blob: 29edee9005217c3a53c9066dfde0d8ea5f89991d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#if defined(DART_IO_DISABLED)
#error "socket.h can only be included on builds with IO enabled"
#include "bin/builtin.h"
#include "bin/dartutils.h"
#include "bin/reference_counting.h"
#include "bin/socket_base.h"
#include "bin/thread.h"
#include "bin/utils.h"
#include "platform/hashmap.h"
namespace dart {
namespace bin {
// TODO(bkonyi): Socket should also inherit from SocketBase once it is
// refactored to use instance methods when possible.
// We write Sockets into the native field of the _NativeSocket object
// on the Dart side. They are allocated in SetSocketIdNativeField(), and are
// deallocated either from the finalizer attached to _NativeSockets there, or
// from the eventhandler, whichever drops the last reference.
class Socket : public ReferenceCounted<Socket> {
enum SocketRequest {
kLookupRequest = 0,
kListInterfacesRequest = 1,
kReverseLookupRequest = 2,
enum SocketFinalizer {
explicit Socket(intptr_t fd);
intptr_t fd() const { return fd_; }
void SetClosedFd();
Dart_Port port() const { return port_; }
void set_port(Dart_Port port) { port_ = port; }
static bool Initialize();
// Creates a socket which is bound and connected. The port to connect to is
// specified as the port component of the passed RawAddr structure.
static intptr_t CreateConnect(const RawAddr& addr);
// Creates a socket which is bound and connected. The port to connect to is
// specified as the port component of the passed RawAddr structure.
static intptr_t CreateBindConnect(const RawAddr& addr,
const RawAddr& source_addr);
// Creates a datagram socket which is bound. The port to bind
// to is specified as the port component of the RawAddr structure.
static intptr_t CreateBindDatagram(const RawAddr& addr, bool reuseAddress);
static CObject* LookupRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* ListInterfacesRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* ReverseLookupRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static Dart_Port GetServicePort();
static void SetSocketIdNativeField(Dart_Handle handle,
intptr_t id,
SocketFinalizer finalizer);
static void ReuseSocketIdNativeField(Dart_Handle handle,
Socket* socket,
SocketFinalizer finalizer);
static Socket* GetSocketIdNativeField(Dart_Handle socket);
~Socket() { ASSERT(fd_ == kClosedFd); }
static const int kClosedFd = -1;
intptr_t fd_;
Dart_Port port_;
friend class ReferenceCounted<Socket>;
class ServerSocket {
static const intptr_t kTemporaryFailure = -2;
static intptr_t Accept(intptr_t fd);
// Creates a socket which is bound and listens. The port to listen on is
// specified in the port component of the passed RawAddr structure.
// Returns a positive integer if the call is successful. In case of failure
// it returns:
// -1: system error (errno set)
// -5: invalid bindAddress
static intptr_t CreateBindListen(const RawAddr& addr,
intptr_t backlog,
bool v6_only = false);
// Start accepting on a newly created listening socket. If it was unable to
// start accepting incoming sockets, the fd is invalidated.
static bool StartAccept(intptr_t fd);
class ListeningSocketRegistry {
: sockets_by_port_(SameIntptrValue, kInitialSocketsCount),
sockets_by_fd_(SameIntptrValue, kInitialSocketsCount),
mutex_(new Mutex()) {}
~ListeningSocketRegistry() {
delete mutex_;
mutex_ = NULL;
static void Initialize();
static ListeningSocketRegistry* Instance();
static void Cleanup();
// This function should be called from a dart runtime call in order to create
// a new (potentially shared) socket.
Dart_Handle CreateBindListen(Dart_Handle socket_object,
RawAddr addr,
intptr_t backlog,
bool v6_only,
bool shared);
// This should be called from the event handler for every kCloseEvent it gets
// on listening sockets.
// Returns `true` if the last reference has been dropped and the underlying
// socket can be closed.
// The caller is responsible for obtaining the mutex first, before calling
// this function.
bool CloseSafe(Socket* socketfd);
Mutex* mutex() { return mutex_; }
struct OSSocket {
RawAddr address;
int port;
bool v6_only;
bool shared;
int ref_count;
Socket* socketfd;
// Singly linked lists of OSSocket instances which listen on the same port
// but on different addresses.
OSSocket* next;
OSSocket(RawAddr address,
int port,
bool v6_only,
bool shared,
Socket* socketfd)
: address(address),
next(NULL) {}
static const intptr_t kInitialSocketsCount = 8;
OSSocket* FindOSSocketWithAddress(OSSocket* current, const RawAddr& addr) {
while (current != NULL) {
if (SocketAddress::AreAddressesEqual(current->address, addr)) {
return current;
current = current->next;
return NULL;
static bool SameIntptrValue(void* key1, void* key2) {
return reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(key1) == reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(key2);
static uint32_t GetHashmapHashFromIntptr(intptr_t i) {
return static_cast<uint32_t>((i + 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
static void* GetHashmapKeyFromIntptr(intptr_t i) {
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(i + 1);
OSSocket* LookupByPort(intptr_t port);
void InsertByPort(intptr_t port, OSSocket* socket);
void RemoveByPort(intptr_t port);
OSSocket* LookupByFd(Socket* fd);
void InsertByFd(Socket* fd, OSSocket* socket);
void RemoveByFd(Socket* fd);
bool CloseOneSafe(OSSocket* os_socket, bool update_hash_maps);
void CloseAllSafe();
HashMap sockets_by_port_;
HashMap sockets_by_fd_;
Mutex* mutex_;
} // namespace bin
} // namespace dart