blob: e6ad2a9879330759e4e281c8a8f53b4a60af439d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library credentials_test;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:json' as JSON;
import 'dart:uri';
import '../../unittest/lib/unittest.dart';
import '../../http/lib/http.dart' as http;
import '../lib/oauth2.dart' as oauth2;
import 'utils.dart';
final Uri tokenEndpoint = Uri.parse('');
ExpectClient httpClient;
void main() {
setUp(() => httpClient = new ExpectClient());
test('is not expired if no expiration exists', () {
var credentials = new oauth2.Credentials('access token');
expect(credentials.isExpired, isFalse);
test('is not expired if the expiration is in the future', () {
var expiration = new Duration(hours: 1));
var credentials = new oauth2.Credentials(
'access token', null, null, null, expiration);
expect(credentials.isExpired, isFalse);
test('is expired if the expiration is in the past', () {
var expiration = new Duration(hours: 1));
var credentials = new oauth2.Credentials(
'access token', null, null, null, expiration);
expect(credentials.isExpired, isTrue);
test("can't refresh without a refresh token", () {
var credentials = new oauth2.Credentials(
'access token', null, tokenEndpoint);
expect(credentials.canRefresh, false);
credentials.refresh('identifier', 'secret', httpClient: httpClient)
.catchError(expectAsync1((e) {
expect(e.error is StateError, isTrue);
test("can't refresh without a token endpoint", () {
var credentials = new oauth2.Credentials('access token', 'refresh token');
expect(credentials.canRefresh, false);
credentials.refresh('identifier', 'secret', httpClient: httpClient)
.catchError(expectAsync1((e) {
expect(e.error is StateError, isTrue);
test("can refresh with a refresh token and a token endpoint", () {
var credentials = new oauth2.Credentials(
'access token', 'refresh token', tokenEndpoint, ['scope1', 'scope2']);
expect(credentials.canRefresh, true);
httpClient.expectRequest((request) {
expect(request.method, equals('POST'));
expect(request.url.toString(), equals(tokenEndpoint.toString()));
expect(request.bodyFields, equals({
"grant_type": "refresh_token",
"refresh_token": "refresh token",
"scope": "scope1 scope2",
"client_id": "identifier",
"client_secret": "secret"
return new Future.immediate(new http.Response(JSON.stringify({
'access_token': 'new access token',
'token_type': 'bearer',
'refresh_token': 'new refresh token'
}), 200, headers: {'content-type': 'application/json'}));
expect(credentials.refresh('identifier', 'secret', httpClient: httpClient)
.then((credentials) {
expect(credentials.accessToken, equals('new access token'));
expect(credentials.refreshToken, equals('new refresh token'));
}), completes);
test("uses the old refresh token if a new one isn't provided", () {
var credentials = new oauth2.Credentials(
'access token', 'refresh token', tokenEndpoint);
expect(credentials.canRefresh, true);
httpClient.expectRequest((request) {
expect(request.method, equals('POST'));
expect(request.url.toString(), equals(tokenEndpoint.toString()));
expect(request.bodyFields, equals({
"grant_type": "refresh_token",
"refresh_token": "refresh token",
"client_id": "identifier",
"client_secret": "secret"
return new Future.immediate(new http.Response(JSON.stringify({
'access_token': 'new access token',
'token_type': 'bearer'
}), 200, headers: {'content-type': 'application/json'}));
expect(credentials.refresh('identifier', 'secret', httpClient: httpClient)
.then((credentials) {
expect(credentials.accessToken, equals('new access token'));
expect(credentials.refreshToken, equals('refresh token'));
}), completes);
group("fromJson", () {
oauth2.Credentials fromMap(Map map) =>
new oauth2.Credentials.fromJson(JSON.stringify(map));
test("should load the same credentials from toJson", () {
var expiration = new Duration(hours: 1));
var credentials = new oauth2.Credentials(
'access token', 'refresh token', tokenEndpoint, ['scope1', 'scope2'],
var reloaded = new oauth2.Credentials.fromJson(credentials.toJson());
expect(reloaded.accessToken, equals(credentials.accessToken));
expect(reloaded.refreshToken, equals(credentials.refreshToken));
expect(reloaded.scopes, equals(credentials.scopes));
expect(reloaded.expiration, equals(credentials.expiration));
test("should throw a FormatException for invalid JSON", () {
expect(() => new oauth2.Credentials.fromJson("foo bar"),
test("should throw a FormatException for JSON that's not a map", () {
expect(() => new oauth2.Credentials.fromJson("null"),
test("should throw a FormatException if there is no accessToken", () {
expect(() => fromMap({}), throwsFormatException);
test("should throw a FormatException if accessToken is not a string", () {
expect(() => fromMap({"accessToken": 12}), throwsFormatException);
test("should throw a FormatException if refreshToken is not a string", () {
expect(() => fromMap({"accessToken": "foo", "refreshToken": 12}),
test("should throw a FormatException if tokenEndpoint is not a string", () {
expect(() => fromMap({"accessToken": "foo", "tokenEndpoint": 12}),
test("should throw a FormatException if scopes is not a list", () {
expect(() => fromMap({"accessToken": "foo", "scopes": 12}),
test("should throw a FormatException if expiration is not an int", () {
expect(() => fromMap({"accessToken": "foo", "expiration": "12"}),