blob: 1c524565f91dd54094acc7222bad8aba8f9208d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/resolution/access_semantics.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/resolution/send_structure.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/resolution/tree_elements.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/tree/nodes.dart' as ast;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' as ir;
enum IdKind { element, node }
/// Id for a code point or element with type inference information.
abstract class Id {
IdKind get kind;
/// Id for an element with type inference information.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Support local variables, functions and parameters.
class ElementId implements Id {
final String className;
final String memberName;
factory ElementId(String text) {
int dotPos = text.indexOf('.');
if (dotPos != -1) {
return new ElementId.internal(
text.substring(dotPos + 1), text.substring(0, dotPos));
} else {
return new ElementId.internal(text);
ElementId.internal(this.memberName, [this.className]);
int get hashCode => className.hashCode * 13 + memberName.hashCode * 17;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! ElementId) return false;
return className == other.className && memberName == other.memberName;
IdKind get kind => IdKind.element;
String toString() =>
className != null ? '$className.$memberName' : memberName;
/// Id for a code point with type inference information.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Create an [NodeId]-based equivalence with the kernel IR.
class NodeId implements Id {
final int value;
const NodeId(this.value);
int get hashCode => value.hashCode;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! NodeId) return false;
return value == other.value;
IdKind get kind => IdKind.node;
String toString() => value.toString();
abstract class AstEnumeratorMixin {
TreeElements get elements;
ElementId computeElementId(AstElement element) {
String memberName =;
if (element.isSetter) {
memberName += '=';
String className = element.enclosingClass?.name;
return new ElementId.internal(memberName, className);
NodeId computeAccessId(ast.Send node, AccessSemantics access) {
switch (access.kind) {
return new NodeId(node.selector.getBeginToken().charOffset);
return new NodeId(node.getBeginToken().charOffset);
NodeId computeNodeId(ast.Send node) {
var sendStructure = elements.getSendStructure(node);
if (sendStructure == null) return null;
switch (sendStructure.kind) {
case SendStructureKind.GET:
case SendStructureKind.INVOKE:
case SendStructureKind.INCOMPATIBLE_INVOKE:
return computeAccessId(node, sendStructure.semantics);
return new NodeId(node.getBeginToken().charOffset);
/// Visitor that finds the AST node or element corresponding to an [Id].
class AstIdFinder extends ast.Visitor with AstEnumeratorMixin {
Id soughtId;
var /*AstElement|ast.Node*/ found;
final TreeElements elements;
/// Visits the subtree of [root] returns the [ast.Node] or [AstElement]
/// corresponding to [id].
/*AstElement|ast.Node*/ find(ast.Node root, Id id) {
soughtId = id;
var result = found;
found = null;
return result;
visit(ast.Node node) {
if (found == null) {
visitNode(ast.Node node) {
if (found == null) {
visitSend(ast.Send node) {
if (found == null) {
Id id = computeNodeId(node);
if (id == soughtId) {
found = node;
visitVariableDefinitions(ast.VariableDefinitions node) {
if (found == null) {
for (ast.Node child in node.definitions) {
AstElement element = elements[child];
if (element != null) {
Id id = computeElementId(element);
if (id == soughtId) {
found = element;
visitFunctionExpression(ast.FunctionExpression node) {
if (found == null) {
AstElement element = elements.getFunctionDefinition(node);
if (element != null) {
Id id = computeElementId(element);
if (id == soughtId) {
found = element;
abstract class IrEnumeratorMixin {
Id computeElementId(ir.Member node) {
String className;
if (node.enclosingClass != null) {
className =;
String memberName =;
if (node is ir.Procedure && node.kind == ir.ProcedureKind.Setter) {
memberName += '=';
return new ElementId.internal(memberName, className);
Id computeNodeId(ir.Node node) {
if (node is ir.MethodInvocation) {
assert(node.fileOffset != ir.TreeNode.noOffset);
return new NodeId(node.fileOffset);
} else if (node is ir.PropertyGet) {
assert(node.fileOffset != ir.TreeNode.noOffset);
return new NodeId(node.fileOffset);
return null;
/// Visitor that finds the IR node corresponding to an [Id].
class IrIdFinder extends ir.Visitor with IrEnumeratorMixin {
Id soughtId;
ir.Node found;
/// Visits the subtree of [root] returns the [ir.Node] corresponding to [id].
ir.Node find(ir.Node root, Id id) {
soughtId = id;
var result = found;
found = null;
return result;
defaultNode(ir.Node node) {
if (found == null) {
Id id = computeNodeId(node);
if (id == soughtId) {
found = node;
defaultMember(ir.Member node) {
if (found == null) {
Id id = computeElementId(node);
if (id == soughtId) {
found = node;