dart SDK, and is executing `dart` via:
// ./out/ReleaseX64/dart ...
// We confirm in a similar manner with the snapshot directory existence
// and then return the correct sdk path:
var altPath =
path.absolute(path.dirname(Platform.resolvedExecutable), 'dart-sdk');
var snapshotsDir = path.join(altPath, 'bin', 'snapshots');
if (Directory(snapshotsDir).existsSync()) {
sdkPath = altPath;
// If that snapshot dir does not exist either,
// we use the first guess anyway.
return _Sdk._(sdkPath);
/// A container which pairs a [CompletionGetSuggestions2Result] with the
/// [_RequestMetadata] which is associated with the result's completion request
/// and response.
class _SuggestionsData {
final CompletionGetSuggestions2Result result;
final _RequestMetadata metadata;
_SuggestionsData(this.result, this.metadata);