blob: dc01e69751b7312f975e868e103edaf728e7f446 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Classes and methods for enumerating and preparing tests.
* This library includes:
* - Creating tests by listing all the Dart files in certain directories,
* and creating [TestCase]s for those files that meet the relevant criteria.
* - Preparing tests, including copying files and frameworks to temporary
* directories, and computing the command line and arguments to be run.
// TODO(rnystrom): Add to dart:core?
* A simple function that tests [arg] and returns `true` or `false`.
typedef bool Predicate<T>(T arg);
typedef void CreateTest(Path filePath,
bool hasCompileError,
bool hasRuntimeError,
{bool isNegativeIfChecked,
bool hasFatalTypeErrors,
Set<String> multitestOutcome});
typedef void VoidFunction();
* A TestSuite represents a collection of tests. It creates a [TestCase]
* object for each test to be run, and passes the test cases to a callback.
* Most TestSuites represent a directory or directory tree containing tests,
* and a status file containing the expected results when these tests are run.
abstract class TestSuite {
* Call the callback function onTest with a [TestCase] argument for each
* test in the suite. When all tests have been processed, call [onDone].
* The [testCache] argument provides a persistent store that can be used to
* cache information about the test suite, so that directories do not need
* to be listed each time.
void forEachTest(TestCaseEvent onTest, Map testCache, [VoidFunction onDone]);
// TODO(1030): remove once in the corelib.
bool Contains(element, collection) => collection.indexOf(element) >= 0;
void ccTestLister() {
port.receive((String runnerPath, SendPort replyTo) {
Future processFuture = Process.start(runnerPath, ["--list"]);
processFuture.then((p) {
StringInputStream stdoutStream = new StringInputStream(p.stdout);
var streamDone = false;
var processExited = false;
checkDone() {
if (streamDone && processExited) {
stdoutStream.onLine = () {
String line = stdoutStream.readLine();
stdoutStream.onClosed = () {
streamDone = true;
p.onExit = (code) {
if (code < 0) {
print("Failed to list tests: $runnerPath --list");
} else {
processExited = true;
processFuture.handleException((e) {
print("Failed to list tests: $runnerPath --list");
return true;
* A specialized [TestSuite] that runs tests written in C to unit test
* the Dart virtual machine and its API.
* The tests are compiled into a monolithic executable by the build step.
* The executable lists its tests when run with the --list command line flag.
* Individual tests are run by specifying them on the command line.
class CCTestSuite implements TestSuite {
Map configuration;
final String suiteName;
final String testPrefix;
String runnerPath;
final String dartDir;
List<String> statusFilePaths;
TestCaseEvent doTest;
VoidFunction doDone;
ReceivePort receiveTestName;
TestExpectations testExpectations;
CCTestSuite(Map this.configuration,
String this.suiteName,
String runnerName,
List<String> this.statusFilePaths,
[this.testPrefix = ''])
: dartDir = TestUtils.dartDir().toNativePath() {
runnerPath = '${TestUtils.buildDir(configuration)}/$runnerName';
void testNameHandler(String testName, ignore) {
if (testName == "") {
} else {
// Only run the tests that match the pattern. Use the name
// "suiteName/testName" for cc tests.
RegExp pattern = configuration['selectors'][suiteName];
String constructedName = '$suiteName/$testPrefix$testName';
if (!pattern.hasMatch(constructedName)) return;
var expectations = testExpectations.expectations(
if (configuration["report"]) {
if (expectations.contains(SKIP)) return;
var args = TestUtils.standardOptions(configuration);
doTest(new TestCase(constructedName,
[new Command(runnerPath, args)],
void forEachTest(TestCaseEvent onTest, Map testCache, [VoidFunction onDone]) {
doTest = onTest;
doDone = () => (onDone != null) ? onDone() : null;
var filesRead = 0;
void statusFileRead() {
if (filesRead == statusFilePaths.length) {
receiveTestName = new ReceivePort();
var port = spawnFunction(ccTestLister);
port.send(runnerPath, receiveTestName.toSendPort());
testExpectations = new TestExpectations();
for (var statusFilePath in statusFilePaths) {
void completeHandler(TestCase testCase) {
class TestInformation {
Path filePath;
Map optionsFromFile;
bool hasCompileError;
bool hasRuntimeError;
bool isNegativeIfChecked;
bool hasFatalTypeErrors;
Set<String> multitestOutcome;
TestInformation(this.filePath, this.optionsFromFile,
this.hasCompileError, this.hasRuntimeError,
this.isNegativeIfChecked, this.hasFatalTypeErrors,
this.multitestOutcome) {
* A standard [TestSuite] implementation that searches for tests in a
* directory, and creates [TestCase]s that compile and/or run them.
class StandardTestSuite implements TestSuite {
Map configuration;
String suiteName;
Path suiteDir;
List<String> statusFilePaths;
TestCaseEvent doTest;
VoidFunction doDone;
int activeTestGenerators = 0;
bool listingDone = false;
TestExpectations testExpectations;
List<TestInformation> cachedTests;
final Path dartDir;
Predicate<String> isTestFilePredicate;
bool _listRecursive;
Path suiteDirectory,
bool recursive: false})
: dartDir = TestUtils.dartDir(), _listRecursive = recursive,
suiteDir = TestUtils.dartDir().join(suiteDirectory);
* Creates a test suite whose file organization matches an expected structure.
* To use this, your suite should look like:
* dart/
* path/
* to/
* mytestsuite/
* mytestsuite.status
* example1_test.dart
* example2_test.dart
* example3_test.dart
* The important parts:
* * The leaf directory name is the name of your test suite.
* * The status file uses the same name.
* * Test files are directly in that directory and end in "_test.dart".
* If you follow that convention, then you can construct one of these like:
* new StandardTestSuite.forDirectory(configuration, 'path/to/mytestsuite');
* instead of having to create a custom [StandardTestSuite] subclass. In
* particular, if you add 'path/to/mytestsuite' to [TEST_SUITE_DIRECTORIES]
* in test.dart, this will all be set up for you.
factory StandardTestSuite.forDirectory(
Map configuration, Path directory) {
final name = directory.filename;
return new StandardTestSuite(configuration,
name, directory,
['$directory/$name.status', '$directory/${name}_dart2js.status'],
isTestFilePredicate: (filename) => filename.endsWith('_test.dart'),
recursive: true);
* The default implementation assumes a file is a test if
* it ends in "Test.dart".
bool isTestFile(String filename) {
// Use the specified predicate, if provided.
if (isTestFilePredicate != null) return isTestFilePredicate(filename);
return filename.endsWith("Test.dart");
bool listRecursively() => _listRecursive;
String shellPath() => TestUtils.dartShellFileName(configuration);
List<String> additionalOptions(Path filePath) => [];
void forEachTest(TestCaseEvent onTest, Map testCache, [VoidFunction onDone]) {
// If DumpRenderTree/Dartium is required, and not yet updated,
// wait for update.
var updater = runtimeUpdater(configuration);
if (updater !== null && !updater.updated) {
updater.onUpdated.add(() {
forEachTest(onTest, testCache, onDone);
doTest = onTest;
doDone = (onDone != null) ? onDone : (() => null);
var filesRead = 0;
void statusFileRead() {
if (filesRead == statusFilePaths.length) {
// Checked if we have already found and generated the tests for
// this suite.
if (!testCache.containsKey(suiteName)) {
cachedTests = testCache[suiteName] = [];
} else {
// We rely on enqueueing completing asynchronously so use a
// timer to make it so.
void enqueueCachedTests(Timer ignore) {
for (var info in testCache[suiteName]) {
new Timer(0, enqueueCachedTests);
// Read test expectations from status files.
testExpectations = new TestExpectations();
for (var statusFilePath in statusFilePaths) {
// [forDirectory] adds name_dart2js.status for all tests suites, use it if
// it exists, but otherwise skip it and don't fail.
if (statusFilePath.endsWith('_dart2js.status')) {
File file = new File.fromPath(dartDir.append(statusFilePath));
if (!file.existsSync()) {
void processDirectory() {
Directory dir = new Directory.fromPath(suiteDir);
dir.exists().then((exists) {
if (!exists) {
print('Directory containing tests not found: $suiteDir');
} else {
var lister = dir.list(recursive: listRecursively());
lister.onFile = processFile;
lister.onDone = directoryListingDone;
void enqueueTestCaseFromTestInformation(TestInformation info) {
var filePath = info.filePath;
var optionsFromFile = info.optionsFromFile;
var isNegative = info.hasCompileError;
if (info.hasRuntimeError && hasRuntime) {
isNegative = true;
// Look up expectations in status files using a test name generated
// from the test file's path.
String testName;
if (optionsFromFile['isMultitest']) {
// Multitests do not run on browsers.
if (TestUtils.isBrowserRuntime(configuration['runtime'])) return;
// Multitests are in [build directory]/generated_tests/... .
// The test name will be '[test filename (no extension)]/[multitest key].
String name = filePath.filenameWithoutExtension;
int middle = name.lastIndexOf('_');
testName = '${name.substring(0, middle)}/${name.substring(middle + 1)}';
} else {
// The test name is the relative path from the test suite directory to
// the test, with the .dart extension removed.
var testNamePath = filePath.relativeTo(suiteDir);
Expect.isTrue(testNamePath.extension == 'dart');
if (testNamePath.extension == 'dart') {
testName = testNamePath.directoryPath.append(
int shards = configuration['shards'];
if (shards > 1) {
int shard = configuration['shard'];
if (testName.hashCode() % shards != shard - 1) {
Set<String> expectations = testExpectations.expectations(testName);
if (configuration['report']) {
// Tests with multiple VMOptions are counted more than once.
for (var dummy in getVmOptions(optionsFromFile)) {
if (expectations.contains(SKIP)) return;
if (configuration['compiler'] != 'none' && info.hasCompileError) {
// If a compile-time error is expected, and we're testing a
// compiler, we never need to attempt to run the program (in a
// browser or otherwise).
enqueueStandardTest(info, testName, expectations);
} else if (TestUtils.isBrowserRuntime(configuration['runtime'])) {
bool isWrappingRequired = configuration['compiler'] != 'dart2js';
if (configuration['runtime'] == 'ff' &&
Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows') {
// TODO(ahe): Investigate why this doesn't work on Windows.
isWrappingRequired = true;
enqueueBrowserTest(info, testName, expectations, isWrappingRequired);
} else {
enqueueStandardTest(info, testName, expectations);
void enqueueStandardTest(TestInformation info,
String testName,
Set<String> expectations) {
bool isNegative = info.hasCompileError ||
(configuration['checked'] && info.isNegativeIfChecked);
if (info.hasRuntimeError && hasRuntime) {
isNegative = true;
if (configuration['compiler'] == 'dartc') {
// dartc can detect static type warnings by the
// format of the error line
if (info.hasFatalTypeErrors) {
isNegative = true;
var commonArguments = commonArgumentsFromFile(info.filePath,
List<List<String>> vmOptionsList = getVmOptions(info.optionsFromFile);
Expect.isFalse(vmOptionsList.isEmpty(), "empty vmOptionsList");
for (var vmOptions in vmOptionsList) {
doTest(new TestCase('$suiteName/$testName',
makeCommands(info, vmOptions, commonArguments),
isNegative: isNegative,
info: info));
List<Command> makeCommands(TestInformation info, var vmOptions, var args) {
switch (configuration['compiler']) {
case 'dart2js':
args = new List.from(args);
String tempDir = createOutputDirectory(info.filePath, '');
List<Command> commands = <Command>[new Command(shellPath(), args)];
if (info.hasCompileError) {
// Do not attempt to run the compiled result. A compilation
// error should be reported by the compilation command.
} else if (configuration['runtime'] == 'd8') {
var d8 = TestUtils.d8FileName(configuration);
commands.add(new Command(d8, ['$tempDir/out.js']));
} else if (configuration['runtime'] == 'jsshell') {
var jsshell = TestUtils.jsshellFileName(configuration);
commands.add(new Command(jsshell, ['$tempDir/out.js']));
return commands;
case 'dart2dart':
var compilerArguments = new List.from(args);
var additionalFlags =
configuration['additional-compiler-flags'].split(' ');
for (final flag in additionalFlags) {
if (flag.isEmpty()) continue;
String tempDir = createOutputDirectory(info.filePath, '');
List<Command> commands =
<Command>[new Command(shellPath(), compilerArguments)];
if (info.hasCompileError) {
// Do not attempt to run the compiled result. A compilation
// error should be reported by the compilation command.
} else if (configuration['runtime'] == 'vm') {
// TODO(antonm): support checked.
var vmArguments = new List.from(vmOptions);
'--ignore-unrecognized-flags', '$tempDir/out.dart']);
commands.add(new Command(
} else {
throw 'Unsupported runtime ${configuration["runtime"]} for dart2dart';
return commands;
case 'none':
case 'dartc':
var arguments = new List.from(vmOptions);
return <Command>[new Command(shellPath(), arguments)];
throw 'Unknown compiler ${configuration["compiler"]}';
CreateTest makeTestCaseCreator(Map optionsFromFile) {
return (Path filePath,
bool hasCompileError,
bool hasRuntimeError,
{bool isNegativeIfChecked: false,
bool hasFatalTypeErrors: false,
Set<String> multitestOutcome: null}) {
// Cache the test information for each test case.
var info = new TestInformation(filePath,
void processFile(String filename) {
if (!isTestFile(filename)) return;
Path filePath = new Path.fromNative(filename);
// Only run the tests that match the pattern.
RegExp pattern = configuration['selectors'][suiteName];
if (!pattern.hasMatch('$filePath')) return;
if (filePath.filename.endsWith('test_config.dart')) return;
var optionsFromFile = readOptionsFromFile(filePath);
CreateTest createTestCase = makeTestCaseCreator(optionsFromFile);
if (optionsFromFile['isMultitest']) {
} else {
* The [StandardTestSuite] has support for tests that
* compile a test from Dart to JavaScript, and then run the resulting
* JavaScript. This function creates a working directory to hold the
* JavaScript version of the test, and copies the appropriate framework
* files to that directory. It creates a [BrowserTestCase], which has
* two sequential steps to be run by the [ProcessQueue] when the test is
* executed: a compilation
* step and an execution step, both with the appropriate executable and
* arguments.
void enqueueBrowserTest(TestInformation info,
String testName,
Set<String> expectations,
bool isWrappingRequired) {
Map optionsFromFile = info.optionsFromFile;
Path filePath = info.filePath;
String filename = filePath.toString();
bool isWebTest = optionsFromFile['containsDomImport'];
bool isLibraryDefinition = optionsFromFile['isLibraryDefinition'];
if (isWrappingRequired
&& !isLibraryDefinition && optionsFromFile['containsSourceOrImport']) {
print('Warning for $filename: Browser tests require #library '
'in any file that uses #import, #source, or #resource');
final String compiler = configuration['compiler'];
final String runtime = configuration['runtime'];
for (var vmOptions in getVmOptions(optionsFromFile)) {
// Create a unique temporary directory for each set of vmOptions.
// TODO(dart:429): Replace separate replaceAlls with a RegExp when
// replaceAll(RegExp, String) is implemented.
String optionsName = '';
if (getVmOptions(optionsFromFile).length > 1) {
optionsName = Strings.join(vmOptions, '-').replaceAll('-','')
final String tempDir = createOutputDirectory(info.filePath, optionsName);
String dartWrapperFilename = '$tempDir/test.dart';
String compiledDartWrapperFilename = '$tempDir/test.js';
String htmlPath = '$tempDir/test.html';
if (isWrappingRequired && !isWebTest) {
// test.dart will import the dart test directly, if it is a library,
// or indirectly through test_as_library.dart, if it is not.
Path dartLibraryFilename = filePath;
if (!isLibraryDefinition) {
dartLibraryFilename = new Path('test_as_library.dart');
File file = new File('$tempDir/$dartLibraryFilename');
RandomAccessFile dartLibrary = file.openSync(FileMode.WRITE);
File file = new File(dartWrapperFilename);
RandomAccessFile dartWrapper = file.openSync(FileMode.WRITE);
dartTestWrapper(dartDir, dartLibraryFilename));
} else {
dartWrapperFilename = filename;
// TODO(whesse): Once is retired, adjust the relative path in
// the client/samples/dartcombat test to its css file, remove the
// "../../" from this path, and move this out of the isWebTest guard.
// Also remove getHtmlName, and just use test.html.
// TODO(efortuna): this shortening of htmlFilename is a band-aid until
// the above TODO gets fixed. Windows cannot have paths that are longer
// than 260 characters, and without this hack, we were running past the
// the limit.
String htmlFilename = getHtmlName(filename);
while ('$tempDir/../$htmlFilename'.length >= 260) {
htmlFilename = htmlFilename.substring(htmlFilename.length~/2);
htmlPath = '$tempDir/../$htmlFilename';
final String scriptPath = (compiler == 'none') ?
dartWrapperFilename : compiledDartWrapperFilename;
// Create the HTML file for the test.
RandomAccessFile htmlTest = new File(htmlPath).openSync(FileMode.WRITE);
String filePrefix = '';
if (Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows') {
// Firefox on Windows does not like absolute file path names that start
// with 'C:' adding 'file:///' solves the problem.
filePrefix = 'file:///';
String content = null;
Path dir = filePath.directoryPath;
String nameNoExt = filePath.filenameWithoutExtension;
Path pngPath = dir.append('$nameNoExt.png');
Path txtPath = dir.append('$nameNoExt.txt');
Path expectedOutput = null;
if (new File.fromPath(pngPath).existsSync()) {
expectedOutput = pngPath;
content = getHtmlLayoutContents(scriptType, '$filePrefix$scriptPath');
} else if (new File.fromPath(txtPath).existsSync()) {
expectedOutput = txtPath;
content = getHtmlLayoutContents(scriptType, '$filePrefix$scriptPath');
} else {
final htmlLocation = new Path.fromNative(htmlPath);
content = getHtmlContents(
new Path.fromNative(scriptPath).relativeTo(htmlLocation));
// Construct the command(s) that compile all the inputs needed by the
// browser test. For running Dart in DRT, this will be noop commands.
List<Command> commands = [];
if (compiler != 'none') {
dartWrapperFilename, compiledDartWrapperFilename,
compiler, tempDir, vmOptions));
// some tests require compiling multiple input scripts.
List<String> otherScripts = optionsFromFile['otherScripts'];
for (String name in otherScripts) {
Path namePath = new Path(name);
Expect.equals(namePath.extension, 'dart');
String baseName = namePath.filenameWithoutExtension;
Path fromPath = filePath.directoryPath.join(namePath);
fromPath.toNativePath(), '$tempDir/$baseName.js',
compiler, tempDir, vmOptions));
// Construct the command that executes the browser test
List<String> args;
if (TestUtils.usesWebDriver(runtime)) {
args = [dartDir.append('tools/testing/').toNativePath(),
'--timeout=${configuration["timeout"] - 2}',
if (runtime == 'dartium') {
} else {
args = [
if (runtime == 'drt' &&
(compiler == 'none' || compiler == 'dart2dart')) {
var dartFlags = ['--ignore-unrecognized-flags'];
if (configuration["checked"]) {
args.add('--dart-flags=${Strings.join(dartFlags, " ")}');
if (expectedOutput != null) {
commands.add(new Command('python', args));
// Create BrowserTestCase and queue it.
var testCase = new BrowserTestCase('$suiteName/$testName',
commands, configuration, completeHandler, expectations,
info, info.hasCompileError || info.hasRuntimeError);
/** Helper to create a compilation command for a single input file. */
Command _compileCommand(String inputFile, String outputFile,
String compiler, String dir, var vmOptions) {
String executable = TestUtils.compilerPath(configuration);
List<String> args = TestUtils.standardOptions(configuration);
switch (compiler) {
case 'dart2js':
case 'dart2dart':
if (compiler == 'dart2dart') args.add('--out=$outputFile');
default:'unimplemented compiler $compiler');
if (executable.endsWith('.dart')) {
// Run the compiler script via the Dart VM.
args.insertRange(0, 1, executable);
executable = TestUtils.dartShellFileName(configuration);
return new Command(executable, args);
* Create a directory for the generated test. If a Dart language test
* needs to be run in a browser, the Dart test needs to be embedded in
* an HTML page, with a testing framework based on scripting and DOM events.
* These scripts and pages are written to a generated_test directory
* inside the build directory of the checkout.
* Those tests which are already HTML web applications (web tests), with
* resources including CSS files and HTML files, need to be compiled into
* a work directory where the relative URLS to the resources work.
* We use a subdirectory of the build directory that is the same number
* of levels down in the checkout as the original path of the web test.
String createOutputDirectory(Path testPath, String optionsName) {
Path relative = testPath.relativeTo(TestUtils.dartDir());
relative = relative.directoryPath.append(relative.filenameWithoutExtension);
String testUniqueName = relative.toString().replaceAll('/', '_');
if (!optionsName.isEmpty()) {
testUniqueName = '$testUniqueName-$optionsName';
// Create '[build dir]/generated_tests/$compiler-$runtime/$testUniqueName',
// including any intermediate directories that don't exist.
var generatedTestPath = Strings.join(
testUniqueName], '/');
TestUtils.mkdirRecursive(new Path('.'), new Path(generatedTestPath));
return new File(generatedTestPath).fullPathSync().replaceAll('\\', '/');
String get scriptType {
switch (configuration['compiler']) {
case 'none':
case 'dart2dart':
return 'application/dart';
case 'dart2js':
case 'dartc':
return 'text/javascript';
default:'Non-web runtime, so no scriptType for: '
return null;
bool get hasRuntime {
switch(configuration['runtime']) {
case 'none':
return false;
return true;
String getHtmlName(String filename) {
var cleanFilename = filename.replaceAll('/', '_')
.replaceAll(':', '_')
.replaceAll('\\', '_');
return "$cleanFilename"
String get dumpRenderTreeFilename {
if (configuration['drt'] != '') {
return configuration['drt'];
if (Platform.operatingSystem == 'macos') {
return dartDir.append('/client/tests/drt/'
return dartDir.append('client/tests/drt/DumpRenderTree').toNativePath();
String get dartiumFilename {
if (configuration['dartium'] != '') {
return configuration['dartium'];
if (Platform.operatingSystem == 'macos') {
return dartDir.append('client/tests/dartium/'
return dartDir.append('client/tests/dartium/chrome').toNativePath();
void testGeneratorStarted() {
void testGeneratorDone() {
if (activeTestGenerators == 0 && listingDone) {
void directoryListingDone(ignore) {
listingDone = true;
if (activeTestGenerators == 0) {
void completeHandler(TestCase testCase) {
List<String> commonArgumentsFromFile(Path filePath, Map optionsFromFile) {
List args = TestUtils.standardOptions(configuration);
if (configuration['compiler'] == 'dartc') {
bool isMultitest = optionsFromFile["isMultitest"];
List<String> dartOptions = optionsFromFile["dartOptions"];
List<List<String>> vmOptionsList = getVmOptions(optionsFromFile);
Expect.isTrue(!isMultitest || dartOptions == null);
if (dartOptions == null) {
} else {
var executable_name = dartOptions[0];
// TODO(ager): Get rid of this hack when the runtime checkout goes away.
var file = new File(executable_name);
if (!file.existsSync()) {
executable_name = '../$executable_name';
Expect.isTrue(new File(executable_name).existsSync());
dartOptions[0] = executable_name;
return args;
* Special options for individual tests are currently specified in various
* ways: with comments directly in test files, by using certain imports, or by
* creating additional files in the test directories.
* Here is a list of options that are used by 'test.dart' today:
* - Flags can be passed to the vm or dartium process that runs the test by
* adding a comment to the test file:
* // VMOptions=--flag1 --flag2
* - Flags can be passed to the dart script that contains the test also
* using comments, as follows:
* // DartOptions=--flag1 --flag2
* - For tests that depend on compiling other files with dart2js (e.g.
* isolate tests that use multiple source scripts), you can specify
* additional files to compile using a comment too, as follows:
* // OtherScripts=file1.dart file2.dart
* - You can indicate whether a test is treated as a web-only test by
* using an explicit import to the dart:html library:
* #import('dart:html');
* Most tests are not web tests, but can (and will be) wrapped within
* another script file to test them also on browser environments (e.g.
* language and corelib tests are run this way). We deduce that if this
* import is specified, the test was intended to be a web test and no
* wrapping is necessary.
* - You can convert DRT web-tests into layout-web-tests by specifying a
* test expectation file. An expectation file is located in the same
* location as the test, it has the same file name, except for the extension
* (which can be either .txt or .png).
* When there are no expectation files, 'test.dart' assumes tests fail if
* the process return a non-zero exit code (in the case of web tests, we
* check for PASS/FAIL indications in the test output).
* When there is an expectation file, tests are run differently: the test
* code is run to the end of the event loop and 'test.dart' takes a snapshot
* of what is rendered in the page at that moment. This snapshot is
* represented either in text form, if the expectation ends in .txt, or as
* an image, if the expectation ends in .png. 'test.dart' will compare the
* snapshot to the expectation file. When tests fail, 'test.dart' saves the
* new snapshot into a file so it can be visualized or copied over.
* Expectations can be recorded for the first time by creating an empty file
* with the right name (touch test_name_test.png), running the test, and
* executing the copy command printed by the test script.
* This method is static as the map is cached and shared amongst
* configurations, so it may not use [configuration].
static Map readOptionsFromFile(Path filePath) {
RegExp testOptionsRegExp = const RegExp(r"// VMOptions=(.*)");
RegExp dartOptionsRegExp = const RegExp(r"// DartOptions=(.*)");
RegExp otherScriptsRegExp = const RegExp(r"// OtherScripts=(.*)");
RegExp multiTestRegExp = const RegExp(r"/// [0-9][0-9]:(.*)");
RegExp staticTypeRegExp =
const RegExp(r"/// ([0-9][0-9]:){0,1}\s*static type warning");
RegExp compileTimeRegExp =
const RegExp(r"/// ([0-9][0-9]:){0,1}\s*compile-time error");
RegExp staticCleanRegExp = const RegExp(r"// @static-clean");
RegExp leadingHashRegExp = const RegExp(r"^#", multiLine: true);
RegExp isolateStubsRegExp = const RegExp(r"// IsolateStubs=(.*)");
RegExp domImportRegExp =
const RegExp(r"^#import.*(dart:(dom|html)|html\.dart).*\)",
multiLine: true);
RegExp libraryDefinitionRegExp =
const RegExp(r"^#library\(", multiLine: true);
RegExp sourceOrImportRegExp =
const RegExp(r"^#(source|import|resource)\(", multiLine: true);
// Read the entire file into a byte buffer and transform it to a
// String. This will treat the file as ascii but the only parts
// we are interested in will be ascii in any case.
RandomAccessFile file = new File.fromPath(filePath).openSync(FileMode.READ);
List chars = new List(file.lengthSync());
var offset = 0;
while (offset != chars.length) {
offset += file.readListSync(chars, offset, chars.length - offset);
String contents = new String.fromCharCodes(chars);
chars = null;
// Find the options in the file.
List<List> result = new List<List>();
List<String> dartOptions;
bool hasCompileError = contents.contains("@compile-error");
bool hasRuntimeError = contents.contains("@runtime-error");
bool isStaticClean = false;
Iterable<Match> matches = testOptionsRegExp.allMatches(contents);
for (var match in matches) {
result.add(match[1].split(' ').filter((e) => e != ''));
if (result.isEmpty()) result.add([]);
matches = dartOptionsRegExp.allMatches(contents);
for (var match in matches) {
if (dartOptions != null) {
throw new Exception(
'More than one "// DartOptions=" line in test $filePath');
dartOptions = match[1].split(' ').filter((e) => e != '');
matches = staticCleanRegExp.allMatches(contents);
for (var match in matches) {
if (isStaticClean) {
throw new Exception(
'More than one "// @static-clean=" line in test $filePath');
isStaticClean = true;
List<String> otherScripts = new List<String>();
matches = otherScriptsRegExp.allMatches(contents);
for (var match in matches) {
otherScripts.addAll(match[1].split(' ').filter((e) => e != ''));
bool isMultitest = multiTestRegExp.hasMatch(contents);
bool containsLeadingHash = leadingHashRegExp.hasMatch(contents);
Match isolateMatch = isolateStubsRegExp.firstMatch(contents);
String isolateStubs = isolateMatch != null ? isolateMatch[1] : '';
bool containsDomImport = domImportRegExp.hasMatch(contents);
bool isLibraryDefinition = libraryDefinitionRegExp.hasMatch(contents);
bool containsSourceOrImport = sourceOrImportRegExp.hasMatch(contents);
int numStaticTypeAnnotations = 0;
for (var i in staticTypeRegExp.allMatches(contents)) {
int numCompileTimeAnnotations = 0;
for (var i in compileTimeRegExp.allMatches(contents)) {
return { "vmOptions": result,
"dartOptions": dartOptions,
"hasCompileError": hasCompileError,
"hasRuntimeError": hasRuntimeError,
"isStaticClean" : isStaticClean,
"otherScripts": otherScripts,
"isMultitest": isMultitest,
"containsLeadingHash": containsLeadingHash,
"isolateStubs": isolateStubs,
"containsDomImport": containsDomImport,
"isLibraryDefinition": isLibraryDefinition,
"containsSourceOrImport": containsSourceOrImport,
"numStaticTypeAnnotations": numStaticTypeAnnotations,
"numCompileTimeAnnotations": numCompileTimeAnnotations };
List<List<String>> getVmOptions(Map optionsFromFile) {
bool needsVmOptions = Contains(configuration['compiler'],
const ['none', 'dart2dart', 'dartc']) &&
const ['none', 'vm', 'drt', 'dartium']);
if (!needsVmOptions) return [[]];
return optionsFromFile['vmOptions'];
class DartcCompilationTestSuite extends StandardTestSuite {
List<String> _testDirs;
int activityCount = 0;
DartcCompilationTestSuite(Map configuration,
String suiteName,
String directoryPath,
List<String> this._testDirs,
List<String> expectations)
: super(configuration,
new Path.fromNative(directoryPath),
void activityStarted() { ++activityCount; }
void activityCompleted() {
if (--activityCount == 0) {
String shellPath() => TestUtils.compilerPath(configuration);
List<String> additionalOptions(Path filePath) {
return ['--fatal-warnings', '--fatal-type-errors'];
void processDirectory() {
// Enqueueing the directory listers is an activity.
for (String testDir in _testDirs) {
Directory dir = new Directory.fromPath(suiteDir.append(testDir));
if (dir.existsSync()) {
var lister = dir.list(recursive: listRecursively());
lister.onFile = processFile;
lister.onDone = (ignore) => activityCompleted();
// Completed the enqueueing of listers.
class JUnitTestSuite implements TestSuite {
Map configuration;
String suiteName;
String directoryPath;
String statusFilePath;
final String dartDir;
String buildDir;
String classPath;
List<String> testClasses;
TestCaseEvent doTest;
VoidFunction doDone;
TestExpectations testExpectations;
JUnitTestSuite(Map this.configuration,
String this.suiteName,
String this.directoryPath,
String this.statusFilePath)
: dartDir = TestUtils.dartDir().toNativePath();
bool isTestFile(String filename) => filename.endsWith("") &&
!filename.contains('com/google/dart/compiler/vm') &&
void forEachTest(TestCaseEvent onTest,
Map testCacheIgnored,
[VoidFunction onDone]) {
doTest = onTest;
doDone = (onDone != null) ? onDone : (() => null);
if (configuration['compiler'] != 'dartc') {
// Do nothing. Asynchronously report that the suite is enqueued.
new Timer(0, (timerUnused){ doDone(); });
RegExp pattern = configuration['selectors']['dartc'];
if (!pattern.hasMatch('junit_tests')) {
new Timer(0, (timerUnused){ doDone(); });
buildDir = TestUtils.buildDir(configuration);
testClasses = <String>[];
// Do not read the status file.
// All exclusions are hardcoded in this script, as they are in
void processDirectory() {
directoryPath = '$dartDir/$directoryPath';
Directory dir = new Directory(directoryPath);
var lister = dir.list(recursive: true);
lister.onFile = processFile;
lister.onDone = createTest;
void processFile(String filename) {
if (!isTestFile(filename)) return;
int index = filename.indexOf('compiler/javatests/com/google/dart');
if (index != -1) {
String testRelativePath =
filename.substring(index + 'compiler/javatests/'.length,
filename.length - '.java'.length);
String testClass = testRelativePath.replaceAll('/', '.');
void createTest(successIgnored) {
var sdkDir = "$buildDir/dart-sdk".trim();
List<String> args = <String>[
'-classpath', classPath,
// Lengthen the timeout for JUnit tests. It is normal for them
// to run for a few minutes.
Map updatedConfiguration = new Map();
configuration.forEach((key, value) {
updatedConfiguration[key] = value;
updatedConfiguration['timeout'] *= 3;
doTest(new TestCase(suiteName,
[new Command('java', args)],
new Set<String>.from([PASS])));
void completeHandler(TestCase testCase) {
void computeClassPath() {
classPath = Strings.join(
// Third party libraries.
Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows'? ';': ':'); // Path separator.
class TestUtils {
* The libraries in this directory relies on finding various files
* relative to the 'test.dart' script in '.../dart/tools/test.dart'. If
* the main script using 'test_suite.dart' is not there, the main
* script must set this to '.../dart/tools/test.dart'.
static String testScriptPath = new Options().script;
* Creates a directory using a [relativePath] to an existing
* [base] directory if that [relativePath] does not already exist.
static Directory mkdirRecursive(Path base, Path relativePath) {
Directory dir = new Directory.fromPath(base);
"Expected ${dir} to already exist");
var segments = relativePath.segments();
for (String segment in segments) {
base = base.append(segment);
dir = new Directory.fromPath(base);
if (!dir.existsSync()) {
Expect.isTrue(dir.existsSync(), "Failed to create ${dir.path}");
return dir;
* Copy a [source] file to a new place.
* Assumes that the directory for [dest] already exists.
static Future copyFile(Path source, Path dest) {
var output = new File.fromPath(dest).openOutputStream();
new File.fromPath(source).openInputStream().pipe(output);
var completer = new Completer();
output.onClosed = (){ completer.complete(null); };
return completer.future;
static String executableSuffix(String executable) {
if (Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows') {
if (executable == 'd8' || executable == 'vm' || executable == 'none') {
return '.exe';
} else {
return '.bat';
return '';
static String executableName(Map configuration) {
String suffix = executableSuffix(configuration['compiler']);
switch (configuration['compiler']) {
case 'none':
return 'dart$suffix';
case 'dartc':
return 'analyzer/bin/dart_analyzer$suffix';
case 'dart2js':
case 'dart2dart':
var prefix = '';
if (configuration['use_sdk']) {
prefix = 'dart-sdk/bin/';
if (configuration['host_checked']) {
// The script dart2js_developer is not in the SDK.
return 'dart2js_developer$suffix';
} else {
return '${prefix}dart2js$suffix';
throw "Unknown executable for: ${configuration['compiler']}";
static String compilerName(Map configuration) {
String suffix = executableSuffix(configuration['compiler']);
switch (configuration['compiler']) {
case 'dartc':
case 'dart2js':
case 'dart2dart':
return executableName(configuration);
throw "Unknown compiler for: ${configuration['compiler']}";
static String dartShellFileName(Map configuration) {
var name = configuration['dart'];
if (name == '') {
name = '${buildDir(configuration)}/${executableName(configuration)}';
ensureExists(name, configuration);
return name;
static String d8FileName(Map configuration) {
var suffix = executableSuffix('d8');
var d8 = '${buildDir(configuration)}/d8$suffix';
ensureExists(d8, configuration);
return d8;
static String vmFileName(Map configuration) {
var suffix = executableSuffix('vm');
var vm = '${buildDir(configuration)}/dart$suffix';
ensureExists(vm, configuration);
return vm;
static void ensureExists(String filename, Map configuration) {
if (!configuration['list'] && !(new File(filename).existsSync())) {
throw "Executable '$filename' does not exist";
static String compilerPath(Map configuration) {
if (configuration['compiler'] == 'none') {
return null; // No separate compiler for dartium tests.
var name = '${buildDir(configuration)}/${compilerName(configuration)}';
if (!(new File(name)).existsSync() && !configuration['list']) {
throw "Executable '$name' does not exist";
return name;
static String outputDir(Map configuration) {
var result = '';
var system = configuration['system'];
if (system == 'linux') {
result = 'out/';
} else if (system == 'macos') {
result = 'xcodebuild/';
} else if (system == 'windows') {
result = 'build/';
return result;
static String buildDir(Map configuration) {
String mode = (configuration['mode'] == 'debug') ? 'Debug' : 'Release';
String arch = configuration['arch'].toUpperCase();
return "${outputDir(configuration)}$mode$arch";
static Path dartDir() {
File scriptFile = new File(testScriptPath);
Path scriptPath = new Path.fromNative(scriptFile.fullPathSync());
return scriptPath.directoryPath.directoryPath;
static List<String> standardOptions(Map configuration) {
List args = ["--ignore-unrecognized-flags"];
if (configuration["checked"]) {
String compiler = configuration["compiler"];
if (compiler == "dart2js" || compiler == "dart2dart") {
args = [];
if (configuration["checked"]) {
// args.add("--verbose");
if (!isBrowserRuntime(configuration['runtime'])) {
// TODO(riocw): Unify our minification calling convention between dart2js
// and dart2dart.
if (compiler == "dart2js" && configuration["minified"]) {
return args;
static String jsshellFileName(Map configuration) {
var executableSuffix = executableSuffix('jsshell');
var executable = 'jsshell$executableSuffix';
var jsshellDir = '${dartDir()}/tools/testing/bin';
return '$jsshellDir/$executable';
static bool usesWebDriver(String runtime) => Contains(
runtime, const <String>['dartium',
static bool isBrowserRuntime(String runtime) =>
runtime == 'drt' || TestUtils.usesWebDriver(runtime);
static bool isJsCommandLineRuntime(String runtime) =>
Contains(runtime, const <String>['d8', 'jsshell']);
class SummaryReport {
static int total = 0;
static int skipped = 0;
static int noCrash = 0;
static int pass = 0;
static int failOk = 0;
static int fail = 0;
static int crash = 0;
static int timeout = 0;
static void add(Set<String> expectations) {
if (expectations.contains(SKIP)) {
} else {
if (expectations.contains(PASS) && expectations.contains(FAIL) &&
!expectations.contains(CRASH) && !expectations.contains(OK)) {
if (expectations.contains(PASS) && expectations.length == 1) {
if (expectations.containsAll([FAIL, OK]) && expectations.length == 2) {
if (expectations.contains(FAIL) && expectations.length == 1) {
if (expectations.contains(CRASH) && expectations.length == 1) {
if (expectations.contains(TIMEOUT)) {
static void printReport() {
if (total == 0) return;
String report = """Total: $total tests
* $skipped tests will be skipped
* $noCrash tests are expected to be flaky but not crash
* $pass tests are expected to pass
* $failOk tests are expected to fail that we won't fix
* $fail tests are expected to fail that we should fix
* $crash tests are expected to crash that we should fix
* $timeout tests are allowed to timeout