blob: f1cf5073d2e10778aaaf8b1fa0170477e0f2b9a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class _ChildrenElementList extends ListBase<Element>
implements NodeListWrapper {
// Raw Element.
final Element _element;
final HtmlCollection _childElements;
_ChildrenElementList._wrap(Element element)
: _childElements = element._children,
_element = element;
bool contains(Object element) => _childElements.contains(element);
bool get isEmpty {
return _element._firstElementChild == null;
int get length {
return _childElements.length;
Element operator [](int index) {
return _childElements[index];
void operator []=(int index, Element value) {
_element._replaceChild(value, _childElements[index]);
void set length(int newLength) {
// TODO(jacobr): remove children when length is reduced.
throw new UnsupportedError('Cannot resize element lists');
Element add(Element value) {
return value;
Iterator<Element> get iterator => toList().iterator;
void addAll(Iterable<Element> iterable) {
if (iterable is _ChildNodeListLazy) {
iterable = new List.from(iterable);
for (Element element in iterable) {
void sort([int compare(Element a, Element b)]) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Cannot sort element lists');
void shuffle([Random random]) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Cannot shuffle element lists');
void removeWhere(bool test(Element element)) {
_filter(test, false);
void retainWhere(bool test(Element element)) {
_filter(test, true);
void _filter(bool test(var element), bool retainMatching) {
var removed;
if (retainMatching) {
removed = _element.children.where((e) => !test(e));
} else {
removed = _element.children.where(test);
for (var e in removed) e.remove();
void setRange(int start, int end, Iterable<Element> iterable,
[int skipCount = 0]) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
void replaceRange(int start, int end, Iterable<Element> iterable) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
void fillRange(int start, int end, [Element fillValue]) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
bool remove(Object object) {
if (object is Element) {
Element element = object;
if (identical(element.parentNode, _element)) {
return true;
return false;
void insert(int index, Element element) {
if (index < 0 || index > length) {
throw new RangeError.range(index, 0, length);
if (index == length) {
} else {
_element.insertBefore(element, this[index]);
void setAll(int index, Iterable<Element> iterable) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
void clear() {
Element removeAt(int index) {
final result = this[index];
if (result != null) {
return result;
Element removeLast() {
final result = this.last;
if (result != null) {
return result;
Element get first {
Element result = _element._firstElementChild;
if (result == null) throw new StateError("No elements");
return result;
Element get last {
Element result = _element._lastElementChild;
if (result == null) throw new StateError("No elements");
return result;
Element get single {
if (length > 1) throw new StateError("More than one element");
return first;
List<Node> get rawList => _childElements;
* An immutable list containing HTML elements. This list contains some
* additional methods when compared to regular lists for ease of CSS
* manipulation on a group of elements.
abstract class ElementList<T extends Element> extends ListBase<T> {
* The union of all CSS classes applied to the elements in this list.
* This set makes it easy to add, remove or toggle (add if not present, remove
* if present) the classes applied to a collection of elements.
* htmlList.classes.add('selected');
* htmlList.classes.toggle('isOnline');
* htmlList.classes.remove('selected');
CssClassSet get classes;
/** Replace the classes with `value` for every element in this list. */
set classes(Iterable<String> value);
* Access the union of all [CssStyleDeclaration]s that are associated with an
* [ElementList].
* Grouping the style objects all together provides easy editing of specific
* properties of a collection of elements. Setting a specific property value
* will set that property in all [Element]s in the [ElementList]. Getting a
* specific property value will return the value of the property of the first
* element in the [ElementList].
CssStyleDeclarationBase get style;
* Access dimensions and position of the Elements in this list.
* Setting the height or width properties will set the height or width
* property for all elements in the list. This returns a rectangle with the
* dimenions actually available for content
* in this element, in pixels, regardless of this element's box-sizing
* property. Getting the height or width returns the height or width of the
* first Element in this list.
* Unlike [getBoundingClientRect], the dimensions of this rectangle
* will return the same numerical height if the element is hidden or not.
CssRect get contentEdge;
* Access dimensions and position of the first Element's content + padding box
* in this list.
* This returns a rectangle with the dimenions actually available for content
* in this element, in pixels, regardless of this element's box-sizing
* property. Unlike [getBoundingClientRect], the dimensions of this rectangle
* will return the same numerical height if the element is hidden or not. This
* can be used to retrieve jQuery's `innerHeight` value for an element. This
* is also a rectangle equalling the dimensions of clientHeight and
* clientWidth.
CssRect get paddingEdge;
* Access dimensions and position of the first Element's content + padding +
* border box in this list.
* This returns a rectangle with the dimenions actually available for content
* in this element, in pixels, regardless of this element's box-sizing
* property. Unlike [getBoundingClientRect], the dimensions of this rectangle
* will return the same numerical height if the element is hidden or not. This
* can be used to retrieve jQuery's `outerHeight` value for an element.
CssRect get borderEdge;
* Access dimensions and position of the first Element's content + padding +
* border + margin box in this list.
* This returns a rectangle with the dimenions actually available for content
* in this element, in pixels, regardless of this element's box-sizing
* property. Unlike [getBoundingClientRect], the dimensions of this rectangle
* will return the same numerical height if the element is hidden or not. This
* can be used to retrieve jQuery's `outerHeight` value for an element.
CssRect get marginEdge;
// TODO(jacobr): this is an inefficient implementation but it is hard to see
// a better option given that we cannot quite force NodeList to be an
// ElementList as there are valid cases where a NodeList JavaScript object
// contains Node objects that are not Elements.
class _FrozenElementList<T extends Element> extends ListBase<T>
implements ElementList<T>, NodeListWrapper {
final List<Node> _nodeList;
// The subset of _nodeList that are Elements.
List<Element> _elementList;
_FrozenElementList._wrap(this._nodeList) {
_elementList = _nodeList.where((e) => e is Element).toList();
int get length => _nodeList.length;
Element operator [](int index) => _nodeList[index];
void operator []=(int index, Element value) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Cannot modify list');
void set length(int newLength) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Cannot modify list');
void sort([Comparator<Element> compare]) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Cannot sort list');
void shuffle([Random random]) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Cannot shuffle list');
Element get first => _nodeList.first;
Element get last => _nodeList.last;
Element get single => _nodeList.single;
CssClassSet get classes => new _MultiElementCssClassSet(_elementList);
CssStyleDeclarationBase get style =>
new _CssStyleDeclarationSet(_elementList);
void set classes(Iterable<String> value) {
_elementList.forEach((e) => e.classes = value);
CssRect get contentEdge => new _ContentCssListRect(_elementList);
CssRect get paddingEdge => _elementList.first.paddingEdge;
CssRect get borderEdge => _elementList.first.borderEdge;
CssRect get marginEdge => _elementList.first.marginEdge;
List<Node> get rawList => _nodeList;
* Creates an HTML element from a valid fragment of HTML.
* var element = new Element.html('<div class="foo">content</div>');
* The HTML fragment should contain only one single root element, any
* leading or trailing text nodes will be removed.
* The HTML fragment is parsed as if it occurred within the context of a
* `<body>` tag, this means that special elements such as `<caption>` which
* must be parsed within the scope of a `<table>` element will be dropped. Use
* [createFragment] to parse contextual HTML fragments.
* Unless a validator is provided this will perform the default validation
* and remove all scriptable elements and attributes.
* See also:
* * [NodeValidator]
factory Element.html(String html,
{NodeValidator validator, NodeTreeSanitizer treeSanitizer}) {
var fragment = document.body.createFragment(html, validator: validator,
treeSanitizer: treeSanitizer);
return fragment.nodes.where((e) => e is Element).single;
* Custom element creation constructor.
* This constructor is used by the DOM when a custom element has been
* created. It can only be invoked by subclasses of Element from
* that classes created constructor.
* class CustomElement extends Element {
* factory CustomElement() => new Element.tag('x-custom');
* CustomElement.created() : super.created() {
* // Perform any element initialization.
* }
* }
* document.registerElement('x-custom', CustomElement);
Element.created() : super._created() {
// Validate that this is a custom element & perform any additional
// initialization.
* Creates the HTML element specified by the tag name.
* This is similar to [Document.createElement].
* [tag] should be a valid HTML tag name. If [tag] is an unknown tag then
* this will create an [UnknownElement].
* var divElement = new Element.tag('div');
* print(divElement is DivElement); // 'true'
* var myElement = new Element.tag('unknownTag');
* print(myElement is UnknownElement); // 'true'
* For standard elements it is more preferable to use the type constructors:
* var element = new DivElement();
* See also:
* * [isTagSupported]
factory $CLASSNAME.tag(String tag, [String typeExtention]) =>
_$(CLASSNAME)FactoryProvider.createElement_tag(tag, typeExtention);
/// Creates a new `<a>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('a')`.
factory Element.a() => new Element.tag('a');
/// Creates a new `<article>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('article')`.
factory Element.article() => new Element.tag('article');
/// Creates a new `<aside>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('aside')`.
factory Element.aside() => new Element.tag('aside');
/// Creates a new `<audio>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('audio')`.
factory => new Element.tag('audio');
/// Creates a new `<br>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('br')`.
factory => new Element.tag('br');
/// Creates a new `<canvas>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('canvas')`.
factory Element.canvas() => new Element.tag('canvas');
/// Creates a new `<div>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('div')`.
factory Element.div() => new Element.tag('div');
/// Creates a new `<footer>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('footer')`.
factory Element.footer() => new Element.tag('footer');
/// Creates a new `<header>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('header')`.
factory Element.header() => new Element.tag('header');
/// Creates a new `<hr>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('hr')`.
factory => new Element.tag('hr');
/// Creates a new `<iframe>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('iframe')`.
factory Element.iframe() => new Element.tag('iframe');
/// Creates a new `<img>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('img')`.
factory Element.img() => new Element.tag('img');
/// Creates a new `<li>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('li')`.
factory => new Element.tag('li');
/// Creates a new `<nav>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('nav')`.
factory Element.nav() => new Element.tag('nav');
/// Creates a new `<ol>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('ol')`.
factory Element.ol() => new Element.tag('ol');
/// Creates a new `<option>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('option')`.
factory Element.option() => new Element.tag('option');
/// Creates a new `<p>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('p')`.
factory Element.p() => new Element.tag('p');
/// Creates a new `<pre>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('pre')`.
factory Element.pre() => new Element.tag('pre');
/// Creates a new `<section>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('section')`.
factory Element.section() => new Element.tag('section');
/// Creates a new `<select>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('select')`.
factory => new Element.tag('select');
/// Creates a new `<span>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('span')`.
factory Element.span() => new Element.tag('span');
/// Creates a new `<svg>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('svg')`.
factory Element.svg() => new Element.tag('svg');
/// Creates a new `<table>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('table')`.
factory Element.table() => new Element.tag('table');
/// Creates a new `<td>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('td')`.
factory => new Element.tag('td');
/// Creates a new `<textarea>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('textarea')`.
factory Element.textarea() => new Element.tag('textarea');
/// Creates a new `<th>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('th')`.
factory => new Element.tag('th');
/// Creates a new `<tr>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('tr')`.
factory => new Element.tag('tr');
/// Creates a new `<ul>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('ul')`.
factory Element.ul() => new Element.tag('ul');
/// Creates a new `<video>` element.
/// This is identical to calling `new Element.tag('video')`.
factory => new Element.tag('video');
* All attributes on this element.
* Any modifications to the attribute map will automatically be applied to
* this element.
* This only includes attributes which are not in a namespace
* (such as 'xlink:href'), additional attributes can be accessed via
* [getNamespacedAttributes].
Map<String, String> get attributes => new _ElementAttributeMap(this);
void set attributes(Map<String, String> value) {
Map<String, String> attributes = this.attributes;
for (String key in value.keys) {
attributes[key] = value[key];
* List of the direct children of this element.
* This collection can be used to add and remove elements from the document.
* var item = new DivElement();
* item.text = 'Something';
* document.body.children.add(item) // Item is now displayed on the page.
* for (var element in document.body.children) {
* = 'red'; // Turns every child of body red.
* }
List<Element> get children => new _ChildrenElementList._wrap(this);
void set children(List<Element> value) {
// Copy list first since we don't want liveness during iteration.
List copy = new List.from(value);
var children = this.children;
* Finds all descendent elements of this element that match the specified
* group of selectors.
* [selectors] should be a string using CSS selector syntax.
* var items = element.querySelectorAll('.itemClassName');
* For details about CSS selector syntax, see the
* [CSS selector specification](
ElementList querySelectorAll(String selectors) =>
new _FrozenElementList._wrap(_querySelectorAll(selectors));
* Alias for [querySelector]. Note this function is deprecated because its
* semantics will be changing in the future.
Element query(String relativeSelectors) => querySelector(relativeSelectors);
* Alias for [querySelectorAll]. Note this function is deprecated because its
* semantics will be changing in the future.
ElementList queryAll(String relativeSelectors) =>
* The set of CSS classes applied to this element.
* This set makes it easy to add, remove or toggle the classes applied to
* this element.
* element.classes.add('selected');
* element.classes.toggle('isOnline');
* element.classes.remove('selected');
CssClassSet get classes => new _ElementCssClassSet(this);
void set classes(Iterable<String> value) {
CssClassSet classSet = classes;
* Allows access to all custom data attributes (data-*) set on this element.
* The keys for the map must follow these rules:
* * The name must not begin with 'xml'.
* * The name cannot contain a semi-colon (';').
* * The name cannot contain any capital letters.
* Any keys from markup will be converted to camel-cased keys in the map.
* For example, HTML specified as:
* <div data-my-random-value='value'></div>
* Would be accessed in Dart as:
* var value = element.dataset['myRandomValue'];
* See also:
* * [Custom data attributes](
Map<String, String> get dataset =>
new _DataAttributeMap(attributes);
void set dataset(Map<String, String> value) {
final data = this.dataset;
for (String key in value.keys) {
data[key] = value[key];
* Gets a map for manipulating the attributes of a particular namespace.
* This is primarily useful for SVG attributes such as xref:link.
Map<String, String> getNamespacedAttributes(String namespace) {
return new _NamespacedAttributeMap(this, namespace);
* The set of all CSS values applied to this element, including inherited
* and default values.
* The computedStyle contains values that are inherited from other
* sources, such as parent elements or stylesheets. This differs from the
* [style] property, which contains only the values specified directly on this
* element.
* PseudoElement can be values such as `::after`, `::before`, `::marker`,
* `::line-marker`.
* See also:
* * [CSS Inheritance and Cascade](
* * [Pseudo-elements](
CssStyleDeclaration getComputedStyle([String pseudoElement]) {
if (pseudoElement == null) {
pseudoElement = '';
// TODO(jacobr): last param should be null, see b/5045788
return window._getComputedStyle(this, pseudoElement);
* Gets the position of this element relative to the client area of the page.
Rectangle get client => new Rectangle(clientLeft, clientTop, clientWidth,
* Gets the offset of this element relative to its offsetParent.
Rectangle get offset => new Rectangle(offsetLeft, offsetTop, offsetWidth,
* Adds the specified text after the last child of this element.
void appendText(String text) {
this.insertAdjacentText('beforeend', text);
* Parses the specified text as HTML and adds the resulting node after the
* last child of this element.
void appendHtml(String text) {
this.insertAdjacentHtml('beforeend', text);
* Checks to see if the tag name is supported by the current platform.
* The tag should be a valid HTML tag name.
static bool isTagSupported(String tag) {
var e = _ElementFactoryProvider.createElement_tag(tag, null);
return e is Element && !(e is UnknownElement);
* Called by the DOM when this element has been inserted into the live
* document.
* More information can be found in the
* [Custom Elements](
* draft specification.
void attached() {
// For the deprecation period, call the old callback.
* Called by the DOM when this element has been removed from the live
* document.
* More information can be found in the
* [Custom Elements](
* draft specification.
void detached() {
// For the deprecation period, call the old callback.
/** *Deprecated*: override [attached] instead. */
void enteredView() {}
/** *Deprecated*: override [detached] instead. */
void leftView() {}
* Called by the DOM whenever an attribute on this has been changed.
void attributeChanged(String name, String oldValue, String newValue) {}
// Hooks to support custom WebComponents.
@Creates('Null') // Set from Dart code; does not instantiate a native type.
Element _xtag;
* Experimental support for [web components][wc]. This field stores a
* reference to the component implementation. It was inspired by Mozilla's
* [x-tags][] project. Please note: in the future it may be possible to
* `extend Element` from your class, in which case this field will be
* deprecated.
* If xtag has not been set, it will simply return `this` [Element].
* [wc]:
* [x-tags]:
// Note: return type is `dynamic` for convenience to suppress warnings when
// members of the component are used. The actual type is a subtype of Element.
get xtag => _xtag != null ? _xtag : this;
void set xtag(Element value) {
_xtag = value;
String get localName => _localName;
* A URI that identifies the XML namespace of this element.
* `null` if no namespace URI is specified.
* ## Other resources
* * [Node.namespaceURI]
* ( from W3C.
String get namespaceUri => _namespaceUri;
* The string representation of this element.
* This is equivalent to reading the [localName] property.
String toString() => localName;
* Scrolls this element into view.
* Only one of of the alignment options may be specified at a time.
* If no options are specified then this will attempt to scroll the minimum
* amount needed to bring the element into view.
* Note that alignCenter is currently only supported on WebKit platforms. If
* alignCenter is specified but not supported then this will fall back to
* alignTop.
* See also:
* * [scrollIntoView](
* * [scrollIntoViewIfNeeded](
void scrollIntoView([ScrollAlignment alignment]) {
var hasScrollIntoViewIfNeeded = true;
hasScrollIntoViewIfNeeded =
JS('bool', '!!(#.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded)', this);
if (alignment == ScrollAlignment.TOP) {
} else if (alignment == ScrollAlignment.BOTTOM) {
} else if (hasScrollIntoViewIfNeeded) {
if (alignment == ScrollAlignment.CENTER) {
} else {
} else {
* Static factory designed to expose `mousewheel` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<WheelEvent> mouseWheelEvent =
const _CustomEventStreamProvider<WheelEvent>(
static String _determineMouseWheelEventType(EventTarget e) {
if (JS('bool', '#.onwheel !== undefined', e)) {
// W3C spec, and should be IE9+, but IE has a bug exposing onwheel.
return 'wheel';
} else if (JS('bool', '#.onmousewheel !== undefined', e)) {
// Chrome & IE
return 'mousewheel';
} else {
// Firefox
return 'DOMMouseScroll';
* Static factory designed to expose `transitionend` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Element].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<TransitionEvent> transitionEndEvent =
const _CustomEventStreamProvider<TransitionEvent>(
static String _determineTransitionEventType(EventTarget e) {
// Unfortunately the normal 'ontransitionend' style checks don't work here.
if (Device.isWebKit) {
return 'webkitTransitionEnd';
} else if (Device.isOpera) {
return 'oTransitionEnd';
return 'transitionend';
* Inserts text into the DOM at the specified location.
* To see the possible values for [where], read the doc for
* [insertAdjacentHtml].
* See also:
* * [insertAdjacentHtml]
void insertAdjacentText(String where, String text) {
if (JS('bool', '!!#.insertAdjacentText', this)) {
_insertAdjacentText(where, text);
} else {
_insertAdjacentNode(where, new Text(text));
void _insertAdjacentText(String where, String text) native;
* Parses text as an HTML fragment and inserts it into the DOM at the
* specified location.
* The [where] parameter indicates where to insert the HTML fragment:
* * 'beforeBegin': Immediately before this element.
* * 'afterBegin': As the first child of this element.
* * 'beforeEnd': As the last child of this element.
* * 'afterEnd': Immediately after this element.
* var html = '<div class="something">content</div>';
* // Inserts as the first child
* document.body.insertAdjacentHtml('afterBegin', html);
* var createdElement = document.body.children[0];
* print(createdElement.classes[0]); // Prints 'something'
* See also:
* * [insertAdjacentText]
* * [insertAdjacentElement]
void insertAdjacentHtml(String where, String html) {
if (JS('bool', '!!#.insertAdjacentHTML', this)) {
_insertAdjacentHtml(where, html);
} else {
_insertAdjacentNode(where, new DocumentFragment.html(html));
void _insertAdjacentHtml(String where, String text) native;
* Inserts [element] into the DOM at the specified location.
* To see the possible values for [where], read the doc for
* [insertAdjacentHtml].
* See also:
* * [insertAdjacentHtml]
Element insertAdjacentElement(String where, Element element) {
if (JS('bool', '!!#.insertAdjacentElement', this)) {
_insertAdjacentElement(where, element);
} else {
_insertAdjacentNode(where, element);
return element;
void _insertAdjacentElement(String where, Element element) native;
void _insertAdjacentNode(String where, Node node) {
switch (where.toLowerCase()) {
case 'beforebegin':
this.parentNode.insertBefore(node, this);
case 'afterbegin':
var first = this.nodes.length > 0 ? this.nodes[0] : null;
this.insertBefore(node, first);
case 'beforeend':
case 'afterend':
this.parentNode.insertBefore(node, this.nextNode);
throw new ArgumentError("Invalid position ${where}");
* Checks if this element matches the CSS selectors.
bool matches(String selectors) {
if (JS('bool', '!!#.matches', this)) {
return JS('bool', '#.matches(#)', this, selectors);
} else if (JS('bool', '!!#.webkitMatchesSelector', this)) {
return JS('bool', '#.webkitMatchesSelector(#)', this, selectors);
} else if (JS('bool', '!!#.mozMatchesSelector', this)) {
return JS('bool', '#.mozMatchesSelector(#)', this, selectors);
} else if (JS('bool', '!!#.msMatchesSelector', this)) {
return JS('bool', '#.msMatchesSelector(#)', this, selectors);
} else if (JS('bool', '!!#.oMatchesSelector', this)) {
return JS('bool', '#.oMatchesSelector(#)', this, selectors);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedError("Not supported on this platform");
/** Checks if this element or any of its parents match the CSS selectors. */
bool matchesWithAncestors(String selectors) {
var elem = this;
do {
if (elem.matches(selectors)) return true;
elem = elem.parent;
} while(elem != null);
return false;
* Creates a new shadow root for this shadow host.
* ## Other resources
* * [Shadow DOM 101]
* (
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Shadow DOM specification]
* ( from W3C.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '25')
ShadowRoot createShadowRoot() {
return JS('ShadowRoot',
'(#.createShadowRoot || #.webkitCreateShadowRoot).call(#)',
this, this, this);
* The shadow root of this shadow host.
* ## Other resources
* * [Shadow DOM 101]
* (
* from HTML5Rocks.
* * [Shadow DOM specification]
* ( from W3C.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '25')
ShadowRoot get shadowRoot =>
JS('ShadowRoot|Null', '#.shadowRoot || #.webkitShadowRoot', this, this);
* Access this element's content position.
* This returns a rectangle with the dimenions actually available for content
* in this element, in pixels, regardless of this element's box-sizing
* property. Unlike [getBoundingClientRect], the dimensions of this rectangle
* will return the same numerical height if the element is hidden or not.
* _Important_ _note_: use of this method _will_ perform CSS calculations that
* can trigger a browser reflow. Therefore, use of this property _during_ an
* animation frame is discouraged. See also:
* [Browser Reflow](
CssRect get contentEdge => new _ContentCssRect(this);
* Access the dimensions and position of this element's content + padding box.
* This returns a rectangle with the dimenions actually available for content
* in this element, in pixels, regardless of this element's box-sizing
* property. Unlike [getBoundingClientRect], the dimensions of this rectangle
* will return the same numerical height if the element is hidden or not. This
* can be used to retrieve jQuery's
* [innerHeight]( value for an element.
* This is also a rectangle equalling the dimensions of clientHeight and
* clientWidth.
* _Important_ _note_: use of this method _will_ perform CSS calculations that
* can trigger a browser reflow. Therefore, use of this property _during_ an
* animation frame is discouraged. See also:
* [Browser Reflow](
CssRect get paddingEdge => new _PaddingCssRect(this);
* Access the dimensions and position of this element's content + padding +
* border box.
* This returns a rectangle with the dimenions actually available for content
* in this element, in pixels, regardless of this element's box-sizing
* property. Unlike [getBoundingClientRect], the dimensions of this rectangle
* will return the same numerical height if the element is hidden or not. This
* can be used to retrieve jQuery's
* [outerHeight]( value for an element.
* _Important_ _note_: use of this method _will_ perform CSS calculations that
* can trigger a browser reflow. Therefore, use of this property _during_ an
* animation frame is discouraged. See also:
* [Browser Reflow](
CssRect get borderEdge => new _BorderCssRect(this);
* Access the dimensions and position of this element's content + padding +
* border + margin box.
* This returns a rectangle with the dimenions actually available for content
* in this element, in pixels, regardless of this element's box-sizing
* property. Unlike [getBoundingClientRect], the dimensions of this rectangle
* will return the same numerical height if the element is hidden or not. This
* can be used to retrieve jQuery's
* [outerHeight]( value for an element.
* _Important_ _note_: use of this method will perform CSS calculations that
* can trigger a browser reflow. Therefore, use of this property _during_ an
* animation frame is discouraged. See also:
* [Browser Reflow](
CssRect get marginEdge => new _MarginCssRect(this);
* Provides the coordinates of the element relative to the top of the
* document.
* This method is the Dart equivalent to jQuery's
* [offset]( method.
Point get documentOffset => offsetTo(document.documentElement);
* Provides the offset of this element's [borderEdge] relative to the
* specified [parent].
* This is the Dart equivalent of jQuery's
* [position]( method. Unlike jQuery's
* position, however, [parent] can be any parent element of `this`,
* rather than only `this`'s immediate [offsetParent]. If the specified
* element is _not_ an offset parent or transitive offset parent to this
* element, an [ArgumentError] is thrown.
Point offsetTo(Element parent) {
return Element._offsetToHelper(this, parent);
static Point _offsetToHelper(Element current, Element parent) {
// We're hopping from _offsetParent_ to offsetParent (not just parent), so
// offsetParent, "tops out" at BODY. But people could conceivably pass in
// the document.documentElement and I want it to return an absolute offset,
// so we have the special case checking for HTML.
bool foundAsParent = identical(current, parent) || parent.tagName == 'HTML';
if (current == null || identical(current, parent)) {
if (foundAsParent) return new Point(0, 0);
throw new ArgumentError("Specified element is not a transitive offset "
"parent of this element.");
Element parentOffset = current.offsetParent;
Point p = Element._offsetToHelper(parentOffset, parent);
return new Point(p.x + current.offsetLeft, p.y + current.offsetTop);
static HtmlDocument _parseDocument;
static Range _parseRange;
static NodeValidatorBuilder _defaultValidator;
static _ValidatingTreeSanitizer _defaultSanitizer;
* Create a DocumentFragment from the HTML fragment and ensure that it follows
* the sanitization rules specified by the validator or treeSanitizer.
* If the default validation behavior is too restrictive then a new
* NodeValidator should be created, either extending or wrapping a default
* validator and overriding the validation APIs.
* The treeSanitizer is used to walk the generated node tree and sanitize it.
* A custom treeSanitizer can also be provided to perform special validation
* rules but since the API is more complex to implement this is discouraged.
* The returned tree is guaranteed to only contain nodes and attributes which
* are allowed by the provided validator.
* See also:
* * [NodeValidator]
* * [NodeTreeSanitizer]
DocumentFragment createFragment(String html,
{NodeValidator validator, NodeTreeSanitizer treeSanitizer}) {
if (treeSanitizer == null) {
if (validator == null) {
if (_defaultValidator == null) {
_defaultValidator = new NodeValidatorBuilder.common();
validator = _defaultValidator;
if (_defaultSanitizer == null) {
_defaultSanitizer = new _ValidatingTreeSanitizer(validator);
} else {
_defaultSanitizer.validator = validator;
treeSanitizer = _defaultSanitizer;
} else if (validator != null) {
throw new ArgumentError(
'validator can only be passed if treeSanitizer is null');
if (_parseDocument == null) {
_parseDocument = document.implementation.createHtmlDocument('');
_parseRange = _parseDocument.createRange();
// Workaround for Chrome bug 229142- URIs are not resolved in new doc.
var base = _parseDocument.createElement('base');
base.href = document.baseUri;
var contextElement;
if (this is BodyElement) {
contextElement = _parseDocument.body;
} else {
contextElement = _parseDocument.createElement(tagName);
var fragment;
if (Range.supportsCreateContextualFragment) {
fragment = _parseRange.createContextualFragment(html);
} else {
contextElement._innerHtml = html;
fragment = _parseDocument.createDocumentFragment();
while (contextElement.firstChild != null) {
if (contextElement != _parseDocument.body) {
// Copy the fragment over to the main document (fix for 14184)
return fragment;
* Parses the HTML fragment and sets it as the contents of this element.
* This uses the default sanitization behavior to sanitize the HTML fragment,
* use [setInnerHtml] to override the default behavior.
void set innerHtml(String html) {
* Parses the HTML fragment and sets it as the contents of this element.
* This ensures that the generated content follows the sanitization rules
* specified by the validator or treeSanitizer.
* If the default validation behavior is too restrictive then a new
* NodeValidator should be created, either extending or wrapping a default
* validator and overriding the validation APIs.
* The treeSanitizer is used to walk the generated node tree and sanitize it.
* A custom treeSanitizer can also be provided to perform special validation
* rules but since the API is more complex to implement this is discouraged.
* The resulting tree is guaranteed to only contain nodes and attributes which
* are allowed by the provided validator.
* See also:
* * [NodeValidator]
* * [NodeTreeSanitizer]
void setInnerHtml(String html,
{NodeValidator validator, NodeTreeSanitizer treeSanitizer}) {
text = null;
html, validator: validator, treeSanitizer: treeSanitizer));
String get innerHtml => _innerHtml;
* This is an ease-of-use accessor for event streams which should only be
* used when an explicit accessor is not available.
ElementEvents get on => new ElementEvents(this);
int get offsetHeight => JS('num', '#.offsetHeight', this).round();
int get offsetLeft => JS('num', '#.offsetLeft', this).round();
int get offsetTop => JS('num', '#.offsetTop', this).round();
int get offsetWidth => JS('num', '#.offsetWidth', this).round();
int get clientHeight => JS('num', '#.clientHeight', this).round();
int get clientLeft => JS('num', '#.clientLeft', this).round();
int get clientTop => JS('num', '#.clientTop', this).round();
int get clientWidth => JS('num', '#.clientWidth', this).round();
int get scrollHeight => JS('num', '#.scrollHeight', this).round();
int get scrollLeft => JS('num', '#.scrollLeft', this).round();
void set scrollLeft(int value) => JS("void", "#.scrollLeft = #", this, value.round());
int get scrollTop => JS('num', '#.scrollTop', this).round();
void set scrollTop(int value) => JS("void", "#.scrollTop = #", this, value.round());
int get scrollWidth => JS('num', '#.scrollWidth', this).round();
int get offsetHeight => _blink.BlinkElement.$offsetHeight_Getter(this).round();
int get offsetLeft => _blink.BlinkElement.$offsetLeft_Getter(this).round();
int get offsetTop => _blink.BlinkElement.$offsetTop_Getter(this).round();
int get offsetWidth => _blink.BlinkElement.$offsetWidth_Getter(this).round();
int get clientHeight => _blink.BlinkElement.$clientHeight_Getter(this).round();
int get clientLeft => _blink.BlinkElement.$clientLeft_Getter(this).round();
int get clientTop => _blink.BlinkElement.$clientTop_Getter(this).round();
int get clientWidth => _blink.BlinkElement.$clientWidth_Getter(this).round();
int get scrollHeight => _blink.BlinkElement.$scrollHeight_Getter(this).round();
int get scrollLeft => _blink.BlinkElement.$scrollLeft_Getter(this).round();
void set scrollLeft(int value) => _blink.BlinkElement.$scrollLeft_Setter(this, value.round());
int get scrollTop => _blink.BlinkElement.$scrollTop_Getter(this).round();
void set scrollTop(int value) => _blink.BlinkElement.$scrollTop_Setter(this, value.round());
int get scrollWidth => _blink.BlinkElement.$scrollWidth_Getter(this).round();
class _ElementFactoryProvider {
// Optimization to improve performance until the dart2js compiler inlines this
// method.
static dynamic createElement_tag(String tag, String typeExtension) {
// Firefox may return a JS function for some types (Embed, Object).
if (typeExtension != null) {
return JS('Element|=Object', 'document.createElement(#, #)',
tag, typeExtension);
// Should be able to eliminate this and just call the two-arg version above
// with null typeExtension, but Chrome treats the tag as case-sensitive if
// typeExtension is null.
return JS('Element|=Object', 'document.createElement(#)', tag);
static Element createElement_tag(String tag, String typeExtension) =>
document.createElement(tag, typeExtension);
* Options for Element.scrollIntoView.
class ScrollAlignment {
final _value;
const ScrollAlignment._internal(this._value);
toString() => 'ScrollAlignment.$_value';
/// Attempt to align the element to the top of the scrollable area.
static const TOP = const ScrollAlignment._internal('TOP');
/// Attempt to center the element in the scrollable area.
static const CENTER = const ScrollAlignment._internal('CENTER');
/// Attempt to align the element to the bottom of the scrollable area.
static const BOTTOM = const ScrollAlignment._internal('BOTTOM');