blob: 83359f147996dfc2ca140f7ad032bedc01af7975 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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// VMOptions=--generic-method-syntax
/// Dart test on the usage of method type arguments in object creation. With
/// '--generic-method-syntax', the type argument is available at runtime,
/// but erased to `dynamic`.
library generic_methods_new_test;
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
class C<E> {
E e;
C<T> f1<T>(T t) => new C<T>(t);
List<T> f2<T>(T t) => <T>[t];
Map<T, String> f3<T>(T t) => <T, String>{t: 'hi'};
main() {
C c = f1<int>(42);
List i = f2<String>("Hello!");
Expect.isTrue(c is C<int> && c is C<String>); // C<dynamic>.
Expect.isTrue(i is List<String> && i is List<int>); // List<dynamic>.
Expect.equals(c.e, 42);
Expect.equals(i[0], "Hello!");
Map m1 = f3<int>(1);
Expect.isTrue(m1 is Map<int, String> && m1 is Map<String, String>);
Expect.isFalse(m1 is Map<int, int>);
Expect.equals('hi', m1[1]);