blob: 738e1b874ef60dde75cc2db6145a31158b222da0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/gc_sweeper.h"
#include "vm/freelist.h"
#include "vm/globals.h"
#include "vm/heap.h"
#include "vm/lockers.h"
#include "vm/pages.h"
#include "vm/safepoint.h"
#include "vm/thread_pool.h"
#include "vm/timeline.h"
namespace dart {
bool GCSweeper::SweepPage(HeapPage* page, FreeList* freelist, bool locked) {
if (page->is_image_page()) {
// Don't clear mark bits.
return true;
// Keep track whether this page is still in use.
bool in_use = false;
bool is_executable = (page->type() == HeapPage::kExecutable);
uword start = page->object_start();
uword end = page->object_end();
uword current = start;
while (current < end) {
intptr_t obj_size;
RawObject* raw_obj = RawObject::FromAddr(current);
if (raw_obj->IsMarked()) {
// Found marked object. Clear the mark bit and update swept bytes.
obj_size = raw_obj->Size();
in_use = true;
} else {
uword free_end = current + raw_obj->Size();
while (free_end < end) {
RawObject* next_obj = RawObject::FromAddr(free_end);
if (next_obj->IsMarked()) {
// Reached the end of the free block.
// Expand the free block by the size of this object.
free_end += next_obj->Size();
obj_size = free_end - current;
if (is_executable) {
memset(reinterpret_cast<void*>(current), 0xcc, obj_size);
} else {
#if defined(DEBUG)
memset(reinterpret_cast<void*>(current), Heap::kZapByte, obj_size);
#endif // DEBUG
if ((current != start) || (free_end != end)) {
// Only add to the free list if not covering the whole page.
if (locked) {
freelist->FreeLocked(current, obj_size);
} else {
freelist->Free(current, obj_size);
current += obj_size;
ASSERT(current == end);
return in_use;
intptr_t GCSweeper::SweepLargePage(HeapPage* page) {
intptr_t words_to_end = 0;
RawObject* raw_obj = RawObject::FromAddr(page->object_start());
if (raw_obj->IsMarked()) {
words_to_end = (raw_obj->Size() >> kWordSizeLog2);
#ifdef DEBUG
// String::MakeExternal and Array::MakeArray create trailing filler objects,
// but they are always unreachable. Verify that they are not marked.
uword current = RawObject::ToAddr(raw_obj) + raw_obj->Size();
uword end = page->object_end();
while (current < end) {
RawObject* cur_obj = RawObject::FromAddr(current);
intptr_t obj_size = cur_obj->Size();
memset(reinterpret_cast<void*>(current), Heap::kZapByte, obj_size);
current += obj_size;
#endif // DEBUG
return words_to_end;
class SweeperTask : public ThreadPool::Task {
SweeperTask(Isolate* isolate,
PageSpace* old_space,
HeapPage* first,
HeapPage* last,
FreeList* freelist)
: task_isolate_(isolate),
freelist_(freelist) {
ASSERT(task_isolate_ != NULL);
ASSERT(first_ != NULL);
ASSERT(old_space_ != NULL);
ASSERT(last_ != NULL);
ASSERT(freelist_ != NULL);
MonitorLocker ml(old_space_->tasks_lock());
old_space_->set_tasks(old_space_->tasks() + 1);
virtual void Run() {
bool result =
Thread::EnterIsolateAsHelper(task_isolate_, Thread::kSweeperTask);
Thread* thread = Thread::Current();
GCSweeper sweeper;
HeapPage* page = first_;
HeapPage* prev_page = NULL;
while (page != NULL) {
HeapPage* next_page = page->next();
ASSERT(page->type() == HeapPage::kData);
bool page_in_use = sweeper.SweepPage(page, freelist_, false);
if (page_in_use) {
prev_page = page;
} else {
old_space_->FreePage(page, prev_page);
// Notify the mutator thread that we have added elements to the free
// list or that more capacity is available.
MonitorLocker ml(old_space_->tasks_lock());
if (page == last_) break;
page = next_page;
// Exit isolate cleanly *before* notifying it, to avoid shutdown race.
// This sweeper task is done. Notify the original isolate.
MonitorLocker ml(old_space_->tasks_lock());
old_space_->set_tasks(old_space_->tasks() - 1);
Isolate* task_isolate_;
PageSpace* old_space_;
HeapPage* first_;
HeapPage* last_;
FreeList* freelist_;
void GCSweeper::SweepConcurrent(Isolate* isolate,
HeapPage* first,
HeapPage* last,
FreeList* freelist) {
SweeperTask* task = new SweeperTask(isolate, isolate->heap()->old_space(),
first, last, freelist);
ThreadPool* pool = Dart::thread_pool();
} // namespace dart