blob: f2c42a6b13d35c35a4fe48596d906b45a0d058be [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library DocumentFragmentTest;
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:unittest/html_config.dart';
import 'util.dart';
import 'dart:html';
main() {
var isAnchorElement =
predicate((x) => x is AnchorElement, 'is an AnchorElement');
List<String> _nodeStrings(Iterable<Node> input) {
var out = new List<String>();
for (Node n in input) {
if (n is Element) {
Element e = n;
} else {
return out;
assertConstError(void fn()) {
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e is UnsupportedError) {
expect(true, isFalse, reason: 'Expected immutability error');
void expectEmptyStyleDeclaration(CssStyleDeclaration style) {
expect(style.cssText, equals(''));
expect(style.getPropertyPriority('color'), equals(''));
expect(style.item(0), equals(''));
expect(style.length, isZero);
// TODO(jacobr): these checks throw UnimplementedErrors in dartium.
// expect(style.parentRule, isNull);
// expect(style.getPropertyCssValue('color'), isNull);
// expect(style.getPropertyShorthand('color'), isNull);
// expect(style.isPropertyImplicit('color'), isFalse);
// Ideally these would throw errors, but it's not possible to create a class
// that'll intercept these calls without implementing the entire
// CssStyleDeclaration interface, so we'll settle for them being no-ops.
style.cssText = '* {color: blue}';
style.setProperty('color', 'blue');
group('constructors', () {
test('0-argument makes an empty fragment', () {
final fragment = new DocumentFragment();
expect(fragment.children, equals([]));
test('.html parses input as HTML', () {
final fragment = new DocumentFragment.html('<a>foo</a>');
expect(fragment.children[0], isAnchorElement);
// test('.svg parses input as SVG', () {
// final fragment = new DocumentFragment.svg('<a>foo</a>');
// expect(fragment.children[0] is SVGAElement, isTrue);
// });
// TODO(nweiz): enable this once XML is ported.
// test('.xml parses input as XML', () {
// final fragment = new DocumentFragment.xml('<a>foo</a>');
// expect(fragment.children[0] is XMLElement, isTrue);
// });
group('children', () {
var fragment;
var children;
init() {
fragment = new DocumentFragment();
children = fragment.children;
new Text("1"),
new Element.tag("A"),
new Element.tag("B"),
new Text("2"),
new Element.tag("I"),
new Text("3"),
new Element.tag("U")
test('is initially empty', () {
children = new DocumentFragment().children;
expect(children, equals([]));
expect(children.isEmpty, isTrue);
test('filters out non-element nodes', () {
orderedEquals(["1", "A", "B", "2", "I", "3", "U"]));
expect(_nodeStrings(children), orderedEquals(["A", "B", "I", "U"]));
test('only indexes children, not other nodes', () {
children[1] = new Element.tag("BR");
orderedEquals(["1", "A", "BR", "2", "I", "3", "U"]));
expect(_nodeStrings(children), orderedEquals(["A", "BR", "I", "U"]));
test('adds to both children and nodes', () {
children.add(new Element.tag("UL"));
orderedEquals(["1", "A", "B", "2", "I", "3", "U", "UL"]));
expect(_nodeStrings(children), orderedEquals(["A", "B", "I", "U", "UL"]));
test('removes only children, from both children and nodes', () {
expect(children.removeLast().tagName, equals('U'));
orderedEquals(["1", "A", "B", "2", "I", "3"]));
expect(_nodeStrings(children), orderedEquals(["A", "B", "I"]));
expect(children.removeLast().tagName, "I");
expect(_nodeStrings(fragment.nodes), equals(["1", "A", "B", "2", "3"]));
expect(_nodeStrings(children), equals(["A", "B"]));
test('accessors are wrapped', () {
expect(children[0].tagName, "A");
expect(_nodeStrings(children.where((e) => e.tagName == "I")), ["I"]);
expect(children.every((e) => e is Element), isTrue);
expect(children.any((e) => e.tagName == "U"), isTrue);
expect(children.isEmpty, isFalse);
expect(children.length, 4);
expect(children[2].tagName, "I");
expect(children.last.tagName, "U");
test('setting children overwrites nodes as well', () {
fragment.children = [new Element.tag("DIV"), new Element.tag("HEAD")];
expect(_nodeStrings(fragment.nodes), equals(["DIV", "HEAD"]));
test('setting innerHtml works', () {
var fragment = new DocumentFragment();
fragment.append(new Text("foo"));
fragment.innerHtml = "<a>bar</a>baz";
expect(_nodeStrings(fragment.nodes), equals(["A", "baz"]));
test('getting innerHtml works', () {
var fragment = new DocumentFragment();
fragment.nodes.addAll([new Text("foo"), new Element.html("<A>bar</A>")]);
expect(fragment.innerHtml, "foo<a>bar</a>");
test('query searches the fragment', () {
var fragment = new DocumentFragment.html(
"<div class='foo'><a>foo</a><b>bar</b></div>");
expect(fragment.query(".foo a").tagName, "A");
expect(_nodeStrings(fragment.queryAll(".foo *")), equals(["A", "B"]));