blob: 6e4835ca2f142f56d4e7fd3274dc8be10d523190 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/globals.h"
#include "vm/bit_vector.h"
#include "vm/constants_kbc.h"
#include "vm/hash_table.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
namespace dart {
namespace bytecode {
class BytecodeComponentData;
class BytecodeLoader {
BytecodeLoader(Thread* thread, const TypedDataBase& binary);
FunctionPtr LoadBytecode();
TypedDataBasePtr binary() const { return binary_.ptr(); }
ArrayPtr bytecode_component_array() const {
return bytecode_component_array_.ptr();
void SetOffset(const Object& obj, intptr_t offset);
intptr_t GetOffset(const Object& obj);
Thread* thread_;
const TypedDataBase& binary_;
Array& bytecode_component_array_;
Array& bytecode_offsets_map_;
class Reader : public ValueObject {
explicit Reader(const TypedDataBase& typed_data) : typed_data_(&typed_data) {
uint32_t ReadUInt32At(intptr_t offset) const {
ASSERT((size_ >= 4) && (offset >= 0) && (offset <= size_ - 4));
uint32_t value =
LoadUnaligned(reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(raw_buffer_ + offset));
return Utils::BigEndianToHost32(value);
uint32_t ReadUInt32() {
uint32_t value = ReadUInt32At(offset_);
offset_ += 4;
return value;
uint32_t ReadUInt() {
ASSERT((size_ >= 1) && (offset_ >= 0) && (offset_ <= size_ - 1));
const uint8_t* buffer = raw_buffer_;
uword byte0 = buffer[offset_];
if ((byte0 & 0x80) == 0) {
// 0...
return byte0;
} else if ((byte0 & 0xc0) == 0x80) {
// 10...
ASSERT((size_ >= 2) && (offset_ >= 0) && (offset_ <= size_ - 2));
uint32_t value =
((byte0 & ~static_cast<uword>(0x80)) << 8) | (buffer[offset_ + 1]);
offset_ += 2;
return value;
} else {
// 11...
ASSERT((size_ >= 4) && (offset_ >= 0) && (offset_ <= size_ - 4));
uint32_t value = ((byte0 & ~static_cast<uword>(0xc0)) << 24) |
(buffer[offset_ + 1] << 16) |
(buffer[offset_ + 2] << 8) | (buffer[offset_ + 3] << 0);
offset_ += 4;
return value;
intptr_t ReadSLEB128() {
ReadStream stream(raw_buffer_, size_, offset_);
const intptr_t result = stream.ReadSLEB128();
offset_ = stream.Position();
return result;
int64_t ReadSLEB128AsInt64() {
ReadStream stream(raw_buffer_, size_, offset_);
const int64_t result = stream.ReadSLEB128<int64_t>();
offset_ = stream.Position();
return result;
* Read and return a TokenPosition from this reader.
TokenPosition ReadPosition() {
// Position is saved as unsigned,
// but actually ranges from -1 and up (thus the -1)
intptr_t value = ReadUInt() - 1;
TokenPosition result = TokenPosition::Deserialize(value);
return result;
intptr_t ReadListLength() { return ReadUInt(); }
uint8_t ReadByte() { return raw_buffer_[offset_++]; }
uint8_t PeekByte() { return raw_buffer_[offset_]; }
void ReadBytes(uint8_t* buffer, uint8_t size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
buffer[i] = ReadByte();
const TypedDataBase* typed_data() { return typed_data_; }
intptr_t offset() const { return offset_; }
void set_offset(intptr_t offset) {
ASSERT(offset <= size_);
offset_ = offset;
intptr_t size() const { return size_; }
TypedDataViewPtr ViewFromTo(intptr_t start, intptr_t end) {
return typed_data_->ViewFromTo(start, end, Heap::kOld);
const uint8_t* BufferAt(intptr_t offset) {
ASSERT((offset >= 0) && (offset < size_));
return &raw_buffer_[offset];
friend class AlternativeReadingScope;
void Init() {
raw_buffer_ = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(typed_data_->DataAddr(0));
size_ = typed_data_->LengthInBytes();
offset_ = 0;
// A external typed data or a view on an external typed data.
const TypedDataBase* typed_data_ = nullptr;
// The raw data size/length of [typed_data_].
const uint8_t* raw_buffer_ = nullptr;
intptr_t size_ = 0;
intptr_t offset_ = 0;
// A helper class that saves the current reader position, goes to another reader
// position, and upon destruction, resets to the original reader position.
class AlternativeReadingScope {
AlternativeReadingScope(Reader* reader, intptr_t new_position)
: reader_(reader), saved_offset_(reader_->offset_) {
reader_->offset_ = new_position;
~AlternativeReadingScope() { reader_->offset_ = saved_offset_; }
Reader* const reader_;
const intptr_t saved_offset_;
// Helper class for reading bytecode.
class BytecodeReaderHelper : public ValueObject {
explicit BytecodeReaderHelper(Thread* thread,
const TypedDataBase& typed_data);
explicit BytecodeReaderHelper(Thread* thread,
BytecodeComponentData* bytecode_component);
Reader& reader() { return reader_; }
void ReadCode(const Function& function, intptr_t code_offset);
void ReadMembers(const Class& cls, bool discard_fields);
void ReadFieldDeclarations(const Class& cls, bool discard_fields);
void ReadFunctionDeclarations(const Class& cls);
void ReadClassDeclaration(const Class& cls);
void ReadLibraryDeclaration(const Library& library,
bool lookup_classes,
const GrowableObjectArray& pending_classes);
void ReadLibraryDeclarations(intptr_t num_libraries);
LibraryPtr ReadMain();
ArrayPtr ReadBytecodeComponent();
void ResetObjects();
// Fills in [is_covariant] and [is_generic_covariant_impl] vectors
// according to covariance attributes of [function] parameters.
// [function] should be declared in bytecode.
// [is_covariant] and [is_generic_covariant_impl] should contain bitvectors
// of function.NumParameters() length.
void ReadParameterCovariance(const Function& function,
intptr_t code_offset,
BitVector* is_covariant,
BitVector* is_generic_covariant_impl);
// Read bytecode PackedObject.
ObjectPtr ReadObject();
// These constants should match corresponding constants in class ObjectHandle
// (pkg/dart2bytecode/lib/object_table.dart).
static const int kReferenceBit = 1 << 0;
static const int kIndexShift = 1;
static const int kKindShift = 1;
static const int kKindMask = 0x0f;
static const int kFlagBit0 = 1 << 5;
static const int kFlagBit1 = 1 << 6;
static const int kFlagBit2 = 1 << 7;
static const int kFlagBit3 = 1 << 8;
static const int kFlagBit4 = 1 << 9;
static const int kFlagBit5 = 1 << 10;
static const int kTagMask = (kFlagBit0 | kFlagBit1 | kFlagBit2 | kFlagBit3);
static const int kFlagIsNullable = kFlagBit4;
static const int kFlagsMask = (kTagMask | kFlagBit4 | kFlagBit5);
// Code flags, must be in sync with Code constants in
// pkg/dart2bytecode/lib/declarations.dart.
struct Code {
static const int kHasExceptionsTableFlag = 1 << 0;
static const int kHasSourcePositionsFlag = 1 << 1;
static const int kHasNullableFieldsFlag = 1 << 2;
static const int kHasClosuresFlag = 1 << 3;
static const int kHasParameterFlagsFlag = 1 << 4;
static const int kHasForwardingStubTargetFlag = 1 << 5;
static const int kHasDefaultFunctionTypeArgsFlag = 1 << 6;
static const int kHasLocalVariablesFlag = 1 << 7;
// Closure code flags, must be in sync with ClosureCode constants in
// pkg/dart2bytecode/lib/declarations.dart.
struct ClosureCode {
static const int kHasExceptionsTableFlag = 1 << 0;
static const int kHasSourcePositionsFlag = 1 << 1;
static const int kHasLocalVariablesFlag = 1 << 2;
// Parameter flags, must be in sync with ParameterDeclaration constants in
// pkg/dart2bytecode/lib/declarations.dart.
struct Parameter {
static const int kIsCovariantFlag = 1 << 0;
static const int kIsGenericCovariantImplFlag = 1 << 1;
static const int kIsFinalFlag = 1 << 2;
static const int kIsRequiredFlag = 1 << 3;
class FunctionTypeScope : public ValueObject {
explicit FunctionTypeScope(BytecodeReaderHelper* bytecode_reader,
const FunctionType& type)
: bytecode_reader_(bytecode_reader) {
~FunctionTypeScope() {
BytecodeReaderHelper* const bytecode_reader_;
class FunctionScope : public ValueObject {
FunctionScope(BytecodeReaderHelper* bytecode_reader,
const Function& function,
const String& name,
const Class& cls)
: bytecode_reader_(bytecode_reader) {
bytecode_reader_->scoped_function_ = function.ptr();
bytecode_reader_->scoped_function_name_ = name.ptr();
bytecode_reader_->scoped_function_class_ = cls.ptr();
~FunctionScope() {
bytecode_reader_->scoped_function_ = Function::null();
bytecode_reader_->scoped_function_name_ = String::null();
bytecode_reader_->scoped_function_class_ = Class::null();
BytecodeReaderHelper* bytecode_reader_;
void ReadClosureDeclaration(const Function& function, intptr_t closureIndex);
FunctionTypePtr ReadFunctionSignature(const FunctionType& signature,
bool has_optional_positional_params,
bool has_optional_named_params,
bool has_type_params,
bool has_positional_param_names,
bool has_parameter_flags);
void ReadTypeParametersDeclaration(
const Class& parameterized_class,
const FunctionType& parameterized_signature);
// Read portion of constant pool corresponding to one function/closure.
// Start with [start_index], and stop when reaching EndClosureFunctionScope.
// Return index of the last read constant pool entry.
intptr_t ReadConstantPool(const Function& function,
const ObjectPool& pool,
intptr_t start_index);
BytecodePtr ReadBytecode(const ObjectPool& pool);
void ReadExceptionsTable(const Function& function,
const Bytecode& bytecode,
bool has_exceptions_table);
void ReadSourcePositions(const Bytecode& bytecode, bool has_source_positions);
void ReadLocalVariables(const Bytecode& bytecode, bool has_local_variables);
StringPtr ConstructorName(const Class& cls, const String& name);
ObjectPtr ReadObjectContents(uint32_t header);
ObjectPtr ReadConstObject(intptr_t tag);
ObjectPtr ReadType(intptr_t tag, Nullability nullability);
StringPtr ReadString(bool is_canonical = true);
TypeArgumentsPtr ReadTypeArguments();
void SetupFieldAccessorFunction(const Class& klass,
const Function& function,
const AbstractType& field_type);
PatchClassPtr GetPatchClass(const Class& cls, const Script& script);
InstancePtr Canonicalize(const Instance& instance);
// Similar to cls.EnsureClassDeclaration, but may be more efficient if
// class is from the current kernel binary.
void LoadReferencedClass(const Class& cls);
Reader reader_;
Thread* const thread_;
Zone* const zone_;
BytecodeComponentData* bytecode_component_;
Array* closures_ = nullptr;
PatchClass* patch_class_ = nullptr;
Array* functions_ = nullptr;
intptr_t function_index_ = 0;
GrowableArray<const FunctionType*> enclosing_function_types_;
Function& scoped_function_;
String& scoped_function_name_;
Class& scoped_function_class_;
class BytecodeComponentData : ValueObject {
enum {
explicit BytecodeComponentData(const Array& data) : data_(data) {}
TypedDataBasePtr GetTypedData() const;
intptr_t GetVersion() const;
intptr_t GetStringsHeaderOffset() const;
intptr_t GetStringsContentsOffset() const;
intptr_t GetObjectOffsetsOffset() const;
intptr_t GetNumObjects() const;
intptr_t GetObjectsContentsOffset() const;
intptr_t GetMainOffset() const;
intptr_t GetNumLibraries() const;
intptr_t GetLibraryIndexOffset() const;
intptr_t GetLibrariesOffset() const;
intptr_t GetNumClasses() const;
intptr_t GetClassesOffset() const;
intptr_t GetMembersOffset() const;
intptr_t GetNumCodes() const;
intptr_t GetCodesOffset() const;
intptr_t GetSourcePositionsOffset() const;
intptr_t GetSourceFilesOffset() const;
intptr_t GetLineStartsOffset() const;
intptr_t GetLocalVariablesOffset() const;
intptr_t GetAnnotationsOffset() const;
void SetObject(intptr_t index, const Object& obj) const;
ObjectPtr GetObject(intptr_t index) const;
bool IsNull() const { return data_.IsNull(); }
static ArrayPtr New(Zone* zone,
const TypedDataBase& typed_data,
intptr_t version,
intptr_t num_objects,
intptr_t strings_header_offset,
intptr_t strings_contents_offset,
intptr_t object_offsets_offset,
intptr_t objects_contents_offset,
intptr_t main_offset,
intptr_t num_libraries,
intptr_t library_index_offset,
intptr_t libraries_offset,
intptr_t num_classes,
intptr_t classes_offset,
intptr_t members_offset,
intptr_t num_codes,
intptr_t codes_offset,
intptr_t source_positions_offset,
intptr_t source_files_offset,
intptr_t line_starts_offset,
intptr_t local_variables_offset,
intptr_t annotations_offset,
Heap::Space space);
const Array& data_;
class BytecodeReader : public AllStatic {
// Read declaration of the given class.
static void LoadClassDeclaration(const Class& cls);
// Read members of the given class.
static void FinishClassLoading(const Class& cls);
static void ReadParameterCovariance(const Function& function,
BitVector* is_covariant,
BitVector* is_generic_covariant_impl);
class BytecodeSourcePositionsIterator : ValueObject {
// These constants should match corresponding constants in class
// SourcePositions (pkg/dart2bytecode/lib/source_positions.dart).
static const intptr_t kSyntheticCodeMarker = -1;
static const intptr_t kYieldPointMarker = -2;
BytecodeSourcePositionsIterator(Zone* zone, const Bytecode& bytecode)
: reader_(TypedDataBase::Handle(zone, bytecode.binary())) {
pairs_remaining_ = reader_.ReadUInt();
bool MoveNext() {
if (pairs_remaining_ == 0) {
return false;
ASSERT(pairs_remaining_ > 0);
cur_bci_ += reader_.ReadUInt();
cur_token_pos_ += reader_.ReadSLEB128();
is_yield_point_ = false;
if (cur_token_pos_ == kYieldPointMarker) {
const bool result = MoveNext();
is_yield_point_ = true;
return result;
return true;
uword PcOffset() const { return cur_bci_; }
TokenPosition TokenPos() const {
return (cur_token_pos_ == kSyntheticCodeMarker)
? TokenPosition::kNoSource
: TokenPosition::Deserialize(cur_token_pos_);
bool IsYieldPoint() const { return is_yield_point_; }
Reader reader_;
intptr_t pairs_remaining_ = 0;
intptr_t cur_bci_ = 0;
intptr_t cur_token_pos_ = 0;
bool is_yield_point_ = false;
} // namespace bytecode
} // namespace dart
#endif // defined(DART_DYNAMIC_MODULES)