blob: 8e387efee7447bb738d5f92419883f1826e21062 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/bitfield.h"
#include "vm/datastream.h"
#include "vm/exceptions.h"
#include "vm/globals.h"
#include "vm/growable_array.h"
#include "vm/isolate.h"
#include "vm/visitor.h"
namespace dart {
// Forward declarations.
class AbstractType;
class Array;
class Class;
class ClassTable;
class Closure;
class Code;
class Dwarf;
class ExternalTypedData;
class GrowableObjectArray;
class Heap;
class Instructions;
class LanguageError;
class Library;
class Object;
class PassiveObject;
class ObjectStore;
class MegamorphicCache;
class PageSpace;
class RawApiError;
class RawArray;
class RawBigint;
class RawBoundedType;
class RawCapability;
class RawClass;
class RawClosure;
class RawClosureData;
class RawCodeSourceMap;
class RawContext;
class RawContextScope;
class RawDouble;
class RawExceptionHandlers;
class RawField;
class RawFloat32x4;
class RawFloat64x2;
class RawFunction;
class RawGrowableObjectArray;
class RawICData;
class RawImmutableArray;
class RawInstructions;
class RawInt32x4;
class RawRegExp;
class RawLanguageError;
class RawLibrary;
class RawLibraryPrefix;
class RawLinkedHashMap;
class RawLiteralToken;
class RawLocalVarDescriptors;
class RawMegamorphicCache;
class RawMint;
class RawMixinAppType;
class RawBigint;
class RawNamespace;
class RawObject;
class RawObjectPool;
class RawOneByteString;
class RawPatchClass;
class RawPcDescriptors;
class RawReceivePort;
class RawRedirectionData;
class RawScript;
class RawSignatureData;
class RawSendPort;
class RawSmi;
class RawStackMap;
class RawStackTrace;
class RawSubtypeTestCache;
class RawTokenStream;
class RawTwoByteString;
class RawType;
class RawTypeArguments;
class RawTypedData;
class RawTypeParameter;
class RawTypeRef;
class RawUnhandledException;
class RawUnresolvedClass;
class RawWeakProperty;
class String;
class TokenStream;
class TypeArguments;
class TypedData;
class UnhandledException;
// Serialized object header encoding is as follows:
// - Smi: the Smi value is written as is (last bit is not tagged).
// - VM object (from VM isolate): (object id in vm isolate | 0x3)
// This valus is serialized as a negative number.
// (note VM objects are never serialized they are expected to be found
// using ths unique ID assigned to them).
// - Reference to object that has already been written: (object id | 0x3)
// This valus is serialized as a positive number.
// - Object that is seen for the first time (inlined in the stream):
// (a unique id for this object | 0x1)
enum SerializedHeaderType {
kInlined = 0x1,
kObjectId = 0x3,
static const int8_t kHeaderTagBits = 2;
static const int8_t kObjectIdBits = (kBitsPerInt32 - (kHeaderTagBits + 1));
static const intptr_t kMaxObjectId = (kMaxUint32 >> (kHeaderTagBits + 1));
static const bool kAsReference = true;
static const bool kAsInlinedObject = false;
static const intptr_t kInvalidPatchIndex = -1;
class SerializedHeaderTag
: public BitField<intptr_t, enum SerializedHeaderType, 0, kHeaderTagBits> {
class SerializedHeaderData
: public BitField<intptr_t, intptr_t, kHeaderTagBits, kObjectIdBits> {};
enum DeserializeState {
kIsDeserialized = 0,
kIsNotDeserialized = 1,
enum SerializeState {
kIsSerialized = 0,
kIsNotSerialized = 1,
#define HEAP_SPACE(kind) (kind == Snapshot::kMessage) ? Heap::kNew : Heap::kOld
// Structure capturing the raw snapshot.
// TODO(turnidge): Remove this class once the snapshot does not have a
// header anymore. This is pending on making the embedder pass in the
// length of their snapshot.
class Snapshot {
enum Kind {
kCore = 0, // Full snapshot of core libraries. No root library, no code.
kScript, // A partial snapshot of only the application script.
kMessage, // A partial snapshot used only for isolate messaging.
kAppJIT, // Full snapshot of core libraries and application. Has some
// code, but may compile in the future because we haven't
// necessarily included code for every function or to
// (de)optimize.
kAppAOT, // Full snapshot of core libraries and application. Has
// complete code for the application that never deopts. Will
// not compile in the future.
kNone, // dart_bootstrap/gen_snapshot
static const char* KindToCString(Kind kind);
static const int kHeaderSize = 2 * sizeof(int64_t);
static const int kLengthIndex = 0;
static const int kSnapshotFlagIndex = 1;
static const Snapshot* SetupFromBuffer(const void* raw_memory);
// Getters.
const uint8_t* content() const { OPEN_ARRAY_START(uint8_t, uint8_t); }
intptr_t length() const {
return static_cast<intptr_t>(ReadUnaligned(&unaligned_length_));
Kind kind() const {
return static_cast<Kind>(ReadUnaligned(&unaligned_kind_));
static bool IsFull(Kind kind) {
return (kind == kCore) || (kind == kAppJIT) || (kind == kAppAOT);
static bool IncludesCode(Kind kind) {
return (kind == kAppJIT) || (kind == kAppAOT);
const uint8_t* Addr() const { return reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(this); }
static intptr_t length_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Snapshot, unaligned_length_);
static intptr_t kind_offset() { return OFFSET_OF(Snapshot, unaligned_kind_); }
// Prevent Snapshot from ever being allocated directly.
// The following fields are potentially unaligned.
int64_t unaligned_length_; // Stream length.
int64_t unaligned_kind_; // Kind of snapshot.
// Variable length data follows here.
class Image : ValueObject {
explicit Image(const void* raw_memory) : raw_memory_(raw_memory) {
ASSERT(Utils::IsAligned(raw_memory, OS::kMaxPreferredCodeAlignment));
void* object_start() {
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<uword>(raw_memory_) +
uword object_size() {
uword snapshot_size = *reinterpret_cast<const uword*>(raw_memory_);
return snapshot_size - kHeaderSize;
static const intptr_t kHeaderSize = OS::kMaxPreferredCodeAlignment;
const void* raw_memory_; // The symbol kInstructionsSnapshot.
class BaseReader {
BaseReader(const uint8_t* buffer, intptr_t size) : stream_(buffer, size) {}
// Reads raw data (for basic types).
// sizeof(T) must be in {1,2,4,8}.
template <typename T>
T Read() {
return ReadStream::Raw<sizeof(T), T>::Read(&stream_);
intptr_t ReadRawPointerValue() {
int64_t value = Read<int64_t>();
return static_cast<intptr_t>(value);
classid_t ReadClassIDValue() {
uint32_t value = Read<uint32_t>();
return static_cast<classid_t>(value);
COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(uint32_t) >= sizeof(classid_t));
void ReadBytes(uint8_t* addr, intptr_t len) { stream_.ReadBytes(addr, len); }
double ReadDouble() {
double result;
stream_.ReadBytes(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&result), sizeof(result));
return result;
intptr_t ReadTags() {
const intptr_t tags = static_cast<intptr_t>(Read<int8_t>()) & 0xff;
return tags;
const uint8_t* CurrentBufferAddress() const {
return stream_.AddressOfCurrentPosition();
void Advance(intptr_t value) { stream_.Advance(value); }
intptr_t PendingBytes() const { return stream_.PendingBytes(); }
RawSmi* ReadAsSmi();
intptr_t ReadSmiValue();
// Negative header value indicates VM isolate object id.
bool IsVMIsolateObject(intptr_t header_value) { return (header_value < 0); }
intptr_t GetVMIsolateObjectId(intptr_t header_val) {
intptr_t value = -header_val; // Header is negative for VM isolate objects.
ASSERT(SerializedHeaderTag::decode(value) == kObjectId);
return SerializedHeaderData::decode(value);
ReadStream stream_; // input stream.
class BackRefNode : public ValueObject {
BackRefNode(Object* reference,
DeserializeState state,
bool defer_canonicalization)
: reference_(reference),
patch_records_(NULL) {}
Object* reference() const { return reference_; }
bool is_deserialized() const { return state_ == kIsDeserialized; }
void set_state(DeserializeState state) { state_ = state; }
bool defer_canonicalization() const { return defer_canonicalization_; }
ZoneGrowableArray<intptr_t>* patch_records() const { return patch_records_; }
BackRefNode& operator=(const BackRefNode& other) {
reference_ = other.reference_;
state_ = other.state_;
defer_canonicalization_ = other.defer_canonicalization_;
patch_records_ = other.patch_records_;
return *this;
void AddPatchRecord(intptr_t patch_object_id, intptr_t patch_offset) {
if (defer_canonicalization_) {
if (patch_records_ == NULL) {
patch_records_ = new ZoneGrowableArray<intptr_t>();
Object* reference_;
DeserializeState state_;
bool defer_canonicalization_;
ZoneGrowableArray<intptr_t>* patch_records_;
class InstructionsReader : public ZoneAllocated {
InstructionsReader(const uint8_t* instructions_buffer,
const uint8_t* data_buffer)
: instructions_buffer_(instructions_buffer), data_buffer_(data_buffer) {
ASSERT(instructions_buffer != NULL);
ASSERT(data_buffer != NULL);
RawInstructions* GetInstructionsAt(int32_t offset);
RawObject* GetObjectAt(int32_t offset);
const uint8_t* instructions_buffer_;
const uint8_t* data_buffer_;
// Reads a snapshot into objects.
class SnapshotReader : public BaseReader {
Thread* thread() const { return thread_; }
Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }
Isolate* isolate() const { return thread_->isolate(); }
Heap* heap() const { return heap_; }
ObjectStore* object_store() const { return isolate()->object_store(); }
ClassTable* class_table() const { return isolate()->class_table(); }
PassiveObject* PassiveObjectHandle() { return &pobj_; }
Array* ArrayHandle() { return &array_; }
Class* ClassHandle() { return &cls_; }
String* StringHandle() { return &str_; }
AbstractType* TypeHandle() { return &type_; }
TypeArguments* TypeArgumentsHandle() { return &type_arguments_; }
GrowableObjectArray* TokensHandle() { return &tokens_; }
TokenStream* StreamHandle() { return &stream_; }
ExternalTypedData* DataHandle() { return &data_; }
TypedData* TypedDataHandle() { return &typed_data_; }
Function* FunctionHandle() { return &function_; }
Snapshot::Kind kind() const { return kind_; }
// Reads an object.
RawObject* ReadObject();
// Add object to backward references.
void AddBackRef(intptr_t id,
Object* obj,
DeserializeState state,
bool defer_canonicalization = false);
// Get an object from the backward references list.
Object* GetBackRef(intptr_t id);
// Read a script snapshot.
RawObject* ReadScriptSnapshot();
// Read version number of snapshot and verify.
RawApiError* VerifyVersionAndFeatures(Isolate* isolate);
RawObject* NewInteger(int64_t value);
SnapshotReader(const uint8_t* buffer,
intptr_t size,
Snapshot::Kind kind,
ZoneGrowableArray<BackRefNode>* backward_references,
Thread* thread);
~SnapshotReader() {}
ZoneGrowableArray<BackRefNode>* GetBackwardReferenceTable() const {
return backward_references_;
void ResetBackwardReferenceTable() { backward_references_ = NULL; }
PageSpace* old_space() const { return old_space_; }
RawClass* ReadClassId(intptr_t object_id);
RawFunction* ReadFunctionId(intptr_t object_id);
RawObject* ReadStaticImplicitClosure(intptr_t object_id, intptr_t cls_header);
// Implementation to read an object.
RawObject* ReadObjectImpl(bool as_reference,
intptr_t patch_object_id = kInvalidPatchIndex,
intptr_t patch_offset = 0);
RawObject* ReadObjectImpl(intptr_t header,
bool as_reference,
intptr_t patch_object_id,
intptr_t patch_offset);
// Read a Dart Instance object.
RawObject* ReadInstance(intptr_t object_id, intptr_t tags, bool as_reference);
// Read a VM isolate object that was serialized as an Id.
RawObject* ReadVMIsolateObject(intptr_t object_id);
// Read an object that was serialized as an Id (singleton in object store,
// or an object that was already serialized before).
RawObject* ReadIndexedObject(intptr_t object_id,
intptr_t patch_object_id,
intptr_t patch_offset);
// Add a patch record for the object so that objects whose canonicalization
// is deferred can be back patched after they are canonicalized.
void AddPatchRecord(intptr_t object_id,
intptr_t patch_object_id,
intptr_t patch_offset);
// Process all the deferred canonicalization entries and patch all references.
void ProcessDeferredCanonicalizations();
// Decode class id from the header field.
intptr_t LookupInternalClass(intptr_t class_header);
void ArrayReadFrom(intptr_t object_id,
const Array& result,
intptr_t len,
intptr_t tags);
intptr_t NextAvailableObjectId() const;
void SetReadException(const char* msg);
RawObject* VmIsolateSnapshotObject(intptr_t index) const;
bool is_vm_isolate() const;
Snapshot::Kind kind_; // Indicates type of snapshot(full, script, message).
Thread* thread_; // Current thread.
Zone* zone_; // Zone for allocations while reading snapshot.
Heap* heap_; // Heap of the current isolate.
PageSpace* old_space_; // Old space of the current isolate.
Class& cls_; // Temporary Class handle.
Object& obj_; // Temporary Object handle.
PassiveObject& pobj_; // Temporary PassiveObject handle.
Array& array_; // Temporary Array handle.
Field& field_; // Temporary Field handle.
String& str_; // Temporary String handle.
Library& library_; // Temporary library handle.
AbstractType& type_; // Temporary type handle.
TypeArguments& type_arguments_; // Temporary type argument handle.
GrowableObjectArray& tokens_; // Temporary tokens handle.
TokenStream& stream_; // Temporary token stream handle.
ExternalTypedData& data_; // Temporary stream data handle.
TypedData& typed_data_; // Temporary typed data handle.
Function& function_; // Temporary function handle.
UnhandledException& error_; // Error handle.
intptr_t max_vm_isolate_object_id_;
ZoneGrowableArray<BackRefNode>* backward_references_;
friend class ApiError;
friend class Array;
friend class Bigint;
friend class BoundedType;
friend class Class;
friend class Closure;
friend class ClosureData;
friend class Context;
friend class ContextScope;
friend class ExceptionHandlers;
friend class Field;
friend class Function;
friend class GrowableObjectArray;
friend class ICData;
friend class ImmutableArray;
friend class RegExp;
friend class LanguageError;
friend class Library;
friend class LibraryPrefix;
friend class LinkedHashMap;
friend class LiteralToken;
friend class MirrorReference;
friend class MixinAppType;
friend class Namespace;
friend class PatchClass;
friend class RedirectionData;
friend class Script;
friend class SignatureData;
friend class SubtypeTestCache;
friend class TokenStream;
friend class Type;
friend class TypeArguments;
friend class TypeParameter;
friend class TypeRef;
friend class UnhandledException;
friend class UnresolvedClass;
friend class WeakProperty;
class ScriptSnapshotReader : public SnapshotReader {
ScriptSnapshotReader(const uint8_t* buffer, intptr_t size, Thread* thread);
class MessageSnapshotReader : public SnapshotReader {
MessageSnapshotReader(const uint8_t* buffer, intptr_t size, Thread* thread);
class BaseWriter : public StackResource {
// Size of the snapshot.
intptr_t BytesWritten() const { return stream_.bytes_written(); }
// Writes raw data to the stream (basic type).
// sizeof(T) must be in {1,2,4,8}.
template <typename T>
void Write(T value) {
WriteStream::Raw<sizeof(T), T>::Write(&stream_, value);
void WriteRawPointerValue(intptr_t value) { Write<int64_t>(value); }
void WriteClassIDValue(classid_t value) { Write<uint32_t>(value); }
COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(uint32_t) >= sizeof(classid_t));
// Write an object that is serialized as an Id (singleton in object store,
// or an object that was already serialized before).
void WriteIndexedObject(intptr_t object_id) {
ASSERT(object_id <= kMaxObjectId);
intptr_t value = 0;
value = SerializedHeaderTag::update(kObjectId, value);
value = SerializedHeaderData::update(object_id, value);
// Write a VM Isolateobject that is serialized as an Id.
void WriteVMIsolateObject(intptr_t object_id) {
ASSERT(object_id <= kMaxObjectId);
intptr_t value = 0;
value = SerializedHeaderTag::update(kObjectId, value);
value = SerializedHeaderData::update(object_id, value);
Write<int32_t>(-value); // Write as a negative value.
// Write serialization header information for an object.
void WriteInlinedObjectHeader(intptr_t id) {
ASSERT(id <= kMaxObjectId);
intptr_t value = 0;
value = SerializedHeaderTag::update(kInlined, value);
value = SerializedHeaderData::update(id, value);
void WriteTags(intptr_t tags) {
const intptr_t flags = tags & 0xff;
// Write out a buffer of bytes.
void WriteBytes(const uint8_t* addr, intptr_t len) {
stream_.WriteBytes(addr, len);
void WriteDouble(double value) {
stream_.WriteBytes(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&value), sizeof(value));
BaseWriter(uint8_t** buffer,
ReAlloc alloc,
DeAlloc dealloc,
intptr_t initial_size)
: StackResource(Thread::Current()),
stream_(buffer, alloc, initial_size),
dealloc_(dealloc) {
ASSERT(buffer != NULL);
ASSERT(alloc != NULL);
~BaseWriter() {}
void ReserveHeader() {
// Make room for recording snapshot buffer size.
stream_.set_current(stream_.buffer() + Snapshot::kHeaderSize);
void FillHeader(Snapshot::Kind kind) {
int64_t* data = reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(stream_.buffer());
data[Snapshot::kLengthIndex] = stream_.bytes_written();
data[Snapshot::kSnapshotFlagIndex] = kind;
void FreeBuffer() {
WriteStream stream_;
DeAlloc dealloc_;
class ForwardList {
explicit ForwardList(Thread* thread, intptr_t first_object_id);
class Node : public ZoneAllocated {
Node(const Object* obj, SerializeState state) : obj_(obj), state_(state) {}
const Object* obj() const { return obj_; }
bool is_serialized() const { return state_ == kIsSerialized; }
// Private to ensure the invariant of first_unprocessed_object_id_.
void set_state(SerializeState value) { state_ = value; }
const Object* obj_;
SerializeState state_;
friend class ForwardList;
Node* NodeForObjectId(intptr_t object_id) const {
return nodes_[object_id - first_object_id_];
// Returns the id for the added object.
intptr_t AddObject(Zone* zone, RawObject* raw, SerializeState state);
// Returns the id for the object it it exists in the list.
intptr_t FindObject(RawObject* raw);
// Exhaustively processes all unserialized objects in this list. 'writer' may
// concurrently add more objects.
void SerializeAll(ObjectVisitor* writer);
// Set state of object in forward list.
void SetState(intptr_t object_id, SerializeState state) {
intptr_t first_object_id() const { return first_object_id_; }
intptr_t next_object_id() const { return nodes_.length() + first_object_id_; }
Heap* heap() const { return thread_->isolate()->heap(); }
Thread* thread_;
const intptr_t first_object_id_;
GrowableArray<Node*> nodes_;
intptr_t first_unprocessed_object_id_;
class ImageWriter : public ZoneAllocated {
: next_offset_(0), next_object_offset_(0), instructions_(), objects_() {
virtual ~ImageWriter() {}
void ResetOffsets() {
next_offset_ = Image::kHeaderSize;
next_object_offset_ = Image::kHeaderSize;
int32_t GetOffsetFor(RawInstructions* instructions, RawCode* code);
int32_t GetObjectOffsetFor(RawObject* raw_object);
void Write(WriteStream* clustered_stream, bool vm);
virtual intptr_t text_size() = 0;
intptr_t data_size() { return next_object_offset_; }
void WriteROData(WriteStream* stream);
virtual void WriteText(WriteStream* clustered_stream, bool vm) = 0;
struct InstructionsData {
explicit InstructionsData(RawInstructions* insns,
RawCode* code,
intptr_t offset)
: raw_insns_(insns), raw_code_(code), offset_(offset) {}
union {
RawInstructions* raw_insns_;
const Instructions* insns_;
union {
RawCode* raw_code_;
const Code* code_;
intptr_t offset_;
struct ObjectData {
explicit ObjectData(RawObject* raw_obj) : raw_obj_(raw_obj) {}
union {
RawObject* raw_obj_;
const Object* obj_;
intptr_t next_offset_;
intptr_t next_object_offset_;
GrowableArray<InstructionsData> instructions_;
GrowableArray<ObjectData> objects_;
class AssemblyImageWriter : public ImageWriter {
AssemblyImageWriter(uint8_t** assembly_buffer,
ReAlloc alloc,
intptr_t initial_size);
void Finalize();
virtual void WriteText(WriteStream* clustered_stream, bool vm);
virtual intptr_t text_size() { return text_size_; }
intptr_t AssemblySize() const { return assembly_stream_.bytes_written(); }
void FrameUnwindPrologue();
void FrameUnwindEpilogue();
void WriteByteSequence(uword start, uword end);
void WriteWordLiteralText(uword value) {
// Padding is helpful for comparing the .S with --disassemble.
#if defined(ARCH_IS_64_BIT)
assembly_stream_.Print(".quad 0x%0.16" Px "\n", value);
assembly_stream_.Print(".long 0x%0.8" Px "\n", value);
text_size_ += sizeof(value);
WriteStream assembly_stream_;
intptr_t text_size_;
Dwarf* dwarf_;
class BlobImageWriter : public ImageWriter {
BlobImageWriter(uint8_t** instructions_blob_buffer,
ReAlloc alloc,
intptr_t initial_size)
: ImageWriter(),
initial_size) {}
virtual void WriteText(WriteStream* clustered_stream, bool vm);
virtual intptr_t text_size() { return InstructionsBlobSize(); }
intptr_t InstructionsBlobSize() const {
return instructions_blob_stream_.bytes_written();
WriteStream instructions_blob_stream_;
class SnapshotWriter : public BaseWriter {
SnapshotWriter(Thread* thread,
Snapshot::Kind kind,
uint8_t** buffer,
ReAlloc alloc,
DeAlloc dealloc,
intptr_t initial_size,
ForwardList* forward_list,
bool can_send_any_object);
// Snapshot kind.
Snapshot::Kind kind() const { return kind_; }
Thread* thread() const { return thread_; }
Zone* zone() const { return thread_->zone(); }
Isolate* isolate() const { return thread_->isolate(); }
Heap* heap() const { return isolate()->heap(); }
// Serialize an object into the buffer.
void WriteObject(RawObject* raw);
uword GetObjectTags(RawObject* raw);
Exceptions::ExceptionType exception_type() const { return exception_type_; }
void set_exception_type(Exceptions::ExceptionType type) {
exception_type_ = type;
const char* exception_msg() const { return exception_msg_; }
void set_exception_msg(const char* msg) { exception_msg_ = msg; }
bool can_send_any_object() const { return can_send_any_object_; }
void ThrowException(Exceptions::ExceptionType type, const char* msg);
// Write a version string for the snapshot.
void WriteVersionAndFeatures();
void WriteFunctionId(RawFunction* func, bool owner_is_class);
RawFunction* IsSerializableClosure(RawClosure* closure);
void WriteStaticImplicitClosure(intptr_t object_id,
RawFunction* func,
intptr_t tags);
bool CheckAndWritePredefinedObject(RawObject* raw);
bool HandleVMIsolateObject(RawObject* raw);
void WriteClassId(RawClass* cls);
void WriteObjectImpl(RawObject* raw, bool as_reference);
void WriteMarkedObjectImpl(RawObject* raw,
intptr_t tags,
intptr_t object_id,
bool as_reference);
void WriteForwardedObjects();
void ArrayWriteTo(intptr_t object_id,
intptr_t array_kind,
intptr_t tags,
RawSmi* length,
RawTypeArguments* type_arguments,
RawObject* data[],
bool as_reference);
RawClass* GetFunctionOwner(RawFunction* func);
void CheckForNativeFields(RawClass* cls);
void SetWriteException(Exceptions::ExceptionType type, const char* msg);
void WriteInstance(RawObject* raw,
RawClass* cls,
intptr_t tags,
intptr_t object_id,
bool as_reference);
bool AllowObjectsInDartLibrary(RawLibrary* library);
intptr_t FindVmSnapshotObject(RawObject* rawobj);
ObjectStore* object_store() const { return object_store_; }
Thread* thread_;
Snapshot::Kind kind_;
ObjectStore* object_store_; // Object store for common classes.
ClassTable* class_table_; // Class table for the class index to class lookup.
ForwardList* forward_list_;
Exceptions::ExceptionType exception_type_; // Exception type.
const char* exception_msg_; // Message associated with exception.
bool can_send_any_object_; // True if any Dart instance can be sent.
friend class RawArray;
friend class RawClass;
friend class RawClosureData;
friend class RawCode;
friend class RawContextScope;
friend class RawExceptionHandlers;
friend class RawField;
friend class RawFunction;
friend class RawGrowableObjectArray;
friend class RawImmutableArray;
friend class RawInstructions;
friend class RawLibrary;
friend class RawLinkedHashMap;
friend class RawLiteralToken;
friend class RawLocalVarDescriptors;
friend class RawMirrorReference;
friend class RawObjectPool;
friend class RawReceivePort;
friend class RawRegExp;
friend class RawScript;
friend class RawStackTrace;
friend class RawSubtypeTestCache;
friend class RawTokenStream;
friend class RawType;
friend class RawTypeArguments;
friend class RawTypeParameter;
friend class RawUserTag;
friend class SnapshotWriterVisitor;
friend class WriteInlinedObjectVisitor;
class ScriptSnapshotWriter : public SnapshotWriter {
static const intptr_t kInitialSize = 64 * KB;
ScriptSnapshotWriter(uint8_t** buffer, ReAlloc alloc);
~ScriptSnapshotWriter() {}
// Writes a partial snapshot of the script.
void WriteScriptSnapshot(const Library& lib);
ForwardList forward_list_;
class SerializedObjectBuffer : public StackResource {
: StackResource(Thread::Current()),
object_length_(0) {}
virtual ~SerializedObjectBuffer() { free(object_data_); }
void StealBuffer(uint8_t** out_data, intptr_t* out_length) {
*out_data = object_data_;
*out_length = object_length_;
object_data_ = NULL;
object_length_ = 0;
uint8_t** data_buffer() { return &object_data_; }
intptr_t* data_length() { return &object_length_; }
uint8_t* object_data_;
intptr_t object_length_;
class MessageWriter : public SnapshotWriter {
static const intptr_t kInitialSize = 512;
MessageWriter(uint8_t** buffer,
ReAlloc alloc,
DeAlloc dealloc,
bool can_send_any_object,
intptr_t* buffer_len = NULL);
~MessageWriter() {}
void WriteMessage(const Object& obj);
ForwardList forward_list_;
intptr_t* buffer_len_;
// An object pointer visitor implementation which writes out
// objects to a snap shot.
class SnapshotWriterVisitor : public ObjectPointerVisitor {
SnapshotWriterVisitor(SnapshotWriter* writer, bool as_references)
: ObjectPointerVisitor(Isolate::Current()),
as_references_(as_references) {}
virtual void VisitPointers(RawObject** first, RawObject** last);
SnapshotWriter* writer_;
bool as_references_;
} // namespace dart