blob: 54815b8240c81931c52f0b6dc0c634ae1244c1b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/dart_api_impl.h"
#include "vm/dart_api_state.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
#include "vm/unit_test.h"
namespace dart {
RawField* LookupField(Dart_Handle library,
const char* class_name,
const char* field_name) {
RawLibrary* raw_library = Library::RawCast(Api::UnwrapHandle(library));
Library& lib = Library::ZoneHandle(raw_library);
const String& classname =
String::Handle(Symbols::New(Thread::Current(), class_name));
Class& cls = Class::Handle(lib.LookupClass(classname));
EXPECT(!cls.IsNull()); // No ambiguity error expected.
String& fieldname = String::Handle(String::New(field_name));
Field& field =
return field.raw();
TEST_CASE(GuardFieldSimpleTest) {
const char* script_chars =
"class A {\n"
" var f1 = 3.0;\n"
" var f2 = 3;\n"
" var f3 = new List(4);\n"
" foo() {\n"
" f1 = f1 + f1;\n"
" }\n"
" bar() {\n"
" f2 = null;\n"
" f2 = 3.0;\n"
" }\n"
"runFoo() {\n"
" var a = new A();\n"
" for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {\n"
" }\n"
"runBar() {\n"
" var a = new A();\n"
" for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {\n"
" }\n"
"main() {\n"
" for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {\n"
" runFoo();\n"
" runBar();\n"
" }\n"
Dart_Handle lib = TestCase::LoadTestScript(script_chars, NULL);
Dart_Handle result = Dart_Invoke(lib, NewString("main"), 0, NULL);
Field& f1 = Field::ZoneHandle(LookupField(lib, "A", "f1"));
Field& f2 = Field::ZoneHandle(LookupField(lib, "A", "f2"));
Field& f3 = Field::ZoneHandle(LookupField(lib, "A", "f3"));
const intptr_t no_length = Field::kNoFixedLength;
EXPECT_EQ(no_length, f1.guarded_list_length());
EXPECT_EQ(kDoubleCid, f1.guarded_cid());
EXPECT_EQ(false, f1.is_nullable());
EXPECT_EQ(no_length, f2.guarded_list_length());
EXPECT_EQ(kDynamicCid, f2.guarded_cid());
EXPECT_EQ(true, f2.is_nullable());
EXPECT_EQ(no_length, f3.guarded_list_length());
TEST_CASE(GuardFieldFinalListTest) {
const char* script_chars =
"class A {\n"
" var f1 = 3.0;\n"
" var f2 = 3;\n"
" final f3 = new List(4);\n"
" foo() {\n"
" f1 = f1 + f1;\n"
" }\n"
" bar() {\n"
" f2 = null;\n"
" f2 = 3.0;\n"
" }\n"
"runFoo() {\n"
" var a = new A();\n"
" for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {\n"
" }\n"
"runBar() {\n"
" var a = new A();\n"
" for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {\n"
" }\n"
"main() {\n"
" for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {\n"
" runFoo();\n"
" runBar();\n"
" }\n"
Dart_Handle lib = TestCase::LoadTestScript(script_chars, NULL);
Dart_Handle result = Dart_Invoke(lib, NewString("main"), 0, NULL);
Field& f1 = Field::ZoneHandle(LookupField(lib, "A", "f1"));
Field& f2 = Field::ZoneHandle(LookupField(lib, "A", "f2"));
Field& f3 = Field::ZoneHandle(LookupField(lib, "A", "f3"));
const intptr_t no_length = Field::kNoFixedLength;
EXPECT_EQ(no_length, f1.guarded_list_length());
EXPECT_EQ(kDoubleCid, f1.guarded_cid());
EXPECT_EQ(false, f1.is_nullable());
EXPECT_EQ(no_length, f2.guarded_list_length());
EXPECT_EQ(kDynamicCid, f2.guarded_cid());
EXPECT_EQ(true, f2.is_nullable());
EXPECT_EQ(4, f3.guarded_list_length());
EXPECT_EQ(kArrayCid, f3.guarded_cid());
EXPECT_EQ(false, f3.is_nullable());
TEST_CASE(GuardFieldFinalVariableLengthListTest) {
const char* script_chars =
"class A {\n"
" var f1 = 3.0;\n"
" var f2 = 3;\n"
" final f3 = new List();\n"
" foo() {\n"
" f1 = f1 + f1;\n"
" }\n"
" bar() {\n"
" f2 = null;\n"
" f2 = 3.0;\n"
" }\n"
"runFoo() {\n"
" var a = new A();\n"
" for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {\n"
" }\n"
"runBar() {\n"
" var a = new A();\n"
" for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {\n"
" }\n"
"main() {\n"
" for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {\n"
" runFoo();\n"
" runBar();\n"
" }\n"
Dart_Handle lib = TestCase::LoadTestScript(script_chars, NULL);
Dart_Handle result = Dart_Invoke(lib, NewString("main"), 0, NULL);
Field& f1 = Field::ZoneHandle(LookupField(lib, "A", "f1"));
Field& f2 = Field::ZoneHandle(LookupField(lib, "A", "f2"));
Field& f3 = Field::ZoneHandle(LookupField(lib, "A", "f3"));
const intptr_t no_length = Field::kNoFixedLength;
EXPECT_EQ(no_length, f1.guarded_list_length());
EXPECT_EQ(kDoubleCid, f1.guarded_cid());
EXPECT_EQ(false, f1.is_nullable());
EXPECT_EQ(no_length, f2.guarded_list_length());
EXPECT_EQ(kDynamicCid, f2.guarded_cid());
EXPECT_EQ(true, f2.is_nullable());
EXPECT_EQ(no_length, f3.guarded_list_length());
EXPECT_EQ(kGrowableObjectArrayCid, f3.guarded_cid());
EXPECT_EQ(false, f3.is_nullable());
TEST_CASE(GuardFieldConstructorTest) {
const char* script_chars =
"import 'dart:typed_data';\n"
"class A {\n"
" var f1 = 3.0;\n"
" var f2 = 3;\n"
" final f3;\n"
" A(x) : f3 = x;\n"
" foo() {\n"
" f1 = f1 + f1;\n"
" }\n"
" bar() {\n"
" f2 = null;\n"
" f2 = 3.0;\n"
" }\n"
"runFoo() {\n"
" var l = new Float32List(5);\n"
" for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {\n"
" var a = new A(l);\n"
" }\n"
"runBar() {\n"
" var l = new Float32List(5);\n"
" var a = new A(l);\n"
" for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {\n"
" }\n"
"main() {\n"
" for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {\n"
" runFoo();\n"
" runBar();\n"
" }\n"
Dart_Handle lib = TestCase::LoadTestScript(script_chars, NULL);
Dart_Handle result = Dart_Invoke(lib, NewString("main"), 0, NULL);
Field& f1 = Field::ZoneHandle(LookupField(lib, "A", "f1"));
Field& f2 = Field::ZoneHandle(LookupField(lib, "A", "f2"));
Field& f3 = Field::ZoneHandle(LookupField(lib, "A", "f3"));
const intptr_t no_length = Field::kNoFixedLength;
EXPECT_EQ(no_length, f1.guarded_list_length());
EXPECT_EQ(kDoubleCid, f1.guarded_cid());
EXPECT_EQ(false, f1.is_nullable());
EXPECT_EQ(no_length, f2.guarded_list_length());
EXPECT_EQ(kDynamicCid, f2.guarded_cid());
EXPECT_EQ(true, f2.is_nullable());
const intptr_t length = 5;
EXPECT_EQ(length, f3.guarded_list_length());
EXPECT_EQ(kTypedDataFloat32ArrayCid, f3.guarded_cid());
EXPECT_EQ(false, f3.is_nullable());
TEST_CASE(GuardFieldConstructor2Test) {
const char* script_chars =
"import 'dart:typed_data';\n"
"class A {\n"
" final f3;\n"
" A(x) : f3 = x;\n"
" foo() {\n"
" }\n"
" bar() {\n"
" }\n"
"runFoo() {\n"
" var l = new Float32List(5);\n"
" for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {\n"
" var a = new A(l);\n"
" }\n"
"runBar() {\n"
" var l = new Float32List(99);\n"
" var a = new A(l);\n"
"main() {\n"
" for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {\n"
" runFoo();\n"
" runBar();\n"
" }\n"
Dart_Handle lib = TestCase::LoadTestScript(script_chars, NULL);
Dart_Handle result = Dart_Invoke(lib, NewString("main"), 0, NULL);
Field& f3 = Field::ZoneHandle(LookupField(lib, "A", "f3"));
const intptr_t no_length = Field::kNoFixedLength;
EXPECT_EQ(no_length, f3.guarded_list_length());
EXPECT_EQ(kTypedDataFloat32ArrayCid, f3.guarded_cid());
EXPECT_EQ(false, f3.is_nullable());
} // namespace dart