blob: 8de7ba2a3fa782f9ec9741bcdc2bdbb897d2b5e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.serialization_test_helper;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:compiler/src/common/resolution.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/constants/expressions.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/constants/values.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/compiler.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/elements/entities.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/elements/resolution_types.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/elements/types.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/kernel/elements.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/kernel/element_map.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/serialization/equivalence.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/util/util.dart';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'test_data.dart';
Check currentCheck;
class Check {
final Check parent;
final Object object1;
final Object object2;
final String property;
final Object value1;
final Object value2;
Check(this.parent, this.object1, this.object2,, this.value1,
String printOn(StringBuffer sb, String indent) {
if (parent != null) {
indent = parent.printOn(sb, indent);
sb.write("${indent}property='$property'\n ");
sb.write("${indent}object1=$object1 (${object1.runtimeType})\n ");
sb.write("${indent}value=${value1 == null ? "null" : "'$value1'"} ");
sb.write("(${value1.runtimeType}) vs\n ");
sb.write("${indent}object2=$object2 (${object2.runtimeType})\n ");
sb.write("${indent}value=${value2 == null ? "null" : "'$value2'"} ");
return ' $indent';
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
printOn(sb, '');
return sb.toString();
/// Strategy for checking equivalence.
/// Use this strategy to fail early with contextual information in the event of
/// inequivalence.
class CheckStrategy extends TestStrategy {
const CheckStrategy(
{Equivalence<Entity> elementEquivalence: areElementsEquivalent,
Equivalence<DartType> typeEquivalence: areTypesEquivalent,
Equivalence<ConstantExpression> constantEquivalence:
Equivalence<ConstantValue> constantValueEquivalence:
: super(
elementEquivalence: elementEquivalence,
typeEquivalence: typeEquivalence,
constantEquivalence: constantEquivalence,
constantValueEquivalence: constantValueEquivalence);
TestStrategy get testOnly => new TestStrategy(
elementEquivalence: elementEquivalence,
typeEquivalence: typeEquivalence,
constantEquivalence: constantEquivalence,
constantValueEquivalence: constantValueEquivalence);
bool test(var object1, var object2, String property, var value1, var value2,
[bool equivalence(a, b) = equality]) {
return check(object1, object2, property, value1, value2, equivalence);
bool testLists(
Object object1, Object object2, String property, List list1, List list2,
[bool elementEquivalence(a, b) = equality]) {
return checkListEquivalence(object1, object2, property, list1, list2,
(o1, o2, p, v1, v2) {
if (!elementEquivalence(v1, v2)) {
throw "$o1.$p = '${v1}' <> "
"$o2.$p = '${v2}'";
return true;
bool testSets(
var object1, var object2, String property, Iterable set1, Iterable set2,
[bool elementEquivalence(a, b) = equality]) {
return checkSetEquivalence(
object1, object2, property, set1, set2, elementEquivalence);
bool testMaps(var object1, var object2, String property, Map map1, Map map2,
[bool keyEquivalence(a, b) = equality,
bool valueEquivalence(a, b) = equality]) {
return checkMapEquivalence(object1, object2, property, map1, map2,
keyEquivalence, valueEquivalence);
/// Check that the values [property] of [object1] and [object2], [value1] and
/// [value2] respectively, are equal and throw otherwise.
bool check(var object1, var object2, String property, var value1, var value2,
[bool equivalence(a, b) = equality]) {
currentCheck =
new Check(currentCheck, object1, object2, property, value1, value2);
if (!equivalence(value1, value2)) {
throw currentCheck;
currentCheck = currentCheck.parent;
return true;
/// Check equivalence of the two lists, [list1] and [list2], using
/// [checkEquivalence] to check the pair-wise equivalence.
/// Uses [object1], [object2] and [property] to provide context for failures.
bool checkListEquivalence(
Object object1,
Object object2,
String property,
Iterable list1,
Iterable list2,
void checkEquivalence(o1, o2, property, a, b)) {
currentCheck =
new Check(currentCheck, object1, object2, property, list1, list2);
for (int i = 0; i < list1.length && i < list2.length; i++) {
object1, object2, property, list1.elementAt(i), list2.elementAt(i));
for (int i = list1.length; i < list2.length; i++) {
throw 'Missing equivalent for element '
'#$i ${list2.elementAt(i)} in `${property}` on $object2.\n'
'`${property}` on $object1:\n ${list1.join('\n ')}\n'
'`${property}` on $object2:\n ${list2.join('\n ')}';
for (int i = list2.length; i < list1.length; i++) {
throw 'Missing equivalent for element '
'#$i ${list1.elementAt(i)} in `${property}` on $object1.\n'
'`${property}` on $object1:\n ${list1.join('\n ')}\n'
'`${property}` on $object2:\n ${list2.join('\n ')}';
currentCheck = currentCheck.parent;
return true;
/// Computes the set difference between [set1] and [set2] using
/// [elementEquivalence] to determine element equivalence.
/// Elements both in [set1] and [set2] are added to [common], elements in [set1]
/// but not in [set2] are added to [unfound], and the set of elements in [set2]
/// but not in [set1] are returned.
Set computeSetDifference(
Iterable set1, Iterable set2, List<List> common, List unfound,
{bool sameElement(a, b): equality, void checkElements(a, b)}) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Avoid the quadratic cost here. Some ideas:
// - convert each set to a list and sort it first, then compare by walking
// both lists in parallel
// - map each element to a canonical object, create a map containing those
// mappings, use the mapped sets to compare (then operations like
// set.difference would work)
Set remaining = set2.toSet();
for (var element1 in set1) {
bool found = false;
var correspondingElement;
for (var element2 in remaining) {
if (sameElement(element1, element2)) {
if (checkElements != null) {
checkElements(element1, element2);
found = true;
correspondingElement = element2;
if (found) {
common.add([element1, correspondingElement]);
} else {
return remaining;
/// Check equivalence of the two iterables, [set1] and [set1], as sets using
/// [elementEquivalence] to compute the pair-wise equivalence.
/// Uses [object1], [object2] and [property] to provide context for failures.
bool checkSetEquivalence(var object1, var object2, String property,
Iterable set1, Iterable set2, bool sameElement(a, b),
{void onSameElement(a, b)}) {
List<List> common = <List>[];
List unfound = [];
Set remaining = computeSetDifference(set1, set2, common, unfound,
sameElement: sameElement, checkElements: onSameElement);
if (unfound.isNotEmpty || remaining.isNotEmpty) {
String message = "Set mismatch for `$property` on\n"
"$object1\n vs\n$object2:\n"
"Common:\n ${common.join('\n ')}\n"
"Unfound:\n ${unfound.join('\n ')}\n"
"Extra: \n ${remaining.join('\n ')}";
throw message;
return true;
/// Check equivalence of the two iterables, [set1] and [set1], as sets using
/// [elementEquivalence] to compute the pair-wise equivalence.
/// Uses [object1], [object2] and [property] to provide context for failures.
bool checkMapEquivalence(var object1, var object2, String property, Map map1,
Map map2, bool sameKey(a, b), bool sameValue(a, b)) {
List<List> common = <List>[];
List unfound = [];
Set remaining = computeSetDifference(map1.keys, map2.keys, common, unfound,
sameElement: sameKey);
if (unfound.isNotEmpty || remaining.isNotEmpty) {
String message =
"Map key mismatch for `$property` on $object1 vs $object2: \n"
"Common:\n ${common.join('\n ')}\n"
"Unfound:\n ${unfound.join('\n ')}\n"
"Extra: \n ${remaining.join('\n ')}";
throw message;
for (List pair in common) {
check(pair[0], pair[1], 'Map value for `$property`', map1[pair[0]],
map2[pair[1]], sameValue);
return true;
/// Checks the equivalence of the identity (but not properties) of [element1]
/// and [element2].
/// Uses [object1], [object2] and [property] to provide context for failures.
bool checkElementIdentities(Object object1, Object object2, String property,
Element element1, Element element2) {
if (identical(element1, element2)) return true;
return check(
object1, object2, property, element1, element2, areElementsEquivalent);
/// Checks the pair-wise equivalence of the identity (but not properties) of the
/// elements in [list] and [list2].
/// Uses [object1], [object2] and [property] to provide context for failures.
bool checkElementListIdentities(Object object1, Object object2, String property,
Iterable<Element> list1, Iterable<Element> list2) {
return checkListEquivalence(
object1, object2, property, list1, list2, checkElementIdentities);
/// Checks the equivalence of [type1] and [type2].
/// Uses [object1], [object2] and [property] to provide context for failures.
bool checkTypes(Object object1, Object object2, String property,
ResolutionDartType type1, ResolutionDartType type2) {
if (identical(type1, type2)) return true;
if (type1 == null || type2 == null) {
return check(object1, object2, property, type1, type2);
} else {
return check(object1, object2, property, type1, type2,
(a, b) => const TypeEquivalence(const CheckStrategy()).visit(a, b));
/// Checks the pair-wise equivalence of the types in [list1] and [list2].
/// Uses [object1], [object2] and [property] to provide context for failures.
bool checkTypeLists(Object object1, Object object2, String property,
List<DartType> list1, List<DartType> list2) {
return checkListEquivalence(
object1, object2, property, list1, list2, checkTypes);
/// Checks the equivalence of [exp1] and [exp2].
/// Uses [object1], [object2] and [property] to provide context for failures.
bool checkConstants(Object object1, Object object2, String property,
ConstantExpression exp1, ConstantExpression exp2) {
if (identical(exp1, exp2)) return true;
if (exp1 == null || exp2 == null) {
return check(object1, object2, property, exp1, exp2);
} else {
return check(object1, object2, property, exp1, exp2,
(a, b) => const ConstantEquivalence(const CheckStrategy()).visit(a, b));
/// Checks the equivalence of [value1] and [value2].
/// Uses [object1], [object2] and [property] to provide context for failures.
bool checkConstantValues(Object object1, Object object2, String property,
ConstantValue value1, ConstantValue value2) {
if (identical(value1, value2)) return true;
if (value1 == null || value2 == null) {
return check(object1, object2, property, value1, value2);
} else {
return check(
(a, b) =>
const ConstantValueEquivalence(const CheckStrategy()).visit(a, b));
/// Checks the pair-wise equivalence of the constants in [list1] and [list2].
/// Uses [object1], [object2] and [property] to provide context for failures.
bool checkConstantLists(Object object1, Object object2, String property,
List<ConstantExpression> list1, List<ConstantExpression> list2) {
return checkListEquivalence(
object1, object2, property, list1, list2, checkConstants);
/// Checks the pair-wise equivalence of the constants values in [list1] and
/// [list2].
/// Uses [object1], [object2] and [property] to provide context for failures.
bool checkConstantValueLists(Object object1, Object object2, String property,
List<ConstantValue> list1, List<ConstantValue> list2) {
return checkListEquivalence(
object1, object2, property, list1, list2, checkConstantValues);
/// Check member property equivalence between all members common to [compiler1]
/// and [compiler2].
void checkLoadedLibraryMembers(
Compiler compiler1,
Compiler compiler2,
bool hasProperty(Element member1),
void checkMemberProperties(Compiler compiler1, Element member1,
Compiler compiler2, Element member2,
{bool verbose}),
{bool verbose: false}) {
void checkMembers(Element member1, Element member2) {
if (member1.isClass && member2.isClass) {
ClassElement class1 = member1;
ClassElement class2 = member2;
if (!class1.isResolved) return;
if (hasProperty(member1)) {
if (areElementsEquivalent(member1, member2)) {
checkMemberProperties(compiler1, member1, compiler2, member2,
verbose: verbose);
class1.forEachLocalMember((m1) {
checkMembers(m1, class2.localLookup(;
ClassElement superclass1 = class1.superclass;
ClassElement superclass2 = class2.superclass;
while (superclass1 != null && superclass1.isUnnamedMixinApplication) {
for (ConstructorElement c1 in superclass1.constructors) {
checkMembers(c1, superclass2.lookupConstructor(;
superclass1 = superclass1.superclass;
superclass2 = superclass2.superclass;
if (!hasProperty(member1)) {
if (member2 == null) {
throw 'Missing member for ${member1}';
if (areElementsEquivalent(member1, member2)) {
checkMemberProperties(compiler1, member1, compiler2, member2,
verbose: verbose);
for (LibraryElement library1 in compiler1.libraryLoader.libraries) {
LibraryElement library2 =
if (library2 != null) {
library1.forEachLocalMember((Element member1) {
checkMembers(member1, library2.localLookup(;
/// Check equivalence of all resolution impacts.
void checkAllImpacts(Compiler compiler1, Compiler compiler2,
{bool verbose: false}) {
checkLoadedLibraryMembers(compiler1, compiler2, (Element member1) {
return compiler1.resolution.hasResolutionImpact(member1);
}, checkImpacts, verbose: verbose);
/// Check equivalence of resolution impact for [member1] and [member2].
void checkImpacts(
Compiler compiler1, Element member1, Compiler compiler2, Element member2,
{bool verbose: false}) {
ResolutionImpact impact1 = compiler1.resolution.getResolutionImpact(member1);
ResolutionImpact impact2 = compiler2.resolution.getResolutionImpact(member2);
if (impact1 == null && impact2 == null) return;
if (verbose) {
print('Checking impacts for $member1 vs $member2');
if (impact1 == null) {
throw 'Missing impact for $member1. $member2 has $impact2';
if (impact2 == null) {
throw 'Missing impact for $member2. $member1 has $impact1';
testResolutionImpactEquivalence(impact1, impact2,
strategy: const CheckStrategy());
void checkSets(
Iterable set1, Iterable set2, String messagePrefix, bool sameElement(a, b),
{bool failOnUnfound: true,
bool failOnExtra: true,
bool verbose: false,
void onSameElement(a, b),
void onUnfoundElement(a),
void onExtraElement(b),
bool elementFilter(element),
String elementToString(key): defaultToString}) {
if (elementFilter != null) {
set1 = set1.where(elementFilter);
set2 = set2.where(elementFilter);
if (elementConverter != null) {
set1 =;
set2 =;
List<List> common = <List>[];
List unfound = [];
Set remaining = computeSetDifference(set1, set2, common, unfound,
sameElement: sameElement, checkElements: onSameElement);
if (onUnfoundElement != null) {
if (onExtraElement != null) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (verbose) {
sb.write("\n Common: \n");
for (List pair in common) {
var element1 = pair[0];
var element2 = pair[1];
sb.write(" [${elementToString(element1)},"
if (unfound.isNotEmpty || verbose) {
sb.write("\n Unfound:\n ${'\n ')}");
if (remaining.isNotEmpty || verbose) {
sb.write("\n Extra: \n ${'\n ')}");
String message = sb.toString();
if (unfound.isNotEmpty || remaining.isNotEmpty) {
if ((failOnUnfound && unfound.isNotEmpty) ||
(failOnExtra && remaining.isNotEmpty)) {;
} else {
} else if (verbose) {
String defaultToString(obj) => '$obj';
void checkMaps(Map map1, Map map2, String messagePrefix, bool sameKey(a, b),
bool sameValue(a, b),
{bool failOnUnfound: true,
bool failOnMismatch: true,
bool verbose: false,
String keyToString(key): defaultToString,
String valueToString(key): defaultToString}) {
List<List> common = <List>[];
List unfound = [];
List<List> mismatch = <List>[];
Set remaining = computeSetDifference(map1.keys, map2.keys, common, unfound,
sameElement: sameKey, checkElements: (k1, k2) {
var v1 = map1[k1];
var v2 = map2[k2];
if (!sameValue(v1, v2)) {
mismatch.add([k1, k2]);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (verbose) {
sb.write("\n Common: \n");
for (List pair in common) {
var k1 = pair[0];
var k2 = pair[1];
var v1 = map1[k1];
var v2 = map2[k2];
sb.write(" key1 =${keyToString(k1)}\n");
sb.write(" key2 =${keyToString(k2)}\n");
sb.write(" value1=${valueToString(v1)}\n");
sb.write(" value2=${valueToString(v2)}\n");
if (unfound.isNotEmpty || verbose) {
sb.write("\n Unfound: \n");
for (var k1 in unfound) {
var v1 = map1[k1];
sb.write(" key1 =${keyToString(k1)}\n");
sb.write(" value1=${valueToString(v1)}\n");
if (remaining.isNotEmpty || verbose) {
sb.write("\n Extra: \n");
for (var k2 in remaining) {
var v2 = map2[k2];
sb.write(" key2 =${keyToString(k2)}\n");
sb.write(" value2=${valueToString(v2)}\n");
if (mismatch.isNotEmpty || verbose) {
sb.write("\n Mismatch: \n");
for (List pair in mismatch) {
var k1 = pair[0];
var k2 = pair[1];
var v1 = map1[k1];
var v2 = map2[k2];
sb.write(" key1 =${keyToString(k1)}\n");
sb.write(" key2 =${keyToString(k2)}\n");
sb.write(" value1=${valueToString(v1)}\n");
sb.write(" value2=${valueToString(v2)}\n");
String message = sb.toString();
if (unfound.isNotEmpty || mismatch.isNotEmpty || remaining.isNotEmpty) {
if ((unfound.isNotEmpty && failOnUnfound) ||
(mismatch.isNotEmpty && failOnMismatch) ||
remaining.isNotEmpty) {;
} else {
} else if (verbose) {
void checkAllResolvedAsts(Compiler compiler1, Compiler compiler2,
{bool verbose: false}) {
checkLoadedLibraryMembers(compiler1, compiler2, (Element member1) {
return member1 is ExecutableElement &&
}, checkResolvedAsts, verbose: verbose);
/// Check equivalence of [impact1] and [impact2].
void checkResolvedAsts(
Compiler compiler1, Element member1, Compiler compiler2, Element member2,
{bool verbose: false}) {
if (!compiler2.serialization.isDeserialized(member2)) {
ResolvedAst resolvedAst1 = compiler1.resolution.getResolvedAst(member1);
ResolvedAst resolvedAst2 = compiler2.serialization.getResolvedAst(member2);
if (resolvedAst1 == null || resolvedAst2 == null) return;
if (verbose) {
print('Checking resolved asts for $member1 vs $member2');
testResolvedAstEquivalence(resolvedAst1, resolvedAst2, const CheckStrategy());
/// Returns the test arguments for testing the [index]th skipped test. The
/// [skip] count is used to check that [index] is a valid index.
List<String> testSkipped(int index, int skip) {
if (index < 0 || index >= skip) {
throw new ArgumentError('Invalid skip index $index');
return ['${index}', '${index + 1}'];
/// Return the test arguments for testing the [index]th segment (1-based) of
/// the [TESTS] split into [count] groups. The first [skip] tests are excluded
/// from the automatic grouping.
List<String> testSegment(int index, int count, int skip) {
if (index < 0 || index > count) {
throw new ArgumentError('Invalid segment index $index');
String segmentNumber(int i) {
return '${skip + i * (TESTS.length - skip) ~/ count}';
if (index == 1 && skip != 0) {
return ['${skip}', segmentNumber(index)];
} else if (index == count) {
return [segmentNumber(index - 1)];
} else {
return [segmentNumber(index - 1), segmentNumber(index)];
class KernelEquivalence {
final WorldDeconstructionForTesting testing;
/// Set of mixin applications assumed to be equivalent.
/// We need co-inductive reasoning because mixin applications are compared
/// structurally and therefore, in the case of generic mixin applications,
/// meet themselves through the equivalence check of their type variables.
Set<Pair<ClassEntity, ClassEntity>> assumedMixinApplications =
new Set<Pair<ClassEntity, ClassEntity>>();
KernelEquivalence(KernelToElementMap builder)
: testing = new WorldDeconstructionForTesting(builder);
TestStrategy get defaultStrategy => new TestStrategy(
elementEquivalence: entityEquivalence, typeEquivalence: typeEquivalence);
bool entityEquivalence(Element a, Entity b, {TestStrategy strategy}) {
if (identical(a, b)) return true;
if (a == null || b == null) return false;
strategy ??= defaultStrategy;
switch (a.kind) {
if (b is KGenerativeConstructor) {
return strategy.test(a, b, 'name',, &&
a, b, 'enclosingClass', a.enclosingClass, b.enclosingClass);
return false;
if (b is KFactoryConstructor) {
return strategy.test(a, b, 'name',, &&
a, b, 'enclosingClass', a.enclosingClass, b.enclosingClass);
return false;
case ElementKind.CLASS:
if (b is KClass) {
List<InterfaceType> aMixinTypes = [];
List<InterfaceType> bMixinTypes = [];
ClassElement aClass = a;
while (aClass.isMixinApplication) {
MixinApplicationElement aMixinApplication = aClass;
aClass = aMixinApplication.superclass;
KClass bClass = b;
while (bClass != null) {
InterfaceType mixinType = testing.getMixinTypeForClass(bClass);
if (mixinType == null) break;
bClass = testing.getSuperclassForClass(bClass);
if (aMixinTypes.isNotEmpty || aMixinTypes.isNotEmpty) {
if (aClass.isNamedMixinApplication &&
!strategy.test(a, b, 'name',, {
return false;
Pair<ClassEntity, ClassEntity> pair =
new Pair<ClassEntity, ClassEntity>(aClass, bClass);
if (assumedMixinApplications.contains(pair)) {
return true;
} else {
bool result = strategy.testTypeLists(
a, b, 'mixinTypes', aMixinTypes, bMixinTypes);
return result;
return strategy.test(a, b, 'name',, &&
a, b, 'library', a.library, testing.getLibraryForClass(b));
return false;
case ElementKind.LIBRARY:
if (b is KLibrary) {
LibraryElement libraryA = a;
return libraryA.canonicalUri == testing.getLibraryUri(b);
return false;
case ElementKind.FUNCTION:
if (b is KMethod) {
if (!strategy.test(a, b, 'name',, return false;
if (b.enclosingClass != null) {
return strategy.testElements(
a, b, 'enclosingClass', a.enclosingClass, b.enclosingClass);
} else {
return strategy.testElements(
a, b, 'library', a.library, testing.getLibraryForFunction(b));
} else if (b is KLocalFunction) {
LocalFunctionElement aLocalFunction = a;
return strategy.test(a, b, 'name',, ?? '') &&
strategy.testElements(a, b, 'executableContext',
aLocalFunction.executableContext, b.executableContext) &&
strategy.testElements(a, b, 'memberContext',
aLocalFunction.memberContext, b.memberContext);
return false;
case ElementKind.GETTER:
if (b is KGetter) {
if (!strategy.test(a, b, 'name',, return false;
if (b.enclosingClass != null) {
return strategy.testElements(
a, b, 'enclosingClass', a.enclosingClass, b.enclosingClass);
} else {
return strategy.testElements(
a, b, 'library', a.library, testing.getLibraryForFunction(b));
return false;
case ElementKind.SETTER:
if (b is KSetter) {
if (!strategy.test(a, b, 'name',, return false;
if (b.enclosingClass != null) {
return strategy.testElements(
a, b, 'enclosingClass', a.enclosingClass, b.enclosingClass);
} else {
return strategy.testElements(
a, b, 'library', a.library, testing.getLibraryForFunction(b));
return false;
case ElementKind.FIELD:
if (b is KField) {
if (!strategy.test(a, b, 'name',, return false;
if (b.enclosingClass != null) {
return strategy.testElements(
a, b, 'enclosingClass', a.enclosingClass, b.enclosingClass);
} else {
return strategy.testElements(
a, b, 'library', a.library, testing.getLibraryForField(b));
return false;
case ElementKind.TYPE_VARIABLE:
if (b is KTypeVariable) {
TypeVariableElement aElement = a;
return strategy.test(a, b, 'index', aElement.index, b.index) &&
strategy.testElements(a, b, 'typeDeclaration',
aElement.typeDeclaration, b.typeDeclaration);
return false;
throw new UnsupportedError('Unsupported equivalence: '
'$a (${a.runtimeType}) vs $b (${b.runtimeType})');
bool typeEquivalence(ResolutionDartType a, DartType b,
{TestStrategy strategy}) {
if (identical(a, b)) return true;
if (a == null || b == null) return false;
strategy ??= defaultStrategy;
switch (a.kind) {
case ResolutionTypeKind.DYNAMIC:
return b is DynamicType;
case ResolutionTypeKind.VOID:
return b is VoidType;
case ResolutionTypeKind.INTERFACE:
if (b is InterfaceType) {
ResolutionInterfaceType aType = a;
return strategy.testElements(a, b, 'element', a.element, b.element) &&
a, b, 'typeArguments', aType.typeArguments, b.typeArguments);
return false;
case ResolutionTypeKind.TYPE_VARIABLE:
if (b is TypeVariableType) {
return strategy.testElements(a, b, 'element', a.element, b.element);
return false;
case ResolutionTypeKind.FUNCTION:
if (b is FunctionType) {
ResolutionFunctionType aType = a;
return strategy.testTypes(
a, b, 'returnType', aType.returnType, b.returnType) &&
strategy.testTypeLists(a, b, 'parameterTypes',
aType.parameterTypes, b.parameterTypes) &&
strategy.testTypeLists(a, b, 'optionalParameterTypes',
aType.optionalParameterTypes, b.optionalParameterTypes) &&
strategy.testLists(a, b, 'namedParameters', aType.namedParameters,
b.namedParameters) &&
strategy.testTypeLists(a, b, 'namedParameterTypes',
aType.namedParameterTypes, b.namedParameterTypes);
return false;
throw new UnsupportedError('Unsupported equivalence: '
'$a (${a.runtimeType}) vs $b (${b.runtimeType})');