blob: 0fc717021b6c681351d21bfb340d520e9e418761 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/atomic.h"
#include "platform/globals.h"
#include "platform/safe_stack.h"
#include "platform/synchronization.h"
#include "platform/threads.h"
#include "platform/utils.h"
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/globals.h"
// Declare the OS-specific types ahead of defining the generic classes.
#if defined(DART_USE_ABSL)
#include "vm/os_thread_absl.h"
#elif defined(DART_HOST_OS_ANDROID)
#include "vm/os_thread_android.h"
#elif defined(DART_HOST_OS_FUCHSIA)
#include "vm/os_thread_fuchsia.h"
#elif defined(DART_HOST_OS_LINUX)
#include "vm/os_thread_linux.h"
#elif defined(DART_HOST_OS_MACOS)
#include "vm/os_thread_macos.h"
#elif defined(DART_HOST_OS_WINDOWS)
#include "vm/os_thread_win.h"
#error Unknown target os.
namespace dart {
// Forward declarations.
class Log;
class Mutex;
class ThreadState;
class TimelineEventBlock;
class BaseThread {
bool is_os_thread() const { return is_os_thread_; }
explicit BaseThread(bool is_os_thread) : is_os_thread_(is_os_thread) {}
virtual ~BaseThread() {}
bool is_os_thread_;
friend class ThreadState;
friend class OSThread;
using ThreadId = platform::ThreadId;
// Low-level operations on OS platform threads.
class OSThread : public BaseThread {
static const uword kInvalidStackLimit = ~static_cast<uword>(0);
// The constructor of OSThread is never called directly, instead we call
// this factory style method 'CreateOSThread' to create OSThread structures.
// The method can return a nullptr if the Dart VM is in shutdown mode.
static OSThread* CreateOSThread();
ThreadId id() const {
ASSERT(id_ != OSThread::kInvalidThreadId);
return id_;
ThreadId trace_id() const {
ASSERT(trace_id_ != OSThread::kInvalidThreadId);
return trace_id_;
const char* name() const { return name_; }
void SetName(const char* name);
Mutex* timeline_block_lock() const { return &timeline_block_lock_; }
// Only safe to access when holding |timeline_block_lock_|.
TimelineEventBlock* TimelineBlockLocked() const {
return timeline_block_;
// Only safe to access when holding |timeline_block_lock_|.
void SetTimelineBlockLocked(TimelineEventBlock* block) {
timeline_block_ = block;
Log* log() const { return log_; }
uword stack_base() const { return stack_base_; }
uword stack_limit() const { return stack_limit_; }
uword overflow_stack_limit() const { return stack_limit_ + stack_headroom_; }
bool HasStackHeadroom() { return HasStackHeadroom(stack_headroom_); }
bool HasStackHeadroom(intptr_t headroom) {
return GetCurrentStackPointer() > (stack_limit_ + headroom);
static ThreadId GetCurrentThreadTraceId();
// May fail for the main thread on Linux if resources are low.
static bool GetCurrentStackBounds(uword* lower, uword* upper);
// Returns the current C++ stack pointer. Equivalent taking the address of a
// stack allocated local, but plays well with AddressSanitizer and SafeStack.
// Accurate enough for stack overflow checks but not accurate enough for
// alignment checks.
static uword GetCurrentStackPointer();
#if defined(USING_SAFE_STACK)
static uword GetCurrentSafestackPointer();
static void SetCurrentSafestackPointer(uword ssp);
#if !defined(PRODUCT)
// Used to temporarily disable or enable thread interrupts.
void DisableThreadInterrupts();
void EnableThreadInterrupts();
bool ThreadInterruptsEnabled();
#endif // !defined(PRODUCT)
// The currently executing thread, or nullptr if not yet initialized.
static OSThread* TryCurrent() {
BaseThread* thread = GetCurrentTLS();
OSThread* os_thread = nullptr;
if (thread != nullptr) {
if (thread->is_os_thread()) {
os_thread = reinterpret_cast<OSThread*>(thread);
} else {
ThreadState* vm_thread = reinterpret_cast<ThreadState*>(thread);
os_thread = GetOSThreadFromThread(vm_thread);
return os_thread;
// The currently executing thread. If there is no currently executing thread,
// a new OSThread is created and returned.
static OSThread* Current() {
OSThread* os_thread = TryCurrent();
if (os_thread == nullptr) {
os_thread = CreateAndSetUnknownThread();
return os_thread;
static void SetCurrent(OSThread* current) { SetCurrentTLS(current); }
static ThreadState* CurrentVMThread() { return current_vm_thread_; }
#if defined(DEBUG)
static void SetCurrentVMThread(ThreadState* thread) {
current_vm_thread_ = thread;
// TODO(5411455): Use flag to override default value and Validate the
// stack size by querying OS.
static uword GetSpecifiedStackSize() {
intptr_t headroom =
ASSERT(headroom < OSThread::GetMaxStackSize());
uword stack_size = OSThread::GetMaxStackSize() - headroom;
return stack_size;
static BaseThread* GetCurrentTLS() {
return reinterpret_cast<BaseThread*>(OSThread::GetThreadLocal(thread_key_));
static void SetCurrentTLS(BaseThread* value);
typedef void (*ThreadStartFunction)(uword parameter);
typedef void (*ThreadDestructor)(void* parameter);
// Start a thread running the specified function. Returns 0 if the
// thread started successfully and a system specific error code if
// the thread failed to start.
static int Start(const char* name,
ThreadStartFunction function,
uword parameter);
static ThreadLocalKey CreateThreadLocal(
ThreadDestructor destructor = nullptr);
static void DeleteThreadLocal(ThreadLocalKey key);
static uword GetThreadLocal(ThreadLocalKey key) {
return ThreadInlineImpl::GetThreadLocal(key);
static void SetThreadLocal(ThreadLocalKey key, uword value);
static intptr_t GetMaxStackSize();
static void Join(ThreadJoinId id);
static intptr_t ThreadIdToIntPtr(ThreadId id);
static ThreadId ThreadIdFromIntPtr(intptr_t id);
// This function can be called only once per OSThread, and should only be
// called when the returned id will eventually be passed to OSThread::Join().
static ThreadJoinId GetCurrentThreadJoinId(OSThread* thread);
// Called at VM startup and shutdown.
static void Init();
static bool IsThreadInList(ThreadId id);
static void DisableOSThreadCreation();
static void EnableOSThreadCreation();
static constexpr intptr_t kStackSizeBufferMax = (16 * KB * kWordSize);
static constexpr float kStackSizeBufferFraction = 0.5;
static const ThreadJoinId kInvalidThreadJoinId;
static constexpr ThreadId kInvalidThreadId = platform::kInvalidThreadId;
static ThreadId GetCurrentThreadId() {
return platform::GetCurrentThreadId();
static bool Compare(ThreadId a, ThreadId b) {
return platform::AreSameThreads(a, b);
// The constructor is private as CreateOSThread should be used
// to create a new OSThread structure.
// These methods should not be used in a generic way and hence
// are private, they have been added to solve the problem of
// accessing the VM thread structure from an OSThread object
// in the windows thread interrupter which is used for profiling.
// We could eliminate this requirement if the windows thread interrupter
// is implemented differently.
ThreadState* thread() const { return thread_; }
void set_thread(ThreadState* value) { thread_ = value; }
static void Cleanup();
// Retrieves the name given to the current thread at the OS level and returns
// it as a heap-allocated string that must eventually be freed by the caller
// using free. Returns |nullptr| when the name cannot be retrieved.
static char* GetCurrentThreadName();
static OSThread* GetOSThreadFromThread(ThreadState* thread);
static void AddThreadToListLocked(OSThread* thread);
static void RemoveThreadFromList(OSThread* thread);
static OSThread* CreateAndSetUnknownThread();
static uword CalculateHeadroom(uword stack_size) {
uword headroom = kStackSizeBufferFraction * stack_size;
return (headroom > kStackSizeBufferMax) ? kStackSizeBufferMax : headroom;
static ThreadLocalKey thread_key_;
const ThreadId id_;
#if defined(DEBUG)
// In DEBUG mode we use this field to ensure that GetCurrentThreadJoinId is
// only called once per OSThread.
ThreadJoinId join_id_ = kInvalidThreadJoinId;
const ThreadId trace_id_; // Used to interface with tracing tools.
char* name_; // A name for this thread.
mutable Mutex timeline_block_lock_;
// The block that the timeline recorder has permitted this thread to write
// events to.
TimelineEventBlock* timeline_block_ = nullptr;
// All |Thread|s are registered in the thread list.
OSThread* thread_list_next_ = nullptr;
#if !defined(PRODUCT)
// Thread interrupts disabled by default.
RelaxedAtomic<uintptr_t> thread_interrupt_disabled_ = {1};
bool prepared_for_interrupts_ = false;
void* thread_interrupter_state_ = nullptr;
#endif // !defined(PRODUCT)
Log* log_;
uword stack_base_ = 0;
uword stack_limit_ = 0;
uword stack_headroom_ = 0;
ThreadState* thread_ = nullptr;
// The ThreadPool::Worker which owns this OSThread. If this OSThread was not
// started by a ThreadPool it will be nullptr. This TLS value is not
// protected and should only be read/written by the OSThread itself.
void* owning_thread_pool_worker_ = nullptr;
// thread_list_lock_ cannot have a static lifetime because the order in which
// destructors run is undefined. At the moment this lock cannot be deleted
// either since otherwise, if a thread only begins to run after we have
// started to run TLS destructors for a call to exit(), there will be a race
// on its deletion in CreateOSThread().
static Mutex* thread_list_lock_;
static OSThread* thread_list_head_;
static bool creation_enabled_;
// Inline initialization is important for avoiding unnecessary TLS
// initialization checks at each use.
static inline thread_local ThreadState* current_vm_thread_ = nullptr;
friend class Thread; // to access set_thread(Thread*).
friend class OSThreadIterator;
friend class ThreadInterrupterFuchsia;
friend class ThreadInterrupterMacOS;
friend class ThreadInterrupterWin;
friend class ThreadPool; // to access owning_thread_pool_worker_
// Note that this takes the thread list lock, prohibiting threads from coming
// on- or off-line.
class OSThreadIterator : public ValueObject {
// Returns false when there are no more threads left.
bool HasNext() const;
// Returns the current thread and moves forward.
OSThread* Next();
OSThread* next_;
// Mark when we are running in a signal handler (Linux, Android) or with a
// suspended thread (Windows, Mac, Fuchia). During this time, we cannot take
// locks, access Thread/Isolate::Current(), or use malloc.
class ThreadInterruptScope : public ValueObject {
#if defined(DEBUG)
ThreadInterruptScope() {
// Poison attempts to use Thread::Current. This is much cheaper than adding
// an assert in Thread::Current itself.
saved_current_vm_thread_ = OSThread::CurrentVMThread();
~ThreadInterruptScope() {
DisallowMutexLockingScope disallow_locks_;
ThreadState* saved_current_vm_thread_;
#endif // DEBUG
} // namespace dart