blob: ea1d687c3895a99b7469563c35384106dc81826d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library subtype_test;
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'type_test_helper.dart';
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/dart_types.dart';
import "../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/elements/elements.dart"
show Element, ClassElement;
void main() {
void test() {
var env = new TypeEnvironment(r"""
class A<T> {
T foo;
class B<S> extends A<A<S>> {
S bar;
class C<U> extends B<String> with D<B<U>> {
U baz;
class D<V> {
V boz;
void expect(DartType receiverType, String memberName, DartType expectedType) {
Member member = receiverType.lookupMember(env.sourceString(memberName));
DartType memberType = member.computeType(env.compiler);
Expect.equals(expectedType, memberType,
'Wrong member type for $receiverType.$memberName.');
DartType int_ = env['int'];
DartType String_ = env['String'];
ClassElement A = env.getElement('A');
DartType T = A.typeVariables.head;
DartType A_T = A.thisType;
expect(A_T, 'foo', T);
DartType A_int = instantiate(A, [int_]);
expect(A_int, 'foo', int_);
ClassElement B = env.getElement('B');
DartType S = B.typeVariables.head;
DartType B_S = B.thisType;
expect(B_S, 'foo', instantiate(A, [S]));
expect(B_S, 'bar', S);
DartType B_int = instantiate(B, [int_]);
expect(B_int, 'foo', A_int);
expect(B_int, 'bar', int_);
ClassElement C = env.getElement('C');
DartType U = C.typeVariables.head;
DartType C_U = C.thisType;
expect(C_U, 'foo', instantiate(A, [String_]));
expect(C_U, 'bar', String_);
expect(C_U, 'baz', U);
expect(C_U, 'boz', instantiate(B, [U]));
DartType C_int = instantiate(C, [int_]);
expect(C_int, 'foo', instantiate(A, [String_]));
expect(C_int, 'bar', String_);
expect(C_int, 'baz', int_);
expect(C_int, 'boz', instantiate(B, [int_]));