blob: c2e8f92b931e71a1c8b580dea310eaad848afa40 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/growable_array.h"
namespace dart {
// Forward declarations.
class Array;
class Closure;
class Function;
class Instance;
class Integer;
class Library;
class Object;
class RawArray;
class RawInstance;
class RawObject;
class RawString;
class String;
// An arguments descriptor array consists of the total argument count; the
// positional argument count; a sequence of (name, position) pairs, sorted
// by name, for each named optional argument; and a terminating null to
// simplify iterating in generated code.
class ArgumentsDescriptor : public ValueObject {
explicit ArgumentsDescriptor(const Array& array);
// Accessors.
intptr_t Count() const;
intptr_t PositionalCount() const;
intptr_t NamedCount() const { return Count() - PositionalCount(); }
RawString* NameAt(intptr_t i) const;
intptr_t PositionAt(intptr_t i) const;
bool MatchesNameAt(intptr_t i, const String& other) const;
// Generated code support.
static intptr_t count_offset();
static intptr_t positional_count_offset();
static intptr_t first_named_entry_offset();
static intptr_t name_offset() { return kNameOffset * kWordSize; }
static intptr_t position_offset() { return kPositionOffset * kWordSize; }
static intptr_t named_entry_size() { return kNamedEntrySize * kWordSize; }
// Allocate and return an arguments descriptor. The first
// (count - optional_arguments_names.Length()) arguments are
// positional and the remaining ones are named optional arguments.
static RawArray* New(intptr_t count, const Array& optional_arguments_names);
// Allocate and return an arguments descriptor that has no optional
// arguments. All arguments are positional.
static RawArray* New(intptr_t count);
// Initialize the preallocated fixed length arguments descriptors cache.
static void InitOnce();
enum { kCachedDescriptorCount = 32 };
// Absolute indexes into the array.
enum {
// Relative indexes into each named argument entry.
enum {
static intptr_t LengthFor(intptr_t count) {
// Add 1 for the terminating null.
return kFirstNamedEntryIndex + (kNamedEntrySize * count) + 1;
static RawArray* NewNonCached(intptr_t count, bool canonicalize = true);
// Used by Simulator to parse argument descriptors.
static intptr_t name_index(intptr_t index) {
return kFirstNamedEntryIndex + (index * kNamedEntrySize) + kNameOffset;
static intptr_t position_index(intptr_t index) {
return kFirstNamedEntryIndex + (index * kNamedEntrySize) + kPositionOffset;
const Array& array_;
// A cache of VM heap allocated arguments descriptors.
static RawArray* cached_args_descriptors_[kCachedDescriptorCount];
friend class SnapshotReader;
friend class SnapshotWriter;
friend class Serializer;
friend class Deserializer;
friend class Simulator;
// DartEntry abstracts functionality needed to resolve dart functions
// and invoke them from C++.
class DartEntry : public AllStatic {
// On success, returns a RawInstance. On failure, a RawError.
typedef RawObject* (*invokestub)(const Code& target_code,
const Array& arguments_descriptor,
const Array& arguments,
Thread* thread);
// Invokes the specified instance function or static function.
// The first argument of an instance function is the receiver.
// On success, returns a RawInstance. On failure, a RawError.
// This is used when there are no named arguments in the call.
static RawObject* InvokeFunction(const Function& function,
const Array& arguments);
// Invokes the specified instance, static, or closure function.
// On success, returns a RawInstance. On failure, a RawError.
static RawObject* InvokeFunction(
const Function& function,
const Array& arguments,
const Array& arguments_descriptor,
uword current_sp = Thread::GetCurrentStackPointer());
// Invokes the closure object given as the first argument.
// On success, returns a RawInstance. On failure, a RawError.
// This is used when there are no named arguments in the call.
static RawObject* InvokeClosure(const Array& arguments);
// Invokes the closure object given as the first argument.
// On success, returns a RawInstance. On failure, a RawError.
static RawObject* InvokeClosure(const Array& arguments,
const Array& arguments_descriptor);
// Invokes the noSuchMethod instance function on the receiver.
// On success, returns a RawInstance. On failure, a RawError.
static RawObject* InvokeNoSuchMethod(const Instance& receiver,
const String& target_name,
const Array& arguments,
const Array& arguments_descriptor);
// Utility functions to call from VM into Dart bootstrap libraries.
// Each may return an exception object.
class DartLibraryCalls : public AllStatic {
// On success, returns a RawInstance. On failure, a RawError.
static RawObject* InstanceCreate(const Library& library,
const String& exception_name,
const String& constructor_name,
const Array& arguments);
// On success, returns a RawInstance. On failure, a RawError.
static RawObject* ToString(const Instance& receiver);
// On success, returns a RawInstance. On failure, a RawError.
static RawObject* HashCode(const Instance& receiver);
// On success, returns a RawInstance. On failure, a RawError.
static RawObject* Equals(const Instance& left, const Instance& right);
// Returns the handler if one has been registered for this port id.
static RawObject* LookupHandler(Dart_Port port_id);
// Returns null on success, a RawError on failure.
static RawObject* HandleMessage(const Object& handler,
const Instance& dart_message);
// Returns null on success, a RawError on failure.
static RawObject* DrainMicrotaskQueue();
// map[key] = value;
// Returns null on success, a RawError on failure.
static RawObject* MapSetAt(const Instance& map,
const Instance& key,
const Instance& value);
} // namespace dart