| // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| |
| #include "vm/native_entry.h" |
| |
| // bootstrap dart natives used in the core dart library. |
| |
| namespace dart { |
| |
| // List of bootstrap native entry points used in the core dart library. |
| // V(function_name, argument_count) |
| V(AsyncStarMoveNext_debuggerStepCheck, 1) \ |
| V(DartAsync_fatal, 1) \ |
| V(Object_equals, 2) \ |
| V(Object_getHash, 1) \ |
| V(Object_setHash, 2) \ |
| V(Object_toString, 1) \ |
| V(Object_runtimeType, 1) \ |
| V(Object_haveSameRuntimeType, 2) \ |
| V(Object_instanceOf, 4) \ |
| V(Object_simpleInstanceOf, 2) \ |
| V(Function_apply, 2) \ |
| V(Closure_equals, 2) \ |
| V(Closure_computeHash, 1) \ |
| V(AbstractType_toString, 1) \ |
| V(Type_getHashCode, 1) \ |
| V(Type_equality, 2) \ |
| V(FunctionType_getHashCode, 1) \ |
| V(FunctionType_equality, 2) \ |
| V(LibraryPrefix_isLoaded, 1) \ |
| V(LibraryPrefix_setLoaded, 1) \ |
| V(LibraryPrefix_loadingUnit, 1) \ |
| V(LibraryPrefix_issueLoad, 1) \ |
| V(Identical_comparison, 2) \ |
| V(Integer_bitAndFromInteger, 2) \ |
| V(Integer_bitOrFromInteger, 2) \ |
| V(Integer_bitXorFromInteger, 2) \ |
| V(Integer_addFromInteger, 2) \ |
| V(Integer_subFromInteger, 2) \ |
| V(Integer_mulFromInteger, 2) \ |
| V(Integer_truncDivFromInteger, 2) \ |
| V(Integer_moduloFromInteger, 2) \ |
| V(Integer_greaterThanFromInteger, 2) \ |
| V(Integer_equalToInteger, 2) \ |
| V(Integer_fromEnvironment, 3) \ |
| V(Integer_parse, 1) \ |
| V(Integer_shlFromInteger, 2) \ |
| V(Integer_shrFromInteger, 2) \ |
| V(Integer_ushrFromInteger, 2) \ |
| V(Bool_fromEnvironment, 3) \ |
| V(Bool_hasEnvironment, 2) \ |
| V(CapabilityImpl_factory, 1) \ |
| V(CapabilityImpl_equals, 2) \ |
| V(CapabilityImpl_get_hashcode, 1) \ |
| V(RawReceivePortImpl_factory, 2) \ |
| V(RawReceivePortImpl_get_id, 1) \ |
| V(RawReceivePortImpl_get_sendport, 1) \ |
| V(RawReceivePortImpl_closeInternal, 1) \ |
| V(RawReceivePortImpl_setActive, 2) \ |
| V(SendPortImpl_get_id, 1) \ |
| V(SendPortImpl_get_hashcode, 1) \ |
| V(SendPortImpl_sendInternal_, 2) \ |
| V(SendPortImpl_sendAndExitInternal_, 2) \ |
| V(Smi_bitNegate, 1) \ |
| V(Smi_bitLength, 1) \ |
| V(Mint_bitNegate, 1) \ |
| V(Mint_bitLength, 1) \ |
| V(Developer_debugger, 2) \ |
| V(Developer_getIsolateIDFromSendPort, 1) \ |
| V(Developer_getServerInfo, 1) \ |
| V(Developer_getServiceMajorVersion, 0) \ |
| V(Developer_getServiceMinorVersion, 0) \ |
| V(Developer_inspect, 1) \ |
| V(Developer_lookupExtension, 1) \ |
| V(Developer_registerExtension, 2) \ |
| V(Developer_log, 8) \ |
| V(Developer_postEvent, 2) \ |
| V(Developer_webServerControl, 3) \ |
| V(Double_hashCode, 1) \ |
| V(Double_getIsNegative, 1) \ |
| V(Double_getIsInfinite, 1) \ |
| V(Double_getIsNaN, 1) \ |
| V(Double_add, 2) \ |
| V(Double_sub, 2) \ |
| V(Double_mul, 2) \ |
| V(Double_div, 2) \ |
| V(Double_trunc_div, 2) \ |
| V(Double_remainder, 2) \ |
| V(Double_modulo, 2) \ |
| V(Double_greaterThanFromInteger, 2) \ |
| V(Double_equalToInteger, 2) \ |
| V(Double_greaterThan, 2) \ |
| V(Double_equal, 2) \ |
| V(Double_doubleFromInteger, 2) \ |
| V(Double_round, 1) \ |
| V(Double_floor, 1) \ |
| V(Double_ceil, 1) \ |
| V(Double_truncate, 1) \ |
| V(Double_toInt, 1) \ |
| V(Double_parse, 3) \ |
| V(Double_toString, 1) \ |
| V(Double_toStringAsFixed, 2) \ |
| V(Double_toStringAsExponential, 2) \ |
| V(Double_toStringAsPrecision, 2) \ |
| V(Double_flipSignBit, 1) \ |
| V(RegExp_factory, 6) \ |
| V(RegExp_getPattern, 1) \ |
| V(RegExp_getIsMultiLine, 1) \ |
| V(RegExp_getIsCaseSensitive, 1) \ |
| V(RegExp_getIsUnicode, 1) \ |
| V(RegExp_getIsDotAll, 1) \ |
| V(RegExp_getGroupCount, 1) \ |
| V(RegExp_getGroupNameMap, 1) \ |
| V(RegExp_ExecuteMatch, 3) \ |
| V(RegExp_ExecuteMatchSticky, 3) \ |
| V(List_new, 2) \ |
| V(List_allocate, 2) \ |
| V(List_getIndexed, 2) \ |
| V(List_setIndexed, 3) \ |
| V(List_getLength, 1) \ |
| V(List_slice, 4) \ |
| V(ImmutableList_from, 4) \ |
| V(StringBase_createFromCodePoints, 3) \ |
| V(StringBase_substringUnchecked, 3) \ |
| V(StringBase_joinReplaceAllResult, 4) \ |
| V(StringBuffer_createStringFromUint16Array, 3) \ |
| V(OneByteString_substringUnchecked, 3) \ |
| V(OneByteString_splitWithCharCode, 2) \ |
| V(OneByteString_allocateFromOneByteList, 3) \ |
| V(TwoByteString_allocateFromTwoByteList, 3) \ |
| V(String_getHashCode, 1) \ |
| V(String_getLength, 1) \ |
| V(String_charAt, 2) \ |
| V(String_codeUnitAt, 2) \ |
| V(String_concat, 2) \ |
| V(String_fromEnvironment, 3) \ |
| V(String_toLowerCase, 1) \ |
| V(String_toUpperCase, 1) \ |
| V(String_concatRange, 3) \ |
| V(Math_sqrt, 1) \ |
| V(Math_sin, 1) \ |
| V(Math_cos, 1) \ |
| V(Math_tan, 1) \ |
| V(Math_asin, 1) \ |
| V(Math_acos, 1) \ |
| V(Math_atan, 1) \ |
| V(Math_atan2, 2) \ |
| V(Math_exp, 1) \ |
| V(Math_log, 1) \ |
| V(Math_doublePow, 2) \ |
| V(Random_nextState, 1) \ |
| V(Random_setupSeed, 1) \ |
| V(Random_initialSeed, 0) \ |
| V(SecureRandom_getBytes, 1) \ |
| V(DateTime_currentTimeMicros, 0) \ |
| V(DateTime_timeZoneName, 1) \ |
| V(DateTime_timeZoneOffsetInSeconds, 1) \ |
| V(DateTime_localTimeZoneAdjustmentInSeconds, 0) \ |
| V(AssertionError_throwNew, 3) \ |
| V(AssertionError_throwNewSource, 4) \ |
| V(Async_rethrow, 2) \ |
| V(StackTrace_current, 0) \ |
| V(TypeError_throwNew, 4) \ |
| V(FallThroughError_throwNew, 1) \ |
| V(AbstractClassInstantiationError_throwNew, 2) \ |
| V(Stopwatch_now, 0) \ |
| V(Stopwatch_frequency, 0) \ |
| V(Timeline_getNextAsyncId, 0) \ |
| V(Timeline_getTraceClock, 0) \ |
| V(Timeline_isDartStreamEnabled, 0) \ |
| V(Timeline_reportFlowEvent, 5) \ |
| V(Timeline_reportInstantEvent, 3) \ |
| V(Timeline_reportTaskEvent, 5) \ |
| V(TypedData_Int8Array_new, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_Uint8Array_new, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_Uint8ClampedArray_new, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_Int16Array_new, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_Uint16Array_new, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_Int32Array_new, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_Uint32Array_new, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_Int64Array_new, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_Uint64Array_new, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_Float32Array_new, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_Float64Array_new, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_Float32x4Array_new, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_Int32x4Array_new, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_Float64x2Array_new, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_length, 1) \ |
| V(TypedData_setRange, 7) \ |
| V(TypedData_GetInt8, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_SetInt8, 3) \ |
| V(TypedData_GetUint8, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_SetUint8, 3) \ |
| V(TypedData_GetInt16, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_SetInt16, 3) \ |
| V(TypedData_GetUint16, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_SetUint16, 3) \ |
| V(TypedData_GetInt32, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_SetInt32, 3) \ |
| V(TypedData_GetUint32, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_SetUint32, 3) \ |
| V(TypedData_GetInt64, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_SetInt64, 3) \ |
| V(TypedData_GetUint64, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_SetUint64, 3) \ |
| V(TypedData_GetFloat32, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_SetFloat32, 3) \ |
| V(TypedData_GetFloat64, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_SetFloat64, 3) \ |
| V(TypedData_GetFloat32x4, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_SetFloat32x4, 3) \ |
| V(TypedData_GetInt32x4, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_SetInt32x4, 3) \ |
| V(TypedData_GetFloat64x2, 2) \ |
| V(TypedData_SetFloat64x2, 3) \ |
| V(TypedDataView_ByteDataView_new, 4) \ |
| V(TypedDataView_Int8ArrayView_new, 4) \ |
| V(TypedDataView_Uint8ArrayView_new, 4) \ |
| V(TypedDataView_Uint8ClampedArrayView_new, 4) \ |
| V(TypedDataView_Int16ArrayView_new, 4) \ |
| V(TypedDataView_Uint16ArrayView_new, 4) \ |
| V(TypedDataView_Int32ArrayView_new, 4) \ |
| V(TypedDataView_Uint32ArrayView_new, 4) \ |
| V(TypedDataView_Int64ArrayView_new, 4) \ |
| V(TypedDataView_Uint64ArrayView_new, 4) \ |
| V(TypedDataView_Float32ArrayView_new, 4) \ |
| V(TypedDataView_Float64ArrayView_new, 4) \ |
| V(TypedDataView_Float32x4ArrayView_new, 4) \ |
| V(TypedDataView_Int32x4ArrayView_new, 4) \ |
| V(TypedDataView_Float64x2ArrayView_new, 4) \ |
| V(TypedDataView_length, 1) \ |
| V(TypedDataView_offsetInBytes, 1) \ |
| V(TypedDataView_typedData, 1) \ |
| V(Float32x4_fromDoubles, 4) \ |
| V(Float32x4_splat, 1) \ |
| V(Float32x4_fromInt32x4Bits, 2) \ |
| V(Float32x4_fromFloat64x2, 2) \ |
| V(Float32x4_zero, 1) \ |
| V(Float32x4_add, 2) \ |
| V(Float32x4_negate, 1) \ |
| V(Float32x4_sub, 2) \ |
| V(Float32x4_mul, 2) \ |
| V(Float32x4_div, 2) \ |
| V(Float32x4_cmplt, 2) \ |
| V(Float32x4_cmplte, 2) \ |
| V(Float32x4_cmpgt, 2) \ |
| V(Float32x4_cmpgte, 2) \ |
| V(Float32x4_cmpequal, 2) \ |
| V(Float32x4_cmpnequal, 2) \ |
| V(Float32x4_scale, 2) \ |
| V(Float32x4_abs, 1) \ |
| V(Float32x4_clamp, 3) \ |
| V(Float32x4_getX, 1) \ |
| V(Float32x4_getY, 1) \ |
| V(Float32x4_getZ, 1) \ |
| V(Float32x4_getW, 1) \ |
| V(Float32x4_getSignMask, 1) \ |
| V(Float32x4_shuffle, 2) \ |
| V(Float32x4_shuffleMix, 3) \ |
| V(Float32x4_setX, 2) \ |
| V(Float32x4_setY, 2) \ |
| V(Float32x4_setZ, 2) \ |
| V(Float32x4_setW, 2) \ |
| V(Float32x4_min, 2) \ |
| V(Float32x4_max, 2) \ |
| V(Float32x4_sqrt, 1) \ |
| V(Float32x4_reciprocal, 1) \ |
| V(Float32x4_reciprocalSqrt, 1) \ |
| V(Float64x2_fromDoubles, 2) \ |
| V(Float64x2_splat, 1) \ |
| V(Float64x2_zero, 1) \ |
| V(Float64x2_fromFloat32x4, 2) \ |
| V(Float64x2_add, 2) \ |
| V(Float64x2_negate, 1) \ |
| V(Float64x2_sub, 2) \ |
| V(Float64x2_mul, 2) \ |
| V(Float64x2_div, 2) \ |
| V(Float64x2_scale, 2) \ |
| V(Float64x2_abs, 1) \ |
| V(Float64x2_clamp, 3) \ |
| V(Float64x2_getX, 1) \ |
| V(Float64x2_getY, 1) \ |
| V(Float64x2_getSignMask, 1) \ |
| V(Float64x2_setX, 2) \ |
| V(Float64x2_setY, 2) \ |
| V(Float64x2_min, 2) \ |
| V(Float64x2_max, 2) \ |
| V(Float64x2_sqrt, 1) \ |
| V(Int32x4_fromInts, 4) \ |
| V(Int32x4_fromBools, 4) \ |
| V(Int32x4_fromFloat32x4Bits, 2) \ |
| V(Int32x4_or, 2) \ |
| V(Int32x4_and, 2) \ |
| V(Int32x4_xor, 2) \ |
| V(Int32x4_add, 2) \ |
| V(Int32x4_sub, 2) \ |
| V(Int32x4_getX, 1) \ |
| V(Int32x4_getY, 1) \ |
| V(Int32x4_getZ, 1) \ |
| V(Int32x4_getW, 1) \ |
| V(Int32x4_setX, 2) \ |
| V(Int32x4_setY, 2) \ |
| V(Int32x4_setZ, 2) \ |
| V(Int32x4_setW, 2) \ |
| V(Int32x4_getSignMask, 1) \ |
| V(Int32x4_shuffle, 2) \ |
| V(Int32x4_shuffleMix, 3) \ |
| V(Int32x4_getFlagX, 1) \ |
| V(Int32x4_getFlagY, 1) \ |
| V(Int32x4_getFlagZ, 1) \ |
| V(Int32x4_getFlagW, 1) \ |
| V(Int32x4_setFlagX, 2) \ |
| V(Int32x4_setFlagY, 2) \ |
| V(Int32x4_setFlagZ, 2) \ |
| V(Int32x4_setFlagW, 2) \ |
| V(Int32x4_select, 3) \ |
| V(Isolate_spawnFunction, 11) \ |
| V(Isolate_spawnUri, 12) \ |
| V(Isolate_getPortAndCapabilitiesOfCurrentIsolate, 0) \ |
| V(Isolate_getCurrentRootUriStr, 0) \ |
| V(Isolate_sendOOB, 2) \ |
| V(Isolate_getDebugName, 1) \ |
| V(GrowableList_allocate, 2) \ |
| V(GrowableList_getIndexed, 2) \ |
| V(GrowableList_setIndexed, 3) \ |
| V(GrowableList_getLength, 1) \ |
| V(GrowableList_getCapacity, 1) \ |
| V(GrowableList_setLength, 2) \ |
| V(GrowableList_setData, 2) \ |
| V(Internal_unsafeCast, 1) \ |
| V(Internal_reachabilityFence, 1) \ |
| V(Internal_collectAllGarbage, 0) \ |
| V(Internal_makeListFixedLength, 1) \ |
| V(Internal_makeFixedListUnmodifiable, 1) \ |
| V(Internal_has63BitSmis, 0) \ |
| V(Internal_extractTypeArguments, 2) \ |
| V(Internal_prependTypeArguments, 4) \ |
| V(Internal_boundsCheckForPartialInstantiation, 2) \ |
| V(Internal_allocateOneByteString, 1) \ |
| V(Internal_allocateTwoByteString, 1) \ |
| V(Internal_writeIntoOneByteString, 3) \ |
| V(Internal_writeIntoTwoByteString, 3) \ |
| V(InvocationMirror_unpackTypeArguments, 2) \ |
| V(NoSuchMethodError_existingMethodSignature, 3) \ |
| V(LinkedHashMap_getIndex, 1) \ |
| V(LinkedHashMap_setIndex, 2) \ |
| V(LinkedHashMap_getData, 1) \ |
| V(LinkedHashMap_setData, 2) \ |
| V(LinkedHashMap_getHashMask, 1) \ |
| V(LinkedHashMap_setHashMask, 2) \ |
| V(LinkedHashMap_getUsedData, 1) \ |
| V(LinkedHashMap_setUsedData, 2) \ |
| V(LinkedHashMap_getDeletedKeys, 1) \ |
| V(LinkedHashMap_setDeletedKeys, 2) \ |
| V(WeakProperty_getKey, 1) \ |
| V(WeakProperty_setKey, 2) \ |
| V(WeakProperty_getValue, 1) \ |
| V(WeakProperty_setValue, 2) \ |
| V(Uri_isWindowsPlatform, 0) \ |
| V(UserTag_new, 2) \ |
| V(UserTag_label, 1) \ |
| V(UserTag_defaultTag, 0) \ |
| V(UserTag_makeCurrent, 1) \ |
| V(Profiler_getCurrentTag, 0) \ |
| V(ClassID_getID, 1) \ |
| V(VMService_SendIsolateServiceMessage, 2) \ |
| V(VMService_SendRootServiceMessage, 1) \ |
| V(VMService_SendObjectRootServiceMessage, 1) \ |
| V(VMService_OnStart, 0) \ |
| V(VMService_OnExit, 0) \ |
| V(VMService_OnServerAddressChange, 1) \ |
| V(VMService_ListenStream, 1) \ |
| V(VMService_CancelStream, 1) \ |
| V(VMService_RequestAssets, 0) \ |
| V(VMService_DecodeAssets, 1) \ |
| V(Ffi_loadInt8, 2) \ |
| V(Ffi_loadInt16, 2) \ |
| V(Ffi_loadInt32, 2) \ |
| V(Ffi_loadInt64, 2) \ |
| V(Ffi_loadUint8, 2) \ |
| V(Ffi_loadUint16, 2) \ |
| V(Ffi_loadUint32, 2) \ |
| V(Ffi_loadUint64, 2) \ |
| V(Ffi_loadIntPtr, 2) \ |
| V(Ffi_loadFloat, 2) \ |
| V(Ffi_loadDouble, 2) \ |
| V(Ffi_loadPointer, 2) \ |
| V(Ffi_loadStruct, 2) \ |
| V(Ffi_storeInt8, 3) \ |
| V(Ffi_storeInt16, 3) \ |
| V(Ffi_storeInt32, 3) \ |
| V(Ffi_storeInt64, 3) \ |
| V(Ffi_storeUint8, 3) \ |
| V(Ffi_storeUint16, 3) \ |
| V(Ffi_storeUint32, 3) \ |
| V(Ffi_storeUint64, 3) \ |
| V(Ffi_storeIntPtr, 3) \ |
| V(Ffi_storeFloat, 3) \ |
| V(Ffi_storeDouble, 3) \ |
| V(Ffi_storePointer, 3) \ |
| V(Ffi_address, 1) \ |
| V(Ffi_fromAddress, 1) \ |
| V(Ffi_asFunctionInternal, 1) \ |
| V(Ffi_nativeCallbackFunction, 2) \ |
| V(Ffi_pointerFromFunction, 1) \ |
| V(Ffi_dl_open, 1) \ |
| V(Ffi_dl_lookup, 2) \ |
| V(Ffi_dl_getHandle, 1) \ |
| V(Ffi_asExternalTypedData, 2) \ |
| V(Ffi_dl_processLibrary, 0) \ |
| V(Ffi_dl_executableLibrary, 0) \ |
| V(DartApiDLInitializeData, 0) \ |
| V(DartApiDLMajorVersion, 0) \ |
| V(DartApiDLMinorVersion, 0) \ |
| V(DartNativeApiFunctionPointer, 1) \ |
| V(TransferableTypedData_factory, 2) \ |
| V(TransferableTypedData_materialize, 1) |
| |
| // List of bootstrap native entry points used in the dart:mirror library. |
| V(Mirrors_makeLocalClassMirror, 1) \ |
| V(Mirrors_makeLocalTypeMirror, 1) \ |
| V(Mirrors_instantiateGenericType, 2) \ |
| V(Mirrors_mangleName, 2) \ |
| V(MirrorReference_equals, 2) \ |
| V(MirrorSystem_libraries, 0) \ |
| V(MirrorSystem_isolate, 0) \ |
| V(IsolateMirror_loadUri, 1) \ |
| V(InstanceMirror_invoke, 5) \ |
| V(InstanceMirror_invokeGetter, 3) \ |
| V(InstanceMirror_invokeSetter, 4) \ |
| V(InstanceMirror_computeType, 1) \ |
| V(ClosureMirror_function, 1) \ |
| V(TypeMirror_subtypeTest, 2) \ |
| V(ClassMirror_libraryUri, 1) \ |
| V(ClassMirror_supertype, 1) \ |
| V(ClassMirror_supertype_instantiated, 1) \ |
| V(ClassMirror_interfaces, 1) \ |
| V(ClassMirror_interfaces_instantiated, 1) \ |
| V(ClassMirror_mixin, 1) \ |
| V(ClassMirror_mixin_instantiated, 2) \ |
| V(ClassMirror_members, 3) \ |
| V(ClassMirror_constructors, 3) \ |
| V(LibraryMirror_members, 2) \ |
| V(LibraryMirror_libraryDependencies, 2) \ |
| V(ClassMirror_invoke, 5) \ |
| V(ClassMirror_invokeGetter, 3) \ |
| V(ClassMirror_invokeSetter, 4) \ |
| V(ClassMirror_invokeConstructor, 5) \ |
| V(ClassMirror_type_variables, 1) \ |
| V(ClassMirror_type_arguments, 1) \ |
| V(LibraryMirror_fromPrefix, 1) \ |
| V(LibraryMirror_invoke, 5) \ |
| V(LibraryMirror_invokeGetter, 3) \ |
| V(LibraryMirror_invokeSetter, 4) \ |
| V(TypeVariableMirror_owner, 1) \ |
| V(TypeVariableMirror_upper_bound, 1) \ |
| V(DeclarationMirror_location, 1) \ |
| V(DeclarationMirror_metadata, 1) \ |
| V(FunctionTypeMirror_call_method, 2) \ |
| V(FunctionTypeMirror_parameters, 2) \ |
| V(FunctionTypeMirror_return_type, 1) \ |
| V(MethodMirror_owner, 2) \ |
| V(MethodMirror_parameters, 2) \ |
| V(MethodMirror_return_type, 2) \ |
| V(MethodMirror_source, 1) \ |
| V(ParameterMirror_type, 3) \ |
| V(VariableMirror_type, 2) |
| |
| class BootstrapNatives : public AllStatic { |
| public: |
| static Dart_NativeFunction Lookup(Dart_Handle name, |
| int argument_count, |
| bool* auto_setup_scope); |
| |
| static const uint8_t* Symbol(Dart_NativeFunction nf); |
| |
| #define DECLARE_BOOTSTRAP_NATIVE(name, ignored) \ |
| static ObjectPtr DN_##name(Thread* thread, Zone* zone, \ |
| NativeArguments* arguments); |
| |
| #endif |
| |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace dart |
| |