blob: 3041293d30d539e3db651379b39386fcd75d2b3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'snapshot_test_helper.dart';
Future<List<TimelineEvent>> runAndCollectTimeline(
String streams, List<String> args) async {
return await withTempDir((String tmp) async {
final String timelinePath = path.join(tmp, 'timeline.json');
final p = await, [
if (p.exitCode != 0) {
throw 'Child process failed: ${p.exitCode}';
// On Android, --trace_timeline goes to syslog instead of stderr.
if (!Platform.isAndroid) {
if (!p.stderr.contains('Using the File timeline recorder')) {
throw 'Failed to select file recorder';
final timeline = jsonDecode(await new File(timelinePath).readAsString());
if (timeline is! List) throw 'Timeline should be a JSON list';
return parseTimeline(timeline);
List<TimelineEvent> parseTimeline(List l) {
final events = <TimelineEvent>[];
for (final event in l) {
return events;
String findMainIsolateId(List<TimelineEvent> events) {
return events
.firstWhere((e) => == 'InitializeIsolate' && e.args['isolateName'] == 'main')
class TimelineEvent {
final String name;
final String cat;
final int tid;
final int pid;
final int ts;
final int tts;
final String ph;
final Map<String, String> args;
TimelineEvent._(,, this.tid,, this.ts, this.tts,, this.args);
factory TimelineEvent.from(Map m) {
return TimelineEvent._(
m['name'] as String,
m['cat'] as String,
m['tid'] as int,
m['pid'] as int,
m['ts'] as int,
m['tts'] as int,
m['ph'] as String,
m['args'].cast<String, String>(),
bool get isStart => ph == 'B';
bool get isEnd => ph == 'E';
String get isolateId => args['isolateId'];
String toString() =>
'TimelineEvent($name, $cat, $tid, $pid, $ts, $tts, $ph, $args)';