blob: ee44a729608f8ff1161dcd710fc9a700febb8e81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart';
import '../compiler/js_names.dart' as js_ast;
import '../js_ast/js_ast.dart' as js_ast;
import '../js_ast/js_ast.dart' show js;
Set<TypeParameter> freeTypeParameters(DartType t) {
var result = <TypeParameter>{};
void find(DartType t) {
if (t is TypeParameterType) {
} else if (t is InterfaceType) {
} else if (t is TypedefType) {
} else if (t is FunctionType) {
t.namedParameters.forEach((n) => find(n.type));
t.typeParameters.forEach((p) => find(p.bound));
return result;
/// _CacheTable tracks cache variables for variables that
/// are emitted in place with a hoisted variable for a cache.
class _CacheTable {
/// Mapping from types to their canonical names.
// Use a LinkedHashMap to maintain key insertion order so the generated code
// is stable under slight perturbation. (If this is not good enough we could
// sort by name to canonicalize order.)
final _names = <DartType, js_ast.TemporaryId>{};
Iterable<DartType> get keys => _names.keys.toList();
js_ast.Statement _dischargeType(DartType type) {
var name = _names.remove(type);
if (name != null) {
return js.statement('let #;', [name]);
return null;
/// Emit a list of statements declaring the cache variables for
/// types tracked by this table. If [typeFilter] is given,
/// only emit the types listed in the filter.
List<js_ast.Statement> discharge([Iterable<DartType> typeFilter]) {
var decls = <js_ast.Statement>[];
var types = typeFilter ?? keys;
for (var t in types) {
var stmt = _dischargeType(t);
if (stmt != null) decls.add(stmt);
return decls;
bool isNamed(DartType type) => _names.containsKey(type);
/// A name for a type made of JS identifier safe characters.
/// 'L' and 'N' are prepended to a type name to represent a legacy or nullable
/// flavor of a type.
String _typeString(DartType type, {bool flat = false}) {
var nullability = type.nullability == Nullability.legacy
? 'L'
: type.nullability == Nullability.nullable ? 'N' : '';
if (type is InterfaceType) {
var name = '${}$nullability';
var typeArgs = type.typeArguments;
if (typeArgs == null) return name;
if (typeArgs.every((p) => p == const DynamicType())) return name;
return "${name}Of${"\$")}";
if (type is TypedefType) {
var name = '${}$nullability';
var typeArgs = type.typeArguments;
if (typeArgs == null) return name;
if (typeArgs.every((p) => p == const DynamicType())) return name;
return "${name}Of${"\$")}";
if (type is FunctionType) {
if (flat) return 'Fn';
var rType = _typeString(type.returnType, flat: true);
var params = type.positionalParameters
.map((p) => _typeString(p, flat: true));
var paramList = params.join('And');
var count = type.positionalParameters.length;
if (count > 3 || type.namedParameters.isNotEmpty) {
paramList = '${paramList}__';
} else if (count == 0) {
paramList = 'Void';
return '${paramList}To$nullability$rType';
if (type is TypeParameterType) return '${}$nullability';
if (type is DynamicType) return 'dynamic';
if (type is VoidType) return 'void';
if (type is NeverType) return 'Never$nullability';
if (type is BottomType) return 'bottom';
return 'invalid';
/// Heuristically choose a good name for the cache and generator
/// variables.
js_ast.TemporaryId chooseTypeName(DartType type) {
return js_ast.TemporaryId(_typeString(type));
/// _GeneratorTable tracks types which have been
/// named and hoisted.
class _GeneratorTable extends _CacheTable {
final _defs = <DartType, js_ast.Expression>{};
final js_ast.Identifier _runtimeModule;
js_ast.Statement _dischargeType(DartType t) {
var name = _names.remove(t);
if (name != null) {
var init = _defs.remove(t);
assert(init != null);
// TODO(vsm): Change back to `let`.
// See
return js.statement('var # = () => ((# = #.constFn(#))());',
[name, name, _runtimeModule, init]);
return null;
/// If [type] does not already have a generator name chosen for it,
/// assign it one, using [typeRep] as the initializer for it.
/// Emit the generator name.
js_ast.TemporaryId _nameType(DartType type, js_ast.Expression typeRep) {
var temp = _names[type];
if (temp == null) {
_names[type] = temp = chooseTypeName(type);
_defs[type] = typeRep;
return temp;
class TypeTable {
/// Generator variable names for hoisted types.
final _GeneratorTable _generators;
/// Mapping from type parameters to the types which must have their
/// cache/generator variables discharged at the binding site for the
/// type variable since the type definition depends on the type
/// parameter.
final _scopeDependencies = <TypeParameter, List<DartType>>{};
TypeTable(js_ast.Identifier runtime) : _generators = _GeneratorTable(runtime);
/// Emit a list of statements declaring the cache variables and generator
/// definitions tracked by the table. If [formals] is present, only
/// emit the definitions which depend on the formals.
List<js_ast.Statement> discharge([List<TypeParameter> formals]) {
var filter = formals?.expand((p) => _scopeDependencies[p] ?? <DartType>[]);
var stmts = _generators.discharge(filter);
return stmts;
/// Record the dependencies of the type on its free variables
bool recordScopeDependencies(DartType type) {
var freeVariables = freeTypeParameters(type);
// TODO(leafp): This is a hack to avoid trying to hoist out of
// generic functions and generic function types. This often degrades
// readability to little or no benefit. It would be good to do this
// when we know that we can hoist it to an outer scope, but for
// now we just disable it.
if (freeVariables.any((i) => i.parent is FunctionNode)) {
return true;
for (var free in freeVariables) {
// If `free` is a promoted type parameter, get the original one so we can
// find it in our map.
_scopeDependencies.putIfAbsent(free, () => []).add(type);
return false;
/// Given a type [type], and a JS expression [typeRep] which implements it,
/// add the type and its representation to the table, returning an
/// expression which implements the type (but which caches the value).
js_ast.Expression nameType(DartType type, js_ast.Expression typeRep) {
if (!_generators.isNamed(type) && recordScopeDependencies(type)) {
return typeRep;
var name = _generators._nameType(type, typeRep);
return'#()', [name]);
/// Like [nameType] but for function types.
/// The boolean parameter [lazy] indicates that the resulting expression
/// should be a function that is invoked to compute the type, rather than the
/// type itself. This allows better integration with `lazyFn`, avoiding an
/// extra level of indirection.
js_ast.Expression nameFunctionType(
FunctionType type, js_ast.Expression typeRep,
{bool lazy = false}) {
if (!_generators.isNamed(type) && recordScopeDependencies(type)) {
return lazy ? js_ast.ArrowFun([], typeRep) : typeRep;
var name = _generators._nameType(type, typeRep);
return lazy ? name :'#()', [name]);