blob: 61049fccd9ef0877a31a628e16796a33a61c07c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:dds/devtools_server.dart';
import 'package:dds/src/devtools/machine_mode_command_handler.dart';
import 'package:devtools_shared/devtools_shared.dart';
import 'package:devtools_shared/devtools_test_utils.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart';
import 'devtools_server_driver.dart';
late CliAppFixture appFixture;
late DevToolsServerDriver server;
final completers = <String, Completer<Map<String, dynamic>>>{};
/// A broadcast stream controller for streaming events from the server.
late StreamController<Map<String, dynamic>> eventController;
/// A broadcast stream of events from the server.
/// Listening for "server.started" events on this stream may be unreliable
/// because it may have occurred before the test starts. Use the
/// [serverStartedEvent] instead.
Stream<Map<String, dynamic>> get events =>;
/// Completer that signals when the server started event has been received.
late Completer<Map<String, dynamic>> serverStartedEvent;
final Map<String, String> registeredServices = {};
// A list of PIDs for Chrome instances spawned by tests that should be
// cleaned up.
final List<int> browserPids = [];
void main() {
late StreamSubscription<String> stderrSub;
late StreamSubscription<Map<String, dynamic>?> stdoutSub;
setUp(() async {
serverStartedEvent = Completer<Map<String, dynamic>>();
eventController = StreamController<Map<String, dynamic>>.broadcast();
// Start the command-line server.
server = await DevToolsServerDriver.create();
// Fail tests on any stderr.
stderrSub = server.stderr.listen((text) => throw 'STDERR: $text');
stdoutSub = server.stdout.listen((map) {
if (map!.containsKey('id')) {
if (map.containsKey('result')) {
} else {
} else if (map.containsKey('event')) {
if (map['event'] == 'server.started') {
await serverStartedEvent.future;
await _startApp();
tearDown(() async {
..forEach((pid) => Process.killPid(pid, ProcessSignal.sigkill))
await stdoutSub.cancel();
await stderrSub.cancel();
await appFixture.teardown();
test('registers service', () async {
final serverResponse = await _send(
{'uri': appFixture.serviceUri.toString()},
expect(serverResponse['success'], isTrue);
// Expect the VM service to see the launchDevTools service registered.
expect(registeredServices, contains(DevToolsServer.launchDevToolsService));
}, timeout: const Timeout.factor(10));
test('can bind to next available port', () async {
final server1 = await DevToolsServerDriver.create(port: 8855);
try {
// Wait for the first server to start up and ensure it got the
// expected port.
final event1 = (await server1.stdout.firstWhere(
(map) => map!['event'] == 'server.started',
expect(event1['params']['port'], 8855);
// Now spawn another requesting the same port and ensure it got the next
// port number.
final server2 = await DevToolsServerDriver.create(
port: 8855,
tryPorts: 2,
try {
final event2 = (await server2.stdout.firstWhere(
(map) => map!['event'] == 'server.started',
expect(event2['params']['port'], 8856);
} finally {
} finally {
}, timeout: const Timeout.factor(10));
test('allows embedding without flag', () async {
final server = await DevToolsServerDriver.create();
final httpClient = HttpClient();
late HttpClientResponse resp;
try {
final startedEvent = (await server.stdout.firstWhere(
(map) => map!['event'] == 'server.started',
final host = startedEvent['params']['host'];
final port = startedEvent['params']['port'];
final req = await httpClient.get(host, port, '/');
resp = await req.close();
expect(resp.headers.value('x-frame-options'), isNull);
} finally {
await resp.drain();
}, timeout: const Timeout.factor(10));
test('does not allow embedding with flag', () async {
final server = await DevToolsServerDriver.create(
additionalArgs: ['--no-allow-embedding'],
final httpClient = HttpClient();
late HttpClientResponse resp;
try {
final startedEvent = (await server.stdout.firstWhere(
(map) => map!['event'] == 'server.started',
final host = startedEvent['params']['host'];
final port = startedEvent['params']['port'];
final req = await httpClient.get(host, port, '/');
resp = await req.close();
expect(resp.headers.value('x-frame-options'), 'SAMEORIGIN');
} finally {
await resp.drain();
}, timeout: const Timeout.factor(10));
test('Analytics Survey', () async {
var serverResponse = await _send('devTools.survey', {
'surveyRequest': 'copyAndCreateDevToolsFile',
expect(serverResponse, isNotNull);
expect(serverResponse['success'], isTrue);
serverResponse = await _send('devTools.survey', {
'surveyRequest': apiSetActiveSurvey,
'value': 'Q3-2019',
expect(serverResponse, isNotNull);
expect(serverResponse['success'], isTrue);
expect(serverResponse['activeSurvey'], 'Q3-2019');
serverResponse = await _send('devTools.survey', {
'surveyRequest': apiIncrementSurveyShownCount,
expect(serverResponse, isNotNull);
expect(serverResponse['activeSurvey'], 'Q3-2019');
expect(serverResponse['surveyShownCount'], 1);
serverResponse = await _send('devTools.survey', {
'surveyRequest': apiIncrementSurveyShownCount,
expect(serverResponse, isNotNull);
expect(serverResponse['activeSurvey'], 'Q3-2019');
expect(serverResponse['surveyShownCount'], 2);
serverResponse = await _send('devTools.survey', {
'surveyRequest': apiGetSurveyShownCount,
expect(serverResponse, isNotNull);
expect(serverResponse['activeSurvey'], 'Q3-2019');
expect(serverResponse['surveyShownCount'], 2);
serverResponse = await _send('devTools.survey', {
'surveyRequest': apiGetSurveyActionTaken,
expect(serverResponse, isNotNull);
expect(serverResponse['activeSurvey'], 'Q3-2019');
expect(serverResponse['surveyActionTaken'], isFalse);
serverResponse = await _send('devTools.survey', {
'surveyRequest': apiSetSurveyActionTaken,
'value': json.encode(true),
expect(serverResponse, isNotNull);
expect(serverResponse['activeSurvey'], 'Q3-2019');
expect(serverResponse['surveyActionTaken'], isTrue);
serverResponse = await _send('devTools.survey', {
'surveyRequest': MachineModeCommandHandler.restoreDevToolsFile,
expect(serverResponse, isNotNull);
expect(serverResponse['success'], isTrue);
' \"Q3-2019\": {\n'
' \"surveyActionTaken\": true,\n'
' \"surveyShownCount\": 2\n'
' }\n'
}, timeout: const Timeout.factor(10));
for (final bool useVmService in [true, false]) {
group('Server (${useVmService ? 'VM Service' : 'API'})', () {
'DevTools connects back to server API and registers that it is connected',
() async {
// Register the VM.
await _send('vm.register', {'uri': appFixture.serviceUri.toString()});
// Send a request to launch DevTools in a browser.
await _sendLaunchDevToolsRequest(useVmService: useVmService);
final serverResponse =
await _waitForClients(requiredConnectionState: true);
expect(serverResponse, isNotNull);
expect(serverResponse['clients'], hasLength(1));
expect(serverResponse['clients'][0]['hasConnection'], isTrue);
}, timeout: const Timeout.factor(10));
test('can launch on a specific page', () async {
// Register the VM.
await _send('vm.register', {'uri': appFixture.serviceUri.toString()});
// Send a request to launch at a certain page.
await _sendLaunchDevToolsRequest(
useVmService: useVmService,
page: 'memory',
final serverResponse = await _waitForClients(requiredPage: 'memory');
expect(serverResponse, isNotNull);
expect(serverResponse['clients'], hasLength(1));
expect(serverResponse['clients'][0]['hasConnection'], isTrue);
expect(serverResponse['clients'][0]['currentPage'], 'memory');
}, timeout: const Timeout.factor(10));
test('can switch page', () async {
await _send('vm.register', {'uri': appFixture.serviceUri.toString()});
// Launch on the memory page and wait for the connection.
await _sendLaunchDevToolsRequest(
useVmService: useVmService,
page: 'memory',
await _waitForClients(requiredPage: 'memory');
// Re-launch, allowing reuse and with a different page.
await _sendLaunchDevToolsRequest(
useVmService: useVmService,
reuseWindows: true,
page: 'logging',
final serverResponse = await _waitForClients(requiredPage: 'logging');
expect(serverResponse, isNotNull);
expect(serverResponse['clients'], hasLength(1));
expect(serverResponse['clients'][0]['hasConnection'], isTrue);
expect(serverResponse['clients'][0]['currentPage'], 'logging');
}, timeout: const Timeout.factor(20));
test('DevTools reports disconnects from a VM', () async {
// Register the VM.
await _send('vm.register', {'uri': appFixture.serviceUri.toString()});
// Send a request to launch DevTools in a browser.
await _sendLaunchDevToolsRequest(useVmService: useVmService);
// Wait for the DevTools to inform server that it's connected.
await _waitForClients(requiredConnectionState: true);
// Terminate the VM.
await appFixture.teardown();
// Ensure the client is marked as disconnected.
final serverResponse =
await _waitForClients(requiredConnectionState: false);
expect(serverResponse['clients'], hasLength(1));
expect(serverResponse['clients'][0]['hasConnection'], isFalse);
expect(serverResponse['clients'][0]['vmServiceUri'], isNull);
}, timeout: const Timeout.factor(20));
test('server removes clients that disconnect from the API', () async {
final event = await serverStartedEvent.future;
// Spawn our own Chrome process so we can terminate it.
final devToolsUri =
final chrome = await Chrome.locate()!.start(url: devToolsUri);
// Wait for DevTools to inform server that it's connected.
await _waitForClients();
// Close the browser, which will disconnect DevTools SSE connection
// back to the server.
// Await a long delay to wait for the SSE client to close.
await delay(duration: const Duration(seconds: 20));
// Ensure the client is completely removed from the list.
await _waitForClients(expectNone: true, useLongTimeout: true);
}, timeout: const Timeout.factor(20));
test('Server reuses DevTools instance if already connected to same VM',
() async {
// Register the VM.
await _send('vm.register', {'uri': appFixture.serviceUri.toString()});
// Send a request to launch DevTools in a browser.
await _sendLaunchDevToolsRequest(useVmService: useVmService);
final serverResponse = await _waitForClients(
requiredConnectionState: true,
expect(serverResponse['clients'], hasLength(1));
// Request again, allowing reuse, and server emits an event saying the
// window was reused.
final launchResponse = await _sendLaunchDevToolsRequest(
useVmService: useVmService,
reuseWindows: true,
expect(launchResponse['reused'], isTrue);
// Ensure there's still only one connection (eg. we didn't spawn a new one
// we reused the existing one).
final serverResponse =
await _waitForClients(requiredConnectionState: true);
expect(serverResponse['clients'], hasLength(1));
}, timeout: const Timeout.factor(20));
test('Server does not reuse DevTools instance if embedded', () async {
// Register the VM.
await _send('vm.register', {'uri': appFixture.serviceUri.toString()});
// Spawn an embedded version of DevTools in a browser.
final event = await serverStartedEvent.future;
final devToolsUri =
final launchUrl = '$devToolsUri/?embed=true&page=logging'
final chrome = await Chrome.locate()!.start(url: launchUrl);
try {
final serverResponse =
await _waitForClients(requiredConnectionState: true);
expect(serverResponse['clients'], hasLength(1));
// Send a request to the server to launch and ensure it did
// not reuse the existing connection. Launch it on a different page
// so we can easily tell once this one has connected.
final launchResponse = await _sendLaunchDevToolsRequest(
useVmService: useVmService,
reuseWindows: true,
page: 'memory',
expect(launchResponse['reused'], isFalse);
// Ensure there's now two connections.
final serverResponse = await _waitForClients(
requiredConnectionState: true,
requiredPage: 'memory',
expect(serverResponse['clients'], hasLength(2));
} finally {
}, timeout: const Timeout.factor(20));
test('Server reuses DevTools instance if not connected to a VM',
() async {
// Register the VM.
await _send('vm.register', {'uri': appFixture.serviceUri.toString()});
// Send a request to launch DevTools in a browser.
await _sendLaunchDevToolsRequest(useVmService: useVmService);
// Wait for the DevTools to inform server that it's connected.
await _waitForClients(requiredConnectionState: true);
// Terminate the VM.
await appFixture.teardown();
// Ensure the client is marked as disconnected.
await _waitForClients(requiredConnectionState: false);
// Start up a new app.
await _startApp();
await _send('vm.register', {'uri': appFixture.serviceUri.toString()});
// Send a new request to launch.
await _sendLaunchDevToolsRequest(
useVmService: useVmService,
reuseWindows: true,
notify: true,
// Ensure we now have a single connected client.
final serverResponse =
await _waitForClients(requiredConnectionState: true);
expect(serverResponse['clients'], hasLength(1));
expect(serverResponse['clients'][0]['hasConnection'], isTrue);
}, timeout: const Timeout.factor(20));
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _sendLaunchDevToolsRequest({
required bool useVmService,
String? page,
bool notify = false,
bool reuseWindows = false,
}) async {
final launchEvent = events.where((e) => e['event'] == 'client.launch').first;
if (useVmService) {
await appFixture.serviceConnection.callMethod(
args: {
'reuseWindows': reuseWindows,
'page': page,
'notify': notify,
} else {
await _send(
'vmServiceUri': appFixture.serviceUri.toString(),
'reuseWindows': reuseWindows,
'page': page,
final response = await launchEvent;
final pid = response['params']['pid'];
if (pid != null) {
return response['params'];
Future<void> _startApp() async {
final appUri =
appFixture = await CliAppFixture.create(appUri.path);
// Track services method names as they're registered.
.where((e) => e.kind == EventKind.kServiceRegistered)
.listen((e) => registeredServices[e.service!] = e.method!);
await appFixture.serviceConnection.streamListen(EventStreams.kService);
int nextId = 0;
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _send(
String method, [
Map<String, dynamic>? params,
]) {
final id = (nextId++).toString();
completers[id] = Completer<Map<String, dynamic>>();
server.write({'id': id.toString(), 'method': method, 'params': params});
return completers[id]!.future;
// It may take time for the servers client list to be updated as the web app
// connects, so this helper just polls waiting for the expected state and
// then returns the client list.
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _waitForClients({
bool? requiredConnectionState,
String? requiredPage,
bool expectNone = false,
bool useLongTimeout = false,
Duration delayDuration = defaultDelay,
}) async {
late Map<String, dynamic> serverResponse;
String timeoutMessage = expectNone
? 'Server returned clients'
: 'Server did not return any known clients';
if (requiredConnectionState != null) {
timeoutMessage += requiredConnectionState
? ' that are connected'
: ' that are not connected';
if (requiredPage != null) {
timeoutMessage += ' that are on page $requiredPage';
final isOnPage = (client) => client['currentPage'] == requiredPage;
final hasConnectionState = (client) => requiredConnectionState ?? false
// If we require a connected client, also require a non-null page. This
// avoids a race in tests where we may proceed to send messages to a client
// that is not fully initialised.
? (client['hasConnection'] && client['currentPage'] != null)
: !client['hasConnection'];
await waitFor(
() async {
// Await a short delay to give the client time to connect.
await delay();
serverResponse = await _send('client.list');
final clients = serverResponse['clients'];
return clients is List &&
(clients.isEmpty == expectNone) &&
(requiredPage == null || clients.any(isOnPage)) &&
(requiredConnectionState == null || clients.any(hasConnectionState));
timeout: useLongTimeout ? longTimeout : defaultTimeout,
timeoutMessage: timeoutMessage,
delayDuration: delayDuration,
return serverResponse;
Future<void> waitFor(
Future<bool> condition(), {
Duration timeout = defaultTimeout,
String timeoutMessage = 'condition not satisfied',
Duration delayDuration = defaultDelay,
}) async {
final DateTime end =;
while (!end.isBefore( {
if (await condition()) {
await delay(duration: delayDuration);
throw timeoutMessage;
Future delay({Duration duration = defaultDelay}) {
return Future.delayed(duration);
const defaultDelay = Duration(milliseconds: 500);
const defaultTimeout = Duration(seconds: 10);
const longTimeout = Duration(seconds: 30);