[ddc] Cleanup unsound module symbols tests

Only run these tests with sound null safety. Follow up changes will remove more tests configurations, and null safety mode plumbing for
the DDC infra.

Change-Id: I0b511d778e54da2a8f5140c4a00b36eefb8000ac
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/365540
Reviewed-by: Mark Zhou <markzipan@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Nicholas Shahan <nshahan@google.com>
diff --git a/pkg/dev_compiler/test/module_symbols/class_symbols_test.dart b/pkg/dev_compiler/test/module_symbols/class_symbols_test.dart
index ff297c1..5131e9a 100644
--- a/pkg/dev_compiler/test/module_symbols/class_symbols_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/dev_compiler/test/module_symbols/class_symbols_test.dart
@@ -16,886 +16,870 @@
 void main() async {
-  for (var mode in [
-    NullSafetyTestOption('Sound Mode:', true),
-    NullSafetyTestOption('Weak Mode:', false)
-  ]) {
-    group(mode.description, () {
-      var options = SetupCompilerOptions(soundNullSafety: mode.soundNullSafety);
-      group('simple class debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        late final FunctionSymbol functionSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+  var options = SetupCompilerOptions(soundNullSafety: true);
+  group('simple class debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    late final FunctionSymbol functionSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {}
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-          functionSymbol = symbols.functions.single;
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('has name', () async {
-          expect(classSymbol.name, equals('A'));
-        });
-        test('is not abstract', () async {
-          expect(classSymbol.isAbstract, isFalse);
-        });
-        test('is not const', () async {
-          expect(classSymbol.isConst, isFalse);
-        });
-        test('has no superclassId', () async {
-          expect(classSymbol.superClassId, isNull);
-        });
-        test('empty interfacesIds', () async {
-          expect(classSymbol.interfaceIds, isEmpty);
-        });
-        test('empty typeParameters', () async {
-          expect(classSymbol.typeParameters, isEmpty);
-        });
-        test('has localId', () async {
-          expect(classSymbol.localId, equals('A'));
-        });
-        test('has library scopeId', () async {
-          expect(classSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('package:foo/foo.dart'));
-        });
-        group('location', () {
-          test('has scriptId', () async {
-            expect(classSymbol.location!.scriptId, endsWith('/foo.dart'));
-          });
-          test('has start token', () async {
-            expect(classSymbol.location!.tokenPos, source.indexOf('class A'));
-          });
-          test('has end token', () async {
-            expect(classSymbol.location!.endTokenPos, source.lastIndexOf('}'));
-          });
-        });
-        test('no fields', () async {
-          expect(classSymbol.variableIds, isEmpty);
-        });
-        test('only default constructor in functionIds', () {
-          var constructorId = classSymbol.functionIds.single;
-          expect(constructorId, functionSymbol.id);
-          // Default constructor has no name in Dart Kernel AST.
-          expect(functionSymbol.name, isEmpty);
-          // Default constructor is named 'new' in JavaScript.
-          expect(functionSymbol.id, endsWith('A|new'));
-        });
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+      functionSymbol = symbols.functions.single;
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('has name', () async {
+      expect(classSymbol.name, equals('A'));
+    });
+    test('is not abstract', () async {
+      expect(classSymbol.isAbstract, isFalse);
+    });
+    test('is not const', () async {
+      expect(classSymbol.isConst, isFalse);
+    });
+    test('has no superclassId', () async {
+      expect(classSymbol.superClassId, isNull);
+    });
+    test('empty interfacesIds', () async {
+      expect(classSymbol.interfaceIds, isEmpty);
+    });
+    test('empty typeParameters', () async {
+      expect(classSymbol.typeParameters, isEmpty);
+    });
+    test('has localId', () async {
+      expect(classSymbol.localId, equals('A'));
+    });
+    test('has library scopeId', () async {
+      expect(classSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('package:foo/foo.dart'));
+    });
+    group('location', () {
+      test('has scriptId', () async {
+        expect(classSymbol.location!.scriptId, endsWith('/foo.dart'));
-      group('abstract class debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+      test('has start token', () async {
+        expect(classSymbol.location!.tokenPos, source.indexOf('class A'));
+      });
+      test('has end token', () async {
+        expect(classSymbol.location!.endTokenPos, source.lastIndexOf('}'));
+      });
+    });
+    test('no fields', () async {
+      expect(classSymbol.variableIds, isEmpty);
+    });
+    test('only default constructor in functionIds', () {
+      var constructorId = classSymbol.functionIds.single;
+      expect(constructorId, functionSymbol.id);
+      // Default constructor has no name in Dart Kernel AST.
+      expect(functionSymbol.name, isEmpty);
+      // Default constructor is named 'new' in JavaScript.
+      expect(functionSymbol.id, endsWith('A|new'));
+    });
+  });
+  group('abstract class debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           abstract class A {}
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('is abstract', () async {
-          expect(classSymbol.isAbstract, isTrue);
-        });
-      });
-      group('class extends debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('is abstract', () async {
+      expect(classSymbol.isAbstract, isTrue);
+    });
+  });
+  group('class extends debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A extends B {}
           class B {}
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.where((c) => c.localId == 'A').single;
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('has superclass', () async {
-          expect(classSymbol.superClassId, 'B');
-        });
-      });
-      group('class implements debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final List<ClassSymbol> classSymbols;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.where((c) => c.localId == 'A').single;
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('has superclass', () async {
+      expect(classSymbol.superClassId, 'B');
+    });
+  });
+  group('class implements debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final List<ClassSymbol> classSymbols;
+    final source = '''
           class A implements B, C {}
           class B implements C {}
           class C {}
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbols = symbols.classes;
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('single implements', () async {
-          var classSymbol = classSymbols.singleWhere((c) => c.localId == 'B');
-          expect(classSymbol.interfaceIds, orderedEquals(['C']));
-        });
-        test('multiple implements', () async {
-          var classSymbol = classSymbols.singleWhere((c) => c.localId == 'A');
-          expect(classSymbol.interfaceIds, orderedEquals(['B', 'C']));
-        });
-      });
-      group('class public static field debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        late final String fieldId;
-        late final VariableSymbol fieldSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbols = symbols.classes;
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('single implements', () async {
+      var classSymbol = classSymbols.singleWhere((c) => c.localId == 'B');
+      expect(classSymbol.interfaceIds, orderedEquals(['C']));
+    });
+    test('multiple implements', () async {
+      var classSymbol = classSymbols.singleWhere((c) => c.localId == 'A');
+      expect(classSymbol.interfaceIds, orderedEquals(['B', 'C']));
+    });
+  });
+  group('class public static field debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    late final String fieldId;
+    late final VariableSymbol fieldSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
             static String publicStaticField = 'Cello';
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-          fieldId = classSymbol.fieldIds.single;
-          fieldSymbol = symbols.variables.single;
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('fieldId in classSymbol', () async {
-          expect(fieldId, endsWith('A|publicStaticField'));
-          expect(fieldId, fieldSymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('has class scopeId', () async {
-          expect(fieldSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
-          expect(fieldSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('is field', () async {
-          expect(fieldSymbol.kind, VariableSymbolKind.field);
-        });
-        test('is static', () async {
-          expect(fieldSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
-        });
-      });
-      group('class private static field debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        late final String fieldId;
-        late final VariableSymbol fieldSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+      fieldId = classSymbol.fieldIds.single;
+      fieldSymbol = symbols.variables.single;
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('fieldId in classSymbol', () async {
+      expect(fieldId, endsWith('A|publicStaticField'));
+      expect(fieldId, fieldSymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('has class scopeId', () async {
+      expect(fieldSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
+      expect(fieldSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('is field', () async {
+      expect(fieldSymbol.kind, VariableSymbolKind.field);
+    });
+    test('is static', () async {
+      expect(fieldSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
+    });
+  });
+  group('class private static field debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    late final String fieldId;
+    late final VariableSymbol fieldSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
             static String _privateStaticField = 'Fosse';
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-          fieldId = classSymbol.fieldIds.single;
-          fieldSymbol = symbols.variables.single;
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('fieldId in classSymbol', () async {
-          expect(fieldId, endsWith('A|_privateStaticField'));
-          expect(fieldId, fieldSymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('has class scopeId', () async {
-          expect(fieldSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
-          expect(fieldSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('is field', () async {
-          expect(fieldSymbol.kind, VariableSymbolKind.field);
-        });
-        test('is static', () async {
-          expect(fieldSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
-        });
-      });
-      group('class public instance field debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        late final String fieldId;
-        late final VariableSymbol fieldSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+      fieldId = classSymbol.fieldIds.single;
+      fieldSymbol = symbols.variables.single;
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('fieldId in classSymbol', () async {
+      expect(fieldId, endsWith('A|_privateStaticField'));
+      expect(fieldId, fieldSymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('has class scopeId', () async {
+      expect(fieldSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
+      expect(fieldSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('is field', () async {
+      expect(fieldSymbol.kind, VariableSymbolKind.field);
+    });
+    test('is static', () async {
+      expect(fieldSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
+    });
+  });
+  group('class public instance field debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    late final String fieldId;
+    late final VariableSymbol fieldSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
             String publicInstanceField = 'Cello';
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-          fieldId = classSymbol.fieldIds.single;
-          fieldSymbol = symbols.variables.single;
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('fieldId in classSymbol', () async {
-          expect(fieldId, endsWith('A|publicInstanceField'));
-          expect(fieldId, fieldSymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('has class scopeId', () async {
-          expect(fieldSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
-          expect(fieldSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('is field', () async {
-          expect(fieldSymbol.kind, VariableSymbolKind.field);
-        });
-        test('is not static', () async {
-          expect(fieldSymbol.isStatic, isFalse);
-        });
-      });
-      group('class private instance field debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        late final String fieldId;
-        late final VariableSymbol fieldSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+      fieldId = classSymbol.fieldIds.single;
+      fieldSymbol = symbols.variables.single;
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('fieldId in classSymbol', () async {
+      expect(fieldId, endsWith('A|publicInstanceField'));
+      expect(fieldId, fieldSymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('has class scopeId', () async {
+      expect(fieldSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
+      expect(fieldSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('is field', () async {
+      expect(fieldSymbol.kind, VariableSymbolKind.field);
+    });
+    test('is not static', () async {
+      expect(fieldSymbol.isStatic, isFalse);
+    });
+  });
+  group('class private instance field debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    late final String fieldId;
+    late final VariableSymbol fieldSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
             String _privateInstanceField = 'Cello';
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-          fieldId = classSymbol.fieldIds.single;
-          fieldSymbol = symbols.variables.single;
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('fieldId in classSymbol', () async {
-          expect(fieldId, endsWith('A|Symbol(_privateInstanceField)'));
-          expect(fieldId, fieldSymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('has class scopeId', () async {
-          expect(fieldSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
-          expect(fieldSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('is field', () async {
-          expect(fieldSymbol.kind, VariableSymbolKind.field);
-        });
-        test('is not static', () async {
-          expect(fieldSymbol.isStatic, isFalse);
-        });
-      });
-      group('class public instance method debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+      fieldId = classSymbol.fieldIds.single;
+      fieldSymbol = symbols.variables.single;
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('fieldId in classSymbol', () async {
+      expect(fieldId, endsWith('A|Symbol(_privateInstanceField)'));
+      expect(fieldId, fieldSymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('has class scopeId', () async {
+      expect(fieldSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
+      expect(fieldSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('is field', () async {
+      expect(fieldSymbol.kind, VariableSymbolKind.field);
+    });
+    test('is not static', () async {
+      expect(fieldSymbol.isStatic, isFalse);
+    });
+  });
+  group('class public instance method debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
             String publicInstanceMethod() => 'Cello';
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-          methodSymbol =
-              _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, 'publicInstanceMethod');
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|publicInstanceMethod'));
-          expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
-        });
-        test('has class scopeId', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('is not static', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.isStatic, isFalse);
-        });
-      });
-      group('class private instance method debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+      methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, 'publicInstanceMethod');
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|publicInstanceMethod'));
+      expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
+    });
+    test('has class scopeId', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('is not static', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.isStatic, isFalse);
+    });
+  });
+  group('class private instance method debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
             String _privateInstanceMethod() => 'Cello';
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-          methodSymbol =
-              _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, '_privateInstanceMethod');
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|Symbol(_privateInstanceMethod)'));
-          expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
-        });
-        test('has class scopeId', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('is not static', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.isStatic, isFalse);
-        });
-      });
-      group('class public static method debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+      methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, '_privateInstanceMethod');
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|Symbol(_privateInstanceMethod)'));
+      expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
+    });
+    test('has class scopeId', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('is not static', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.isStatic, isFalse);
+    });
+  });
+  group('class public static method debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
             static String publicStaticMethod() => 'Cello';
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-          methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, 'publicStaticMethod');
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|publicStaticMethod'));
-          expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
-        });
-        test('has class scopeId', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('is static', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
-        });
-      });
-      group('class private static method debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+      methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, 'publicStaticMethod');
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|publicStaticMethod'));
+      expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
+    });
+    test('has class scopeId', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('is static', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
+    });
+  });
+  group('class private static method debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
             static String _privateStaticMethod() => 'Fosse';
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-          methodSymbol =
-              _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, '_privateStaticMethod');
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|_privateStaticMethod'));
-          expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
-        });
-        test('has class scopeId', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('is static', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
-        });
-      });
-      group('class public instance getter debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+      methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, '_privateStaticMethod');
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|_privateStaticMethod'));
+      expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
+    });
+    test('has class scopeId', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('is static', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
+    });
+  });
+  group('class public instance getter debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
             String get publicInstanceGetter => 'Fosse';
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-          methodSymbol =
-              _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, 'publicInstanceGetter');
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|publicInstanceGetter'));
-          expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
-        });
-        test('has class scopeId', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('is not static', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.isStatic, isFalse);
-        });
-      });
-      group('class private instance getter debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+      methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, 'publicInstanceGetter');
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|publicInstanceGetter'));
+      expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
+    });
+    test('has class scopeId', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('is not static', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.isStatic, isFalse);
+    });
+  });
+  group('class private instance getter debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
             String get _privateInstanceGetter => 'Fosse';
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-          methodSymbol =
-              _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, '_privateInstanceGetter');
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|Symbol(_privateInstanceGetter)'));
-          expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
-        });
-        test('has class scopeId', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('is not static', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.isStatic, isFalse);
-        });
-      });
-      group('class public instance setter debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+      methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, '_privateInstanceGetter');
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|Symbol(_privateInstanceGetter)'));
+      expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
+    });
+    test('has class scopeId', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('is not static', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.isStatic, isFalse);
+    });
+  });
+  group('class public instance setter debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
             var _value;
             set publicInstanceSetter(String v) => _value = v;
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-          methodSymbol =
-              _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, 'publicInstanceSetter');
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|publicInstanceSetter'));
-          expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
-        });
-        test('has class scopeId', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('is not static', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.isStatic, isFalse);
-        });
-      });
-      group('class private instance setter debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+      methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, 'publicInstanceSetter');
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|publicInstanceSetter'));
+      expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
+    });
+    test('has class scopeId', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('is not static', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.isStatic, isFalse);
+    });
+  });
+  group('class private instance setter debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
             var _value;
             set _privateInstanceSetter(String v) => _value = v;
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-          methodSymbol =
-              _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, '_privateInstanceSetter');
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|Symbol(_privateInstanceSetter)'));
-          expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
-        });
-        test('has class scopeId', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('is not static', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.isStatic, isFalse);
-        });
-      });
-      group('class public static getter debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+      methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, '_privateInstanceSetter');
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|Symbol(_privateInstanceSetter)'));
+      expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
+    });
+    test('has class scopeId', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('is not static', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.isStatic, isFalse);
+    });
+  });
+  group('class public static getter debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
             static String get publicStaticGetter => 'Fosse';
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-          methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, 'publicStaticGetter');
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|publicStaticGetter'));
-          expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
-        });
-        test('has class scopeId', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('is static', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
-        });
-      });
-      group('class private static getter debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+      methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, 'publicStaticGetter');
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|publicStaticGetter'));
+      expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
+    });
+    test('has class scopeId', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('is static', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
+    });
+  });
+  group('class private static getter debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
             static String get _privateStaticGetter => 'Fosse';
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-          methodSymbol =
-              _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, '_privateStaticGetter');
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|_privateStaticGetter'));
-          expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
-        });
-        test('has class scopeId', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('is static', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
-        });
-      });
-      group('class public static setter debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+      methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, '_privateStaticGetter');
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|_privateStaticGetter'));
+      expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
+    });
+    test('has class scopeId', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('is static', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
+    });
+  });
+  group('class public static setter debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
             static String _value = 'Cello';
             static set publicStaticSetter(String v) => _value = v;
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-          methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, 'publicStaticSetter');
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|publicStaticSetter'));
-          expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
-        });
-        test('has class scopeId', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('is static', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
-        });
-      });
-      group('class private static setter debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+      methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, 'publicStaticSetter');
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|publicStaticSetter'));
+      expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
+    });
+    test('has class scopeId', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('is static', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
+    });
+  });
+  group('class private static setter debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
             static String _value = 'Cello';
             static set _privateStaticSetter(String v) => _value = v;
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-          methodSymbol =
-              _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, '_privateStaticSetter');
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|_privateStaticSetter'));
-          expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
-        });
-        test('has class scopeId', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('is static', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
-        });
-      });
-      group('class public const constructor debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+      methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, '_privateStaticSetter');
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|_privateStaticSetter'));
+      expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
+    });
+    test('has class scopeId', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('is static', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
+    });
+  });
+  group('class public const constructor debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
             const A();
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-          methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, '');
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|new'));
-          expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
-        });
-        test('has class scopeId', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('is const', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.isConst, isTrue);
-          expect(classSymbol.isConst, isTrue);
-        });
-      });
-      group('class public named constructor debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+      methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, '');
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|new'));
+      expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
+    });
+    test('has class scopeId', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('is const', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.isConst, isTrue);
+      expect(classSymbol.isConst, isTrue);
+    });
+  });
+  group('class public named constructor debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-          methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, 'named');
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|named'));
-          expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
-        });
-        test('has class scopeId', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
-        });
-      });
-      group('class private named constructor debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+      methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, 'named');
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|named'));
+      expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
+    });
+    test('has class scopeId', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
+    });
+  });
+  group('class private named constructor debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
             var _value;
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-          methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, '_');
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|__'));
-          expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
-        });
-        test('has class scopeId', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
-        });
-      });
-      group('class unnamed factory debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+      methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, '_');
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|__'));
+      expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
+    });
+    test('has class scopeId', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
+    });
+  });
+  group('class unnamed factory debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
             var _value;
             factory A() => A._(10);
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-          methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, '');
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|new'));
-          expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
-        });
-        test('has class scopeId', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
-        });
-      });
-      group('class public named factory debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+      methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, '');
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|new'));
+      expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
+    });
+    test('has class scopeId', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
+    });
+  });
+  group('class public named factory debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
             var _value;
             factory A.publicFactory() => A._(10);
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-          methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, 'publicFactory');
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|publicFactory'));
-          expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
-        });
-        test('has class scopeId', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
-        });
-      });
-      group('class private named factory debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+      methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, 'publicFactory');
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|publicFactory'));
+      expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
+    });
+    test('has class scopeId', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
+    });
+  });
+  group('class private named factory debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
             var _value;
             factory A._privateFactory() => A._(10);
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-          methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, '_privateFactory');
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|_privateFactory'));
-          expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
-        });
-        test('has class scopeId', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
-        });
-      });
-      group('class public redirecting constructor debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+      methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, '_privateFactory');
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|_privateFactory'));
+      expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
+    });
+    test('has class scopeId', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
+    });
+  });
+  group('class public redirecting constructor debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
             var _value;
             A.publicRedirecting() : this(10);
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-          methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, 'publicRedirecting');
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|publicRedirecting'));
-          expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
-        });
-        test('has class scopeId', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
-        });
-      });
-      group('class private redirecting constructor debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
-        late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+      methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, 'publicRedirecting');
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|publicRedirecting'));
+      expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
+    });
+    test('has class scopeId', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
+    });
+  });
+  group('class private redirecting constructor debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final ClassSymbol classSymbol;
+    late final FunctionSymbol methodSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
             var _value;
             A._privateRedirecting() : this(10);
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
-          methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, '_privateRedirecting');
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|_privateRedirecting'));
-          expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
-        });
-        test('has class scopeId', () async {
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
-          expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
-        });
-      });
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      classSymbol = symbols.classes.single;
+      methodSymbol = _symbolForDartFunction(symbols, '_privateRedirecting');
-  }
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('functionId in classSymbol', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.id, endsWith('A|_privateRedirecting'));
+      expect(classSymbol.functionIds, contains(methodSymbol.id));
+    });
+    test('has class scopeId', () async {
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|A'));
+      expect(methodSymbol.scopeId, classSymbol.id);
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/pkg/dev_compiler/test/module_symbols/function_symbols_test.dart b/pkg/dev_compiler/test/module_symbols/function_symbols_test.dart
index 2086515..7c719aa 100644
--- a/pkg/dev_compiler/test/module_symbols/function_symbols_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/dev_compiler/test/module_symbols/function_symbols_test.dart
@@ -9,221 +9,215 @@
 import 'module_symbols_test_shared.dart';
 void main() async {
-  for (var mode in [
-    NullSafetyTestOption('Sound Mode:', true),
-    NullSafetyTestOption('Weak Mode:', false)
-  ]) {
-    group(mode.description, () {
-      var options = SetupCompilerOptions(soundNullSafety: mode.soundNullSafety);
-      group('top level function debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final FunctionSymbol functionSymbol;
-        late final LibrarySymbol librarySymbol;
-        final source = '''
+  var options = SetupCompilerOptions(soundNullSafety: true);
+  group('top level function debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final FunctionSymbol functionSymbol;
+    late final LibrarySymbol librarySymbol;
+    final source = '''
           void topLevelFunction() {
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          librarySymbol = symbols.libraries.single;
-          functionSymbol = symbols.functions.single;
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('has name', () async {
-          expect(functionSymbol.name, equals('topLevelFunction'));
-        });
-        // TODO(nshahan) Test for typeId.
-        test('is static', () async {
-          expect(functionSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
-        });
-        test('is not const', () async {
-          expect(functionSymbol.isConst, isFalse);
-        });
-        test('has localId', () async {
-          expect(functionSymbol.localId, 'topLevelFunction');
-        });
-        test('has library scopeId', () async {
-          expect(functionSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('package:foo/foo.dart'));
-          expect(functionSymbol.scopeId, librarySymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('no local variables', () async {
-          expect(functionSymbol.variableIds, isEmpty);
-        });
-        test('no scopes', () async {
-          expect(functionSymbol.scopeIds, isEmpty);
-        });
-        group('location', () {
-          test('has scriptId', () async {
-            expect(functionSymbol.location!.scriptId, endsWith('/foo.dart'));
-          });
-          test('has start token', () async {
-            expect(functionSymbol.location!.tokenPos,
-                source.indexOf('topLevelFunction'));
-          });
-          test('has end token', () async {
-            expect(
-                functionSymbol.location!.endTokenPos, source.lastIndexOf('}'));
-          });
-        });
-        test('id in LibrarySymbol scopes', () async {
-          expect(functionSymbol.id, endsWith('foo.dart|topLevelFunction'));
-          expect(functionSymbol.id, librarySymbol.scopeIds.single);
-        });
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      librarySymbol = symbols.libraries.single;
+      functionSymbol = symbols.functions.single;
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('has name', () async {
+      expect(functionSymbol.name, equals('topLevelFunction'));
+    });
+    // TODO(nshahan) Test for typeId.
+    test('is static', () async {
+      expect(functionSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
+    });
+    test('is not const', () async {
+      expect(functionSymbol.isConst, isFalse);
+    });
+    test('has localId', () async {
+      expect(functionSymbol.localId, 'topLevelFunction');
+    });
+    test('has library scopeId', () async {
+      expect(functionSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('package:foo/foo.dart'));
+      expect(functionSymbol.scopeId, librarySymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('no local variables', () async {
+      expect(functionSymbol.variableIds, isEmpty);
+    });
+    test('no scopes', () async {
+      expect(functionSymbol.scopeIds, isEmpty);
+    });
+    group('location', () {
+      test('has scriptId', () async {
+        expect(functionSymbol.location!.scriptId, endsWith('/foo.dart'));
-      group('top level private function debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final FunctionSymbol functionSymbol;
-        late final LibrarySymbol librarySymbol;
-        final source = '''
+      test('has start token', () async {
+        expect(functionSymbol.location!.tokenPos,
+            source.indexOf('topLevelFunction'));
+      });
+      test('has end token', () async {
+        expect(functionSymbol.location!.endTokenPos, source.lastIndexOf('}'));
+      });
+    });
+    test('id in LibrarySymbol scopes', () async {
+      expect(functionSymbol.id, endsWith('foo.dart|topLevelFunction'));
+      expect(functionSymbol.id, librarySymbol.scopeIds.single);
+    });
+  });
+  group('top level private function debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final FunctionSymbol functionSymbol;
+    late final LibrarySymbol librarySymbol;
+    final source = '''
           void _topLevelFunction() {
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          functionSymbol = symbols.functions.single;
-          librarySymbol = symbols.libraries.single;
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('id in LibrarySymbol scopes', () async {
-          expect(functionSymbol.id, endsWith('foo.dart|_topLevelFunction'));
-          expect(functionSymbol.id, librarySymbol.scopeIds.single);
-        });
-        test('scopeId is LibrarySymbol id', () async {
-          expect(functionSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('package:foo/foo.dart'));
-          expect(functionSymbol.scopeId, librarySymbol.id);
-        });
-      });
-      group('top level public getter debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final FunctionSymbol functionSymbol;
-        late final LibrarySymbol librarySymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      functionSymbol = symbols.functions.single;
+      librarySymbol = symbols.libraries.single;
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('id in LibrarySymbol scopes', () async {
+      expect(functionSymbol.id, endsWith('foo.dart|_topLevelFunction'));
+      expect(functionSymbol.id, librarySymbol.scopeIds.single);
+    });
+    test('scopeId is LibrarySymbol id', () async {
+      expect(functionSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('package:foo/foo.dart'));
+      expect(functionSymbol.scopeId, librarySymbol.id);
+    });
+  });
+  group('top level public getter debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final FunctionSymbol functionSymbol;
+    late final LibrarySymbol librarySymbol;
+    final source = '''
           String get topLevelGetter => 'Cello';
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          functionSymbol = symbols.functions.single;
-          librarySymbol = symbols.libraries.single;
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('id in LibrarySymbol scopes', () async {
-          expect(functionSymbol.id, endsWith('foo.dart|topLevelGetter'));
-          expect(functionSymbol.id, librarySymbol.scopeIds.single);
-        });
-        test('scopeId is LibrarySymbol id', () async {
-          expect(functionSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('package:foo/foo.dart'));
-          expect(functionSymbol.scopeId, librarySymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('is static', () async {
-          expect(functionSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
-        });
-      });
-      group('top level private getter debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final FunctionSymbol functionSymbol;
-        late final LibrarySymbol librarySymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      functionSymbol = symbols.functions.single;
+      librarySymbol = symbols.libraries.single;
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('id in LibrarySymbol scopes', () async {
+      expect(functionSymbol.id, endsWith('foo.dart|topLevelGetter'));
+      expect(functionSymbol.id, librarySymbol.scopeIds.single);
+    });
+    test('scopeId is LibrarySymbol id', () async {
+      expect(functionSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('package:foo/foo.dart'));
+      expect(functionSymbol.scopeId, librarySymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('is static', () async {
+      expect(functionSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
+    });
+  });
+  group('top level private getter debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final FunctionSymbol functionSymbol;
+    late final LibrarySymbol librarySymbol;
+    final source = '''
           String get _topLevelGetter => 'Cello';
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          functionSymbol = symbols.functions.single;
-          librarySymbol = symbols.libraries.single;
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('id in LibrarySymbol scopes', () async {
-          expect(functionSymbol.id, endsWith('foo.dart|_topLevelGetter'));
-          expect(functionSymbol.id, librarySymbol.scopeIds.single);
-        });
-        test('scopeId is LibrarySymbol id', () async {
-          expect(functionSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('package:foo/foo.dart'));
-          expect(functionSymbol.scopeId, librarySymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('is static', () async {
-          expect(functionSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
-        });
-      });
-      group('top level public setter debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final FunctionSymbol functionSymbol;
-        late final LibrarySymbol librarySymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      functionSymbol = symbols.functions.single;
+      librarySymbol = symbols.libraries.single;
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('id in LibrarySymbol scopes', () async {
+      expect(functionSymbol.id, endsWith('foo.dart|_topLevelGetter'));
+      expect(functionSymbol.id, librarySymbol.scopeIds.single);
+    });
+    test('scopeId is LibrarySymbol id', () async {
+      expect(functionSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('package:foo/foo.dart'));
+      expect(functionSymbol.scopeId, librarySymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('is static', () async {
+      expect(functionSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
+    });
+  });
+  group('top level public setter debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final FunctionSymbol functionSymbol;
+    late final LibrarySymbol librarySymbol;
+    final source = '''
           var _value;
           set topLevelSetter(String v) => _value = v;
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          functionSymbol = symbols.functions.single;
-          librarySymbol = symbols.libraries.single;
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('id in LibrarySymbol scopes', () async {
-          expect(functionSymbol.id, endsWith('foo.dart|topLevelSetter'));
-          expect(functionSymbol.id, librarySymbol.scopeIds.single);
-        });
-        test('scopeId is LibrarySymbol id', () async {
-          expect(functionSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('package:foo/foo.dart'));
-          expect(functionSymbol.scopeId, librarySymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('is static', () async {
-          expect(functionSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
-        });
-      });
-      group('top level private setter debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final FunctionSymbol functionSymbol;
-        late final LibrarySymbol librarySymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      functionSymbol = symbols.functions.single;
+      librarySymbol = symbols.libraries.single;
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('id in LibrarySymbol scopes', () async {
+      expect(functionSymbol.id, endsWith('foo.dart|topLevelSetter'));
+      expect(functionSymbol.id, librarySymbol.scopeIds.single);
+    });
+    test('scopeId is LibrarySymbol id', () async {
+      expect(functionSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('package:foo/foo.dart'));
+      expect(functionSymbol.scopeId, librarySymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('is static', () async {
+      expect(functionSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
+    });
+  });
+  group('top level private setter debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final FunctionSymbol functionSymbol;
+    late final LibrarySymbol librarySymbol;
+    final source = '''
           var _value;
           set _topLevelSetter(String v) => _value = v;
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          functionSymbol = symbols.functions.single;
-          librarySymbol = symbols.libraries.single;
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('id in LibrarySymbol scopes', () async {
-          expect(functionSymbol.id, endsWith('foo.dart|_topLevelSetter'));
-          expect(functionSymbol.id, librarySymbol.scopeIds.single);
-        });
-        test('scopeId is LibrarySymbol id', () async {
-          expect(functionSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('package:foo/foo.dart'));
-          expect(functionSymbol.scopeId, librarySymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('is static', () async {
-          expect(functionSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
-        });
-      });
-      group('function arguments debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final FunctionSymbol functionWithPositionalArgSymbol;
-        late final FunctionSymbol functionWithOptionalArgSymbol;
-        late final FunctionSymbol functionWithNamedArgSymbol;
-        late final VariableSymbol xSymbol;
-        late final VariableSymbol ySymbol;
-        late final VariableSymbol zSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      functionSymbol = symbols.functions.single;
+      librarySymbol = symbols.libraries.single;
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('id in LibrarySymbol scopes', () async {
+      expect(functionSymbol.id, endsWith('foo.dart|_topLevelSetter'));
+      expect(functionSymbol.id, librarySymbol.scopeIds.single);
+    });
+    test('scopeId is LibrarySymbol id', () async {
+      expect(functionSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('package:foo/foo.dart'));
+      expect(functionSymbol.scopeId, librarySymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('is static', () async {
+      expect(functionSymbol.isStatic, isTrue);
+    });
+  });
+  group('function arguments debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final FunctionSymbol functionWithPositionalArgSymbol;
+    late final FunctionSymbol functionWithOptionalArgSymbol;
+    late final FunctionSymbol functionWithNamedArgSymbol;
+    late final VariableSymbol xSymbol;
+    late final VariableSymbol ySymbol;
+    late final VariableSymbol zSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
             const A();
@@ -232,78 +226,76 @@
           void functionWithOptionalArg([A y = a]) {}
           void functionWithNamedArg({A z = a}) {}
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          functionWithPositionalArgSymbol = symbols.functions
-              .singleWhere((f) => f.name == 'functionWithPositionalArg');
-          functionWithOptionalArgSymbol = symbols.functions
-              .singleWhere((f) => f.name == 'functionWithOptionalArg');
-          functionWithNamedArgSymbol = symbols.functions
-              .singleWhere((f) => f.name == 'functionWithNamedArg');
-          xSymbol = symbols.variables.singleWhere((v) => v.name == 'x');
-          ySymbol = symbols.variables.singleWhere((v) => v.name == 'y');
-          zSymbol = symbols.variables.singleWhere((v) => v.name == 'z');
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('function has a variable id for positional argument', () async {
-          var argumentId = functionWithPositionalArgSymbol.variableIds.single;
-          expect(argumentId, endsWith('|x'));
-          expect(argumentId, xSymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('positional argument symbol has a function scope', () async {
-          expect(xSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|functionWithPositionalArg'));
-          expect(xSymbol.scopeId, functionWithPositionalArgSymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('function has a variable id for optional argument', () async {
-          var argumentId = functionWithOptionalArgSymbol.variableIds.single;
-          expect(argumentId, endsWith('|y'));
-          expect(argumentId, ySymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('optional argument symbol has a function scope', () async {
-          expect(ySymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|functionWithOptionalArg'));
-          expect(ySymbol.scopeId, functionWithOptionalArgSymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('function has a variable id for named argument', () async {
-          var argumentId = functionWithNamedArgSymbol.variableIds.single;
-          expect(argumentId, endsWith('|z'));
-          expect(argumentId, zSymbol.id);
-        });
-        test('named argument symbol has a function scope', () async {
-          expect(zSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|functionWithNamedArg'));
-          expect(zSymbol.scopeId, functionWithNamedArgSymbol.id);
-        });
-      });
-      group('function local variable debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final FunctionSymbol functionSymbol;
-        late final VariableSymbol variableSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      functionWithPositionalArgSymbol = symbols.functions
+          .singleWhere((f) => f.name == 'functionWithPositionalArg');
+      functionWithOptionalArgSymbol = symbols.functions
+          .singleWhere((f) => f.name == 'functionWithOptionalArg');
+      functionWithNamedArgSymbol = symbols.functions
+          .singleWhere((f) => f.name == 'functionWithNamedArg');
+      xSymbol = symbols.variables.singleWhere((v) => v.name == 'x');
+      ySymbol = symbols.variables.singleWhere((v) => v.name == 'y');
+      zSymbol = symbols.variables.singleWhere((v) => v.name == 'z');
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('function has a variable id for positional argument', () async {
+      var argumentId = functionWithPositionalArgSymbol.variableIds.single;
+      expect(argumentId, endsWith('|x'));
+      expect(argumentId, xSymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('positional argument symbol has a function scope', () async {
+      expect(xSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|functionWithPositionalArg'));
+      expect(xSymbol.scopeId, functionWithPositionalArgSymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('function has a variable id for optional argument', () async {
+      var argumentId = functionWithOptionalArgSymbol.variableIds.single;
+      expect(argumentId, endsWith('|y'));
+      expect(argumentId, ySymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('optional argument symbol has a function scope', () async {
+      expect(ySymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|functionWithOptionalArg'));
+      expect(ySymbol.scopeId, functionWithOptionalArgSymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('function has a variable id for named argument', () async {
+      var argumentId = functionWithNamedArgSymbol.variableIds.single;
+      expect(argumentId, endsWith('|z'));
+      expect(argumentId, zSymbol.id);
+    });
+    test('named argument symbol has a function scope', () async {
+      expect(zSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|functionWithNamedArg'));
+      expect(zSymbol.scopeId, functionWithNamedArgSymbol.id);
+    });
+  });
+  group('function local variable debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final FunctionSymbol functionSymbol;
+    late final VariableSymbol variableSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           int topLevelFunction() {
             int i = 42;
             return i;
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          variableSymbol = symbols.variables.single;
-          functionSymbol = symbols.functions.single;
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('local variableId in FunctionSymbol', () async {
-          expect(variableSymbol.id, endsWith('|i'));
-          expect(variableSymbol.id, functionSymbol.variableIds.single);
-        });
-        test('scopeId is FunctionSymbol id', () async {
-          expect(variableSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|topLevelFunction'));
-          expect(variableSymbol.scopeId, functionSymbol.id);
-        });
-      });
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      variableSymbol = symbols.variables.single;
+      functionSymbol = symbols.functions.single;
-  }
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('local variableId in FunctionSymbol', () async {
+      expect(variableSymbol.id, endsWith('|i'));
+      expect(variableSymbol.id, functionSymbol.variableIds.single);
+    });
+    test('scopeId is FunctionSymbol id', () async {
+      expect(variableSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('|topLevelFunction'));
+      expect(variableSymbol.scopeId, functionSymbol.id);
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/pkg/dev_compiler/test/module_symbols/module_symbols_test_shared.dart b/pkg/dev_compiler/test/module_symbols/module_symbols_test_shared.dart
index b552070..83614fe 100644
--- a/pkg/dev_compiler/test/module_symbols/module_symbols_test_shared.dart
+++ b/pkg/dev_compiler/test/module_symbols/module_symbols_test_shared.dart
@@ -109,10 +109,3 @@
-class NullSafetyTestOption {
-  final String description;
-  final bool soundNullSafety;
-  NullSafetyTestOption(this.description, this.soundNullSafety);
diff --git a/pkg/dev_compiler/test/module_symbols/variable_symbols_test.dart b/pkg/dev_compiler/test/module_symbols/variable_symbols_test.dart
index a19dce2..d0997f2 100644
--- a/pkg/dev_compiler/test/module_symbols/variable_symbols_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/dev_compiler/test/module_symbols/variable_symbols_test.dart
@@ -9,105 +9,97 @@
 import 'module_symbols_test_shared.dart';
 void main() async {
-  for (var mode in [
-    NullSafetyTestOption('Sound Mode:', true),
-    NullSafetyTestOption('Weak Mode:', false)
-  ]) {
-    group(mode.description, () {
-      var options = SetupCompilerOptions(soundNullSafety: mode.soundNullSafety);
-      group('global variable debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final VariableSymbol variableSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+  var options = SetupCompilerOptions(soundNullSafety: true);
+  group('global variable debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final VariableSymbol variableSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {}
           var globalVariable = A();
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          variableSymbol = symbols.variables.single;
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('has name', () async {
-          expect(variableSymbol.name, equals('globalVariable'));
-        });
-        test('is global', () async {
-          expect(variableSymbol.kind, VariableSymbolKind.global);
-        });
-        test('is not const', () async {
-          expect(variableSymbol.isConst, false);
-        });
-        test('is not final', () async {
-          expect(variableSymbol.isFinal, false);
-        });
-        test('is static', () async {
-          expect(variableSymbol.isStatic, true);
-        });
-        test('has interface type id', () async {
-          expect(variableSymbol.typeId, 'A');
-        });
-        test('has localId', () async {
-          expect(variableSymbol.localId, 'globalVariable');
-        });
-        test('has library scopeId', () async {
-          expect(variableSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('package:foo/foo.dart'));
-        });
-        group('location', () {
-          test('has scriptId', () async {
-            expect(variableSymbol.location!.scriptId, endsWith('/foo.dart'));
-          });
-          test('start token position', () async {
-            expect(variableSymbol.location!.tokenPos,
-                source.indexOf('globalVariable'));
-          });
-          test('end token position', () async {
-            expect(
-                variableSymbol.location!.endTokenPos, source.lastIndexOf(';'));
-          });
-        });
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      variableSymbol = symbols.variables.single;
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('has name', () async {
+      expect(variableSymbol.name, equals('globalVariable'));
+    });
+    test('is global', () async {
+      expect(variableSymbol.kind, VariableSymbolKind.global);
+    });
+    test('is not const', () async {
+      expect(variableSymbol.isConst, false);
+    });
+    test('is not final', () async {
+      expect(variableSymbol.isFinal, false);
+    });
+    test('is static', () async {
+      expect(variableSymbol.isStatic, true);
+    });
+    test('has interface type id', () async {
+      expect(variableSymbol.typeId, 'A');
+    });
+    test('has localId', () async {
+      expect(variableSymbol.localId, 'globalVariable');
+    });
+    test('has library scopeId', () async {
+      expect(variableSymbol.scopeId, endsWith('package:foo/foo.dart'));
+    });
+    group('location', () {
+      test('has scriptId', () async {
+        expect(variableSymbol.location!.scriptId, endsWith('/foo.dart'));
-      group('global final variable debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final VariableSymbol variableSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+      test('start token position', () async {
+        expect(variableSymbol.location!.tokenPos,
+            source.indexOf('globalVariable'));
+      });
+      test('end token position', () async {
+        expect(variableSymbol.location!.endTokenPos, source.lastIndexOf(';'));
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  group('global final variable debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final VariableSymbol variableSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {}
           final localVariable = A();
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          variableSymbol = symbols.variables.single;
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('is final', () async {
-          expect(variableSymbol.isFinal, true);
-        });
-      });
-      group('global const variable debug symbols', () {
-        late final TestDriver driver;
-        late final VariableSymbol variableSymbol;
-        final source = '''
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      variableSymbol = symbols.variables.single;
+    });
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('is final', () async {
+      expect(variableSymbol.isFinal, true);
+    });
+  });
+  group('global const variable debug symbols', () {
+    late final TestDriver driver;
+    late final VariableSymbol variableSymbol;
+    final source = '''
           class A {
             const A();
           const localVariable = A();
-        setUpAll(() async {
-          driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-          var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
-          variableSymbol = symbols.variables.single;
-        });
-        tearDownAll(() {
-          driver.cleanUp();
-        });
-        test('is const', () async {
-          expect(variableSymbol.isConst, true);
-        });
-      });
+    setUpAll(() async {
+      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      var symbols = await driver.compileAndGetSymbols();
+      variableSymbol = symbols.variables.single;
-  }
+    tearDownAll(() {
+      driver.cleanUp();
+    });
+    test('is const', () async {
+      expect(variableSymbol.isConst, true);
+    });
+  });