blob: affe17c46e87a27371072af69648e3c5025594a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library domain.completion;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/analysis_server.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/constants.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/completion_manager.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/search/search_engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
export 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/completion_manager.dart'
show CompletionPerformance, CompletionRequest, OperationPerformance;
* Instances of the class [CompletionDomainHandler] implement a [RequestHandler]
* that handles requests in the search domain.
class CompletionDomainHandler implements RequestHandler {
* The analysis server that is using this handler to process requests.
final AnalysisServer server;
* The [SearchEngine] for this server.
SearchEngine searchEngine;
* The next completion response id.
int _nextCompletionId = 0;
* The completion manager for most recent [Source] and [AnalysisContext],
* or `null` if none.
CompletionManager _manager;
* The subscription for the cached context's source change stream.
StreamSubscription<SourcesChangedEvent> _sourcesChangedSubscription;
* Code completion peformance for the last completion operation.
CompletionPerformance performance;
* A list of code completion peformance measurements for the latest
* completion operation up to [performanceListMaxLength] measurements.
final List<CompletionPerformance> performanceList =
new List<CompletionPerformance>();
* The maximum number of performance measurements to keep.
static const int performanceListMaxLength = 50;
* Performance for the last priority change event.
CompletionPerformance computeCachePerformance;
* Initialize a new request handler for the given [server].
CompletionDomainHandler(this.server) {
searchEngine = server.searchEngine;
* Return the completion manager for most recent [Source] and [AnalysisContext],
* or `null` if none.
CompletionManager get manager => _manager;
* Return the [CompletionManager] for the given [context] and [source],
* creating a new manager or returning an existing manager as necessary.
CompletionManager completionManagerFor(
AnalysisContext context, Source source) {
if (_manager != null) {
if (_manager.context == context && _manager.source == source) {
return _manager;
_manager = createCompletionManager(context, source, searchEngine);
if (context != null) {
_sourcesChangedSubscription =
return _manager;
* If the context associated with the cache has changed or been removed
* then discard the cache.
void contextsChanged(ContextsChangedEvent event) {
if (_manager != null) {
AnalysisContext context = _manager.context;
if (event.changed.contains(context) || event.removed.contains(context)) {
CompletionManager createCompletionManager(
AnalysisContext context, Source source, SearchEngine searchEngine) {
return new CompletionManager.create(context, source, searchEngine);
Response handleRequest(Request request) {
if (searchEngine == null) {
return new Response.noIndexGenerated(request);
try {
String requestName = request.method;
return processRequest(request);
} on RequestFailure catch (exception) {
return exception.response;
return null;
* If the set the priority files has changed, then pre-cache completion
* information related to the first priority file.
void priorityChanged(PriorityChangeEvent event) {
Source source = event.firstSource;
CompletionPerformance performance = new CompletionPerformance();
computeCachePerformance = performance;
if (source == null) {
performance.complete('priorityChanged caching: no source');
performance.source = source;
AnalysisContext context = server.getAnalysisContextForSource(source);
if (context != null) {
String computeTag = 'computeCache';
CompletionManager manager = completionManagerFor(context, source);
manager.computeCache().then((bool success) {
performance.complete('priorityChanged caching: $success');
* Process a `completion.getSuggestions` request.
Response processRequest(Request request, [CompletionManager manager]) {
performance = new CompletionPerformance();
// extract params
CompletionGetSuggestionsParams params =
new CompletionGetSuggestionsParams.fromRequest(request);
// schedule completion analysis
String completionId = (_nextCompletionId++).toString();
ContextSourcePair contextSource = server.getContextSourcePair(params.file);
AnalysisContext context = contextSource.context;
Source source = contextSource.source;
recordRequest(performance, context, source, params.offset);
if (manager == null) {
manager = completionManagerFor(context, source);
CompletionRequest completionRequest =
new CompletionRequest(params.offset, performance);
int notificationCount = 0;
manager.results(completionRequest).listen((CompletionResult result) {
performance.logElapseTime("notification $notificationCount send", () {
sendCompletionNotification(completionId, result.replacementOffset,
result.replacementLength, result.suggestions, result.last);
if (notificationCount == 1) {
performance.logFirstNotificationComplete('notification 1 complete');
performance.suggestionCountFirst = result.suggestions.length;
if (result.last) {
performance.notificationCount = notificationCount;
performance.suggestionCountLast = result.suggestions.length;
// initial response without results
return new CompletionGetSuggestionsResult(completionId)
* If tracking code completion performance over time, then
* record addition information about the request in the performance record.
void recordRequest(CompletionPerformance performance, AnalysisContext context,
Source source, int offset) {
performance.source = source;
if (performanceListMaxLength == 0 || context == null || source == null) {
TimestampedData<String> data = context.getContents(source);
if (data == null) {
performance.setContentsAndOffset(, offset);
while (performanceList.length >= performanceListMaxLength) {
* Send completion notification results.
void sendCompletionNotification(String completionId, int replacementOffset,
int replacementLength, Iterable<CompletionSuggestion> results,
bool isLast) {
server.sendNotification(new CompletionResultsParams(
completionId, replacementOffset, replacementLength, results, isLast)
* Discard the cache if a source other than the source referenced by
* the cache changes or if any source is added, removed, or deleted.
void sourcesChanged(SourcesChangedEvent event) {
bool shouldDiscardManager(SourcesChangedEvent event) {
if (_manager == null) {
return false;
if (event.wereSourcesAdded || event.wereSourcesRemovedOrDeleted) {
return true;
var changedSources = event.changedSources;
return changedSources.length > 2 ||
(changedSources.length == 1 &&
if (shouldDiscardManager(event)) {
* Discard the sourcesChanged subscription if any
void _discardManager() {
if (_sourcesChangedSubscription != null) {
_sourcesChangedSubscription = null;
if (_manager != null) {
_manager = null;