blob: fdf877a754a08a2d1488902d9dd53081e471ac12 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of ssa;
class SsaCodeGeneratorTask extends CompilerTask {
final JavaScriptBackend backend;
SsaCodeGeneratorTask(JavaScriptBackend backend)
: this.backend = backend,
String get name => 'SSA code generator';
NativeEmitter get nativeEmitter => backend.emitter.nativeEmitter;
js.Fun buildJavaScriptFunction(FunctionElement element,
List<js.Parameter> parameters,
js.Block body) {
FunctionExpression expression =
js.Fun result = new js.Fun(parameters, body);
// TODO(johnniwinther): remove the 'element.patch' hack.
Element sourceElement = element.patch == null ? element : element.patch;
SourceFile sourceFile = sourceElement.getCompilationUnit().script.file;
// TODO(podivilov): find the right sourceFile here and remove offset checks
// below.
if (expression.getBeginToken().charOffset < sourceFile.text.length) {
result.sourcePosition = new SourceFileLocation(
sourceFile, expression.getBeginToken());
if (expression.getEndToken().charOffset < sourceFile.text.length) {
result.endSourcePosition = new SourceFileLocation(
sourceFile, expression.getEndToken());
return result;
CodeBuffer prettyPrint(js.Node node) {
return js.prettyPrint(node, compiler);
CodeBuffer generateCode(WorkItem work, HGraph graph) {
if (work.element.isField()) {
return generateLazyInitializer(work, graph);
} else {
return generateMethod(work, graph);
CodeBuffer generateLazyInitializer(work, graph) {
return measure(() {
compiler.tracer.traceGraph("codegen", graph);
List<js.Parameter> parameters = <js.Parameter>[];
SsaOptimizedCodeGenerator codegen = new SsaOptimizedCodeGenerator(
backend, work, parameters, new Map<Element, String>());
js.Block body = codegen.body;
js.Fun fun = new js.Fun(parameters, body);
return prettyPrint(fun);
CodeBuffer generateMethod(WorkItem work, HGraph graph) {
return measure(() {
JavaScriptItemCompilationContext context = work.compilationContext;
HTypeMap types = context.types;
graph.exit.predecessors.forEach((block) {
assert(block.last is HGoto || block.last is HReturn);
if (block.last is HReturn) {
backend.registerReturnType(work.element, types[block.last.inputs[0]]);
} else {
backend.registerReturnType(work.element, HType.NULL);
compiler.tracer.traceGraph("codegen", graph);
Map<Element, String> parameterNames = getParameterNames(work);
// Use [work.element] to ensure that the parameter element come from
// the declaration.
FunctionElement function = work.element;
function.computeSignature(compiler).forEachParameter((element) {
compiler.enqueuer.codegen.addToWorkList(element, work.resolutionTree);
List<js.Parameter> parameters = <js.Parameter>[];
parameterNames.forEach((element, name) {
parameters.add(new js.Parameter(name));
addTypeParameters(work.element, parameters, parameterNames);
String parametersString = Strings.join(parameterNames.values, ", ");
SsaOptimizedCodeGenerator codegen = new SsaOptimizedCodeGenerator(
backend, work, parameters, parameterNames);
FunctionElement element = work.element;
js.Block body;
ClassElement enclosingClass = element.getEnclosingClass();
if (element.isInstanceMember()
&& enclosingClass.isNative()
&& native.isOverriddenMethod(
element, enclosingClass, nativeEmitter)) {
// Record that this method is overridden. In case of optional
// arguments, the emitter will generate stubs to handle them,
// and needs to know if the method is overridden.
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
String codeString = prettyPrint(codegen.body).toString();
compiler, buffer, element, codeString, parametersString);
js.Node nativeCode = new js.LiteralStatement(buffer.toString());
body = new js.Block(<js.Statement>[nativeCode]);
} else {
body = codegen.body;
js.Fun fun = buildJavaScriptFunction(element, parameters, body);
return prettyPrint(fun);
void addTypeParameters(Element element,
List<js.Parameter> parameters,
Map<Element, String> parameterNames) {
if (!element.isConstructor()) return;
ClassElement cls = element.enclosingElement;
if (! return;
cls.typeVariables.forEach((TypeVariableType typeVariable) {
String name =;
String prefix = '';
// Avoid collisions with real parameters of the method.
do {
name = JsNames.getValid('$prefix$name');
prefix = '\$$prefix';
} while (parameterNames.containsValue(name));
parameterNames[typeVariable.element] = name;
parameters.add(new js.Parameter(name));
CodeBuffer generateBailoutMethod(WorkItem work, HGraph graph) {
return measure(() {
compiler.tracer.traceGraph("codegen-bailout", graph);
Map<Element, String> parameterNames = getParameterNames(work);
List<js.Parameter> parameters = <js.Parameter>[];
parameterNames.forEach((element, name) {
parameters.add(new js.Parameter(name));
addTypeParameters(work.element, parameters, parameterNames);
SsaUnoptimizedCodeGenerator codegen = new SsaUnoptimizedCodeGenerator(
backend, work, parameters, parameterNames);
js.Block body = new js.Block(<js.Statement>[]);
if (codegen.setup != null) body.statements.add(codegen.setup);
js.Fun fun =
buildJavaScriptFunction(work.element, codegen.newParameters, body);
return prettyPrint(fun);
Map<Element, String> getParameterNames(WorkItem work) {
// Make sure the map preserves insertion order, so that fetching
// the values will keep the order of parameters.
Map<Element, String> parameterNames = new LinkedHashMap<Element, String>();
FunctionElement function = work.element.implementation;
// The dom/html libraries have inline JS code that reference
// parameter names directly. Long-term such code will be rejected.
// Now, just don't mangle the parameter name.
FunctionSignature signature = function.computeSignature(compiler);
signature.orderedForEachParameter((Element element) {
parameterNames[element] = function.isNative()
: JsNames.getValid('${}');
return parameterNames;
typedef void ElementAction(Element element);
abstract class SsaCodeGenerator implements HVisitor, HBlockInformationVisitor {
* Returned by [expressionType] to tell how code can be generated for
* a subgraph.
* - [TYPE_STATEMENT] means that the graph must be generated as a statement,
* which is always possible.
* - [TYPE_EXPRESSION] means that the graph can be generated as an expression,
* or possibly several comma-separated expressions.
* - [TYPE_DECLARATION] means that the graph can be generated as an
* expression, and that it only generates expressions of the form
* variable = expression
* which are also valid as parts of a "var" declaration.
static const int TYPE_STATEMENT = 0;
static const int TYPE_EXPRESSION = 1;
static const int TYPE_DECLARATION = 2;
* Whether we are currently generating expressions instead of statements.
* This includes declarations, which are generated as expressions.
bool isGeneratingExpression = false;
final JavaScriptBackend backend;
final WorkItem work;
final HTypeMap types;
final Set<HInstruction> generateAtUseSite;
final Set<HInstruction> controlFlowOperators;
final Map<Element, ElementAction> breakAction;
final Map<Element, ElementAction> continueAction;
final Map<Element, String> parameterNames;
js.Block currentContainer;
js.Block get body => currentContainer;
List<js.Expression> expressionStack;
List<js.Block> oldContainerStack;
* Contains the names of the instructions, as well as the parallel
* copies to perform on block transitioning.
VariableNames variableNames;
* While generating expressions, we can't insert variable declarations.
* Instead we declare them at the end of the function
final Set<String> delayedVariableDeclarations;
* Set of variables that have already been declared.
final Set<String> declaredVariables;
Element equalsNullElement;
Element boolifiedEqualsNullElement;
int indent = 0;
HGraph currentGraph;
HBasicBlock currentBlock;
// Records a block-information that is being handled specially.
// Used to break bad recursion.
HBlockInformation currentBlockInformation;
// The subgraph is used to delimit traversal for some constructions, e.g.,
// if branches.
SubGraph subGraph;
WorkItem work,
: = work,
this.types =
(work.compilationContext as JavaScriptItemCompilationContext).types,
declaredVariables = new Set<String>(),
delayedVariableDeclarations = new Set<String>(),
currentContainer = new js.Block.empty(),
expressionStack = <js.Expression>[],
oldContainerStack = <js.Block>[],
generateAtUseSite = new Set<HInstruction>(),
controlFlowOperators = new Set<HInstruction>(),
breakAction = new Map<Element, ElementAction>(),
continueAction = new Map<Element, ElementAction>();
LibraryElement get currentLibrary => work.element.getLibrary();
Compiler get compiler => backend.compiler;
NativeEmitter get nativeEmitter => backend.emitter.nativeEmitter;
Enqueuer get world => backend.compiler.enqueuer.codegen;
bool isGenerateAtUseSite(HInstruction instruction) {
return generateAtUseSite.contains(instruction);
bool isNonNegativeInt32Constant(HInstruction instruction) {
if (instruction.isConstantInteger()) {
HConstant constantInstruction = instruction;
PrimitiveConstant primitiveConstant = constantInstruction.constant;
int value = primitiveConstant.value;
if (value >= 0 && value < (1 << 31)) {
return true;
return false;
bool hasNonBitOpUser(HInstruction instruction, Set<HPhi> phiSet) {
for (HInstruction user in instruction.usedBy) {
if (user is HPhi) {
if (!phiSet.contains(user)) {
if (hasNonBitOpUser(user, phiSet)) return true;
} else if (user is! HBitNot && user is! HBinaryBitOp) {
return true;
return false;
// We want the outcome of bit-operations to be positive. However, if
// the result of a bit-operation is only used by other bit
// operations we do not have to convert to an unsigned
// integer. Also, if we are using & with a positive constant we know
// that the result is positive already and need no conversion.
bool requiresUintConversion(HInstruction instruction) {
if (instruction is HBitAnd) {
HBitAnd bitAnd = instruction;
if (isNonNegativeInt32Constant(bitAnd.left) ||
isNonNegativeInt32Constant(bitAnd.right)) {
return false;
return hasNonBitOpUser(instruction, new Set<HPhi>());
* If the [instruction] is not `null` it will be used to attach the position
* to the [statement].
void pushStatement(js.Statement statement, [HInstruction instruction]) {
if (instruction != null) {
attachLocation(statement, instruction);
* If the [instruction] is not `null` it will be used to attach the position
* to the [expression].
pushExpressionAsStatement(js.Expression expression,
[HInstruction instruction]) {
pushStatement(new js.ExpressionStatement(expression), instruction);
* If the [instruction] is not `null` it will be used to attach the position
* to the [expression].
push(js.Expression expression, [HInstruction instruction]) {
if (instruction != null) {
attachLocation(expression, instruction);
js.Expression pop() {
return expressionStack.removeLast();
attachLocationToLast(HInstruction instruction) {
attachLocation(expressionStack.last, instruction);
js.Node attachLocation(js.Node jsNode, HInstruction instruction) {
jsNode.sourcePosition = instruction.sourcePosition;
return jsNode;
js.Node attachLocationRange(js.Node jsNode,
SourceFileLocation sourcePosition,
SourceFileLocation endSourcePosition) {
jsNode.sourcePosition = sourcePosition;
jsNode.endSourcePosition = endSourcePosition;
return jsNode;
abstract visitTypeGuard(HTypeGuard node);
abstract visitBailoutTarget(HBailoutTarget node);
abstract beginGraph(HGraph graph);
abstract endGraph(HGraph graph);
abstract beginLoop(HBasicBlock block);
abstract endLoop(HBasicBlock block);
abstract handleLoopCondition(HLoopBranch node);
abstract preLabeledBlock(HLabeledBlockInformation labeledBlockInfo);
abstract startLabeledBlock(HLabeledBlockInformation labeledBlockInfo);
abstract endLabeledBlock(HLabeledBlockInformation labeledBlockInfo);
void preGenerateMethod(HGraph graph) {
new SsaInstructionMerger(types, generateAtUseSite).visitGraph(graph);
new SsaConditionMerger(
types, generateAtUseSite, controlFlowOperators).visitGraph(graph);
SsaLiveIntervalBuilder intervalBuilder =
new SsaLiveIntervalBuilder(compiler, generateAtUseSite);
SsaVariableAllocator allocator = new SsaVariableAllocator(
variableNames = allocator.names;
visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
currentGraph = graph;
indent++; // We are already inside a function.
subGraph = new SubGraph(graph.entry, graph.exit);
HBasicBlock start = beginGraph(graph);
if (!delayedVariableDeclarations.isEmpty) {
List<js.VariableInitialization> declarations =
delayedVariableDeclarations.forEach((String name) {
declarations.add(new js.VariableInitialization(
new js.VariableDeclaration(name), null));
pushExpressionAsStatement(new js.VariableDeclarationList(declarations));
void visitSubGraph(SubGraph newSubGraph) {
SubGraph oldSubGraph = subGraph;
subGraph = newSubGraph;
subGraph = oldSubGraph;
* Check whether a sub-graph can be generated as an expression, or even
* as a declaration, or if it has to fall back to being generated as
* a statement.
* Expressions are anything that doesn't generate control flow constructs.
* Declarations must only generate assignments on the form "id = expression",
* and not, e.g., expressions where the value isn't assigned, or where it's
* assigned to something that's not a simple variable.
int expressionType(HExpressionInformation info) {
// The only HExpressionInformation used as part of a HBlockInformation is
// current HSubExpressionBlockInformation, so it's the only one reaching
// here. If we start using the other HExpressionInformation types too,
// this code should be generalized.
assert(info is HSubExpressionBlockInformation);
HSubExpressionBlockInformation expressionInfo = info;
SubGraph limits = expressionInfo.subExpression;
// Start assuming that we can generate declarations. If we find a
// counter-example, we degrade our assumption to either expression or
// statement, and in the latter case, we can return immediately since
// it can't get any worse. E.g., a function call where the return value
// isn't used can't be in a declaration. A bailout can't be in an
// expression.
int result = TYPE_DECLARATION;
HBasicBlock basicBlock = limits.start;
do {
HInstruction current = basicBlock.first;
while (current != basicBlock.last) {
// E.g, type guards.
if (current.isControlFlow()) {
// HFieldSet generates code on the form x.y = ..., which isn't
// valid in a declaration, but it also always have no uses, so
// it's caught by that test too.
assert(current is! HFieldSet || current.usedBy.isEmpty);
if (current.usedBy.isEmpty) {
current =;
if (current is HGoto) {
basicBlock = basicBlock.successors[0];
} else if (current is HConditionalBranch) {
if (generateAtUseSite.contains(current)) {
// Short-circuit control flow operator trickery.
// Check the second half, which will continue into the join.
// (The first half is [inputs[0]], the second half is [successors[0]],
// and [successors[1]] is the join-block).
basicBlock = basicBlock.successors[0];
} else {
// We allow an expression to end on an HIf (a condition expression).
return identical(basicBlock, limits.end) ? result : TYPE_STATEMENT;
} else {
// Expression-incompatible control flow.
} while (limits.contains(basicBlock));
return result;
bool isJSExpression(HExpressionInformation info) {
return !identical(expressionType(info), TYPE_STATEMENT);
bool isJSDeclaration(HExpressionInformation info) {
return identical(expressionType(info), TYPE_DECLARATION);
bool isJSCondition(HExpressionInformation info) {
HSubExpressionBlockInformation graph = info;
SubExpression limits = graph.subExpression;
return !identical(expressionType(info), TYPE_STATEMENT) &&
(limits.end.last is HConditionalBranch);
* Generate statements from block information.
* If the block information contains expressions, generate only
* assignments, and if it ends in a conditional branch, don't generate
* the condition.
void generateStatements(HBlockInformation block) {
if (block is HStatementInformation) {
} else {
HSubExpressionBlockInformation expression = block;
js.Block generateStatementsInNewBlock(HBlockInformation block) {
js.Block result = new js.Block.empty();
js.Block oldContainer = currentContainer;
currentContainer = result;
currentContainer = oldContainer;
return result;
* If the [block] only contains one statement returns that statement. If the
* that statement itself is a block, recursively calls this method.
* If the block is empty, returns a new instance of [js.NOP].
js.Statement unwrapStatement(js.Block block) {
int len = block.statements.length;
if (len == 0) return new js.EmptyStatement();
if (len == 1) {
js.Statement result = block.statements[0];
if (result is Block) return unwrapStatement(result);
return result;
return block;
* Generate expressions from block information.
js.Expression generateExpression(HExpressionInformation expression) {
// Currently we only handle sub-expression graphs.
assert(expression is HSubExpressionBlockInformation);
bool oldIsGeneratingExpression = isGeneratingExpression;
isGeneratingExpression = true;
List<js.Expression> oldExpressionStack = expressionStack;
List<js.Expression> sequenceElements = <js.Expression>[];
expressionStack = sequenceElements;
HSubExpressionBlockInformation expressionSubGraph = expression;
expressionStack = oldExpressionStack;
isGeneratingExpression = oldIsGeneratingExpression;
if (sequenceElements.isEmpty) {
// Happens when the initializer, condition or update of a loop is empty.
return null;
} else if (sequenceElements.length == 1) {
return sequenceElements[0];
} else {
return new js.Sequence(sequenceElements);
* Only visits the arguments starting at inputs[HInvoke.ARGUMENTS_OFFSET].
List<js.Expression> visitArguments(List<HInstruction> inputs) {
assert(inputs.length >= HInvoke.ARGUMENTS_OFFSET);
List<js.Expression> result = <js.Expression>[];
for (int i = HInvoke.ARGUMENTS_OFFSET; i < inputs.length; i++) {
return result;
bool isVariableDeclared(String variableName) {
return declaredVariables.contains(variableName);
js.Expression generateExpressionAssignment(String variableName,
js.Expression value) {
if (value is js.Binary) {
js.Binary binary = value;
String op = binary.op;
if (op == '+' || op == '-' || op == '/' || op == '*' || op == '%' ||
op == '^' || op == '&' || op == '|') {
if (binary.left is js.VariableUse &&
(binary.left as js.VariableUse).name == variableName) {
// We know now, that we can shorten x = x + y into x += y.
// Also check for the shortcut where y equals 1: x++ and x--.
if ((op == '+' || op == '-') &&
binary.right is js.LiteralNumber &&
(binary.right as js.LiteralNumber).value == "1") {
return new js.Prefix(op == '+' ? '++' : '--', binary.left);
return new js.Assignment.compound(binary.left, op, binary.right);
return new js.Assignment(new js.VariableUse(variableName), value);
void assignVariable(String variableName, js.Expression value) {
if (isGeneratingExpression) {
if (!isVariableDeclared(variableName)) {
// We can treat the variable as being declared from this point on.
push(generateExpressionAssignment(variableName, value));
} else if (!isVariableDeclared(variableName) ||
delayedVariableDeclarations.contains(variableName)) {
js.VariableDeclaration decl = new js.VariableDeclaration(variableName);
js.VariableInitialization initialization =
new js.VariableInitialization(decl, value);
pushExpressionAsStatement(new js.VariableDeclarationList(
} else {
generateExpressionAssignment(variableName, value));
void define(HInstruction instruction) {
// For simple type checks like i = intTypeCheck(i), we don't have to
// emit an assignment, because the intTypeCheck just returns its
// argument.
bool needsAssignment = true;
if (instruction is HTypeConversion) {
String inputName = variableNames.getName(instruction.checkedInput);
if (variableNames.getName(instruction) == inputName) {
needsAssignment = false;
if (needsAssignment &&
!instruction.isControlFlow() && variableNames.hasName(instruction)) {
assignVariable(variableNames.getName(instruction), pop());
if (isGeneratingExpression) {
} else {
void use(HInstruction argument) {
if (isGenerateAtUseSite(argument)) {
} else if (argument is HCheck && argument.isControlFlow()) {
// A [HCheck] that has control flow can never be used as an
// expression and may not have a name. Therefore we just use the
// checked instruction.
HCheck check = argument;
} else {
push(new js.VariableUse(variableNames.getName(argument)));
visit(HInstruction node) {
visitExpression(HInstruction node) {
bool oldIsGeneratingExpression = isGeneratingExpression;
isGeneratingExpression = true;
isGeneratingExpression = oldIsGeneratingExpression;
visitStatement(HInstruction node) {
if (!expressionStack.isEmpty) {
assert(expressionStack.length == 1);
void continueAsBreak(LabelElement target) {
pushStatement(new js.Break(backend.namer.continueLabelName(target)));
void implicitContinueAsBreak(TargetElement target) {
pushStatement(new js.Break(
void implicitBreakWithLabel(TargetElement target) {
pushStatement(new js.Break(backend.namer.implicitBreakLabelName(target)));
js.Statement wrapIntoLabels(js.Statement result, List<LabelElement> labels) {
for (LabelElement label in labels) {
if (label.isTarget) {
String breakLabelString = backend.namer.breakLabelName(label);
result = new js.LabeledStatement(breakLabelString, result);
return result;
// The regular [visitIf] method implements the needed logic.
bool visitIfInfo(HIfBlockInformation info) => false;
bool visitSwitchInfo(HSwitchBlockInformation info) {
bool isExpression = isJSExpression(info.expression);
if (!isExpression) {
if (isExpression) {
} else {
js.Expression key = pop();
List<js.SwitchClause> cases = <js.SwitchClause>[];
js.Block oldContainer = currentContainer;
for (int i = 0; i < info.matchExpressions.length; i++) {
for (Constant constant in info.matchExpressions[i]) {
currentContainer = new js.Block.empty();
cases.add(new js.Case(pop(), currentContainer));
if (i == info.matchExpressions.length - 1 && info.hasDefault) {
currentContainer = new js.Block.empty();
cases.add(new js.Default(currentContainer));
currentContainer = oldContainer;
js.Statement result = new js.Switch(key, cases);
pushStatement(wrapIntoLabels(result, info.labels));
return true;
bool visitSequenceInfo(HStatementSequenceInformation info) {
return false;
bool visitSubGraphInfo(HSubGraphBlockInformation info) {
return true;
bool visitSubExpressionInfo(HSubExpressionBlockInformation info) {
return false;
bool visitAndOrInfo(HAndOrBlockInformation info) {
return false;
bool visitTryInfo(HTryBlockInformation info) {
js.Block body = generateStatementsInNewBlock(info.body);
js.Catch catchPart = null;
js.Block finallyPart = null;
if (info.catchBlock != null) {
HParameterValue exception = info.catchVariable;
String name = variableNames.getName(exception);
parameterNames[exception.sourceElement] = name;
js.VariableDeclaration decl = new js.VariableDeclaration(name);
js.Block catchBlock = generateStatementsInNewBlock(info.catchBlock);
catchPart = new js.Catch(decl, catchBlock);
if (info.finallyBlock != null) {
finallyPart = generateStatementsInNewBlock(info.finallyBlock);
pushStatement(new js.Try(body, catchPart, finallyPart));
return true;
void visitBodyIgnoreLabels(HLoopBlockInformation info) {
if (info.body.start.isLabeledBlock()) {
HBlockInformation oldInfo = currentBlockInformation;
currentBlockInformation = info.body.start.blockFlow.body;
currentBlockInformation = oldInfo;
} else {
bool visitLoopInfo(HLoopBlockInformation info) {
HExpressionInformation condition = info.condition;
bool isConditionExpression = isJSCondition(condition);
js.Loop loop;
switch (info.kind) {
// Treate all three "test-first" loops the same way.
case HLoopBlockInformation.FOR_LOOP:
case HLoopBlockInformation.WHILE_LOOP:
case HLoopBlockInformation.FOR_IN_LOOP:
HBlockInformation initialization = info.initializer;
int initializationType = TYPE_STATEMENT;
if (initialization != null) {
initializationType = expressionType(initialization);
if (initializationType == TYPE_STATEMENT) {
initialization = null;
if (isConditionExpression &&
info.updates != null && isJSExpression(info.updates)) {
// If we have an updates graph, and it's expressible as an
// expression, generate a for-loop.
js.Expression jsInitialization = null;
if (initialization != null) {
int delayedVariablesCount = delayedVariableDeclarations.length;
jsInitialization = generateExpression(initialization);
if (delayedVariablesCount < delayedVariableDeclarations.length) {
// We just added a new delayed variable-declaration. See if we
// can put in a 'var' in front of the initialization to make it
// go away.
List<js.Expression> expressions;
if (jsInitialization is js.Sequence) {
expressions = jsInitialization.expressions;
} else {
expressions = <js.Expression>[jsInitialization];
bool canTransformToVariableDeclaration = true;
for (js.Expression expression in expressions) {
bool expressionIsVariableAssignment = false;
if (expression is js.Assignment) {
js.Assignment assignment = expression;
if (assignment.leftHandSide is js.VariableUse &&
assignment.compoundTarget == null) {
expressionIsVariableAssignment = true;
if (!expressionIsVariableAssignment) {
canTransformToVariableDeclaration = false;
if (canTransformToVariableDeclaration) {
List<js.VariableInitialization> inits =
for (js.Assignment assignment in expressions) {
String id = (assignment.leftHandSide as js.VariableUse).name;
js.Node declaration = new js.VariableDeclaration(id);
inits.add(new js.VariableInitialization(declaration,
jsInitialization = new js.VariableDeclarationList(inits);
js.Expression jsCondition = generateExpression(condition);
js.Expression jsUpdates = generateExpression(info.updates);
// The body might be labeled. Ignore this when recursing on the
// subgraph.
// TODO(lrn): Remove this extra labeling when handling all loops
// using subgraphs.
js.Block oldContainer = currentContainer;
js.Statement body = new js.Block.empty();
currentContainer = body;
currentContainer = oldContainer;
body = unwrapStatement(body);
loop = new js.For(jsInitialization, jsCondition, jsUpdates, body);
} else {
// We have either no update graph, or it's too complex to
// put in an expression.
if (initialization != null) {
js.Expression jsCondition;
js.Block oldContainer = currentContainer;
js.Statement body = new js.Block.empty();
if (isConditionExpression) {
jsCondition = generateExpression(condition);
currentContainer = body;
} else {
jsCondition = new js.LiteralBool(true);
currentContainer = body;
js.Expression ifTest = new js.Prefix("!", pop());
js.Break jsBreak = new js.Break(null);
pushStatement(new js.If.noElse(ifTest, jsBreak));
if (info.updates != null) {
} else {
currentContainer = oldContainer;
body = unwrapStatement(body);
loop = new js.While(jsCondition, body);
case HLoopBlockInformation.DO_WHILE_LOOP:
// Generate do-while loop in all cases.
if (info.initializer != null) {
js.Block oldContainer = currentContainer;
js.Statement body = new js.Block.empty();
currentContainer = body;
if (!isConditionExpression || info.updates != null) {
} else {
if (info.updates != null) {
if (isConditionExpression) {
} else {
js.Expression jsCondition = pop();
currentContainer = oldContainer;
body = unwrapStatement(body);
loop = new js.Do(body, jsCondition);
'Unexpected loop kind: ${info.kind}',
instruction: condition.conditionExpression);
attachLocationRange(loop, info.sourcePosition, info.endSourcePosition);
pushStatement(wrapIntoLabels(loop, info.labels));
return true;
bool visitLabeledBlockInfo(HLabeledBlockInformation labeledBlockInfo) {
Link<Element> continueOverrides = const Link<Element>();
js.Block oldContainer = currentContainer;
js.Block body = new js.Block.empty();
js.Statement result = body;
currentContainer = body;
// If [labeledBlockInfo.isContinue], the block is an artificial
// block around the body of a loop with an update block, so that
// continues of the loop can be written as breaks of the body
// block.
if (labeledBlockInfo.isContinue) {
for (LabelElement label in labeledBlockInfo.labels) {
if (label.isContinueTarget) {
String labelName = backend.namer.continueLabelName(label);
result = new js.LabeledStatement(labelName, result);
continueAction[label] = continueAsBreak;
continueOverrides = continueOverrides.prepend(label);
// For handling unlabeled continues from the body of a loop.
// TODO(lrn): Consider recording whether the target is in fact
// a target of an unlabeled continue, and not generate this if it isn't.
TargetElement target =;
String labelName = backend.namer.implicitContinueLabelName(target);
result = new js.LabeledStatement(labelName, result);
continueAction[target] = implicitContinueAsBreak;
continueOverrides = continueOverrides.prepend(target);
} else {
for (LabelElement label in labeledBlockInfo.labels) {
if (label.isBreakTarget) {
String labelName = backend.namer.breakLabelName(label);
result = new js.LabeledStatement(labelName, result);
TargetElement target =;
if (target.isSwitch) {
// This is an extra block around a switch that is generated
// as a nested if/else chain. We add an extra break target
// so that case code can break.
String labelName = backend.namer.implicitBreakLabelName(target);
result = new js.LabeledStatement(labelName, result);
breakAction[target] = implicitBreakWithLabel;
currentContainer = body;
if (labeledBlockInfo.isContinue) {
while (!continueOverrides.isEmpty) {
continueOverrides = continueOverrides.tail;
} else {
currentContainer = oldContainer;
return true;
// Wraps a loop body in a block to make continues have a target to break
// to (if necessary).
void wrapLoopBodyForContinue(HLoopBlockInformation info) {
TargetElement target =;
if (target != null && target.isContinueTarget) {
js.Block oldContainer = currentContainer;
js.Block body = new js.Block.empty();
currentContainer = body;
js.Statement result = body;
for (LabelElement label in info.labels) {
if (label.isContinueTarget) {
String labelName = backend.namer.continueLabelName(label);
result = new js.LabeledStatement(labelName, result);
continueAction[label] = continueAsBreak;
String labelName = backend.namer.implicitContinueLabelName(target);
result = new js.LabeledStatement(labelName, result);
continueAction[] = implicitContinueAsBreak;
for (LabelElement label in info.labels) {
if (label.isContinueTarget) {
currentContainer = oldContainer;
} else {
// Loop body contains no continues, so we don't need a break target.
bool handleBlockFlow(HBlockFlow block) {
HBlockInformation info = block.body;
// If we reach here again while handling the attached information,
// e.g., because we call visitSubGraph on a subgraph starting on
// the same block, don't handle it again.
// When the structure graph is complete, we will be able to have
// different structures starting on the same basic block (e.g., an
// "if" and its condition).
if (identical(info, currentBlockInformation)) return false;
HBlockInformation oldBlockInformation = currentBlockInformation;
currentBlockInformation = info;
bool success = info.accept(this);
currentBlockInformation = oldBlockInformation;
if (success) {
HBasicBlock continuation = block.continuation;
if (continuation != null) {
return success;
void visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock node) {
// Abort traversal if we are leaving the currently active sub-graph.
if (!subGraph.contains(node)) return;
currentBlock = node;
// If this node has block-structure based information attached,
// try using that to traverse from here.
if (node.blockFlow != null &&
handleBlockFlow(node.blockFlow)) {
// Flow based traversal.
if (node.isLoopHeader() &&
!identical(node.loopInformation.loopBlockInformation, currentBlockInformation)) {
void emitAssignment(String destination, String source) {
assignVariable(destination, new js.VariableUse(source));
* Sequentialize a list of conceptually parallel copies. Parallel
* copies may contain cycles, that this method breaks.
void sequentializeCopies(List<Copy> copies) {
// Map to keep track of the current location (ie the variable that
// holds the initial value) of a variable.
Map<String, String> currentLocation = new Map<String, String>();
// Map to keep track of the initial value of a variable.
Map<String, String> initialValue = new Map<String, String>();
// List of variables to assign a value.
List<String> worklist = <String>[];
// List of variables that we can assign a value to (ie are not
// being used anymore).
List<String> ready = <String>[];
// Prune [copies] by removing self-copies.
List<Copy> prunedCopies = <Copy>[];
for (Copy copy in copies) {
String sourceName = variableNames.getName(copy.source);
String destinationName = variableNames.getName(copy.destination);
if (sourceName != destinationName) {
prunedCopies.add(new Copy(sourceName, destinationName));
copies = prunedCopies;
// For each copy, set the current location of the source to
// itself, and the initial value of the destination to the source.
// Add the destination to the list of copies to make.
for (Copy copy in copies) {
currentLocation[copy.source] = copy.source;
initialValue[copy.destination] = copy.source;
// For each copy, if the destination does not have a current
// location, then we can safely assign to it.
for (Copy copy in copies) {
if (currentLocation[copy.destination] == null) {
while (!worklist.isEmpty) {
while (!ready.isEmpty) {
String destination = ready.removeLast();
String source = initialValue[destination];
// Since [source] might have been updated, use the current
// location of [source]
String copy = currentLocation[source];
emitAssignment(destination, copy);
// Now [destination] is the current location of [source].
currentLocation[source] = destination;
// If [source] hasn't been updated and needs to have a value,
// add it to the list of variables that can be updated. Copies
// of [source] will now use [destination].
if (source == copy && initialValue[source] != null) {
// Check if we have a cycle.
String current = worklist.removeLast();
// If [current] is used as a source, and the assignment has been
// done, we are done with this variable. Otherwise there is a
// cycle that we break by using a temporary name.
if (currentLocation[current] != null
&& current != currentLocation[initialValue[current]]) {
String tempName = variableNames.swapTemp;
emitAssignment(tempName, current);
currentLocation[current] = tempName;
// [current] can now be safely updated. Copies of [current]
// will now use [tempName].
void assignPhisOfSuccessors(HBasicBlock node) {
CopyHandler handler = variableNames.getCopyHandler(node);
if (handler == null) return;
for (Copy copy in handler.assignments) {
String name = variableNames.getName(copy.destination);
assignVariable(name, pop());
void iterateBasicBlock(HBasicBlock node) {
HInstruction instruction = node.first;
while (!identical(instruction, node.last)) {
if (instruction is HTypeGuard || instruction is HBailoutTarget) {
} else if (!isGenerateAtUseSite(instruction)) {
instruction =;
visitInvokeBinary(HInvokeBinary node, String op) {
if (node.isBuiltin(types)) {
js.Expression jsLeft = pop();
push(new js.Binary(op, jsLeft, pop()), node);
} else {
// We want the outcome of bit-operations to be positive. We use the unsigned
// shift operator to achieve this.
visitBitInvokeBinary(HBinaryBitOp node, String op) {
visitInvokeBinary(node, op);
if (node.isBuiltin(types) && requiresUintConversion(node)) {
push(new js.Binary(">>>", pop(), new js.LiteralNumber("0")), node);
visitInvokeUnary(HInvokeUnary node, String op) {
if (node.isBuiltin(types)) {
push(new js.Prefix(op, pop()), node);
} else {
// We want the outcome of bit-operations to be positive. We use the unsigned
// shift operator to achieve this.
visitBitInvokeUnary(HInvokeUnary node, String op) {
visitInvokeUnary(node, op);
if (node.isBuiltin(types) && requiresUintConversion(node)) {
push(new js.Binary(">>>", pop(), new js.LiteralNumber("0")), node);
void emitIdentityComparison(HInstruction left, HInstruction right) {
String op = singleIdentityComparison(left, right, types);
if (op != null) {
js.Expression jsLeft = pop();
push(new js.Binary(op, jsLeft, pop()));
} else {
assert(NullConstant.JsNull == 'null');
js.Binary leftEqualsNull =
new js.Binary("==", pop(), new js.LiteralNull());
js.Binary rightEqualsNull =
new js.Binary("==", pop(), new js.LiteralNull());
js.Binary tripleEq = new js.Binary("===", pop(), pop());
push(new js.Conditional(leftEqualsNull, rightEqualsNull, tripleEq));
visitEquals(HEquals node) {
if (node.isBuiltin(types)) {
emitIdentityComparison(node.left, node.right);
} else {
visitIdentity(HIdentity node) {
emitIdentityComparison(node.left, node.right);
visitAdd(HAdd node) => visitInvokeBinary(node, '+');
visitDivide(HDivide node) => visitInvokeBinary(node, '/');
visitMultiply(HMultiply node) => visitInvokeBinary(node, '*');
visitSubtract(HSubtract node) => visitInvokeBinary(node, '-');
// Truncating divide does not have a JS equivalent.
visitTruncatingDivide(HTruncatingDivide node) => visitInvokeStatic(node);
// Modulo cannot be mapped to the native operator (different semantics).
visitModulo(HModulo node) => visitInvokeStatic(node);
visitBitAnd(HBitAnd node) => visitBitInvokeBinary(node, '&');
visitBitNot(HBitNot node) => visitBitInvokeUnary(node, '~');
visitBitOr(HBitOr node) => visitBitInvokeBinary(node, '|');
visitBitXor(HBitXor node) => visitBitInvokeBinary(node, '^');
visitShiftRight(HShiftRight node) => visitBitInvokeBinary(node, '>>');
visitShiftLeft(HShiftLeft node) => visitBitInvokeBinary(node, '<<');
visitNegate(HNegate node) => visitInvokeUnary(node, '-');
visitLess(HLess node) => visitInvokeBinary(node, '<');
visitLessEqual(HLessEqual node) => visitInvokeBinary(node, '<=');
visitGreater(HGreater node) => visitInvokeBinary(node, '>');
visitGreaterEqual(HGreaterEqual node) => visitInvokeBinary(node, '>=');
visitBoolify(HBoolify node) {
assert(node.inputs.length == 1);
push(new js.Binary('===', pop(), new js.LiteralBool(true)), node);
visitExit(HExit node) {
// Don't do anything.
visitGoto(HGoto node) {
assert(currentBlock.successors.length == 1);
List<HBasicBlock> dominated = currentBlock.dominatedBlocks;
// With the exception of the entry-node which dominates its successor
// and the exit node, no block finishing with a 'goto' can have more than
// one dominated block (since it has only one successor).
// If the successor is dominated by another block, then the other block
// is responsible for visiting the successor.
if (dominated.isEmpty) return;
if (dominated.length > 2) {
compiler.internalError('dominated.length = ${dominated.length}',
instruction: node);
if (dominated.length == 2 && !identical(currentBlock, currentGraph.entry)) {
compiler.internalError('currentBlock !== currentGraph.entry',
instruction: node);
assert(dominated[0] == currentBlock.successors[0]);
* Checks if [map] contains an [ElementAction] for [element], and
* if so calls that action and returns true.
* Otherwise returns false.
bool tryCallAction(Map<Element, ElementAction> map, Element element) {
ElementAction action = map[element];
if (action == null) return false;
return true;
visitBreak(HBreak node) {
assert(currentBlock.successors.length == 1);
if (node.label != null) {
LabelElement label = node.label;
if (!tryCallAction(breakAction, label)) {
pushStatement(new js.Break(backend.namer.breakLabelName(label)), node);
} else {
TargetElement target =;
if (!tryCallAction(breakAction, target)) {
pushStatement(new js.Break(null), node);
visitContinue(HContinue node) {
assert(currentBlock.successors.length == 1);
if (node.label != null) {
LabelElement label = node.label;
if (!tryCallAction(continueAction, label)) {
// TODO(floitsch): should this really be the breakLabelName?
pushStatement(new js.Continue(backend.namer.breakLabelName(label)),
} else {
TargetElement target =;
if (!tryCallAction(continueAction, target)) {
pushStatement(new js.Continue(null), node);
visitTry(HTry node) {
// We should never get here. Try/catch/finally is always handled using block
// information in [visitTryInfo], or not at all, in the case of the bailout
// generator.
compiler.internalError('visitTry should not be called', instruction: node);
bool tryControlFlowOperation(HIf node) {
if (!controlFlowOperators.contains(node)) return false;
HPhi phi = node.joinBlock.phis.first;
bool atUseSite = isGenerateAtUseSite(phi);
// Don't generate a conditional operator in this situation:
// i = condition ? bar() : i;
// But generate this instead:
// if (condition) i = bar();
// Usually, the variable name is longer than 'if' and it takes up
// more space to duplicate the name.
if (!atUseSite
&& variableNames.getName(phi) == variableNames.getName(phi.inputs[1])) {
return false;
if (!atUseSite) define(phi);
return true;
void generateIf(HIf node, HIfBlockInformation info) {
js.Expression test = pop();
HStatementInformation thenGraph = info.thenGraph;
HStatementInformation elseGraph = info.elseGraph;
js.Statement thenPart =
js.Statement elsePart =
pushStatement(new js.If(test, thenPart, elsePart), node);
visitIf(HIf node) {
if (tryControlFlowOperation(node)) return;
HInstruction condition = node.inputs[0];
HIfBlockInformation info = node.blockInformation.body;
if (condition.isConstant()) {
HConstant constant = condition;
if (constant.constant.isTrue()) {
} else {
} else {
generateIf(node, info);
HBasicBlock joinBlock = node.joinBlock;
if (joinBlock != null && !identical(joinBlock.dominator, node.block)) {
// The join block is dominated by a block in one of the branches.
// The subgraph traversal never reached it, so we visit it here
// instead.
// Visit all the dominated blocks that are not part of the then or else
// branches, and is not the join block.
// Depending on how the then/else branches terminate
// (e.g., return/throw/break) there can be any number of these.
List<HBasicBlock> dominated = node.block.dominatedBlocks;
for (int i = 2; i < dominated.length; i++) {
js.Call jsPropertyCall(js.Expression receiver,
String fieldName,
List<js.Expression> arguments) {
return new js.Call(new js.PropertyAccess.field(receiver, fieldName),
visitInvokeDynamicMethod(HInvokeDynamicMethod node) {
js.Expression object = pop();
SourceString name =;
String methodName;
List<js.Expression> arguments;
Element target = node.element;
// Avoid adding the generative constructor name to the list of
// seen selectors.
if (target != null && target.isGenerativeConstructorBody()) {
methodName = name.slowToString();
arguments = visitArguments(node.inputs);
} else {
methodName = backend.namer.instanceMethodInvocationName(
node.selector.library, name, node.selector);
arguments = visitArguments(node.inputs);
bool inLoop = node.block.enclosingLoopHeader != null;
// Register this invocation to collect the types used at all call sites.
Selector selector = getOptimizedSelectorFor(node, node.selector);
backend.registerDynamicInvocation(node, selector, types);
// If we don't know what we're calling or if we are calling a getter,
// we need to register that fact that we may be calling a closure
// with the same arguments.
if (target == null || target.isGetter()) {
// TODO(kasperl): If we have a typed selector for the call, we
// may know something about the types of closures that need
// the specific closure call method.
Selector call = new Selector.callClosureFrom(selector);
world.registerDynamicInvocation(, call);
if (target != null) {
// If we know we're calling a specific method, register that
// method only.
if (inLoop) backend.builder.functionsCalledInLoop.add(target);
} else {
if (inLoop) backend.builder.selectorsCalledInLoop[name] = selector;
world.registerDynamicInvocation(name, selector);
push(jsPropertyCall(object, methodName, arguments), node);
Selector getOptimizedSelectorFor(HInvokeDynamic node,
Selector defaultSelector) {
// TODO(4434): For private members we need to use the untyped selector.
if ( return defaultSelector;
HType receiverHType = types[node.inputs[0]];
DartType receiverType = receiverHType.computeType(compiler);
if (receiverType != null) {
return new TypedSelector(receiverType, defaultSelector);
} else {
return defaultSelector;
visitInvokeDynamicSetter(HInvokeDynamicSetter node) {
Selector setter = node.selector;
String name = backend.namer.setterName(setter.library,;
push(jsPropertyCall(pop(), name, visitArguments(node.inputs)), node);
Selector selector = getOptimizedSelectorFor(node, setter);
world.registerDynamicSetter(, selector);
backend.addedDynamicSetter(selector, types[node.inputs[1]]);
visitInvokeDynamicGetter(HInvokeDynamicGetter node) {
Selector getter = node.selector;
String name = backend.namer.getterName(getter.library,;
push(jsPropertyCall(pop(), name, visitArguments(node.inputs)), node);
world.registerDynamicGetter(, getOptimizedSelectorFor(node, getter));
visitInvokeClosure(HInvokeClosure node) {
Selector call = new Selector.callClosureFrom(node.selector);
world.registerDynamicInvocation(, call);
// A closure can also be invoked through [HInvokeDynamicMethod] by
// explicitly calling the [:call:] method. Therefore, we must also
// register types here to let the backend invalidate wrong
// optimizations.
backend.registerDynamicInvocation(node, call, types);
visitInvokeStatic(HInvokeStatic node) {
if (true &&
(node.typeCode() == HInstruction.INVOKE_STATIC_TYPECODE ||
node.typeCode() == HInstruction.INVOKE_INTERCEPTOR_TYPECODE)) {
// Register this invocation to collect the types used at all call sites.
backend.registerStaticInvocation(node, types);
push(new js.Call(pop(), visitArguments(node.inputs)), node);
visitInvokeSuper(HInvokeSuper node) {
Element superMethod = node.element;
Element superClass = superMethod.getEnclosingClass();
if (superMethod.kind == ElementKind.FIELD) {
ClassElement currentClass = work.element.getEnclosingClass();
if (currentClass.isClosure()) {
ClosureClassElement closure = currentClass;
currentClass = closure.methodElement.getEnclosingClass();
String fieldName;
if (currentClass.isShadowedByField(superMethod)) {
fieldName = backend.namer.shadowedFieldName(superMethod);
} else {
LibraryElement library = superMethod.getLibrary();
SourceString name =;
fieldName = backend.namer.instanceFieldName(library, name);
js.PropertyAccess access =
new js.PropertyAccess.field(pop(), fieldName);
if (node.isSetter) {
push(new js.Assignment(access, pop()), node);
} else {
push(access, node);
} else {
String methodName;
if (superMethod.kind == ElementKind.FUNCTION ||
superMethod.kind == ElementKind.GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR) {
methodName = backend.namer.instanceMethodName(superMethod);
} else if (superMethod.kind == ElementKind.GETTER) {
methodName =
} else {
assert(superMethod.kind == ElementKind.SETTER);
methodName =
String className = backend.namer.isolateAccess(superClass);
js.VariableUse classReference = new js.VariableUse(className);
js.PropertyAccess prototype =
new js.PropertyAccess.field(classReference, "prototype");
js.PropertyAccess method =
new js.PropertyAccess.field(prototype, methodName);
push(jsPropertyCall(method, "call", visitArguments(node.inputs)), node);
visitFieldGet(HFieldGet node) {
String name = backend.namer.getName(node.element);
push(new js.PropertyAccess.field(pop(), name), node);
HType receiverHType = types[node.receiver];
DartType type = receiverHType.computeType(compiler);
if (type != null) {
world.registerFieldGetter(, node.element.getLibrary(), type);
// Determine if an instruction is a simple number computation
// involving only things with guaranteed number types and a given
// field.
bool isSimpleFieldNumberComputation(HInstruction value, HFieldSet node) {
if (value.guaranteedType.union(HType.NUMBER) == HType.NUMBER) return true;
if (value is HBinaryArithmetic) {
return (isSimpleFieldNumberComputation(value.left, node) &&
isSimpleFieldNumberComputation(value.right, node));
if (value is HFieldGet) return value.element == node.element;
return false;
visitFieldSet(HFieldSet node) {
String name = backend.namer.getName(node.element);
DartType type = types[node.receiver].computeType(compiler);
if (type != null) {
// Field setters in the generative constructor body are handled in a
// step "SsaConstructionFieldTypes" in the ssa optimizer.
if (!work.element.isGenerativeConstructorBody()) {
world.registerFieldSetter(, node.element.getLibrary(), type);
work.element, node.element, types[node.value]);
js.Expression receiver = pop();
push(new js.Assignment(new js.PropertyAccess.field(receiver, name), pop()),
visitLocalGet(HLocalGet node) {
visitLocalSet(HLocalSet node) {
assignVariable(variableNames.getName(node.receiver), pop());
visitForeign(HForeign node) {
String code = node.code.slowToString();
List<HInstruction> inputs = node.inputs;
if (node.isJsStatement(types)) {
if (!inputs.isEmpty) {
compiler.internalError("foreign statement with inputs: $code",
instruction: node);
pushStatement(new js.LiteralStatement(code), node);
} else {
List<js.Expression> data = <js.Expression>[];
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
push(new js.LiteralExpression.withData(code, data), node);
visitForeignNew(HForeignNew node) {
String jsClassReference = backend.namer.isolateAccess(node.element);
List<HInstruction> inputs = node.inputs;
// We can't use 'visitArguments', since our arguments start at input[0].
List<js.Expression> arguments = <js.Expression>[];
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
// TODO(floitsch): jsClassReference is an Access. We shouldn't treat it
// as if it was a string.
push(new js.New(new js.VariableUse(jsClassReference), arguments), node);
void generateConstant(Constant constant) {
Namer namer = backend.namer;
// TODO(floitsch): should we use the ConstantVisitor here?
if (!constant.isObject()) {
if (constant.isBool()) {
push(new js.LiteralBool((constant as BoolConstant).value));
} else if (constant.isNum()) {
// TODO(floitsch): get rid of the code buffer.
CodeBuffer buffer = new CodeBuffer();
backend.emitter.writeConstantToBuffer(constant, buffer);
push(new js.LiteralNumber(buffer.toString()));
} else if (constant.isNull()) {
push(new js.LiteralNull());
} else if (constant.isString()) {
// TODO(floitsch): get rid of the code buffer.
CodeBuffer buffer = new CodeBuffer();
backend.emitter.writeConstantToBuffer(constant, buffer);
push(new js.LiteralString(buffer.toString()));
} else if (constant.isFunction()) {
FunctionConstant function = constant;
push(new js.VariableUse(namer.isolateAccess(function.element)));
} else if (constant.isSentinel()) {
// TODO(floitsch): get rid of the code buffer.
CodeBuffer buffer = new CodeBuffer();
backend.emitter.writeConstantToBuffer(constant, buffer);
push(new js.VariableUse(buffer.toString()));
} else {
"The compiler does not know how generate code for "
"constant $constant");
} else {
String name = namer.constantName(constant);
js.VariableUse currentIsolateUse =
new js.VariableUse(backend.namer.CURRENT_ISOLATE);
push(new js.PropertyAccess.field(currentIsolateUse, name));
visitConstant(HConstant node) {
visitLoopBranch(HLoopBranch node) {
if (subGraph != null && identical(node.block, subGraph.end)) {
// We are generating code for a loop condition.
// If doing this as part of a SubGraph traversal, the
// calling code will handle the control flow logic.
// If we are generating the subgraph as an expression, the
// condition will be generated as the expression.
// Otherwise, we don't generate the expression, and leave that
// to the code that called [visitSubGraph].
if (isGeneratingExpression) {
HBasicBlock branchBlock = currentBlock;
List<HBasicBlock> dominated = currentBlock.dominatedBlocks;
// For a do while loop, the body has already been visited.
if (!node.isDoWhile()) {
// If the branch does not dominate the code after the loop, the
// dominator will visit it.
if (!identical(branchBlock.successors[1].dominator, branchBlock)) return;
// With labeled breaks we can have more dominated blocks.
if (dominated.length >= 3) {
for (int i = 2; i < dominated.length; i++) {
visitNot(HNot node) {
assert(node.inputs.length == 1);
void generateNot(HInstruction input) {
bool canGenerateOptimizedComparison(HInstruction instruction) {
if (instruction is !HRelational) return false;
HRelational relational = instruction;
HInstruction left = relational.left;
HInstruction right = relational.right;
// This optimization doesn't work for NaN, so we only do it if the
// type is known to be an integer.
return relational.isBuiltin(types)
&& types[left].isUseful() && left.isInteger(types)
&& types[right].isUseful() && right.isInteger(types);
if (input is HBoolify && isGenerateAtUseSite(input)) {
push(new js.Binary("!==", pop(), new js.LiteralBool(true)), input);
} else if (canGenerateOptimizedComparison(input) &&
isGenerateAtUseSite(input)) {
Map<String, String> inverseOperator = const <String, String>{
"==" : "!=",
"!=" : "==",
"===": "!==",
"!==": "===",
"<" : ">=",
"<=" : ">",
">" : "<=",
">=" : "<"
HRelational relational = input;
BinaryOperation operation = relational.operation(backend.constantSystem);
visitInvokeBinary(input, inverseOperator[]);
} else {
push(new js.Prefix("!", pop()));
visitParameterValue(HParameterValue node) => visitLocalValue(node);
visitLocalValue(HLocalValue node) {
push(new js.VariableUse(variableNames.getName(node)), node);
visitPhi(HPhi node) {
// This method is only called for phis that are generated at use
// site. A phi can be generated at use site only if it is the
// result of a control flow operation.
HBasicBlock ifBlock = node.block.dominator;
HInstruction input = ifBlock.last.inputs[0];
if (input.isConstantFalse()) {
} else if (input.isConstantTrue()) {
} else if (node.inputs[1].isConstantBoolean()) {
String operation = node.inputs[1].isConstantFalse() ? '&&' : '||';
if (operation == '||') {
if (input is HNot) {
} else {
} else {
js.Expression left = pop();
push(new js.Binary(operation, left, pop()));
} else {
js.Expression test = pop();
js.Expression then = pop();
push(new js.Conditional(test, then, pop()));
visitReturn(HReturn node) {
assert(node.inputs.length == 1);
HInstruction input = node.inputs[0];
if (input.isConstantNull()) {
pushStatement(new js.Return(null), node);
} else {
pushStatement(new js.Return(pop()), node);
visitThis(HThis node) {
push(new js.This());
visitThrow(HThrow node) {
if (node.isRethrow) {
pushStatement(new js.Throw(pop()), node);
} else {
generateThrowWithHelper(r'$throw', node.inputs[0]);
visitRangeConversion(HRangeConversion node) {
// Range conversion instructions are removed by the value range
// analyzer.
visitBoundsCheck(HBoundsCheck node) {
// TODO(ngeoffray): Separate the two checks of the bounds check, so,
// e.g., the zero checks can be shared if possible.
// If the checks always succeeds, we would have removed the bounds check
// completely.
assert(node.staticChecks != HBoundsCheck.ALWAYS_TRUE);
if (node.staticChecks != HBoundsCheck.ALWAYS_FALSE) {
js.Expression under;
js.Expression over;
if (node.staticChecks != HBoundsCheck.ALWAYS_ABOVE_ZERO) {
under = new js.Binary("<", pop(), new js.LiteralNumber("0"));
if (node.staticChecks != HBoundsCheck.ALWAYS_BELOW_LENGTH) {
var index = node.index;
js.Expression jsIndex = pop();
over = new js.Binary(">=", jsIndex, pop());
assert(over != null || under != null);
js.Expression underOver = under == null
? over
: over == null
? under
: new js.Binary("||", under, over);
js.Statement thenBody = new js.Block.empty();
js.Block oldContainer = currentContainer;
currentContainer = thenBody;
generateThrowWithHelper('ioore', node.index);
currentContainer = oldContainer;
thenBody = unwrapStatement(thenBody);
pushStatement(new js.If.noElse(underOver, thenBody), node);
} else {
generateThrowWithHelper('ioore', node.index);
visitIntegerCheck(HIntegerCheck node) {
if (!node.alwaysFalse) {
checkInt(node.value, '!==');
js.Expression test = pop();
js.Statement thenBody = new js.Block.empty();
js.Block oldContainer = currentContainer;
currentContainer = thenBody;
generateThrowWithHelper('iae', node.value);
currentContainer = oldContainer;
thenBody = unwrapStatement(thenBody);
pushStatement(new js.If.noElse(test, thenBody), node);
} else {
generateThrowWithHelper('iae', node.value);
void generateThrowWithHelper(String helperName, HInstruction argument) {
Element helper = compiler.findHelper(new SourceString(helperName));
js.VariableUse jsHelper =
new js.VariableUse(backend.namer.isolateAccess(helper));
js.Call value = new js.Call(jsHelper, visitArguments([null, argument]));
attachLocation(value, argument);
// BUG(4906): Using throw here adds to the size of the generated code
// but it has the advantage of explicitly telling the JS engine that
// this code path will terminate abruptly. Needs more work.
pushStatement(new js.Throw(value));
void visitSwitch(HSwitch node) {
// Switches are handled using [visitSwitchInfo].
void visitStatic(HStatic node) {
// Check whether this static is used for anything else than as a target in
// a static call.
node.usedBy.forEach((HInstruction instr) {
if (instr is !HInvokeStatic) {
} else if (!identical(, node)) {
} else {
// If invoking the static is can still be passed as an argument as well
// which will also be non call static use.
for (int i = 1; i < node.inputs.length; i++) {
if (identical(node.inputs, node)) {
push(new js.VariableUse(backend.namer.isolateAccess(node.element)));
void visitLazyStatic(HLazyStatic node) {
Element element = node.element;
String lazyGetter = backend.namer.isolateLazyInitializerAccess(element);
js.VariableUse target = new js.VariableUse(lazyGetter);
js.Call call = new js.Call(target, <js.Expression>[]);
push(call, node);
void visitStaticStore(HStaticStore node) {
js.VariableUse variableUse =
new js.VariableUse(backend.namer.isolateAccess(node.element));
push(new js.Assignment(variableUse, pop()), node);
void visitStringConcat(HStringConcat node) {
if (isEmptyString(node.left)) {
} else if (isEmptyString(node.right)) {
} else {
js.Expression left = pop();
push(new js.Binary("+", left, pop()), node);
bool isEmptyString(HInstruction node) {
if (!node.isConstantString()) return false;
HConstant constant = node;
StringConstant string = constant.constant;
return string.value.length == 0;
void useStringified(HInstruction node) {
if (node.isString(types)) {
} else {
Element convertToString = compiler.findHelper(const SourceString("S"));
js.VariableUse variableUse =
new js.VariableUse(backend.namer.isolateAccess(convertToString));
push(new js.Call(variableUse, <js.Expression>[pop()]), node);
void visitLiteralList(HLiteralList node) {
void generateArrayLiteral(HLiteralList node) {
int len = node.inputs.length;
List<js.ArrayElement> elements = <js.ArrayElement>[];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
elements.add(new js.ArrayElement(i, pop()));
push(new js.ArrayInitializer(len, elements), node);
void visitIndex(HIndex node) {
if (node.isBuiltin(types)) {
js.Expression receiver = pop();
push(new js.PropertyAccess(receiver, pop()), node);
} else {
void visitIndexAssign(HIndexAssign node) {
if (node.isBuiltin(types)) {
js.Expression receiver = pop();
js.Expression index = pop();
push(new js.Assignment(new js.PropertyAccess(receiver, index), pop()),
} else {
String builtinJsName(HInvokeInterceptor interceptor) {
// Don't count the target method or the receiver in the arity.
int arity = interceptor.inputs.length - 2;
HInstruction receiver = interceptor.inputs[1];
bool isCall = interceptor.selector.isCall();
SourceString name =;
if (interceptor.isLengthGetterOnStringOrArray(types)) {
return 'length';
} else if (interceptor.isPopCall(types)) {
return 'pop';
} else if (receiver.isExtendableArray(types) && isCall) {
if (name == const SourceString('add') && arity == 1) {
return 'push';
} else if (receiver.isString(types) && isCall) {
if (name == const SourceString('concat') &&
arity == 1 &&
interceptor.inputs[2].isString(types)) {
return '+';
if (name == const SourceString('split') &&
arity == 1 &&
interceptor.inputs[2].isString(types)) {
return 'split';
return null;
void visitInvokeInterceptor(HInvokeInterceptor node) {
String builtin = builtinJsName(node);
if (builtin != null) {
if (builtin == '+') {
js.Expression left = pop();
push(new js.Binary("+", left, pop()), node);
} else {
js.PropertyAccess access = new js.PropertyAccess.field(pop(), builtin);
if (node.selector.isGetter()) {
push(access, node);
List<js.Expression> arguments = <js.Expression>[];
for (int i = 2; i < node.inputs.length; i++) {
push(new js.Call(access, arguments), node);
} else {
return visitInvokeStatic(node);
void checkInt(HInstruction input, String cmp) {
js.Expression left = pop();
js.Expression or0 = new js.Binary("|", pop(), new js.LiteralNumber("0"));
push(new js.Binary(cmp, left, or0));
void checkBigInt(HInstruction input, String cmp) {
js.Expression left = pop();
js.Expression right = pop();
// TODO(4984): Deal with infinity and -0.0.
push(new js.LiteralExpression.withData('Math.floor(#) === #',
<js.Expression>[left, right]));
void checkTypeOf(HInstruction input, String cmp, String typeName) {
js.Expression typeOf = new js.Prefix("typeof", pop());
push(new js.Binary(cmp, typeOf, new js.LiteralString("'$typeName'")));
void checkNum(HInstruction input, String cmp)
=> checkTypeOf(input, cmp, 'number');
void checkDouble(HInstruction input, String cmp) => checkNum(input, cmp);
void checkString(HInstruction input, String cmp)
=> checkTypeOf(input, cmp, 'string');
void checkBool(HInstruction input, String cmp)
=> checkTypeOf(input, cmp, 'boolean');
void checkObject(HInstruction input, String cmp) {
assert(NullConstant.JsNull == 'null');
if (cmp == "===") {
checkTypeOf(input, '===', 'object');
js.Expression left = pop();
js.Expression notNull = new js.Binary("!==", pop(), new js.LiteralNull());
push(new js.Binary("&&", left, notNull));
} else {
assert(cmp == "!==");
checkTypeOf(input, '!==', 'object');
js.Expression left = pop();
js.Expression eqNull = new js.Binary("===", pop(), new js.LiteralNull());
push(new js.Binary("||", left, eqNull));
void checkArray(HInstruction input, String cmp) {
js.PropertyAccess constructor =
new js.PropertyAccess.field(pop(), 'constructor');
push(new js.Binary(cmp, constructor, new js.VariableUse('Array')));
void checkFieldExists(HInstruction input, String fieldName) {
js.PropertyAccess field = new js.PropertyAccess.field(pop(), fieldName);
// Double negate to boolify the result.
push(new js.Prefix('!', new js.Prefix('!', field)));
void checkImmutableArray(HInstruction input) {
checkFieldExists(input, 'immutable\$list');
void checkExtendableArray(HInstruction input) {
checkFieldExists(input, 'fixed\$length');
void checkFixedArray(HInstruction input) {
checkFieldExists(input, 'fixed\$length');
void checkNull(HInstruction input) {
push(new js.Binary('==', pop(), new js.LiteralNull()));
void checkFunction(HInstruction input, DartType type) {
checkTypeOf(input, '===', 'function');
js.Expression functionTest = pop();
checkObject(input, '===');
js.Expression objectTest = pop();
checkType(input, type);
push(new js.Binary('||',
new js.Binary('&&', objectTest, pop())));
void checkType(HInstruction input, DartType type, {bool negative: false}) {
Element element = type.element;
js.PropertyAccess field =
new js.PropertyAccess.field(pop(), backend.namer.operatorIs(element));
if (backend.emitter.nativeEmitter.requiresNativeIsCheck(element)) {
push(new js.Call(field, <js.Expression>[]));
if (negative) push(new js.Prefix('!', pop()));
} else {
// We always negate at least once so that the result is boolified.
push(new js.Prefix('!', field));
// If the result is not negated, put another '!' in front.
if (!negative) push(new js.Prefix('!', pop()));
void handleNumberOrStringSupertypeCheck(HInstruction input, DartType type) {
assert(!identical(type.element, compiler.listClass)
&& !Elements.isListSupertype(type.element, compiler)
&& !Elements.isStringOnlySupertype(type.element, compiler));
checkNum(input, '===');
js.Expression numberTest = pop();
checkString(input, '===');
js.Expression stringTest = pop();
checkObject(input, '===');
js.Expression objectTest = pop();
checkType(input, type);
push(new js.Binary('||',
new js.Binary('||', numberTest, stringTest),
new js.Binary('&&', objectTest, pop())));
void handleStringSupertypeCheck(HInstruction input, DartType type) {
assert(!identical(type.element, compiler.listClass)
&& !Elements.isListSupertype(type.element, compiler)
&& !Elements.isNumberOrStringSupertype(type.element, compiler));
checkString(input, '===');
js.Expression stringTest = pop();
checkObject(input, '===');
js.Expression objectTest = pop();
checkType(input, type);
push(new js.Binary('||',
new js.Binary('&&', objectTest, pop())));
void handleListOrSupertypeCheck(HInstruction input, DartType type) {
assert(!identical(type.element, compiler.stringClass)
&& !Elements.isStringOnlySupertype(type.element, compiler)
&& !Elements.isNumberOrStringSupertype(type.element, compiler));
checkObject(input, '===');
js.Expression objectTest = pop();
checkArray(input, '===');
js.Expression arrayTest = pop();
checkType(input, type);
push(new js.Binary('&&',
new js.Binary('||', arrayTest, pop())));
void visitIs(HIs node) {
DartType type = node.typeExpression;
Element element = type.element;
if (identical(element.kind, ElementKind.TYPE_VARIABLE)) {
compiler.unimplemented("visitIs for type variables", instruction: node);
} else if (identical(element.kind, ElementKind.TYPEDEF)) {
compiler.unimplemented("visitIs for typedefs", instruction: node);
LibraryElement coreLibrary = compiler.coreLibrary;
ClassElement objectClass = compiler.objectClass;
HInstruction input = node.expression;
if (identical(element, objectClass) || identical(element, compiler.dynamicClass)) {
// The constant folder also does this optimization, but we make
// it safe by assuming it may have not run.
push(new js.LiteralBool(true), node);
} else if (element == compiler.stringClass) {
checkString(input, '===');
} else if (element == compiler.doubleClass) {
checkDouble(input, '===');
} else if (element == compiler.numClass) {
checkNum(input, '===');
} else if (element == compiler.boolClass) {
checkBool(input, '===');
} else if (element == compiler.functionClass) {
checkFunction(input, type);
} else if (element == compiler.intClass) {
// The is check in the code tells us that it might not be an
// int. So we do a typeof first to avoid possible
// deoptimizations on the JS engine due to the Math.floor check.
checkNum(input, '===');
js.Expression numTest = pop();
checkBigInt(input, '===');
push(new js.Binary('&&', numTest, pop()), node);
} else if (Elements.isNumberOrStringSupertype(element, compiler)) {
handleNumberOrStringSupertypeCheck(input, type);
} else if (Elements.isStringOnlySupertype(element, compiler)) {
handleStringSupertypeCheck(input, type);
} else if (identical(element, compiler.listClass)
|| Elements.isListSupertype(element, compiler)) {
handleListOrSupertypeCheck(input, type);
} else if (types[input].canBePrimitive() || types[input].canBeNull()) {
checkObject(input, '===');
js.Expression objectTest = pop();
checkType(input, type);
push(new js.Binary('&&', objectTest, pop()), node);
} else {
checkType(input, type);
if (node.hasTypeInfo()) {
InterfaceType interfaceType = type;
ClassElement cls = type.element;
Link<DartType> arguments = interfaceType.arguments;
js.Expression result = pop();
for (TypeVariableType typeVariable in cls.typeVariables) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Retrieve the type name properly and not through
// [toString]. Note: Two cases below [typeVariable] and
// [arguments.head].
js.PropertyAccess field =
new js.PropertyAccess.field(pop(), typeVariable.toString());
js.Expression genericName = new js.LiteralString("'${arguments.head}'");
js.Binary eqTest = new js.Binary('===', field, genericName);
// Also test for 'undefined' in case the object does not have
// any type variable.
js.Prefix undefinedTest = new js.Prefix('!', field);
result = new js.Binary(
'&&', result, new js.Binary('||', undefinedTest, eqTest));
push(result, node);
if (node.nullOk) {
push(new js.Binary('||', pop(), pop()), node);
void visitTypeConversion(HTypeConversion node) {
Map<String, SourceString> castNames = const <String, SourceString> {
const SourceString("stringTypeCast"),
const SourceString("doubleTypeCast"),
const SourceString("numTypeCast"),
const SourceString("boolTypeCast"),
const SourceString("functionTypeCast"),
const SourceString("intTypeCast"),
const SourceString("numberOrStringSuperNativeTypeCast"),
const SourceString("numberOrStringSuperTypeCast"),
const SourceString("stringSuperNativeTypeCast"),
const SourceString("stringSuperTypeCast"),
const SourceString("listTypeCast"),
const SourceString("listSuperNativeTypeCast"),
const SourceString("listSuperTypeCast"),
const SourceString("callTypeCast"),
const SourceString("propertyTypeCast")
if (node.isChecked) {
DartType type = node.type.computeType(compiler);
Element element = type.element;
if (node.isArgumentTypeCheck) {
if (element == compiler.intClass) {
checkInt(node.checkedInput, '!==');
} else {
assert(element == compiler.numClass);
checkNum(node.checkedInput, '!==');
js.Expression test = pop();
js.Block oldContainer = currentContainer;
js.Statement body = new js.Block.empty();
currentContainer = body;
generateThrowWithHelper('iae', node.checkedInput);
currentContainer = oldContainer;
body = unwrapStatement(body);
pushStatement(new js.If.noElse(test, body), node);
assert(node.isCheckedModeCheck || node.isCastTypeCheck);
SourceString helper;
if (node.isBooleanConversionCheck) {
helper = const SourceString('boolConversionCheck');
} else {
helper = backend.getCheckedModeHelper(type);
if (node.isCastTypeCheck) {
helper = castNames[helper.stringValue];
FunctionElement helperElement = compiler.findHelper(helper);
List<js.Expression> arguments = <js.Expression>[];
if (helperElement.computeSignature(compiler).parameterCount != 1) {
String additionalArgument = backend.namer.operatorIs(element);
arguments.add(new js.LiteralString("'$additionalArgument'"));
String helperName = backend.namer.isolateAccess(helperElement);
push(new js.Call(new js.VariableUse(helperName), arguments));
} else {
class SsaOptimizedCodeGenerator extends SsaCodeGenerator {
SsaOptimizedCodeGenerator(backend, work, parameters, parameterNames)
: super(backend, work, parameterNames) {
// Declare the parameter names only for the optimized version. The
// unoptimized version has different parameters.
parameterNames.forEach((Element element, String name) {
int maxBailoutParameters;
HBasicBlock beginGraph(HGraph graph) => graph.entry;
void endGraph(HGraph graph) {}
js.Statement bailout(HTypeGuard guard, String reason) {
if (maxBailoutParameters == null) {
maxBailoutParameters = 0;
work.guards.forEach((HTypeGuard workGuard) {
HBailoutTarget target = workGuard.bailoutTarget;
int inputLength = target.inputs.length;
if (inputLength > maxBailoutParameters) {
maxBailoutParameters = inputLength;
HInstruction input = guard.guarded;
HBailoutTarget target = guard.bailoutTarget;
Namer namer = backend.namer;
Element element = work.element;
List<js.Expression> arguments = <js.Expression>[];
arguments.add(new js.LiteralNumber("${guard.state}"));
// TODO(ngeoffray): try to put a variable at a deterministic
// location, so that multiple bailout calls put the variable at
// the same parameter index.
int i = 0;
for (; i < target.inputs.length; i++) {
assert(guard.inputs.indexOf(target.inputs[i]) >= 0);
// Make sure we call the bailout method with the number of
// arguments it expects. This avoids having the underlying
// JS engine fill them in for us.
for (; i < maxBailoutParameters; i++) {
arguments.add(new js.LiteralNumber('0'));
js.Expression bailoutTarget;
if (element.isInstanceMember()) {
// TODO(ngeoffray): This does not work in case we come from a
// super call. We must make bailout names unique.
String bailoutName = namer.getBailoutName(element);
bailoutTarget = new js.PropertyAccess.field(new js.This(), bailoutName);
} else {
bailoutTarget = new js.VariableUse(namer.isolateBailoutAccess(element));
js.Call call = new js.Call(bailoutTarget, arguments);
attachLocation(call, guard);
return new js.Return(call);
void visitTypeGuard(HTypeGuard node) {
HInstruction input = node.guarded;
DartType indexingBehavior =
if (node.isInteger(types)) {
// if (input is !int) bailout
checkInt(input, '!==');
js.Statement then = bailout(node, 'Not an integer');
pushStatement(new js.If.noElse(pop(), then), node);
} else if (node.isNumber(types)) {
// if (input is !num) bailout
checkNum(input, '!==');
js.Statement then = bailout(node, 'Not a number');
pushStatement(new js.If.noElse(pop(), then), node);
} else if (node.isBoolean(types)) {
// if (input is !bool) bailout
checkBool(input, '!==');
js.Statement then = bailout(node, 'Not a boolean');
pushStatement(new js.If.noElse(pop(), then), node);
} else if (node.isString(types)) {
// if (input is !string) bailout
checkString(input, '!==');
js.Statement then = bailout(node, 'Not a string');
pushStatement(new js.If.noElse(pop(), then), node);
} else if (node.isExtendableArray(types)) {
// if (input is !Object || input is !Array || input.isFixed) bailout
checkObject(input, '!==');
js.Expression objectTest = pop();
checkArray(input, '!==');
js.Expression arrayTest = pop();
js.Binary test = new js.Binary('||', objectTest, arrayTest);
test = new js.Binary('||', test, pop());
js.Statement then = bailout(node, 'Not an extendable array');
pushStatement(new js.If.noElse(test, then), node);
} else if (node.isMutableArray(types)) {
// if (input is !Object
// || ((input is !Array || input.isImmutable)
// && input is !JsIndexingBehavior)) bailout
checkObject(input, '!==');
js.Expression objectTest = pop();
checkArray(input, '!==');
js.Expression arrayTest = pop();
js.Binary notArrayOrImmutable = new js.Binary('||', arrayTest, pop());
checkType(input, indexingBehavior, negative: true);
js.Binary notIndexing = new js.Binary('&&', notArrayOrImmutable, pop());
js.Binary test = new js.Binary('||', objectTest, notIndexing);
js.Statement then = bailout(node, 'Not a mutable array');
pushStatement(new js.If.noElse(test, then), node);
} else if (node.isReadableArray(types)) {
// if (input is !Object
// || (input is !Array && input is !JsIndexingBehavior)) bailout
checkObject(input, '!==');
js.Expression objectTest = pop();
checkArray(input, '!==');
js.Expression arrayTest = pop();
checkType(input, indexingBehavior, negative: true);
js.Expression notIndexing = new js.Binary('&&', arrayTest, pop());
js.Binary test = new js.Binary('||', objectTest, notIndexing);
js.Statement then = bailout(node, 'Not an array');
pushStatement(new js.If.noElse(test, then), node);
} else if (node.isIndexablePrimitive(types)) {
// if (input is !String
// && (input is !Object
// || (input is !Array && input is !JsIndexingBehavior))) bailout
checkString(input, '!==');
js.Expression stringTest = pop();
checkObject(input, '!==');
js.Expression objectTest = pop();
checkArray(input, '!==');
js.Expression arrayTest = pop();
checkType(input, indexingBehavior, negative: true);
js.Binary notIndexingTest = new js.Binary('&&', arrayTest, pop());
js.Binary notObjectOrIndexingTest =
new js.Binary('||', objectTest, notIndexingTest);
js.Binary test =
new js.Binary('&&', stringTest, notObjectOrIndexingTest);
js.Statement then = bailout(node, 'Not a string or array');
pushStatement(new js.If.noElse(test, then), node);
} else {
compiler.internalError('Unexpected type guard', instruction: input);
void visitBailoutTarget(HBailoutTarget target) {
// Do nothing. Bailout targets are only used in the non-optimized version.
void beginLoop(HBasicBlock block) {
currentContainer = new js.Block.empty();
void endLoop(HBasicBlock block) {
js.Statement body = currentContainer;
currentContainer = oldContainerStack.removeLast();
body = unwrapStatement(body);
js.While loop = new js.While(new js.LiteralBool(true), body);
HLoopInformation info = block.loopInformation;
pushStatement(wrapIntoLabels(loop, info.labels));
void handleLoopCondition(HLoopBranch node) {
pushStatement(new js.If.noElse(pop(), new js.Break(null)), node);
void preLabeledBlock(HLabeledBlockInformation labeledBlockInfo) {
void startLabeledBlock(HLabeledBlockInformation labeledBlockInfo) {
void endLabeledBlock(HLabeledBlockInformation labeledBlockInfo) {
class SsaUnoptimizedCodeGenerator extends SsaCodeGenerator {
js.Statement setup;
js.Switch currentBailoutSwitch;
final List<js.Switch> oldBailoutSwitches;
final List<js.Parameter> newParameters;
final List<String> labels;
int labelId = 0;
* Keeps track if a bailout switch already used its [:default::] clause. New
* bailout-switches just push [:false:] on the stack and replace it when
* they used the [:default::] clause.
final List<bool> defaultClauseUsedInBailoutStack;
SsaBailoutPropagator propagator;
HInstruction savedFirstInstruction;
SsaUnoptimizedCodeGenerator(backend, work, parameters, parameterNames)
: super(backend, work, parameterNames),
oldBailoutSwitches = <js.Switch>[],
newParameters = <js.Parameter>[],
labels = <String>[],
defaultClauseUsedInBailoutStack = <bool>[];
String pushLabel() {
String label = 'L${labelId++}';
return label;
String popLabel() {
return labels.removeLast();
String currentLabel() {
return labels.last;
js.VariableUse generateStateUse()
=> new js.VariableUse(variableNames.stateName);
HBasicBlock beginGraph(HGraph graph) {
propagator = new SsaBailoutPropagator(compiler, generateAtUseSite);
// TODO(ngeoffray): We could avoid generating the state at the
// call site for non-complex bailout methods.
newParameters.add(new js.Parameter(variableNames.stateName));
if (propagator.hasComplexBailoutTargets) {
// Use generic parameters that will be assigned to
// the right variables in the setup phase.
for (int i = 0; i < propagator.maxBailoutParameters; i++) {
String name = 'env$i';
newParameters.add(new js.Parameter(name));
// The setup phase of a bailout function sets up the environment for
// each bailout target. Each bailout target will populate this
// setup phase. It is put at the beginning of the function.
setup = new js.Switch(generateStateUse(), <js.SwitchClause>[]);
return graph.entry;
} else {
// We have a simple bailout target, so we can reuse the names that
// the bailout target expects.
for (HInstruction input in propagator.firstBailoutTarget.inputs) {
input = unwrap(input);
String name = variableNames.getName(input);
newParameters.add(new js.Parameter(name));
// We change the first instruction of the first guard to be the
// bailout target. We will change it back in the call to [endGraph].
HBasicBlock block = propagator.firstBailoutTarget.block;
savedFirstInstruction = block.first;
block.first = propagator.firstBailoutTarget;
return block;
// If argument is a [HCheck] and it does not have a name, we try to
// find the name of its checked input. Note that there must be a
// name, otherwise the instruction would not be in the live
// environment.
HInstruction unwrap(HInstruction argument) {
while (argument is HCheck && !variableNames.hasName(argument)) {
argument = argument.checkedInput;
return argument;
void endGraph(HGraph graph) {
if (propagator.hasComplexBailoutTargets) {
} else {
// Put back the original first instruction of the block.
propagator.firstBailoutTarget.block.first = savedFirstInstruction;
bool visitAndOrInfo(HAndOrBlockInformation info) => false;
bool visitIfInfo(HIfBlockInformation info) {
if (info.thenGraph.start.hasBailoutTargets()) return false;
if (info.elseGraph.start.hasBailoutTargets()) return false;
return super.visitIfInfo(info);
bool visitLoopInfo(HLoopBlockInformation info) {
if (info.start.hasBailoutTargets()) return false;
if (info.loopHeader.hasBailoutTargets()) return false;
return super.visitLoopInfo(info);
bool visitTryInfo(HTryBlockInformation info) => false;
bool visitSequenceInfo(HStatementSequenceInformation info) => false;
void visitTypeGuard(HTypeGuard node) {
// Do nothing. Type guards are only used in the optimized version.
void visitBailoutTarget(HBailoutTarget node) {
if (!propagator.hasComplexBailoutTargets) return;
js.Block nextBlock = new js.Block.empty();
js.Case clause = new js.Case(new js.LiteralNumber('${node.state}'),
currentContainer = nextBlock;
pushExpressionAsStatement(new js.Assignment(generateStateUse(),
new js.LiteralNumber('0')));
js.Block setupBlock = new js.Block.empty();
int i = 0;
for (HInstruction input in node.inputs) {
input = unwrap(input);
String name = variableNames.getName(input);
if (!isVariableDeclared(name)) {
js.VariableInitialization init =
new js.VariableInitialization(new js.VariableDeclaration(name),
new js.VariableUse('env$i'));
js.Expression varList =
new js.VariableDeclarationList(<js.VariableInitialization>[init]);
setupBlock.statements.add(new js.ExpressionStatement(varList));
} else {
js.Expression target = new js.VariableUse(name);
js.Expression source = new js.VariableUse('env$i');
js.Expression assignment = new js.Assignment(target, source);
setupBlock.statements.add(new js.ExpressionStatement(assignment));
setupBlock.statements.add(new js.Break(null));
js.Case setupClause =
new js.Case(new js.LiteralNumber('${node.state}'), setupBlock);
(setup as js.Switch).cases.add(setupClause);
void startBailoutCase(List<HBailoutTarget> bailouts1,
[List<HBailoutTarget> bailouts2 = const []]) {
if (!defaultClauseUsedInBailoutStack.last &&
bailouts1.length + bailouts2.length >= 2) {
currentContainer = new js.Block.empty();
currentBailoutSwitch.cases.add(new js.Default(currentContainer));
int len = defaultClauseUsedInBailoutStack.length;
defaultClauseUsedInBailoutStack[len - 1] = true;
} else {
currentContainer = currentBailoutSwitch.cases.last.body;
void _handleBailoutCase(List<HBailoutTarget> targets) {
for (int i = 0, len = targets.length; i < len; i++) {
js.LiteralNumber expr = new js.LiteralNumber('${targets[i].state}');
currentBailoutSwitch.cases.add(new js.Case(expr, new js.Block.empty()));
void startBailoutSwitch() {
List<js.SwitchClause> cases = <js.SwitchClause>[];
js.Block firstBlock = new js.Block.empty();
cases.add(new js.Case(new js.LiteralNumber("0"), firstBlock));
currentBailoutSwitch = new js.Switch(generateStateUse(), cases);
currentContainer = firstBlock;
js.Switch endBailoutSwitch() {
js.Switch result = currentBailoutSwitch;
currentBailoutSwitch = oldBailoutSwitches.removeLast();
currentContainer = oldContainerStack.removeLast();
return result;
void beginLoop(HBasicBlock block) {
String loopLabel = pushLabel();
if (block.hasBailoutTargets()) {
currentContainer = new js.Block.empty();
if (block.hasBailoutTargets()) {
HLoopInformation loopInformation = block.loopInformation;
if ( != null) {
breakAction[] = (TargetElement target) {
pushStatement(new js.Break(loopLabel));
void endLoop(HBasicBlock block) {
String loopLabel = popLabel();
HBasicBlock header = block.isLoopHeader() ? block : block.parentLoopHeader;
HLoopInformation info = header.loopInformation;
if (header.hasBailoutTargets()) {
if ( != null) breakAction.remove(;
js.Statement body = unwrapStatement(currentContainer);
currentContainer = oldContainerStack.removeLast();
js.Statement result = new js.While(new js.LiteralBool(true), body);
result = new js.LabeledStatement(loopLabel, result);
result = wrapIntoLabels(result, info.labels);
void handleLoopCondition(HLoopBranch node) {
js.Expression test = new js.Prefix('!', pop());
js.Statement then = new js.Break(currentLabel());
pushStatement(new js.If.noElse(test, then), node);
void generateIf(HIf node, HIfBlockInformation info) {
HStatementInformation thenGraph = info.thenGraph;
HStatementInformation elseGraph = info.elseGraph;
bool thenHasGuards = thenGraph.start.hasBailoutTargets();
bool elseHasGuards = elseGraph.start.hasBailoutTargets();
bool hasGuards = thenHasGuards || elseHasGuards;
if (!hasGuards) {
super.generateIf(node, info);
js.Binary stateEquals0 =
new js.Binary('===', generateStateUse(), new js.LiteralNumber('0'));
js.Expression condition = new js.Binary('&&', stateEquals0, pop());
// TODO(ngeoffray): Put the condition initialization in the
// [setup] buffer.
List<HBailoutTarget> targets = node.thenBlock.bailoutTargets;
for (int i = 0, len = targets.length; i < len; i++) {
js.VariableUse stateRef = generateStateUse();
js.Expression targetState = new js.LiteralNumber('${targets[i].state}');
js.Binary stateTest = new js.Binary('===', stateRef, targetState);
condition = new js.Binary('||', stateTest, condition);
js.Statement thenBody = new js.Block.empty();
js.Block oldContainer = currentContainer;
currentContainer = thenBody;
if (thenHasGuards) startBailoutSwitch();
if (thenHasGuards) endBailoutSwitch();
thenBody = unwrapStatement(thenBody);
js.Statement elseBody = null;
elseBody = new js.Block.empty();
currentContainer = elseBody;
if (elseHasGuards) startBailoutSwitch();
if (elseHasGuards) endBailoutSwitch();
elseBody = unwrapStatement(elseBody);
currentContainer = oldContainer;
pushStatement(new js.If(condition, thenBody, elseBody), node);
void preLabeledBlock(HLabeledBlockInformation labeledBlockInfo) {
if (labeledBlockInfo.body.start.hasBailoutTargets()) {
void startLabeledBlock(HLabeledBlockInformation labeledBlockInfo) {
if (labeledBlockInfo.body.start.hasBailoutTargets()) {
void endLabeledBlock(HLabeledBlockInformation labeledBlockInfo) {
if (labeledBlockInfo.body.start.hasBailoutTargets()) {
String singleIdentityComparison(HInstruction left,
HInstruction right,
HTypeMap propagatedTypes) {
// Returns the single identity comparison (== or ===) or null if a more
// complex expression is required.
if ((left.isConstant() && left.isConstantSentinel()) ||
(right.isConstant() && right.isConstantSentinel())) return '===';
HType leftType = propagatedTypes[left];
HType rightType = propagatedTypes[right];
if (leftType.canBeNull() && rightType.canBeNull()) {
if (left.isConstantNull() || right.isConstantNull() ||
(leftType.isPrimitive() && leftType == rightType)) {
return '==';
return null;
} else {
return '===';