| // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import "package:expect/expect.dart"; |
| import "dart:typed_data"; |
| |
| main() { |
| iter(count, [values]) => values is List |
| ? new Iterable.generate(count, (x) => values[x]) |
| : new Iterable.generate(count, (x) => values); |
| test(expect, iter, [start = 0, end]) { |
| var actual = new String.fromCharCodes(iter, start, end); |
| Expect.equals(expect, actual); |
| } |
| |
| testThrows(iterable, [start = 0, end]) { |
| Expect.throws(() { |
| new String.fromCharCodes(iterable, start, end); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| test("", iter(0)); |
| test("", []); |
| test("", const []); |
| test("", new List(0)); |
| test("", new Uint8List(0)); |
| test("", new Uint16List(0)); |
| test("", new Uint32List(0)); |
| test("", "".codeUnits); |
| |
| test("\x00", iter(1, 0)); |
| test("\x00", [0]); |
| test("\x00", const [0]); |
| test("\x00", new List(1)..[0] = 0); |
| test("\x00", new Uint8List(1)); |
| test("\x00", new Uint16List(1)); |
| test("\x00", new Uint32List(1)); |
| test("\x00", "\x00".codeUnits); |
| |
| test("\xff", iter(1, 255)); |
| test("\xFF", [255]); |
| test("\xFF", const [255]); |
| test("\xFF", new List(1)..[0] = 255); |
| test("\xFF", new Uint8List(1)..[0] = 255); |
| test("\xFF", new Uint16List(1)..[0] = 255); |
| test("\xFF", new Uint32List(1)..[0] = 255); |
| test("\xFF", "\xFF".codeUnits); |
| |
| test("\u0100", iter(1, 256)); |
| test("\u0100", [256]); |
| test("\u0100", const [256]); |
| test("\u0100", new List(1)..[0] = 256); |
| test("\u0100", new Uint16List(1)..[0] = 256); |
| test("\u0100", new Uint32List(1)..[0] = 256); |
| test("\u0100", "\u0100".codeUnits); |
| |
| test("\uffff", iter(1, 65535)); |
| test("\uffff", [65535]); |
| test("\uffff", const [65535]); |
| test("\uffff", new List(1)..[0] = 65535); |
| test("\uffff", new Uint16List(1)..[0] = 65535); |
| test("\uffff", new Uint32List(1)..[0] = 65535); |
| test("\uffff", "\uffff".codeUnits); |
| |
| test("\u{10000}", iter(1, 65536)); |
| test("\u{10000}", [65536]); |
| test("\u{10000}", const [65536]); |
| test("\u{10000}", new List(1)..[0] = 65536); |
| test("\u{10000}", new Uint32List(1)..[0] = 65536); |
| test("\u{10000}", "\u{10000}".codeUnits); |
| |
| test("\u{10FFFF}", iter(1, 0x10FFFF)); |
| test("\u{10FFFF}", [0x10FFFF]); |
| test("\u{10FFFF}", const [0x10FFFF]); |
| test("\u{10FFFF}", new List(1)..[0] = 0x10FFFF); |
| test("\u{10FFFF}", new Uint32List(1)..[0] = 0x10FFFF); |
| |
| test("\u{10ffff}", iter(2, [0xDBFF, 0xDFFF])); |
| test("\u{10ffff}", [0xDBFF, 0xDFFF]); |
| test("\u{10ffff}", const [0xDBFF, 0xDFFF]); |
| test( |
| "\u{10ffff}", |
| new List(2) |
| ..[0] = 0xDBFF |
| ..[1] = 0xDFFF); |
| test( |
| "\u{10ffff}", |
| new Uint16List(2) |
| ..[0] = 0xDBFF |
| ..[1] = 0xDFFF); |
| test( |
| "\u{10ffff}", |
| new Uint32List(2) |
| ..[0] = 0xDBFF |
| ..[1] = 0xDFFF); |
| test("\u{10FFFF}", "\u{10FFFF}".codeUnits); |
| |
| var leadSurrogate = "\u{10ffff}"[0]; |
| test(leadSurrogate, iter(1, 0xDBFF)); |
| test(leadSurrogate, [0xDBFF]); |
| test(leadSurrogate, const [0xDBFF]); |
| test(leadSurrogate, new List(1)..[0] = 0xDBFF); |
| test(leadSurrogate, new Uint16List(1)..[0] = 0xDBFF); |
| test(leadSurrogate, new Uint32List(1)..[0] = 0xDBFF); |
| test(leadSurrogate, leadSurrogate.codeUnits); |
| |
| var tailSurrogate = "\u{10ffff}"[1]; |
| test(tailSurrogate, iter(1, 0xDFFF)); |
| test(tailSurrogate, [0xDFFF]); |
| test(tailSurrogate, const [0xDFFF]); |
| test(tailSurrogate, new List(1)..[0] = 0xDFFF); |
| test(tailSurrogate, new Uint16List(1)..[0] = 0xDFFF); |
| test(tailSurrogate, new Uint32List(1)..[0] = 0xDFFF); |
| test(tailSurrogate, tailSurrogate.codeUnits); |
| |
| testThrows(null); |
| testThrows("not an iterable"); |
| testThrows(42); |
| testThrows([-1]); |
| testThrows(new List(1)..[0] = -1); |
| testThrows(const [-1]); |
| testThrows(new Int8List(1)..[0] = -1); |
| testThrows(new Int16List(1)..[0] = -1); |
| testThrows(new Int32List(1)..[0] = -1); |
| testThrows([0x110000]); |
| testThrows(new List(1)..[0] = 0x110000); |
| testThrows(const [0x110000]); |
| testThrows(new Int32List(1)..[0] = 0x110000); |
| |
| // Check start/end |
| var list = const [0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48]; |
| for (var iterable in [ |
| iter(list.length, list), |
| list.toList(growable: true), |
| list.toList(growable: false), |
| list, |
| new Uint8List(8)..setRange(0, 8, list), |
| new Uint16List(8)..setRange(0, 8, list), |
| new Uint32List(8)..setRange(0, 8, list), |
| "ABCDEFGH".codeUnits, |
| ]) { |
| test("ABCDEFGH", iterable); |
| // start varies, end is null. |
| test("ABCDEFGH", iterable, 0); |
| test("BCDEFGH", iterable, 1); |
| test("H", iterable, 7); |
| test("", iterable, 8); |
| // start = 0, end varies. |
| test("ABCDEFGH", iterable, 0); |
| test("A", iterable, 0, 1); |
| test("AB", iterable, 0, 2); |
| test("ABCDEFG", iterable, 0, 7); |
| test("ABCDEFGH", iterable, 0, 8); |
| test("", iterable, 0, 0); |
| // Both varying. |
| test("ABCDEFGH", iterable, 0, 8); |
| test("AB", iterable, 0, 2); |
| test("GH", iterable, 6, 8); |
| test("DE", iterable, 3, 5); |
| test("", iterable, 3, 3); |
| } |
| // Can split surrogates in input, but not a single big code point. |
| test(leadSurrogate, [0xDBFF, 0xDFFF], 0, 1); |
| test(tailSurrogate, [0xDBFF, 0xDFFF], 1); |
| test("\u{10FFFF}", [0x10FFFF], 0, 1); |
| |
| void testThrowsRange(iterable, [start = 0, end]) { |
| Expect.throws(() => new String.fromCharCodes(iterable, start, end), |
| (e) => e is RangeError); |
| } |
| |
| // Test varying slices of the code units of a string. |
| testSubstring(string) { |
| var codes = string.codeUnits; |
| int length = string.length; |
| for (var iterable in [ |
| iter(length, codes), |
| codes.toList(growable: true), |
| codes.toList(growable: false), |
| new Uint16List(length)..setRange(0, length, codes), |
| new Int32List(length)..setRange(0, length, codes), |
| new Uint32List(length)..setRange(0, length, codes), |
| codes, |
| ]) { |
| var newString = new String.fromCharCodes(iterable); |
| Expect.equals(string, newString); |
| for (int i = 0; i < length; i = i * 2 + 1) { |
| test(string.substring(i), iterable, i); |
| test(string.substring(0, i), iterable, 0, i); |
| for (int j = 0; i + j < length; j = j * 2 + 1) { |
| test(string.substring(i, i + j), iterable, i, i + j); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| testThrowsRange(iterable, -1); |
| testThrowsRange(iterable, 0, -1); |
| testThrowsRange(iterable, 2, 1); |
| testThrowsRange(iterable, 0, length + 1); |
| testThrowsRange(iterable, length + 1); |
| testThrowsRange(iterable, length + 1, length + 2); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| testSubstring(""); |
| testSubstring("ABCDEFGH"); |
| // length > 128 |
| testSubstring("ABCDEFGH" * 33); |
| testSubstring("\x00" * 357); |
| // length > 128 and non-ASCII. |
| testSubstring("\uFFFD\uFFFE\u{10000}\u{10ffff}c\x00" * 37); |
| |
| // Large List. |
| var megaList = ("abcde" * 200000).codeUnits.toList(); |
| test("abcde" * 199998, megaList, 5, 999995); |
| // Large Uint8List. |
| test("abcde" * 199998, new Uint8List.fromList(megaList), 5, 999995); |
| |
| const cLatin1 = const [0x00, 0xff]; |
| const cUtf16 = const [0x00, 0xffff, 0xdfff, 0xdbff, 0xdfff, 0xdbff]; |
| const cCodepoints = const [0x00, 0xffff, 0xdfff, 0x10ffff, 0xdbff]; |
| List gLatin1 = cLatin1.toList(growable: true); |
| List gUtf16 = cUtf16.toList(growable: true); |
| List gCodepoints = cCodepoints.toList(growable: true); |
| List fLatin1 = cLatin1.toList(growable: false); |
| List fUtf16 = cUtf16.toList(growable: false); |
| List fCodepoints = cCodepoints.toList(growable: false); |
| Uint8List bLatin1 = new Uint8List(2)..setRange(0, 2, cLatin1); |
| Uint16List wLatin1 = new Uint16List(2)..setRange(0, 2, cLatin1); |
| Uint16List wUtf16 = new Uint16List(6)..setRange(0, 6, cUtf16); |
| Uint32List lLatin1 = new Uint32List(2)..setRange(0, 2, cLatin1); |
| Uint32List lUtf16 = new Uint32List(6)..setRange(0, 6, cUtf16); |
| Uint32List lCodepoints = new Uint32List(5)..setRange(0, 5, cCodepoints); |
| Uint8List bvLatin1 = new Uint8List.view(bLatin1.buffer); |
| Uint16List wvLatin1 = new Uint16List.view(wLatin1.buffer); |
| Uint16List wvUtf16 = new Uint16List.view(wUtf16.buffer); |
| Uint32List lvLatin1 = new Uint32List.view(lLatin1.buffer); |
| Uint32List lvUtf16 = new Uint32List.view(lUtf16.buffer); |
| Uint32List lvCodepoints = new Uint32List.view(lCodepoints.buffer); |
| var buffer = new Uint8List(200).buffer; |
| Uint8List bbLatin1 = new Uint8List.view(buffer, 3, 2)..setAll(0, bLatin1); |
| Uint16List wbLatin1 = new Uint16List.view(buffer, 8, 2)..setAll(0, wLatin1); |
| Uint16List wbUtf16 = new Uint16List.view(buffer, 16, 6)..setAll(0, wUtf16); |
| Uint32List lbLatin1 = new Uint32List.view(buffer, 32, 2)..setAll(0, lLatin1); |
| Uint32List lbUtf16 = new Uint32List.view(buffer, 64, 6)..setAll(0, lUtf16); |
| Uint32List lbCodepoints = new Uint32List.view(buffer, 128, 5) |
| ..setAll(0, lCodepoints); |
| |
| String sLatin1 = "\x00\xff"; |
| String sUnicode = |
| "\x00\uffff$tailSurrogate$leadSurrogate$tailSurrogate$leadSurrogate"; |
| for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { |
| for (int j = i + 1; j < 2; j++) { |
| test(sLatin1.substring(i, j), cLatin1, i, j); |
| test(sLatin1.substring(i, j), gLatin1, i, j); |
| test(sLatin1.substring(i, j), fLatin1, i, j); |
| test(sLatin1.substring(i, j), bLatin1, i, j); |
| test(sLatin1.substring(i, j), wLatin1, i, j); |
| test(sLatin1.substring(i, j), lLatin1, i, j); |
| test(sLatin1.substring(i, j), bvLatin1, i, j); |
| test(sLatin1.substring(i, j), wvLatin1, i, j); |
| test(sLatin1.substring(i, j), lvLatin1, i, j); |
| test(sLatin1.substring(i, j), bbLatin1, i, j); |
| test(sLatin1.substring(i, j), wbLatin1, i, j); |
| test(sLatin1.substring(i, j), lbLatin1, i, j); |
| } |
| } |
| for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { |
| for (int j = i + 1; j < 6; j++) { |
| test(sUnicode.substring(i, j), cUtf16, i, j); |
| test(sUnicode.substring(i, j), gUtf16, i, j); |
| test(sUnicode.substring(i, j), fUtf16, i, j); |
| test(sUnicode.substring(i, j), wUtf16, i, j); |
| test(sUnicode.substring(i, j), lUtf16, i, j); |
| test(sUnicode.substring(i, j), wvUtf16, i, j); |
| test(sUnicode.substring(i, j), lvUtf16, i, j); |
| test(sUnicode.substring(i, j), wbUtf16, i, j); |
| test(sUnicode.substring(i, j), lbUtf16, i, j); |
| } |
| } |
| for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { |
| for (int j = i + 1; j < 5; j++) { |
| int stringEnd = j < 4 ? j : j + 1; |
| test(sUnicode.substring(i, stringEnd), cCodepoints, i, j); |
| test(sUnicode.substring(i, stringEnd), gCodepoints, i, j); |
| test(sUnicode.substring(i, stringEnd), fCodepoints, i, j); |
| test(sUnicode.substring(i, stringEnd), lCodepoints, i, j); |
| test(sUnicode.substring(i, stringEnd), lvCodepoints, i, j); |
| test(sUnicode.substring(i, stringEnd), lbCodepoints, i, j); |
| } |
| } |
| } |