blob: e433676282e511179a46cc53da5da12b9e935996 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of ssa;
abstract class OptimizationPhase {
String get name;
void visitGraph(HGraph graph);
class SsaOptimizerTask extends CompilerTask {
final JavaScriptBackend backend;
SsaOptimizerTask(JavaScriptBackend backend)
: this.backend = backend,
String get name => 'SSA optimizer';
Compiler get compiler => backend.compiler;
void runPhases(HGraph graph, List<OptimizationPhase> phases) {
for (OptimizationPhase phase in phases) {
runPhase(graph, phase);
void runPhase(HGraph graph, OptimizationPhase phase) {
compiler.tracer.traceGraph(, graph);
void optimize(CodegenWorkItem work, HGraph graph, bool speculative) {
ConstantSystem constantSystem = compiler.backend.constantSystem;
JavaScriptItemCompilationContext context = work.compilationContext;
measure(() {
SsaDeadCodeEliminator dce;
List<OptimizationPhase> phases = <OptimizationPhase>[
// Run trivial instruction simplification first to optimize
// some patterns useful for type conversion.
new SsaInstructionSimplifier(constantSystem, backend, work),
new SsaTypeConversionInserter(compiler),
new SsaNonSpeculativeTypePropagator(compiler),
// After type propagation, more instructions can be
// simplified.
new SsaInstructionSimplifier(constantSystem, backend, work),
new SsaCheckInserter(backend, work, context.boundsChecked),
new SsaRedundantPhiEliminator(),
new SsaDeadPhiEliminator(),
new SsaInstructionSimplifier(constantSystem, backend, work),
new SsaNonSpeculativeTypePropagator(compiler),
// Run a dead code eliminator before LICM because dead
// interceptors are often in the way of LICM'able instructions.
new SsaDeadCodeEliminator(compiler),
new SsaGlobalValueNumberer(compiler),
new SsaCodeMotion(),
new SsaValueRangeAnalyzer(compiler, constantSystem, work),
// Previous optimizations may have generated new
// opportunities for instruction simplification.
new SsaInstructionSimplifier(constantSystem, backend, work),
new SsaSimplifyInterceptors(compiler, constantSystem, work),
dce = new SsaDeadCodeEliminator(compiler)];
runPhases(graph, phases);
if (!dce.eliminatedSideEffects) return;
phases = <OptimizationPhase>[
new SsaGlobalValueNumberer(compiler),
new SsaCodeMotion(),
new SsaValueRangeAnalyzer(compiler, constantSystem, work),
new SsaInstructionSimplifier(constantSystem, backend, work),
new SsaSimplifyInterceptors(compiler, constantSystem, work),
new SsaDeadCodeEliminator(compiler)];
runPhases(graph, phases);
bool trySpeculativeOptimizations(CodegenWorkItem work, HGraph graph) {
if (work.element.isField()) {
// Lazy initializers may not have bailout methods.
return false;
JavaScriptItemCompilationContext context = work.compilationContext;
ConstantSystem constantSystem = compiler.backend.constantSystem;
return measure(() {
SsaTypeGuardInserter inserter = new SsaTypeGuardInserter(compiler, work);
// Run the phases that will generate type guards.
List<OptimizationPhase> phases = <OptimizationPhase>[
new SsaEnvironmentBuilder(compiler),
// Then run the [SsaCheckInserter] because the type propagator also
// propagated types non-speculatively. For example, it might have
// propagated the type array for a call to the List constructor.
new SsaCheckInserter(backend, work, context.boundsChecked)];
runPhases(graph, phases);
if (work.guards.isEmpty && inserter.hasInsertedChecks) {
// If there is no guard, and we have inserted type checks
// instead, we can do the optimizations right away and avoid
// the bailout method.
optimize(work, graph, false);
return !work.guards.isEmpty;
void prepareForSpeculativeOptimizations(CodegenWorkItem work, HGraph graph) {
JavaScriptItemCompilationContext context = work.compilationContext;
measure(() {
// In order to generate correct code for the bailout version, we did not
// propagate types from the instruction to the type guard. We do it
// now to be able to optimize further.
work.guards.forEach((HTypeGuard guard) {
// We also need to insert range and integer checks for the type
// guards. Now that they claim to have a certain type, some
// depending instructions might become builtin (like native array
// accesses) and need to be checked.
// Also run the type propagator, to please the codegen in case
// no other optimization is run.
runPhases(graph, <OptimizationPhase>[
new SsaCheckInserter(backend, work, context.boundsChecked),
new SsaNonSpeculativeTypePropagator(compiler)]);
* If both inputs to known operations are available execute the operation at
* compile-time.
class SsaInstructionSimplifier extends HBaseVisitor
implements OptimizationPhase {
final String name = "SsaInstructionSimplifier";
final JavaScriptBackend backend;
final CodegenWorkItem work;
final ConstantSystem constantSystem;
HGraph graph;
Compiler get compiler => backend.compiler;
SsaInstructionSimplifier(this.constantSystem, this.backend,;
void visitGraph(HGraph visitee) {
graph = visitee;
visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock block) {
HInstruction instruction = block.first;
while (instruction != null) {
HInstruction next =;
HInstruction replacement = instruction.accept(this);
if (replacement != instruction) {
block.rewrite(instruction, replacement);
// If we can replace [instruction] with [replacement], then
// [replacement]'s type can be narrowed.
HType newType = replacement.instructionType.intersection(
instruction.instructionType, compiler);
if (!newType.isConflicting()) {
// [HType.intersection] may give up when doing the
// intersection of two types is too complicated, and return
// [HType.CONFLICTING]. We do not want instructions to have
// [HType.CONFLICTING], so we only update the type if the
// intersection did not give up.
replacement.instructionType = newType;
// If the replacement instruction does not know its
// source element, use the source element of the
// instruction.
if (replacement.sourceElement == null) {
replacement.sourceElement = instruction.sourceElement;
if (replacement.sourcePosition == null) {
replacement.sourcePosition = instruction.sourcePosition;
if (!replacement.isInBasicBlock()) {
// The constant folding can return an instruction that is already
// part of the graph (like an input), so we only add the replacement
// if necessary.
block.addAfter(instruction, replacement);
// Visit the replacement as the next instruction in case it
// can also be constant folded away.
next = replacement;
instruction = next;
HInstruction visitInstruction(HInstruction node) {
return node;
HInstruction visitBoolify(HBoolify node) {
List<HInstruction> inputs = node.inputs;
assert(inputs.length == 1);
HInstruction input = inputs[0];
HType type = input.instructionType;
if (type.isBoolean()) return input;
// All values that cannot be 'true' are boolified to false.
DartType booleanType = backend.jsBoolClass.computeType(compiler);
TypeMask mask = type.computeMask(compiler);
// TODO(kasperl): Get rid of the null check here once all HTypes
// have a proper mask.
if (mask != null && !mask.contains(booleanType, compiler)) {
return graph.addConstantBool(false, compiler);
return node;
HInstruction visitNot(HNot node) {
List<HInstruction> inputs = node.inputs;
assert(inputs.length == 1);
HInstruction input = inputs[0];
if (input is HConstant) {
HConstant constant = input;
bool isTrue = constant.constant.isTrue();
return graph.addConstantBool(!isTrue, compiler);
} else if (input is HNot) {
return input.inputs[0];
return node;
HInstruction visitInvokeUnary(HInvokeUnary node) {
HInstruction folded =
foldUnary(node.operation(constantSystem), node.operand);
return folded != null ? folded : node;
HInstruction foldUnary(UnaryOperation operation, HInstruction operand) {
if (operand is HConstant) {
HConstant receiver = operand;
Constant folded = operation.fold(receiver.constant);
if (folded != null) return graph.addConstant(folded, compiler);
return null;
HInstruction tryOptimizeLengthInterceptedGetter(HInvokeDynamic node) {
HInstruction actualReceiver = node.inputs[1];
if (actualReceiver.isIndexable(compiler)) {
if (actualReceiver.isConstantString()) {
HConstant constantInput = actualReceiver;
StringConstant constant = constantInput.constant;
return graph.addConstantInt(constant.length, compiler);
} else if (actualReceiver.isConstantList()) {
HConstant constantInput = actualReceiver;
ListConstant constant = constantInput.constant;
return graph.addConstantInt(constant.length, compiler);
Element element = backend.jsIndexableLength;
bool isAssignable = !actualReceiver.isFixedArray(compiler) &&
HFieldGet result = new HFieldGet(
element, actualReceiver, isAssignable: isAssignable);
result.instructionType = HType.INTEGER;
return result;
} else if (actualReceiver.isConstantMap()) {
HConstant constantInput = actualReceiver;
MapConstant constant = constantInput.constant;
return graph.addConstantInt(constant.length, compiler);
return null;
HInstruction handleInterceptedCall(HInvokeDynamic node) {
// Try constant folding the instruction.
Operation operation = node.specializer.operation(constantSystem);
if (operation != null) {
HInstruction instruction = node.inputs.length == 2
? foldUnary(operation, node.inputs[1])
: foldBinary(operation, node.inputs[1], node.inputs[2]);
if (instruction != null) return instruction;
// Try converting the instruction to a builtin instruction.
HInstruction instruction =
node.specializer.tryConvertToBuiltin(node, compiler);
if (instruction != null) return instruction;
Selector selector = node.selector;
HInstruction input = node.inputs[1];
if (selector.isCall() || selector.isOperator()) {
Element target;
if (input.isExtendableArray(compiler)) {
if (selector.applies(backend.jsArrayRemoveLast, compiler)) {
target = backend.jsArrayRemoveLast;
} else if (selector.applies(backend.jsArrayAdd, compiler)) {
// The codegen special cases array calls, but does not
// inline argument type checks.
if (!compiler.enableTypeAssertions) {
target = backend.jsArrayAdd;
} else if (input.isString(compiler)) {
if (selector.applies(backend.jsStringSplit, compiler)) {
if (node.inputs[2].isString(compiler)) {
target = backend.jsStringSplit;
} else if (selector.applies(backend.jsStringOperatorAdd, compiler)) {
// `operator+` is turned into a JavaScript '+' so we need to
// make sure the receiver is not null.
if (node.inputs[2].isString(compiler) && !input.canBeNull()) {
target = backend.jsStringOperatorAdd;
} else if (selector.applies(backend.jsStringToString, compiler)
&& !input.canBeNull()) {
return input;
if (target != null) {
// TODO(ngeoffray): There is a strong dependency between codegen
// and this optimization that the dynamic invoke does not need an
// interceptor. We currently need to keep a
// HInvokeDynamicMethod and not create a HForeign because
// HForeign is too opaque for the SsaCheckInserter (that adds a
// bounds check on removeLast). Once we start inlining, the
// bounds check will become explicit, so we won't need this
// optimization.
HInvokeDynamicMethod result = new HInvokeDynamicMethod(
node.selector, node.inputs.sublist(1));
result.element = target;
return result;
} else if (selector.isGetter()) {
if (selector.asUntyped.applies(backend.jsIndexableLength, compiler)) {
HInstruction optimized = tryOptimizeLengthInterceptedGetter(node);
if (optimized != null) return optimized;
return node;
HInstruction visitInvokeDynamicMethod(HInvokeDynamicMethod node) {
if (node.isInterceptedCall) {
HInstruction folded = handleInterceptedCall(node);
if (folded != node) return folded;
HType receiverType = node.getDartReceiver(compiler).instructionType;
Selector selector = receiverType.refine(node.selector, compiler);
Element element =;
// TODO(ngeoffray): Also fold if it's a getter or variable.
if (element != null
&& element.isFunction()
// If we found out that the only target is a [:noSuchMethod:],
// we just ignore it.
&& == {
FunctionElement method = element;
if (method.isNative()) {
HInstruction folded = tryInlineNativeMethod(node, method);
if (folded != null) return folded;
} else {
// TODO(ngeoffray): If the method has optional parameters,
// we should pass the default values.
FunctionSignature parameters = method.computeSignature(compiler);
if (parameters.optionalParameterCount == 0
|| parameters.parameterCount == node.selector.argumentCount) {
node.element = element;
return node;
HInstruction tryInlineNativeMethod(HInvokeDynamicMethod node,
FunctionElement method) {
// Enable direct calls to a native method only if we don't run in checked
// mode, where the Dart version may have type annotations on parameters and
// return type that it should check.
// Also check that the parameters are not functions: it's the callee that
// will translate them to JS functions.
// TODO(ngeoffray): There are some cases where we could still inline in
// checked mode if we know the arguments have the right type. And we could
// do the closure conversion as well as the return type annotation check.
if (!node.isInterceptedCall) return null;
// TODO(sra): Check for legacy methods with bodies in the native strings.
// foo() native 'return something';
// They should not be used.
FunctionSignature signature = method.computeSignature(compiler);
if (signature.optionalParametersAreNamed) return null;
// Return types on native methods don't need to be checked, since the
// declaration has to be truthful.
// The call site might omit optional arguments. The inlined code must
// preserve the number of arguments, so check only the actual arguments.
List<HInstruction> inputs = node.inputs.sublist(1);
int inputPosition = 1; // Skip receiver.
bool canInline = true;
signature.forEachParameter((Element element) {
if (inputPosition < inputs.length && canInline) {
HInstruction input = inputs[inputPosition++];
DartType type = element.computeType(compiler).unalias(compiler);
if (type is FunctionType) {
canInline = false;
if (compiler.enableTypeAssertions) {
// TODO(sra): Check if [input] is guaranteed to pass the parameter
// type check. Consider using a strengthened type check to avoid
// passing `null` to primitive types since the native methods usually
// have non-nullable primitive parameter types.
canInline = false;
if (!canInline) return null;
HInvokeDynamicMethod result =
new HInvokeDynamicMethod(node.selector, inputs);
result.element = method;
// Strengthen instruction type from annotations to help optimize
// dependent instructions.
native.NativeBehavior nativeBehavior =
native.NativeBehavior.ofMethod(method, compiler);
HType returnType = new HType.fromNativeBehavior(nativeBehavior, compiler);
result.instructionType = returnType;
return result;
HInstruction visitBoundsCheck(HBoundsCheck node) {
HInstruction index = node.index;
if (index.isInteger()) return node;
if (index.isConstant()) {
HConstant constantInstruction = index;
if (!constantSystem.isInt(constantInstruction.constant)) {
// -0.0 is a double but will pass the runtime integer check.
node.staticChecks = HBoundsCheck.ALWAYS_FALSE;
return node;
HInstruction foldBinary(BinaryOperation operation,
HInstruction left,
HInstruction right) {
if (left is HConstant && right is HConstant) {
HConstant op1 = left;
HConstant op2 = right;
Constant folded = operation.fold(op1.constant, op2.constant);
if (folded != null) return graph.addConstant(folded, compiler);
return null;
HInstruction visitInvokeBinary(HInvokeBinary node) {
HInstruction left = node.left;
HInstruction right = node.right;
BinaryOperation operation = node.operation(constantSystem);
HConstant folded = foldBinary(operation, left, right);
if (folded != null) return folded;
return node;
bool allUsersAreBoolifies(HInstruction instruction) {
List<HInstruction> users = instruction.usedBy;
int length = users.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (users[i] is! HBoolify) return false;
return true;
HInstruction visitRelational(HRelational node) {
if (allUsersAreBoolifies(node)) {
// TODO(ngeoffray): Call a boolified selector.
// This node stays the same, but the Boolify node will go away.
// Note that we still have to call [super] to make sure that we end up
// in the remaining optimizations.
return super.visitRelational(node);
HInstruction handleIdentityCheck(HRelational node) {
HInstruction left = node.left;
HInstruction right = node.right;
HType leftType = left.instructionType;
HType rightType = right.instructionType;
// Intersection of int and double return conflicting, so
// we don't optimize on numbers to preserve the runtime semantics.
if (!(left.isNumberOrNull() && right.isNumberOrNull()) &&
leftType.intersection(rightType, compiler).isConflicting()) {
return graph.addConstantBool(false, compiler);
if (left.isNull() && right.isNull()) {
return graph.addConstantBool(true, compiler);
if (left.isConstantBoolean() && right.isBoolean()) {
HConstant constant = left;
if (constant.constant.isTrue()) {
return right;
} else {
return new HNot(right);
if (right.isConstantBoolean() && left.isBoolean()) {
HConstant constant = right;
if (constant.constant.isTrue()) {
return left;
} else {
return new HNot(left);
return null;
HInstruction visitIdentity(HIdentity node) {
HInstruction newInstruction = handleIdentityCheck(node);
return newInstruction == null ? super.visitIdentity(node) : newInstruction;
HInstruction visitTypeGuard(HTypeGuard node) {
HInstruction value = node.guarded;
// If the intersection of the types is still the incoming type then
// the incoming type was a subtype of the guarded type, and no check
// is required.
HType combinedType =
value.instructionType.intersection(node.guardedType, compiler);
return (combinedType == value.instructionType) ? value : node;
void simplifyCondition(HBasicBlock block,
HInstruction condition,
bool value) {
condition.dominatedUsers(block.first).forEach((user) {
HInstruction newCondition = graph.addConstantBool(value, compiler);
user.changeUse(condition, newCondition);
HInstruction visitIf(HIf node) {
HInstruction condition = node.condition;
if (condition.isConstant()) return node;
bool isNegated = condition is HNot;
if (isNegated) {
condition = condition.inputs[0];
} else {
// It is possible for LICM to move a negated version of the
// condition out of the loop where it used. We still want to
// simplify the nested use of the condition in that case, so
// we look for all dominating negated conditions and replace
// nested uses of them with true or false.
Iterable<HInstruction> dominating = condition.usedBy.where((user) =>
user is HNot && user.dominates(node));
dominating.forEach((hoisted) {
simplifyCondition(node.thenBlock, hoisted, false);
simplifyCondition(node.elseBlock, hoisted, true);
simplifyCondition(node.thenBlock, condition, !isNegated);
simplifyCondition(node.elseBlock, condition, isNegated);
return node;
HInstruction visitIs(HIs node) {
DartType type = node.typeExpression;
Element element = type.element;
if (!node.isRawCheck) {
return node;
} else if (element.isTypedef()) {
return node;
} else if (element == compiler.functionClass) {
return node;
if (element == compiler.objectClass || type.treatAsDynamic) {
return graph.addConstantBool(true, compiler);
HType expressionType = node.expression.instructionType;
if (expressionType.isInteger()) {
if (identical(element, compiler.intClass)
|| identical(element, compiler.numClass)
|| Elements.isNumberOrStringSupertype(element, compiler)) {
return graph.addConstantBool(true, compiler);
} else if (identical(element, compiler.doubleClass)) {
// We let the JS semantics decide for that check. Currently
// the code we emit will always return true.
return node;
} else {
return graph.addConstantBool(false, compiler);
} else if (expressionType.isDouble()) {
if (identical(element, compiler.doubleClass)
|| identical(element, compiler.numClass)
|| Elements.isNumberOrStringSupertype(element, compiler)) {
return graph.addConstantBool(true, compiler);
} else if (identical(element, compiler.intClass)) {
// We let the JS semantics decide for that check. Currently
// the code we emit will return true for a double that can be
// represented as a 31-bit integer and for -0.0.
return node;
} else {
return graph.addConstantBool(false, compiler);
} else if (expressionType.isNumber()) {
if (identical(element, compiler.numClass)) {
return graph.addConstantBool(true, compiler);
} else {
// We cannot just return false, because the expression may be of
// type int or double.
} else if (expressionType.canBePrimitiveNumber(compiler)
&& identical(element, compiler.intClass)) {
// We let the JS semantics decide for that check.
return node;
// We need the [:hasTypeArguments:] check because we don't have
// the notion of generics in the backend. For example, [:this:] in
// a class [:A<T>:], is currently always considered to have the
// raw type.
} else if (!RuntimeTypes.hasTypeArguments(type)) {
TypeMask expressionMask = expressionType.computeMask(compiler);
TypeMask typeMask = (element == compiler.nullClass)
? new TypeMask.subtype(type) : new TypeMask.nonNullSubtype(type);
if (expressionMask.union(typeMask, compiler) == typeMask) {
return graph.addConstantBool(true, compiler);
} else if (expressionMask.intersection(typeMask, compiler).isEmpty) {
return graph.addConstantBool(false, compiler);
return node;
HInstruction visitTypeConversion(HTypeConversion node) {
HInstruction value = node.inputs[0];
DartType type = node.typeExpression;
if (type != null) {
if (!type.isRaw || type.kind == TypeKind.TYPE_VARIABLE) {
return node;
if (type.kind == TypeKind.FUNCTION) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Optimize function type conversions.
return node;
HType convertedType = node.instructionType;
if (convertedType.isUnknown()) return node;
HType combinedType = value.instructionType.intersection(
convertedType, compiler);
return (combinedType == value.instructionType) ? value : node;
Element findConcreteFieldForDynamicAccess(HInstruction receiver,
Selector selector) {
HType receiverType = receiver.instructionType;
receiverType.refine(selector, compiler));
HInstruction visitFieldGet(HFieldGet node) {
var receiver = node.receiver;
if (node.element == backend.jsIndexableLength) {
if (receiver is HInvokeStatic) {
// Try to recognize the length getter with input
// [:new List(int):].
Element element = receiver.element;
// TODO(ngeoffray): checking if the second input is an integer
// should not be necessary but it currently makes it easier for
// other optimizations to reason about a fixed length constructor
// that we know takes an int.
if (element == compiler.unnamedListConstructor
&& receiver.inputs.length == 1
&& receiver.inputs[0].isInteger()) {
return receiver.inputs[0];
} else if (receiver.isConstantList() || receiver.isConstantString()) {
return graph.addConstantInt(receiver.constant.length, compiler);
} else {
var type = receiver.instructionType.computeMask(compiler);
if (type.isContainer && type.length != null) {
return graph.addConstantInt(type.length, compiler);
return node;
HInstruction visitIndex(HIndex node) {
if (node.receiver.isConstantList() && node.index.isConstantInteger()) {
var instruction = node.receiver;
List<Constant> entries = instruction.constant.entries;
instruction = node.index;
int index = instruction.constant.value;
if (index >= 0 && index < entries.length) {
return graph.addConstant(entries[index], compiler);
return node;
HInstruction visitInvokeDynamicGetter(HInvokeDynamicGetter node) {
if (node.isInterceptedCall) {
HInstruction folded = handleInterceptedCall(node);
if (folded != node) return folded;
HInstruction receiver = node.getDartReceiver(compiler);
Element field = findConcreteFieldForDynamicAccess(receiver, node.selector);
if (field == null) return node;
return directFieldGet(receiver, field);
HInstruction directFieldGet(HInstruction receiver, Element field) {
Modifiers modifiers = field.modifiers;
bool isAssignable = !(modifiers.isFinal() || modifiers.isConst());
if (!compiler.resolverWorld.hasInvokedSetter(field, compiler)) {
// If no setter is ever used for this field it is only initialized in the
// initializer list.
isAssignable = false;
if (field.isNative()) {
// Some native fields are views of data that may be changed by operations.
// E.g. node.firstChild depends on parentNode.removeBefore(n1, n2).
// TODO(sra): Refine the effect classification so that native effects are
// distinct from ordinary Dart effects.
isAssignable = true;
HFieldGet result = new HFieldGet(
field, receiver, isAssignable: isAssignable);
if (field.getEnclosingClass().isNative()) {
result.instructionType = new HType.fromNativeBehavior(
native.NativeBehavior.ofFieldLoad(field, compiler),
} else {
result.instructionType =
new HType.inferredTypeForElement(field, compiler);
return result;
HInstruction visitInvokeDynamicSetter(HInvokeDynamicSetter node) {
if (node.isInterceptedCall) {
HInstruction folded = handleInterceptedCall(node);
if (folded != node) return folded;
HInstruction receiver = node.getDartReceiver(compiler);
Element field = findConcreteFieldForDynamicAccess(receiver, node.selector);
if (field == null || !field.isAssignable()) return node;
// Use [:node.inputs.last:] in case the call follows the
// interceptor calling convention, but is not a call on an
// interceptor.
HInstruction value = node.inputs.last;
if (compiler.enableTypeAssertions) {
DartType type = field.computeType(compiler);
if (!type.isRaw || type.kind == TypeKind.TYPE_VARIABLE) {
// We cannot generate the correct type representation here, so don't
// inline this access.
return node;
HInstruction other = value.convertType(
if (other != value) {
node.block.addBefore(node, other);
value = other;
return new HFieldSet(field, receiver, value);
HInstruction visitStringConcat(HStringConcat node) {
// Simplify string concat:
// "" + R -> R
// L + "" -> L
// "L" + "R" -> "LR"
// (prefix + "L") + "R" -> prefix + "LR"
StringConstant getString(HInstruction instruction) {
if (!instruction.isConstantString()) return null;
HConstant constant = instruction;
return constant.constant;
StringConstant leftString = getString(node.left);
if (leftString != null && leftString.value.length == 0) return node.right;
StringConstant rightString = getString(node.right);
if (rightString == null) return node;
if (rightString.value.length == 0) return node.left;
HInstruction prefix = null;
if (leftString == null) {
if (node.left is! HStringConcat) return node;
HStringConcat leftConcat = node.left;
// Don't undo CSE.
if (leftConcat.usedBy.length != 1) return node;
prefix = leftConcat.left;
leftString = getString(leftConcat.right);
if (leftString == null) return node;
HInstruction folded = graph.addConstant(
new DartString.concat(leftString.value, rightString.value),
if (prefix == null) return folded;
return new HStringConcat(prefix, folded, node.node, backend.stringType);
HInstruction visitStringify(HStringify node) {
HInstruction input = node.inputs[0];
if (input.isString(compiler) && !input.canBeNull()) return input;
if (input.isConstant()) {
HConstant constant = input;
if (!constant.constant.isPrimitive()) return node;
PrimitiveConstant primitive = constant.constant;
return graph.addConstant(constantSystem.createString(
primitive.toDartString(), node.node), compiler);
return node;
HInstruction visitOneShotInterceptor(HOneShotInterceptor node) {
return handleInterceptedCall(node);
class SsaCheckInserter extends HBaseVisitor implements OptimizationPhase {
final Set<HInstruction> boundsChecked;
final CodegenWorkItem work;
final JavaScriptBackend backend;
final String name = "SsaCheckInserter";
HGraph graph;
void visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
this.graph = graph;
void visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock block) {
HInstruction instruction = block.first;
while (instruction != null) {
HInstruction next =;
instruction = instruction.accept(this);
instruction = next;
HBoundsCheck insertBoundsCheck(HInstruction indexNode,
HInstruction array,
HInstruction indexArgument) {
Compiler compiler = backend.compiler;
bool isAssignable =
!array.isFixedArray(compiler) && !array.isString(compiler);
HFieldGet length = new HFieldGet(
backend.jsIndexableLength, array, isAssignable: isAssignable);
length.instructionType = HType.INTEGER;
indexNode.block.addBefore(indexNode, length);
HBoundsCheck check = new HBoundsCheck(indexArgument, length);
indexNode.block.addBefore(indexNode, check);
// If the index input to the bounds check was not known to be an integer
// then we replace its uses with the bounds check, which is known to be an
// integer. However, if the input was already an integer we don't do this
// because putting in a check instruction might obscure the real nature of
// the index eg. if it is a constant. The range information from the
// BoundsCheck instruction is attached to the input directly by
// visitBoundsCheck in the SsaValueRangeAnalyzer.
if (!indexArgument.isInteger()) {
indexArgument.replaceAllUsersDominatedBy(indexNode, check);
return check;
void visitIndex(HIndex node) {
if (boundsChecked.contains(node)) return;
HInstruction index = node.index;
index = insertBoundsCheck(node, node.receiver, index);
void visitIndexAssign(HIndexAssign node) {
if (boundsChecked.contains(node)) return;
HInstruction index = node.index;
index = insertBoundsCheck(node, node.receiver, index);
void visitInvokeDynamicMethod(HInvokeDynamicMethod node) {
Element element = node.element;
if (node.isInterceptedCall) return;
if (element != backend.jsArrayRemoveLast) return;
if (boundsChecked.contains(node)) return;
node, node.receiver, graph.addConstantInt(0, backend.compiler));
class SsaDeadCodeEliminator extends HGraphVisitor implements OptimizationPhase {
final String name = "SsaDeadCodeEliminator";
final Compiler compiler;
SsaLiveBlockAnalyzer analyzer;
bool eliminatedSideEffects = false;
HInstruction zapInstructionCache;
HInstruction get zapInstruction {
return (zapInstructionCache == null)
? zapInstructionCache = analyzer.graph.addConstantInt(0, compiler)
: zapInstructionCache;
bool isDeadCode(HInstruction instruction) {
return !instruction.sideEffects.hasSideEffects()
&& !instruction.canThrow()
&& instruction.usedBy.isEmpty
&& instruction is !HTypeGuard
&& instruction is !HParameterValue
&& instruction is !HLocalSet;
void visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
analyzer = new SsaLiveBlockAnalyzer(graph);
void visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock block) {
bool isDeadBlock = analyzer.isDeadBlock(block);
block.isLive = !isDeadBlock;
// Start from the last non-control flow instruction in the block.
HInstruction instruction = block.last.previous;
while (instruction != null) {
var previous = instruction.previous;
if (isDeadBlock) {
eliminatedSideEffects = eliminatedSideEffects ||
} else if (isDeadCode(instruction)) {
instruction = previous;
void cleanPhis(HGraph graph) {
L: for (HBasicBlock block in graph.blocks) {
List<HBasicBlock> predecessors = block.predecessors;
if (predecessors.length < 2) continue L;
// Find the index of the single live predecessor if it exists.
int indexOfLive = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < predecessors.length; i++) {
if (predecessors[i].isLive) {
if (indexOfLive >= 0) continue L;
indexOfLive = i;
// Run through the phis of the block and replace them with their input
// that comes from the only live predecessor if that dominates the phi.
block.forEachPhi((HPhi phi) {
HInstruction replacement = (indexOfLive >= 0)
? phi.inputs[indexOfLive] : zapInstruction;
if (replacement.dominates(phi)) {
block.rewrite(phi, replacement);
void removeUsers(HInstruction instruction) {
instruction.usedBy.forEach((user) {
removeInput(user, instruction);
void removeInput(HInstruction user, HInstruction input) {
List<HInstruction> inputs = user.inputs;
for (int i = 0, length = inputs.length; i < length; i++) {
if (input == inputs[i]) {
HInstruction zap = zapInstruction;
inputs[i] = zap;
class SsaLiveBlockAnalyzer extends HBaseVisitor {
final HGraph graph;
final Set<HBasicBlock> live = new Set<HBasicBlock>();
final List<HBasicBlock> worklist = <HBasicBlock>[];
bool isDeadBlock(HBasicBlock block) => !live.contains(block);
void analyze() {
while (!worklist.isEmpty) {
HBasicBlock live = worklist.removeLast();
void markBlockLive(HBasicBlock block) {
if (!live.contains(block)) {
void visitControlFlow(HControlFlow instruction) {
void visitIf(HIf instruction) {
HInstruction condition = instruction.condition;
if (condition.isConstant()) {
if (condition.isConstantTrue()) {
} else {
} else {
class SsaDeadPhiEliminator implements OptimizationPhase {
final String name = "SsaDeadPhiEliminator";
void visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
final List<HPhi> worklist = <HPhi>[];
// A set to keep track of the live phis that we found.
final Set<HPhi> livePhis = new Set<HPhi>();
// Add to the worklist all live phis: phis referenced by non-phi
// instructions.
for (final block in graph.blocks) {
block.forEachPhi((HPhi phi) {
for (final user in phi.usedBy) {
if (user is !HPhi) {
// Process the worklist by propagating liveness to phi inputs.
while (!worklist.isEmpty) {
HPhi phi = worklist.removeLast();
for (final input in phi.inputs) {
if (input is HPhi && !livePhis.contains(input)) {
// Remove phis that are not live.
// Traverse in reverse order to remove phis with no uses before the
// phis that they might use.
// NOTICE: Doesn't handle circular references, but we don't currently
// create any.
List<HBasicBlock> blocks = graph.blocks;
for (int i = blocks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
HBasicBlock block = blocks[i];
HPhi current = block.phis.first;
HPhi next = null;
while (current != null) {
next =;
if (!livePhis.contains(current)
// TODO(ahe): Not sure the following is correct.
&& current.usedBy.isEmpty) {
current = next;
class SsaRedundantPhiEliminator implements OptimizationPhase {
final String name = "SsaRedundantPhiEliminator";
void visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
final List<HPhi> worklist = <HPhi>[];
// Add all phis in the worklist.
for (final block in graph.blocks) {
block.forEachPhi((HPhi phi) => worklist.add(phi));
while (!worklist.isEmpty) {
HPhi phi = worklist.removeLast();
// If the phi has already been processed, continue.
if (!phi.isInBasicBlock()) continue;
// Find if the inputs of the phi are the same instruction.
// The builder ensures that phi.inputs[0] cannot be the phi
// itself.
assert(!identical(phi.inputs[0], phi));
HInstruction candidate = phi.inputs[0];
for (int i = 1; i < phi.inputs.length; i++) {
HInstruction input = phi.inputs[i];
// If the input is the phi, the phi is still candidate for
// elimination.
if (!identical(input, candidate) && !identical(input, phi)) {
candidate = null;
// If the inputs are not the same, continue.
if (candidate == null) continue;
// Because we're updating the users of this phi, we may have new
// phis candidate for elimination. Add phis that used this phi
// to the worklist.
for (final user in phi.usedBy) {
if (user is HPhi) worklist.add(user);
phi.block.rewrite(phi, candidate);
class SsaGlobalValueNumberer implements OptimizationPhase {
final String name = "SsaGlobalValueNumberer";
final Compiler compiler;
final Set<int> visited;
List<int> blockChangesFlags;
List<int> loopChangesFlags;
SsaGlobalValueNumberer(this.compiler) : visited = new Set<int>();
void visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
visitBasicBlock(graph.entry, new ValueSet());
void moveLoopInvariantCode(HGraph graph) {
for (int i = graph.blocks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
HBasicBlock block = graph.blocks[i];
if (block.isLoopHeader()) {
int changesFlags = loopChangesFlags[];
HLoopInformation info = block.loopInformation;
// Iterate over all blocks of this loop. Note that blocks in
// inner loops are not visited here, but we know they
// were visited before because we are iterating in post-order.
// So instructions that are GVN'ed in an inner loop are in their
// loop entry, and [info.blocks] contains this loop entry.
moveLoopInvariantCodeFromBlock(block, block, changesFlags);
for (HBasicBlock other in info.blocks) {
moveLoopInvariantCodeFromBlock(other, block, changesFlags);
void moveLoopInvariantCodeFromBlock(HBasicBlock block,
HBasicBlock loopHeader,
int changesFlags) {
assert(block.parentLoopHeader == loopHeader || block == loopHeader);
HBasicBlock preheader = loopHeader.predecessors[0];
int dependsFlags = SideEffects.computeDependsOnFlags(changesFlags);
HInstruction instruction = block.first;
bool isLoopAlwaysTaken() {
HInstruction instruction = loopHeader.last;
assert(instruction is HGoto || instruction is HLoopBranch);
return instruction is HGoto
|| instruction.inputs[0].isConstantTrue();
bool firstInstructionInLoop = block == loopHeader
// Compensate for lack of code motion.
|| (blockChangesFlags[] == 0
&& isLoopAlwaysTaken()
&& loopHeader.successors[0] == block);
while (instruction != null) {
HInstruction next =;
if (instruction.useGvn()
&& (!instruction.canThrow() || firstInstructionInLoop)
&& !instruction.sideEffects.dependsOn(dependsFlags)) {
bool loopInvariantInputs = true;
List<HInstruction> inputs = instruction.inputs;
for (int i = 0, length = inputs.length; i < length; i++) {
if (isInputDefinedAfterDominator(inputs[i], preheader)) {
loopInvariantInputs = false;
// If the inputs are loop invariant, we can move the
// instruction from the current block to the pre-header block.
if (loopInvariantInputs) {
} else {
firstInstructionInLoop = false;
int oldChangesFlags = changesFlags;
changesFlags |= instruction.sideEffects.getChangesFlags();
if (oldChangesFlags != changesFlags) {
dependsFlags = SideEffects.computeDependsOnFlags(changesFlags);
instruction = next;
bool isInputDefinedAfterDominator(HInstruction input,
HBasicBlock dominator) {
return >;
void visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock block, ValueSet values) {
HInstruction instruction = block.first;
if (block.isLoopHeader()) {
int flags = loopChangesFlags[];
while (instruction != null) {
HInstruction next =;
int flags = instruction.sideEffects.getChangesFlags();
assert(flags == 0 || !instruction.useGvn());
if (instruction.useGvn()) {
HInstruction other = values.lookup(instruction);
if (other != null) {
assert(other.gvnEquals(instruction) && instruction.gvnEquals(other));
block.rewriteWithBetterUser(instruction, other);
} else {
instruction = next;
List<HBasicBlock> dominatedBlocks = block.dominatedBlocks;
for (int i = 0, length = dominatedBlocks.length; i < length; i++) {
HBasicBlock dominated = dominatedBlocks[i];
// No need to copy the value set for the last child.
ValueSet successorValues = (i == length - 1) ? values : values.copy();
// If we have no values in our set, we do not have to kill
// anything. Also, if the range of block ids from the current
// block to the dominated block is empty, there is no blocks on
// any path from the current block to the dominated block so we
// don't have to do anything either.
assert( <;
if (!successorValues.isEmpty && + 1 < {
int changesFlags = getChangesFlagsForDominatedBlock(block, dominated);
visitBasicBlock(dominated, successorValues);
void computeChangesFlags(HGraph graph) {
// Create the changes flags lists. Make sure to initialize the
// loop changes flags list to zero so we can use bitwise or when
// propagating loop changes upwards.
final int length = graph.blocks.length;
blockChangesFlags = new List<int>(length);
loopChangesFlags = new List<int>(length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) loopChangesFlags[i] = 0;
// Run through all the basic blocks in the graph and fill in the
// changes flags lists.
for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final HBasicBlock block = graph.blocks[i];
final int id =;
// Compute block changes flags for the block.
int changesFlags = 0;
HInstruction instruction = block.first;
while (instruction != null) {
changesFlags |= instruction.sideEffects.getChangesFlags();
instruction =;
assert(blockChangesFlags[id] == null);
blockChangesFlags[id] = changesFlags;
// Loop headers are part of their loop, so update the loop
// changes flags accordingly.
if (block.isLoopHeader()) {
loopChangesFlags[id] |= changesFlags;
// Propagate loop changes flags upwards.
HBasicBlock parentLoopHeader = block.parentLoopHeader;
if (parentLoopHeader != null) {
loopChangesFlags[] |= (block.isLoopHeader())
? loopChangesFlags[id]
: changesFlags;
int getChangesFlagsForDominatedBlock(HBasicBlock dominator,
HBasicBlock dominated) {
int changesFlags = 0;
List<HBasicBlock> predecessors = dominated.predecessors;
for (int i = 0, length = predecessors.length; i < length; i++) {
HBasicBlock block = predecessors[i];
int id =;
// If the current predecessor block is on the path from the
// dominator to the dominated, it must have an id that is in the
// range from the dominator to the dominated.
if ( < id && id < && !visited.contains(id)) {
changesFlags |= blockChangesFlags[id];
// Loop bodies might not be on the path from dominator to dominated,
// but they can invalidate values.
changesFlags |= loopChangesFlags[id];
changesFlags |= getChangesFlagsForDominatedBlock(dominator, block);
return changesFlags;
// This phase merges equivalent instructions on different paths into
// one instruction in a dominator block. It runs through the graph
// post dominator order and computes a ValueSet for each block of
// instructions that can be moved to a dominator block. These
// instructions are the ones that:
// 1) can be used for GVN, and
// 2) do not use definitions of their own block.
// A basic block looks at its sucessors and finds the intersection of
// these computed ValueSet. It moves all instructions of the
// intersection into its own list of instructions.
class SsaCodeMotion extends HBaseVisitor implements OptimizationPhase {
final String name = "SsaCodeMotion";
List<ValueSet> values;
void visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
values = new List<ValueSet>(graph.blocks.length);
for (int i = 0; i < graph.blocks.length; i++) {
values[graph.blocks[i].id] = new ValueSet();
void visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock block) {
List<HBasicBlock> successors = block.successors;
// Phase 1: get the ValueSet of all successors (if there are more than one),
// compute the intersection and move the instructions of the intersection
// into this block.
if (successors.length > 1) {
ValueSet instructions = values[successors[0].id];
for (int i = 1; i < successors.length; i++) {
ValueSet other = values[successors[i].id];
instructions = instructions.intersection(other);
if (!instructions.isEmpty) {
List<HInstruction> list = instructions.toList();
for (HInstruction instruction in list) {
// Move the instruction to the current block.
// Go through all successors and rewrite their instruction
// to the shared one.
for (final successor in successors) {
HInstruction toRewrite = values[].lookup(instruction);
if (toRewrite != instruction) {
successor.rewriteWithBetterUser(toRewrite, instruction);
// Don't try to merge instructions to a dominator if we have
// multiple predecessors.
if (block.predecessors.length != 1) return;
// Phase 2: Go through all instructions of this block and find
// which instructions can be moved to a dominator block.
ValueSet set_ = values[];
HInstruction instruction = block.first;
int flags = 0;
while (instruction != null) {
int dependsFlags = SideEffects.computeDependsOnFlags(flags);
flags |= instruction.sideEffects.getChangesFlags();
HInstruction current = instruction;
instruction =;
// TODO(ngeoffray): this check is needed because we currently do
// not have flags to express 'Gvn'able', but not movable.
if (current is HCheck) continue;
if (!current.useGvn()) continue;
if (current.sideEffects.dependsOn(dependsFlags)) continue;
bool canBeMoved = true;
for (final HInstruction input in current.inputs) {
if (input.block == block) {
canBeMoved = false;
if (!canBeMoved) continue;
// This is safe because we are running after GVN.
// TODO(ngeoffray): ensure GVN has been run.
class SsaTypeConversionInserter extends HBaseVisitor
implements OptimizationPhase {
final String name = "SsaTypeconversionInserter";
final Compiler compiler;
void visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
// Update users of [input] that are dominated by [:dominator.first:]
// to use [newInput] instead.
void changeUsesDominatedBy(HBasicBlock dominator,
HInstruction input,
HType convertedType) {
Set<HInstruction> dominatedUsers = input.dominatedUsers(dominator.first);
if (dominatedUsers.isEmpty) return;
HTypeConversion newInput = new HTypeConversion(
null, HTypeConversion.NO_CHECK, convertedType, input);
dominator.addBefore(dominator.first, newInput);
dominatedUsers.forEach((HInstruction user) {
user.changeUse(input, newInput);
void visitIs(HIs instruction) {
DartType type = instruction.typeExpression;
Element element = type.element;
if (!instruction.isRawCheck) {
} else if (element.isTypedef()) {
List<HInstruction> ifUsers = <HInstruction>[];
List<HInstruction> notIfUsers = <HInstruction>[];
for (HInstruction user in instruction.usedBy) {
if (user is HIf) {
} else if (user is HNot) {
for (HInstruction notUser in user.usedBy) {
if (notUser is HIf) notIfUsers.add(notUser);
if (ifUsers.isEmpty && notIfUsers.isEmpty) return;
HType convertedType = new HType.nonNullSubtype(type, compiler);
HInstruction input = instruction.expression;
for (HIf ifUser in ifUsers) {
changeUsesDominatedBy(ifUser.thenBlock, input, convertedType);
// TODO(ngeoffray): Also change uses for the else block on a HType
// that knows it is not of a specific Type.
for (HIf ifUser in notIfUsers) {
changeUsesDominatedBy(ifUser.elseBlock, input, convertedType);
// TODO(ngeoffray): Also change uses for the then block on a HType
// that knows it is not of a specific Type.