blob: d5d0d3b7b0808e792a50923a7b44e9a125051102 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/dart_api_state.h"
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "platform/utils.h"
#include "vm/heap.h"
#include "vm/isolate.h"
#include "vm/lockers.h"
#include "vm/thread.h"
#include "vm/timeline.h"
namespace dart {
intptr_t ApiNativeScope::current_memory_usage_ = 0;
BackgroundFinalizer::BackgroundFinalizer(Isolate* isolate,
FinalizationQueue* queue)
: isolate_(isolate), queue_(queue) {
PageSpace* old_space = isolate->heap()->old_space();
MonitorLocker ml(old_space->tasks_lock());
old_space->set_tasks(old_space->tasks() + 1);
void BackgroundFinalizer::Run() {
bool result = Thread::EnterIsolateAsHelper(isolate_, Thread::kFinalizerTask);
Thread* thread = Thread::Current();
TIMELINE_FUNCTION_GC_DURATION(thread, "BackgroundFinalization");
TransitionVMToNative transition(thread);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < queue_->length(); i++) {
FinalizablePersistentHandle* handle = (*queue_)[i];
FinalizablePersistentHandle::Finalize(isolate_, handle);
delete queue_;
// Exit isolate cleanly *before* notifying it, to avoid shutdown race.
PageSpace* old_space = isolate_->heap()->old_space();
MonitorLocker ml(old_space->tasks_lock());
old_space->set_tasks(old_space->tasks() - 1);
} // namespace dart