blob: 434bef6c9365cb9e682415d929cde7c744d1174f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:dds/src/dap/adapters/dart.dart';
import 'package:dds/src/dap/logging.dart';
import 'package:dds/src/dap/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:dds/src/dap/protocol_stream.dart';
import 'package:dds/src/dap/protocol_stream_transformers.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'test_server.dart';
/// A helper class to simplify acting as a client for interacting with the
/// [DapTestServer] in tests.
/// Methods on this class should map directly to protocol methods. Additional
/// helpers are available in [DapTestClientExtension].
class DapTestClient {
final Socket _socket;
final ByteStreamServerChannel _channel;
late final StreamSubscription<String> _subscription;
final Logger? _logger;
final bool captureVmServiceTraffic;
final _requestWarningDuration = const Duration(seconds: 2);
final Map<int, _OutgoingRequest> _pendingRequests = {};
final _eventController = StreamController<Event>.broadcast();
int _seq = 1;
this._logger, {
this.captureVmServiceTraffic = false,
}) {
_subscription = _channel.listen(
onDone: () {
if (_pendingRequests.isNotEmpty) {
'Application terminated without a response to ${_pendingRequests.length} requests');
_pendingRequests.forEach((id, request) => request.completer.completeError(
'Application terminated without a response to request $id (${})'));
/// Returns a stream of [OutputEventBody] events.
Stream<OutputEventBody> get outputEvents => events('output')
.map((e) => OutputEventBody.fromJson(e.body as Map<String, Object?>));
/// Collects all output events until the program terminates.
Future<List<OutputEventBody>> collectOutput(
{File? file, Future<Response> Function()? launch}) async {
final outputEventsFuture = outputEvents.toList();
// Launch script and wait for termination.
await Future.wait([
launch?.call() ?? this.launch(file!.path),
], eagerError: true);
return outputEventsFuture;
/// Sends a continue request for the given thread.
/// Returns a Future that completes when the server returns a corresponding
/// response.
Future<Response> continue_(int threadId) =>
sendRequest(ContinueArguments(threadId: threadId));
Future<Response> disconnect() => sendRequest(DisconnectArguments());
/// Returns a Future that completes with the next [event] event.
Future<Event> event(String event) => _logIfSlow(
'Event "$event"', => e.event == event,
orElse: () =>
throw 'Did not recieve $event event before stream closed'));
/// Returns a stream for [event] events.
Stream<Event> events(String event) {
return => e.event == event);
/// Send an initialize request to the server.
/// This occurs before the request to start running/debugging a script and is
/// used to exchange capabilities and send breakpoints and other settings.
Future<Response> initialize({String exceptionPauseMode = 'None'}) async {
final responses = await Future.wait([
sendRequest(InitializeRequestArguments(adapterID: 'test')),
// TODO(dantup): Support setting exception pause modes.
// sendRequest(
// SetExceptionBreakpointsArguments(filters: [exceptionPauseMode])),
await sendRequest(ConfigurationDoneArguments());
return responses[1] as Response; // Return the initialize response.
/// Send a launchRequest to the server, asking it to start a Dart program.
Future<Response> launch(
String program, {
List<String>? args,
String? cwd,
bool? noDebug,
bool? debugSdkLibraries,
bool? debugExternalPackageLibraries,
bool? evaluateGettersInDebugViews,
bool? evaluateToStringInDebugViews,
}) {
return sendRequest(
noDebug: noDebug,
program: program,
cwd: cwd,
args: args,
debugSdkLibraries: debugSdkLibraries,
debugExternalPackageLibraries: debugExternalPackageLibraries,
evaluateGettersInDebugViews: evaluateGettersInDebugViews,
evaluateToStringInDebugViews: evaluateToStringInDebugViews,
// When running out of process, VM Service traffic won't be available
// to the client-side logger, so force logging on which sends VM Service
// traffic in a custom event.
sendLogsToClient: captureVmServiceTraffic,
// We can't automatically pick the command when using a custom type
// (DartLaunchRequestArguments).
overrideCommand: 'launch',
/// Sends a next (step over) request for the given thread.
/// Returns a Future that completes when the server returns a corresponding
/// response.
Future<Response> next(int threadId) =>
sendRequest(NextArguments(threadId: threadId));
/// Sends an arbitrary request to the server.
/// Returns a Future that completes when the server returns a corresponding
/// response.
Future<Response> sendRequest(Object? arguments,
{bool allowFailure = false, String? overrideCommand}) {
final command = overrideCommand ?? commandTypes[arguments.runtimeType]!;
final request =
Request(seq: _seq++, command: command, arguments: arguments);
final completer = Completer<Response>();
_pendingRequests[request.seq] =
_OutgoingRequest(completer, command, allowFailure);
return _logIfSlow('Request "$command"', completer.future);
/// Sends a stackTrace request to the server to request the call stack for a
/// given thread.
/// If [startFrame] and/or [numFrames] are supplied, only a slice of the
/// frames will be returned.
/// Returns a Future that completes when the server returns a corresponding
/// response.
Future<Response> stackTrace(int threadId,
{int? startFrame, int? numFrames}) =>
threadId: threadId, startFrame: startFrame, levels: numFrames));
/// Sends a stepIn request for the given thread.
/// Returns a Future that completes when the server returns a corresponding
/// response.
Future<Response> stepIn(int threadId) =>
sendRequest(StepInArguments(threadId: threadId));
/// Sends a stepOut request for the given thread.
/// Returns a Future that completes when the server returns a corresponding
/// response.
Future<Response> stepOut(int threadId) =>
sendRequest(StepOutArguments(threadId: threadId));
Future<void> stop() async {
await _socket.close();
await _subscription.cancel();
Future<Response> terminate() => sendRequest(TerminateArguments());
/// Handles an incoming message from the server, completing the relevant request
/// of raising the appropriate event.
void _handleMessage(message) {
if (message is Response) {
final pendingRequest = _pendingRequests.remove(message.requestSeq);
if (pendingRequest == null) {
final completer = pendingRequest.completer;
if (message.success || pendingRequest.allowFailure) {
} else {
} else if (message is Event) {
// When we see a terminated event, close the event stream so if any
// tests are waiting on something that will never come, they fail at
// a useful location.
if (message.event == 'terminated') {
/// Prints a warning if [future] takes longer than [_requestWarningDuration]
/// to complete.
/// Returns [future].
Future<T> _logIfSlow<T>(String name, Future<T> future) {
var didComplete = false;
future.then((_) => didComplete = true);
Future.delayed(_requestWarningDuration).then((_) {
if (!didComplete) {
'$name has taken longer than ${_requestWarningDuration.inSeconds}s');
return future;
/// Creates a [DapTestClient] that connects the server listening on
/// [host]:[port].
static Future<DapTestClient> connect(
int port, {
String host = 'localhost',
bool captureVmServiceTraffic = false,
Logger? logger,
}) async {
final socket = await Socket.connect(host, port);
final channel = ByteStreamServerChannel(
socket.transform(Uint8ListTransformer()), socket, logger);
return DapTestClient._(socket, channel, logger,
captureVmServiceTraffic: captureVmServiceTraffic);
class _OutgoingRequest {
final Completer<Response> completer;
final String name;
final bool allowFailure;
_OutgoingRequest(this.completer,, this.allowFailure);
/// Additional helper method for tests to simplify interaction with [DapTestClient].
/// Unlike the methods on [DapTestClient] these methods might not map directly
/// onto protocol methods. They may call multiple protocol methods and/or
/// simplify assertion specific conditions/results.
extension DapTestClientExtension on DapTestClient {
/// Sets a breakpoint at [line] in [file] and expects to hit it after running
/// the script.
/// Launch options can be customised by passing a custom [launch] function that
/// will be used instead of calling `launch(file.path)`.
Future<StoppedEventBody> hitBreakpoint(File file, int line,
{Future<Response> Function()? launch}) async {
final stop = expectStop('breakpoint', file: file, line: line);
await Future.wait([
source: Source(path: file.path),
breakpoints: [SourceBreakpoint(line: line)]),
launch?.call() ?? this.launch(file.path),
], eagerError: true);
return stop;
/// Expects a 'stopped' event for [reason].
/// If [file] or [line] are provided, they will be checked against the stop
/// location for the top stack frame.
Future<StoppedEventBody> expectStop(String reason,
{File? file, int? line, String? sourceName}) async {
final e = await event('stopped');
final stop = StoppedEventBody.fromJson(e.body as Map<String, Object?>);
expect(stop.reason, equals(reason));
final result =
await getValidStack(stop.threadId!, startFrame: 0, numFrames: 1);
expect(result.stackFrames, hasLength(1));
final frame = result.stackFrames[0];
if (file != null) {
expect(frame.source!.path, equals(file.path));
if (sourceName != null) {
expect(frame.source!.name, equals(sourceName));
if (line != null) {
expect(frame.line, equals(line));
return stop;
/// Fetches a stack trace and asserts it was a valid response.
Future<StackTraceResponseBody> getValidStack(int threadId,
{required int startFrame, required int numFrames}) async {
final response = await stackTrace(threadId,
startFrame: startFrame, numFrames: numFrames);
expect(response.success, isTrue);
expect(response.command, equals('stackTrace'));
return StackTraceResponseBody.fromJson(
response.body as Map<String, Object?>);