blob: d90c7321eea087b51d8585725490b0e5b4118f63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/bootstrap.h"
#include "include/dart_api.h"
#include "vm/bootstrap_natives.h"
#include "vm/class_finalizer.h"
#include "vm/compiler.h"
#include "vm/dart_api_impl.h"
#include "vm/kernel.h"
#include "vm/kernel_reader.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
#include "vm/object_store.h"
#include "vm/symbols.h"
namespace dart {
"Attempt to use source files directly when loading in the core "
"libraries during the bootstrap process");
struct BootstrapLibProps {
ObjectStore::BootstrapLibraryId index;
const char* uri;
const char** source_paths;
const char* patch_uri;
const char** patch_paths;
enum {
kPathsUriOffset = 0,
kPathsFileOffset = 1,
kPathsSourceOffset = 2,
kPathsEntryLength = 3
const char** Bootstrap::profiler_patch_paths_ = NULL;
#define MAKE_PROPERTIES(CamelName, name) \
{ObjectStore::k##CamelName, "dart:" #name, Bootstrap::name##_source_paths_, \
"dart:" #name "-patch", Bootstrap::name##_patch_paths_},
static const BootstrapLibProps bootstrap_libraries[] = {
static const intptr_t kBootstrapLibraryCount = ARRAY_SIZE(bootstrap_libraries);
static RawString* GetLibrarySourceByIndex(intptr_t index,
const String& uri,
bool patch) {
ASSERT(index >= 0 && index < kBootstrapLibraryCount);
// Try to read the source using the path specified for the uri.
const char** source_paths = patch ? bootstrap_libraries[index].patch_paths
: bootstrap_libraries[index].source_paths;
if (source_paths == NULL) {
return String::null(); // No path mapping information exists for library.
const char* source_path = NULL;
const char* source_data = NULL;
for (intptr_t i = 0; source_paths[i] != NULL; i += kPathsEntryLength) {
if (uri.Equals(source_paths[i + kPathsUriOffset])) {
source_path = source_paths[i + kPathsFileOffset];
source_data = source_paths[i + kPathsSourceOffset];
if ((source_path == NULL) && (source_data == NULL)) {
return String::null(); // Uri does not exist in path mapping information.
const uint8_t* utf8_array = NULL;
intptr_t file_length = -1;
// If flag to use the core library files directly is specified then try
// to read the file and extract it's contents otherwise just use the
// source data that has been backed into the binary.
if (FLAG_use_corelib_source_files) {
Dart_FileOpenCallback file_open = Dart::file_open_callback();
Dart_FileReadCallback file_read = Dart::file_read_callback();
Dart_FileCloseCallback file_close = Dart::file_close_callback();
if ((file_open != NULL) && (file_read != NULL) && (file_close != NULL)) {
// Try to open and read the file.
void* stream = (*file_open)(source_path, false);
if (stream != NULL) {
(*file_read)(&utf8_array, &file_length, stream);
if (file_length == -1) {
if (source_data != NULL) {
file_length = strlen(source_data);
utf8_array = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(source_data);
} else {
return String::null();
ASSERT(utf8_array != NULL);
ASSERT(file_length >= 0);
return String::FromUTF8(utf8_array, file_length);
static RawString* GetLibrarySource(const Library& lib,
const String& uri,
bool patch) {
// First check if this is a valid bootstrap library and find its index in
// the 'bootstrap_libraries' table above.
intptr_t index;
const String& lib_uri = String::Handle(lib.url());
for (index = 0; index < kBootstrapLibraryCount; ++index) {
if (lib_uri.Equals(bootstrap_libraries[index].uri)) {
if (index == kBootstrapLibraryCount) {
return String::null(); // The library is not a bootstrap library.
return GetLibrarySourceByIndex(index, uri, patch);
static RawError* Compile(const Library& library, const Script& script) {
bool update_lib_status = (script.kind() == RawScript::kScriptTag ||
script.kind() == RawScript::kLibraryTag);
if (update_lib_status) {
const Error& error = Error::Handle(Compiler::Compile(library, script));
if (update_lib_status) {
if (error.IsNull()) {
} else {
// Compilation errors are not Dart instances, so just mark the library
// as having failed to load without providing an error instance.
return error.raw();
static Dart_Handle LoadPartSource(Thread* thread,
const Library& lib,
const String& uri) {
Zone* zone = thread->zone();
const String& part_source =
String::Handle(zone, GetLibrarySource(lib, uri, false));
const String& lib_uri = String::Handle(zone, lib.url());
if (part_source.IsNull()) {
return Api::NewError("Unable to read part file '%s' of library '%s'",
uri.ToCString(), lib_uri.ToCString());
// Prepend the library URI to form a unique script URI for the part.
const Array& strings = Array::Handle(zone, Array::New(3));
strings.SetAt(0, lib_uri);
strings.SetAt(1, Symbols::Slash());
strings.SetAt(2, uri);
const String& part_uri = String::Handle(zone, String::ConcatAll(strings));
// Create a script object and compile the part.
const Script& part_script = Script::Handle(
zone, Script::New(part_uri, part_source, RawScript::kSourceTag));
const Error& error = Error::Handle(zone, Compile(lib, part_script));
return Api::NewHandle(thread, error.raw());
static Dart_Handle BootstrapLibraryTagHandler(Dart_LibraryTag tag,
Dart_Handle library,
Dart_Handle uri) {
Thread* thread = Thread::Current();
Zone* zone = thread->zone();
// This handler calls into the VM directly and does not use the Dart
// API so we transition back to VM.
TransitionNativeToVM transition(thread);
if (!Dart_IsLibrary(library)) {
return Api::NewError("not a library");
if (!Dart_IsString(uri)) {
return Api::NewError("uri is not a string");
if (tag == Dart_kCanonicalizeUrl) {
// In the bootstrap loader we do not try and do any canonicalization.
return uri;
const String& uri_str = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(zone, uri);
if (tag == Dart_kImportTag) {
// We expect the core bootstrap libraries to only import other
// core bootstrap libraries.
// We have precreated all the bootstrap library objects hence
// we do not expect to be called back with the tag set to kImportTag.
// The bootstrap process explicitly loads all the libraries one by one.
return Api::NewError("Invalid import of '%s' in a bootstrap library",
ASSERT(tag == Dart_kSourceTag);
const Library& lib = Api::UnwrapLibraryHandle(zone, library);
return LoadPartSource(thread, lib, uri_str);
static RawError* LoadPatchFiles(Thread* thread,
const Library& lib,
intptr_t index) {
const char** patch_files = bootstrap_libraries[index].patch_paths;
if (patch_files == NULL) return Error::null();
Zone* zone = thread->zone();
String& patch_uri = String::Handle(
zone, Symbols::New(thread, bootstrap_libraries[index].patch_uri));
String& patch_file_uri = String::Handle(zone);
String& source = String::Handle(zone);
Script& script = Script::Handle(zone);
Error& error = Error::Handle(zone);
const Array& strings = Array::Handle(zone, Array::New(3));
strings.SetAt(0, patch_uri);
strings.SetAt(1, Symbols::Slash());
for (intptr_t j = 0; patch_files[j] != NULL; j += kPathsEntryLength) {
patch_file_uri = String::New(patch_files[j + kPathsUriOffset]);
source = GetLibrarySourceByIndex(index, patch_file_uri, true);
if (source.IsNull()) {
const String& message = String::Handle(
String::NewFormatted("Unable to find dart patch source for %s",
return ApiError::New(message);
// Prepend the patch library URI to form a unique script URI for the patch.
strings.SetAt(2, patch_file_uri);
patch_file_uri = String::ConcatAll(strings);
script = Script::New(patch_file_uri, source, RawScript::kPatchTag);
error = lib.Patch(script);
if (!error.IsNull()) {
return error.raw();
return Error::null();
static void Finish(Thread* thread, bool from_kernel) {
if (!ClassFinalizer::ProcessPendingClasses(from_kernel)) {
FATAL("Error in class finalization during bootstrapping.");
// Eagerly compile the _Closure class as it is the class of all closure
// instances. This allows us to just finalize function types without going
// through the hoops of trying to compile their scope class.
ObjectStore* object_store = thread->isolate()->object_store();
Zone* zone = thread->zone();
Class& cls = Class::Handle(zone, object_store->closure_class());
#if defined(DEBUG)
// Verify that closure field offsets are identical in Dart and C++.
const Array& fields = Array::Handle(zone, cls.fields());
ASSERT(fields.Length() == 3);
Field& field = Field::Handle(zone);
field ^= fields.At(0);
ASSERT(field.Offset() == Closure::instantiator_offset());
field ^= fields.At(1);
ASSERT(field.Offset() == Closure::function_offset());
field ^= fields.At(2);
ASSERT(field.Offset() == Closure::context_offset());
#endif // defined(DEBUG)
// Eagerly compile Bool class, bool constants are used from within compiler.
cls = object_store->bool_class();
static RawError* BootstrapFromSource(Thread* thread) {
Isolate* isolate = thread->isolate();
Zone* zone = thread->zone();
String& uri = String::Handle(zone);
String& source = String::Handle(zone);
Script& script = Script::Handle(zone);
Library& lib = Library::Handle(zone);
Error& error = Error::Handle(zone);
// Set the library tag handler for the isolate to the bootstrap
// library tag handler so that we can load all the bootstrap libraries.
Dart_LibraryTagHandler saved_tag_handler = isolate->library_tag_handler();
// Load, compile and patch bootstrap libraries.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < kBootstrapLibraryCount; ++i) {
ObjectStore::BootstrapLibraryId id = bootstrap_libraries[i].index;
uri = Symbols::New(thread, bootstrap_libraries[i].uri);
lib = isolate->object_store()->bootstrap_library(id);
ASSERT(lib.raw() == Library::LookupLibrary(thread, uri));
source = GetLibrarySourceByIndex(i, uri, false);
if (source.IsNull()) {
const String& message = String::Handle(String::NewFormatted(
"Unable to find dart source for %s", uri.ToCString()));
error ^= ApiError::New(message);
script = Script::New(uri, source, RawScript::kLibraryTag);
error = Compile(lib, script);
if (!error.IsNull()) {
// If a patch exists, load and patch the script.
error = LoadPatchFiles(thread, lib, i);
if (!error.IsNull()) {
if (error.IsNull()) {
Finish(thread, /*from_kernel=*/false);
// Restore the library tag handler for the isolate.
return error.raw();
static RawError* BootstrapFromKernel(Thread* thread, kernel::Program* program) {
Zone* zone = thread->zone();
kernel::KernelReader reader(program);
Isolate* isolate = thread->isolate();
// Mark the already-pending classes. This mark bit will be used to avoid
// adding classes to the list more than once.
GrowableObjectArray& pending_classes = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(
zone, isolate->object_store()->pending_classes());
dart::Class& pending = dart::Class::Handle(zone);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < pending_classes.Length(); ++i) {
pending ^= pending_classes.At(i);
Library& library = Library::Handle(zone);
String& dart_name = String::Handle(zone);
String& kernel_name = String::Handle(zone);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < kBootstrapLibraryCount; ++i) {
ObjectStore::BootstrapLibraryId id = bootstrap_libraries[i].index;
library = isolate->object_store()->bootstrap_library(id);
dart_name = library.url();
for (intptr_t j = 0; j < program->libraries().length(); ++j) {
kernel::Library* kernel_library = program->libraries()[j];
kernel::String* uri = kernel_library->import_uri();
kernel_name = Symbols::FromUTF8(thread, uri->buffer(), uri->size());
if (kernel_name.Equals(dart_name)) {
Finish(thread, /*from_kernel=*/true);
return Error::null();
static RawError* BootstrapFromKernel(Thread* thread, kernel::Program* program) {
return Error::null();
RawError* Bootstrap::DoBootstrapping(kernel::Program* kernel_program) {
Thread* thread = Thread::Current();
Isolate* isolate = thread->isolate();
Zone* zone = thread->zone();
String& uri = String::Handle(zone);
Library& lib = Library::Handle(zone);
// Ensure there are library objects for all the bootstrap libraries.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < kBootstrapLibraryCount; ++i) {
ObjectStore::BootstrapLibraryId id = bootstrap_libraries[i].index;
uri = Symbols::New(thread, bootstrap_libraries[i].uri);
lib = isolate->object_store()->bootstrap_library(id);
ASSERT(lib.raw() == Library::LookupLibrary(thread, uri));
if (lib.IsNull()) {
lib = Library::NewLibraryHelper(uri, false);
isolate->object_store()->set_bootstrap_library(id, lib);
return (kernel_program == NULL) ? BootstrapFromSource(thread)
: BootstrapFromKernel(thread, kernel_program);
} // namespace dart