blob: bf687cb3d277ed58611e13c31259ddb84399fe14 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of html;
// This code is inspired by ChangeSummary:
// ...which underlies MDV. Since we don't need the functionality of
// ChangeSummary, we just implement what we need for data bindings.
// This allows our implementation to be much simpler.
// TODO(jmesserly): should we make these types stronger, and require
// Observable objects? Currently, it is fine to say something like:
// var path = new PathObserver(123, '');
// print(path.value); // "123"
// Furthermore this degenerate case is allowed:
// var path = new PathObserver(123, '');
// print(path.value); // "null"
// Here we see that any invalid (i.e. not Observable) value will break the
// path chain without producing an error or exception.
// Now the real question: should we do this? For the former case, the behavior
// is correct but we could chose to handle it in the dart:html bindings layer.
// For the latter case, it might be better to throw an error so users can find
// the problem.
* A data-bound path starting from a view-model or model object, for example
* ``.
* When the [values] stream is being listened to, this will observe changes to
* the object and any intermediate object along the path, and send [values]
* accordingly. When all listeners are unregistered it will stop observing
* the objects.
* This class is used to implement [Node.bind] and similar functionality.
// TODO(jmesserly): find a better home for this type.
class PathObserver {
/** The object being observed. */
final object;
/** The path string. */
final String path;
/** True if the path is valid, otherwise false. */
final bool _isValid;
// TODO(jmesserly): same issue here as ObservableMixin: is there an easier
// way to get a broadcast stream?
StreamController _values;
Stream _valueStream;
_PropertyObserver _observer, _lastObserver;
Object _lastValue;
bool _scheduled = false;
* Observes [path] on [object] for changes. This returns an object that can be
* used to get the changes and get/set the value at this path.
* See [PathObserver.values] and [PathObserver.value].
PathObserver(this.object, String path)
: path = path, _isValid = _isPathValid(path) {
// TODO(jmesserly): if the path is empty, or the object is! Observable, we
// can optimize the PathObserver to be more lightweight.
_values = new StreamController(onListen: _observe, onCancel: _unobserve);
if (_isValid) {
var segments = [];
for (var segment in path.trim().split('.')) {
if (segment == '') continue;
var index = int.parse(segment, onError: (_) {});
segments.add(index != null ? index : new Symbol(segment));
// Create the property observer linked list.
// Note that the structure of a path can't change after it is initially
// constructed, even though the objects along the path can change.
for (int i = segments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
_observer = new _PropertyObserver(this, segments[i], _observer);
if (_lastObserver == null) _lastObserver = _observer;
// TODO(jmesserly): we could try adding the first value to the stream, but
// that delivers the first record async.
* Listens to the stream, and invokes the [callback] immediately with the
* current [value]. This is useful for bindings, which want to be up-to-date
* immediately.
StreamSubscription bindSync(void callback(value)) {
var result = values.listen(callback);
return result;
// TODO(jmesserly): should this be a change record with the old value?
// TODO(jmesserly): should this be a broadcast stream? We only need
// single-subscription in the bindings system, so single sub saves overhead.
* Gets the stream of values that were observed at this path.
* This returns a single-subscription stream.
Stream get values =>;
/** Force synchronous delivery of [values]. */
void _deliverValues() {
_scheduled = false;
var newValue = value;
if (!identical(_lastValue, newValue)) {
_lastValue = newValue;
void _observe() {
if (_observer != null) {
_lastValue = value;
void _unobserve() {
if (_observer != null) _observer.unobserve();
void _notifyChange() {
if (_scheduled) return;
_scheduled = true;
// TODO(jmesserly): should we have a guarenteed order with respect to other
// paths? If so, we could implement this fairly easily by sorting instances
// of this class by birth order before delivery.
/** Gets the last reported value at this path. */
get value {
if (!_isValid) return null;
if (_observer == null) return object;
return _lastObserver.value;
/** Sets the value at this path. */
void set value(Object value) {
// TODO(jmesserly): throw if property cannot be set?
// MDV seems tolerant of these error.
if (_observer == null || !_isValid) return;
var last = _lastObserver;
if (_setObjectProperty(last._object, last._property, value)) {
// Technically, this would get updated asynchronously via a change record.
// However, it is nice if calling the getter will yield the same value
// that was just set. So we use this opportunity to update our cache.
last.value = value;
// TODO(jmesserly): these should go away in favor of mirrors!
_getObjectProperty(object, property) {
if (object is List && property is int) {
if (property >= 0 && property < object.length) {
return object[property];
} else {
return null;
// TODO(jmesserly): what about length?
if (object is Map) return object[property];
if (object is Observable) return object.getValueWorkaround(property);
return null;
bool _setObjectProperty(object, property, value) {
if (object is List && property is int) {
object[property] = value;
} else if (object is Map) {
object[property] = value;
} else if (object is Observable) {
(object as Observable).setValueWorkaround(property, value);
} else {
return false;
return true;
class _PropertyObserver {
final PathObserver _path;
final _property;
final _PropertyObserver _next;
// TODO(jmesserly): would be nice not to store both of these.
Object _object;
Object _value;
StreamSubscription _sub;
_PropertyObserver(this._path, this._property, this._next);
get value => _value;
void set value(Object newValue) {
_value = newValue;
if (_next != null) {
if (_sub != null) _next.unobserve();
if (_sub != null) _next.observe();
void ensureValue(object) {
// If we're observing, values should be up to date already.
if (_sub != null) return;
_object = object;
value = _getObjectProperty(object, _property);
void observe() {
if (_object is Observable) {
assert(_sub == null);
_sub = (_object as Observable).changes.listen(_onChange);
if (_next != null) _next.observe();
void unobserve() {
if (_sub == null) return;
_sub = null;
if (_next != null) _next.unobserve();
void _onChange(List<ChangeRecord> changes) {
for (var change in changes) {
// TODO(jmesserly): what to do about "new Symbol" here?
// Ideally this would only preserve names if the user has opted in to
// them being preserved.
// TODO(jmesserly): should we drop observable maps with String keys?
// If so then we only need one check here.
if (change.changes(_property)) {
value = _getObjectProperty(_object, _property);
// From:
const _pathIndentPart = r'[$a-z0-9_]+[$a-z0-9_\d]*';
final _pathRegExp = new RegExp('^'
'(?:#?' + _pathIndentPart + ')?'
'(?:\\.' + _pathIndentPart + ')'
r'$', caseSensitive: false);
final _spacesRegExp = new RegExp(r'\s');
bool _isPathValid(String s) {
s = s.replaceAll(_spacesRegExp, '');
if (s == '') return true;
if (s[0] == '.') return false;
return _pathRegExp.hasMatch(s);