blob: 84242c622fae992cd754fa4e5cebf90015b488d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "bin/directory.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "bin/log.h"
class PathBuffer {
PathBuffer() : length(0) { }
wchar_t data[MAX_PATH + 1];
int length;
bool Add(const wchar_t* name) {
size_t written = _snwprintf(data + length,
MAX_PATH - length,
data[MAX_PATH] = L'\0';
if (written == wcsnlen(name, MAX_PATH + 1)) {
length += written;
return true;
} else {
return false;
void Reset(int new_length) {
length = new_length;
data[length] = L'\0';
// Forward declarations.
static bool ListRecursively(const wchar_t* dir_name,
bool recursive,
DirectoryListing* listing);
static bool DeleteRecursively(const wchar_t* dir_name);
static void PostError(DirectoryListing* listing,
const wchar_t* dir_name) {
const char* utf8_path = StringUtils::WideToUtf8(dir_name);
static bool HandleDir(wchar_t* dir_name,
PathBuffer* path,
bool recursive,
DirectoryListing* listing) {
if (wcscmp(dir_name, L".") == 0) return true;
if (wcscmp(dir_name, L"..") == 0) return true;
if (!path->Add(dir_name)) {
PostError(listing, path->data);
return false;
char* utf8_path = StringUtils::WideToUtf8(path->data);
bool ok = listing->HandleDirectory(utf8_path);
return ok && (!recursive || ListRecursively(path->data, recursive, listing));
static bool HandleFile(wchar_t* file_name,
PathBuffer* path,
DirectoryListing* listing) {
if (!path->Add(file_name)) {
PostError(listing, path->data);
return false;
char* utf8_path = StringUtils::WideToUtf8(path->data);
bool ok = listing->HandleFile(utf8_path);
return ok;
static bool HandleEntry(LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW find_file_data,
PathBuffer* path,
bool recursive,
DirectoryListing* listing) {
DWORD attributes = find_file_data->dwFileAttributes;
if ((attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) {
return HandleDir(find_file_data->cFileName,
} else {
return HandleFile(find_file_data->cFileName, path, listing);
static PathBuffer* ComputeFullSearchPath(const wchar_t* dir_name) {
// GetFullPathName only works in a multi-threaded environment if
// SetCurrentDirectory is not used. We currently have no plan for
// exposing SetCurrentDirectory.
PathBuffer* path = new PathBuffer();
size_t written = GetFullPathNameW(dir_name, MAX_PATH + 1, path->data, NULL);
// GetFullPathName only accepts input strings of size less than
// MAX_PATH and returns 0 to indicate failure for paths longer than
// that. Therefore the path buffer is always big enough.
if (written == 0 || written > MAX_PATH) {
delete path;
return NULL;
path->length = written;
if (path->Add(L"\\*")) {
return path;
} else {
delete path;
return NULL;
static bool ListRecursively(const wchar_t* dir_name,
bool recursive,
DirectoryListing* listing) {
// Compute full path for the directory currently being listed. The
// path buffer will be used to construct the current path in the
// recursive traversal. path_length does not always equal
// strlen(path) but indicates the current prefix of path that is the
// path of the current directory in the traversal.
PathBuffer* path = ComputeFullSearchPath(dir_name);
if (path == NULL) {
PostError(listing, dir_name);
delete path;
return false;
WIN32_FIND_DATAW find_file_data;
HANDLE find_handle = FindFirstFileW(path->data, &find_file_data);
// Adjust the path by removing the '*' used for the search.
path->Reset(path->length - 1);
if (find_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
PostError(listing, path->data);
delete path;
return false;
int path_length = path->length;
bool success = HandleEntry(&find_file_data,
while ((FindNextFileW(find_handle, &find_file_data) != 0)) {
path->Reset(path_length); // HandleEntry adds the entry name to path.
success = HandleEntry(&find_file_data,
listing) && success;
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) {
success = false;
PostError(listing, dir_name);
if (FindClose(find_handle) == 0) {
success = false;
PostError(listing, dir_name);
delete path;
return success;
static bool DeleteFile(wchar_t* file_name, PathBuffer* path) {
if (!path->Add(file_name)) return false;
if (DeleteFileW(path->data) != 0) {
return true;
// If we failed because the file is read-only, make it writeable and try
// again. This mirrors Linux/Mac where a directory containing read-only files
// can still be recursively deleted.
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) {
DWORD attributes = GetFileAttributesW(path->data);
if (attributes == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
return false;
if (SetFileAttributesW(path->data, attributes) == 0) {
return false;
return DeleteFileW(path->data) != 0;
return false;
static bool DeleteDir(wchar_t* dir_name, PathBuffer* path) {
if (wcscmp(dir_name, L".") == 0) return true;
if (wcscmp(dir_name, L"..") == 0) return true;
return path->Add(dir_name) && DeleteRecursively(path->data);
static bool DeleteEntry(LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW find_file_data, PathBuffer* path) {
DWORD attributes = find_file_data->dwFileAttributes;
if ((attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) {
return DeleteDir(find_file_data->cFileName, path);
} else {
return DeleteFile(find_file_data->cFileName, path);
static bool DeleteRecursively(const wchar_t* dir_name) {
// If the directory is a junction, it's pointing to some other place in the
// filesystem that we do not want to recurse into.
DWORD attributes = GetFileAttributesW(dir_name);
if ((attributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) &&
(attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) != 0) {
// Just delete the junction itself.
return RemoveDirectoryW(dir_name) != 0;
// Compute full path for the directory currently being deleted. The
// path buffer will be used to construct the current path in the
// recursive traversal. path_length does not always equal
// strlen(path) but indicates the current prefix of path that is the
// path of the current directory in the traversal.
PathBuffer* path = ComputeFullSearchPath(dir_name);
if (path == NULL) return false;
WIN32_FIND_DATAW find_file_data;
HANDLE find_handle = FindFirstFileW(path->data, &find_file_data);
// Adjust the path by removing the '*' used for the search.
int path_length = path->length - 1;
if (find_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
delete path;
return false;
bool success = DeleteEntry(&find_file_data, path);
while ((FindNextFileW(find_handle, &find_file_data) != 0) && success) {
path->Reset(path_length); // DeleteEntry adds to the path.
success = success && DeleteEntry(&find_file_data, path);
delete path;
if ((GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) ||
(FindClose(find_handle) == 0) ||
(RemoveDirectoryW(dir_name) == 0)) {
return false;
return success;
bool Directory::List(const char* dir_name,
bool recursive,
DirectoryListing* listing) {
const wchar_t* system_name = StringUtils::Utf8ToWide(dir_name);
bool completed = ListRecursively(system_name, recursive, listing);
return completed;
static Directory::ExistsResult ExistsHelper(const wchar_t* dir_name) {
DWORD attributes = GetFileAttributesW(dir_name);
if (attributes == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
DWORD last_error = GetLastError();
if (last_error == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ||
last_error == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) {
return Directory::DOES_NOT_EXIST;
} else {
// We might not be able to get the file attributes for other
// reasons such as lack of permissions. In that case we do
// not know if the directory exists.
return Directory::UNKNOWN;
bool exists = (attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0;
return exists ? Directory::EXISTS : Directory::DOES_NOT_EXIST;
Directory::ExistsResult Directory::Exists(const char* dir_name) {
const wchar_t* system_name = StringUtils::Utf8ToWide(dir_name);
Directory::ExistsResult result = ExistsHelper(system_name);
return result;
char* Directory::Current() {
int length = GetCurrentDirectoryW(0, NULL);
wchar_t* current = new wchar_t[length + 1];
GetCurrentDirectoryW(length + 1, current);
char* result = StringUtils::WideToUtf8(current);
delete[] current;
return result;
bool Directory::Create(const char* dir_name) {
const wchar_t* system_name = StringUtils::Utf8ToWide(dir_name);
int create_status = CreateDirectoryW(system_name, NULL);
// If the directory already existed, treat it as a success.
if (create_status == 0 &&
ExistsHelper(system_name) == EXISTS) {
return true;
return (create_status != 0);
char* Directory::CreateTemp(const char* const_template) {
// Returns a new, unused directory name, modifying the contents of
// dir_template. Creates this directory, with a default security
// descriptor inherited from its parent directory.
// The return value must be freed by the caller.
PathBuffer* path = new PathBuffer();
if (0 == strncmp(const_template, "", 1)) {
path->length = GetTempPathW(MAX_PATH, path->data);
if (path->length == 0) {
delete path;
return NULL;
} else {
const wchar_t* system_template = StringUtils::Utf8ToWide(const_template);
// Length of tempdir-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx is 44.
if (path->length > MAX_PATH - 44) {
delete path;
return NULL;
if ((path->data)[path->length - 1] == L'\\') {
// No base name for the directory - use "tempdir".
UUID uuid;
RPC_STATUS status = UuidCreateSequential(&uuid);
if (status != RPC_S_OK && status != RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY) {
delete path;
return NULL;
RPC_WSTR uuid_string;
status = UuidToStringW(&uuid, &uuid_string);
if (status != RPC_S_OK) {
delete path;
return NULL;
// RPC_WSTR is an unsigned short*, so we cast to wchar_t*.
if (!CreateDirectoryW(path->data, NULL)) {
delete path;
return NULL;
char* result = StringUtils::WideToUtf8(path->data);
delete path;
return result;
bool Directory::Delete(const char* dir_name, bool recursive) {
bool result = false;
const wchar_t* system_dir_name = StringUtils::Utf8ToWide(dir_name);
if (!recursive) {
result = (RemoveDirectoryW(system_dir_name) != 0);
} else {
result = DeleteRecursively(system_dir_name);
return result;
bool Directory::Rename(const char* path, const char* new_path) {
const wchar_t* system_path = StringUtils::Utf8ToWide(path);
const wchar_t* system_new_path = StringUtils::Utf8ToWide(new_path);
ExistsResult exists = ExistsHelper(system_path);
if (exists != EXISTS) return false;
ExistsResult new_exists = ExistsHelper(system_new_path);
// MoveFile does not allow replacing exising directories. Therefore,
// if the new_path is currently a directory we need to delete it
// first.
if (new_exists == EXISTS) {
bool success = DeleteRecursively(system_new_path);
if (!success) return false;
int move_status =
MoveFileExW(system_path, system_new_path, flags);
return (move_status != 0);