blob: fbd3f93e7123b256b48275c0566ea473b5777726 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart2js;
typedef ItemCompilationContext ItemCompilationContextCreator();
class EnqueueTask extends CompilerTask {
final ResolutionEnqueuer resolution;
final CodegenEnqueuer codegen;
String get name => 'Enqueue';
EnqueueTask(Compiler compiler)
: resolution = new ResolutionEnqueuer(
compiler, compiler.backend.createItemCompilationContext),
codegen = new CodegenEnqueuer(
compiler, compiler.backend.createItemCompilationContext),
super(compiler) {
codegen.task = this;
resolution.task = this;
codegen.nativeEnqueuer = compiler.backend.nativeCodegenEnqueuer(codegen);
resolution.nativeEnqueuer =
abstract class Enqueuer {
final String name;
final Compiler compiler; // TODO(ahe): Remove this dependency.
final ItemCompilationContextCreator itemCompilationContextCreator;
final Map<String, Link<Element>> instanceMembersByName
= new Map<String, Link<Element>>();
final Map<String, Link<Element>> instanceFunctionsByName
= new Map<String, Link<Element>>();
final Set<ClassElement> seenClasses = new Set<ClassElement>();
Set<ClassElement> recentClasses = new Setlet<ClassElement>();
final Universe universe = new Universe();
const bool.fromEnvironment("TRACE_MIRROR_ENQUEUING");
bool queueIsClosed = false;
EnqueueTask task;
native.NativeEnqueuer nativeEnqueuer; // Set by EnqueueTask
bool hasEnqueuedReflectiveElements = false;
bool hasEnqueuedReflectiveStaticFields = false;
CompilationInformation get compilationInfo;
Enqueuer(, this.compiler, this.itemCompilationContextCreator);
Queue<WorkItem> get queue;
bool get queueIsEmpty => queue.isEmpty;
/// Returns [:true:] if this enqueuer is the resolution enqueuer.
bool get isResolutionQueue => false;
QueueFilter get filter => compiler.enqueuerFilter;
/// Returns [:true:] if [member] has been processed by this enqueuer.
bool isProcessed(Element member);
* Documentation wanted -- johnniwinther
* Invariant: [element] must be a declaration element.
void addToWorkList(Element element) {
assert(invariant(element, element.isDeclaration));
if (internalAddToWorkList(element)) {
compilationInfo.addsToWorkList(compiler.currentElement, element);
* Adds [element] to the work list if it has not already been processed.
* Returns [true] if the element was actually added to the queue.
bool internalAddToWorkList(Element element);
void registerInstantiatedType(InterfaceType type, Registry registry,
{mirrorUsage: false}) {
task.measure(() {
ClassElement cls = type.element;
if (!cls.isAbstract
// We can't use the closed-world assumption with native abstract
// classes; a native abstract class may have non-abstract subclasses
// not declared to the program. Instances of these classes are
// indistinguishable from the abstract class.
|| cls.isNative
// Likewise, if this registration comes from the mirror system,
// all bets are off.
// TODO(herhut): Track classes required by mirrors seperately.
|| mirrorUsage) {
void registerInstantiatedClass(ClassElement cls, Registry registry,
{mirrorUsage: false}) {
registerInstantiatedType(cls.rawType, registry, mirrorUsage: mirrorUsage);
bool checkNoEnqueuedInvokedInstanceMethods() {
return filter.checkNoEnqueuedInvokedInstanceMethods(this);
void processInstantiatedClass(ClassElement cls) {
void processInstantiatedClassMember(ClassElement cls, Element member) {
assert(invariant(member, member.isDeclaration));
if (isProcessed(member)) return;
if (!member.isInstanceMember) return;
String memberName =;
if (member.kind == ElementKind.FIELD) {
// The obvious thing to test here would be "member.isNative",
// however, that only works after metadata has been parsed/analyzed,
// and that may not have happened yet.
// So instead we use the enclosing class, which we know have had
// its metadata parsed and analyzed.
// Note: this assumes that there are no non-native fields on native
// classes, which may not be the case when a native class is subclassed.
if (cls.isNative) {;
if (universe.hasInvokedGetter(member, compiler) ||
universe.hasInvocation(member, compiler)) {
// In handleUnseenSelector we can't tell if the field is loaded or
// stored. We need the basic algorithm to be Church-Rosser, since the
// resolution 'reduction' order is different to the codegen order. So
// register that the field is also stored. In other words: if we
// don't register the store here during resolution, the store could be
// registered during codegen on the handleUnseenSelector path, and
// cause the set of codegen elements to include unresolved elements.
if (universe.hasInvokedSetter(member, compiler)) {
// See comment after registerFieldLoad above.
// Native fields need to go into instanceMembersByName as they
// are virtual instantiation points and escape points.
} else {
// All field initializers must be resolved as they could
// have an observable side-effect (and cannot be tree-shaken
// away).
} else if (member.kind == ElementKind.FUNCTION) {
if ( == Compiler.NO_SUCH_METHOD) {
if ( == Compiler.CALL_OPERATOR_NAME &&
!cls.typeVariables.isEmpty) {
registerGenericCallMethod(member, compiler.globalDependencies);
// If there is a property access with the same name as a method we
// need to emit the method.
if (universe.hasInvokedGetter(member, compiler)) {
registerClosurizedMember(member, compiler.globalDependencies);
// Store the member in [instanceFunctionsByName] to catch
// getters on the function.
Link<Element> members = instanceFunctionsByName.putIfAbsent(
memberName, () => const Link<Element>());
instanceFunctionsByName[memberName] = members.prepend(member);
if (universe.hasInvocation(member, compiler)) {
compilationInfo.enqueues(getContext(), member);
} else if (member.kind == ElementKind.GETTER) {
if (universe.hasInvokedGetter(member, compiler)) {
// We don't know what selectors the returned closure accepts. If
// the set contains any selector we have to assume that it matches.
if (universe.hasInvocation(member, compiler)) {
} else if (member.kind == ElementKind.SETTER) {
if (universe.hasInvokedSetter(member, compiler)) {
// The element is not yet used. Add it to the list of instance
// members to still be processed.
Link<Element> members = instanceMembersByName.putIfAbsent(
memberName, () => const Link<Element>());
instanceMembersByName[memberName] = members.prepend(member);
void enableNoSuchMethod(Element element) {}
void enableIsolateSupport() {}
Element getContext() => compiler.currentElement;
void onRegisterInstantiatedClass(ClassElement cls) {
task.measure(() {
if (seenClasses.contains(cls)) return;
// The class must be resolved to compute the set of all
// supertypes.
void processClass(ClassElement cls) {
if (seenClasses.contains(cls)) return;
if (isResolutionQueue) {
// We only tell the backend once that [cls] was instantiated, so
// any additional dependencies must be treated as global
// dependencies.
cls, this, compiler.globalDependencies);
for (Link<DartType> supertypes = cls.allSupertypes;
!supertypes.isEmpty; supertypes = supertypes.tail) {
void registerNewSelector(Element context,
Selector selector,
Map<String, Set<Selector>> selectorsMap) {
String name =;
Set<Selector> selectors =
selectorsMap.putIfAbsent(name, () => new Setlet<Selector>());
if (!selectors.contains(selector)) {
handleUnseenSelector(context, name, selector);
void registerInvocation(Element context, Selector selector) {
task.measure(() {
registerNewSelector(context, selector, universe.invokedNames);
void registerInvokedGetter(Element context, Selector selector) {
task.measure(() {
registerNewSelector(context, selector, universe.invokedGetters);
void registerInvokedSetter(Element context, Selector selector) {
task.measure(() {
registerNewSelector(context, selector, universe.invokedSetters);
* Decides whether an element should be included to satisfy requirements
* of the mirror system. [includedEnclosing] provides a hint whether the
* enclosing element was included.
* The actual implementation depends on the current compiler phase.
bool shouldIncludeElementDueToMirrors(Element element,
{bool includedEnclosing});
void logEnqueueReflectiveAction(action, [msg = ""]) {
print("MIRROR_ENQUEUE (${isResolutionQueue ? "R" : "C"}): $action $msg");
/// Enqeue the constructor [ctor] if it is required for reflection.
/// [enclosingWasIncluded] provides a hint whether the enclosing element was
/// needed for reflection.
void enqueueReflectiveConstructor(ConstructorElement ctor,
bool enclosingWasIncluded) {
if (shouldIncludeElementDueToMirrors(ctor,
includedEnclosing: enclosingWasIncluded)) {
ClassElement cls = ctor.declaration.enclosingClass;
registerInstantiatedType(cls.rawType, compiler.mirrorDependencies,
mirrorUsage: true);
/// Enqeue the member [element] if it is required for reflection.
/// [enclosingWasIncluded] provides a hint whether the enclosing element was
/// needed for reflection.
void enqueueReflectiveMember(Element element, bool enclosingWasIncluded) {
if (shouldIncludeElementDueToMirrors(element,
includedEnclosing: enclosingWasIncluded)
// Do not enqueue typedefs.
&& !element.impliesType) {
if (Elements.isStaticOrTopLevel(element)) {
} else if (element.isInstanceMember) {
// We need to enqueue all members matching this one in subclasses, as
// well.
// TODO(herhut): Use TypedSelector.subtype for enqueueing
Selector selector = new Selector.fromElement(element, compiler);
registerSelectorUse(element, selector);
if (element.isField) {
Selector selector =
new Selector.setter(, element.library);
registerInvokedSetter(element, selector);
/// Enqeue the member [element] if it is required for reflection.
/// [enclosingWasIncluded] provides a hint whether the enclosing element was
/// needed for reflection.
void enqueueReflectiveElementsInClass(ClassElement cls,
Iterable<ClassElement> recents,
bool enclosingWasIncluded) {
if (cls.library.isInternalLibrary || cls.isInjected) return;
bool includeClass = shouldIncludeElementDueToMirrors(cls,
includedEnclosing: enclosingWasIncluded);
if (includeClass) {
logEnqueueReflectiveAction(cls, "register");
ClassElement decl = cls.declaration;
registerInstantiatedClass(decl, compiler.mirrorDependencies,
mirrorUsage: true);
// If the class is never instantiated, we know nothing of it can possibly
// be reflected upon.
// TODO(herhut): Add a warning if a mirrors annotation cannot hit.
if (recents.contains(cls.declaration)) {
logEnqueueReflectiveAction(cls, "members");
cls.constructors.forEach((Element element) {
enqueueReflectiveConstructor(element, includeClass);
cls.forEachClassMember((Member member) {
enqueueReflectiveMember(member.element, includeClass);
/// Enqeue special classes that might not be visible by normal means or that
/// would not normally be enqueued:
/// [Closure] is treated specially as it is the superclass of all closures.
/// Although it is in an internal library, we mark it as reflectable. Note
/// that none of its methods are reflectable, unless reflectable by
/// inheritance.
void enqueueReflectiveSpecialClasses() {
Iterable<ClassElement> classes =
for (ClassElement cls in classes) {
if (compiler.backend.referencedFromMirrorSystem(cls)) {
registerInstantiatedClass(cls, compiler.mirrorDependencies,
mirrorUsage: true);
/// Enqeue all local members of the library [lib] if they are required for
/// reflection.
void enqueueReflectiveElementsInLibrary(LibraryElement lib,
Iterable<ClassElement> recents) {
bool includeLibrary = shouldIncludeElementDueToMirrors(lib,
includedEnclosing: false);
lib.forEachLocalMember((Element member) {
if (member.isClass) {
enqueueReflectiveElementsInClass(member, recents, includeLibrary);
} else {
enqueueReflectiveMember(member, includeLibrary);
/// Enqueue all elements that are matched by the mirrors used
/// annotation or, in lack thereof, all elements.
void enqueueReflectiveElements(Iterable<ClassElement> recents) {
if (!hasEnqueuedReflectiveElements) {
logEnqueueReflectiveAction("!START enqueueAll");
// First round of enqueuing, visit everything that is visible to
// also pick up static top levels, etc.
// Also, during the first round, consider all classes that have been seen
// as recently seen, as we do not know how many rounds of resolution might
// have run before tree shaking is disabled and thus everything is
// enqueued.
recents = seenClasses.toSet();
compiler.log('Enqueuing everything');
for (LibraryElement lib in compiler.libraryLoader.libraries) {
enqueueReflectiveElementsInLibrary(lib, recents);
hasEnqueuedReflectiveElements = true;
hasEnqueuedReflectiveStaticFields = true;
logEnqueueReflectiveAction("!DONE enqueueAll");
} else if (recents.isNotEmpty) {
// Keep looking at new classes until fixpoint is reached.
logEnqueueReflectiveAction("!START enqueueRecents");
recents.forEach((ClassElement cls) {
enqueueReflectiveElementsInClass(cls, recents,
includedEnclosing: false));
logEnqueueReflectiveAction("!DONE enqueueRecents");
/// Enqueue the static fields that have been marked as used by reflective
/// usage through `MirrorsUsed`.
void enqueueReflectiveStaticFields(Iterable<Element> elements) {
if (hasEnqueuedReflectiveStaticFields) return;
hasEnqueuedReflectiveStaticFields = true;
for (Element element in elements) {
enqueueReflectiveMember(element, true);
processLink(Map<String, Link<Element>> map,
String memberName,
bool f(Element e)) {
Link<Element> members = map[memberName];
if (members != null) {
// [f] might add elements to [: map[memberName] :] during the loop below
// so we create a new list for [: map[memberName] :] and prepend the
// [remaining] members after the loop.
map[memberName] = const Link<Element>();
LinkBuilder<Element> remaining = new LinkBuilder<Element>();
for (; !members.isEmpty; members = members.tail) {
if (!f(members.head)) remaining.addLast(members.head);
map[memberName] = remaining.toLink(map[memberName]);
processInstanceMembers(String n, bool f(Element e)) {
processLink(instanceMembersByName, n, f);
processInstanceFunctions(String n, bool f(Element e)) {
processLink(instanceFunctionsByName, n, f);
void handleUnseenSelector(Element context,
String methodName,
Selector selector) {
processInstanceMembers(methodName, (Element member) {
compilationInfo.enqueues(context, member);
if (selector.appliesUnnamed(member, compiler)) {
if (member.isFunction && selector.isGetter) {
registerClosurizedMember(member, compiler.globalDependencies);
if (member.isField && member.enclosingClass.isNative) {
if (selector.isGetter || selector.isCall) {
// We have to also handle storing to the field because we only get
// one look at each member and there might be a store we have not
// seen yet.
// TODO(sra): Process fields for storing separately.
} else {
// We have to also handle loading from the field because we only get
// one look at each member and there might be a load we have not
// seen yet.
// TODO(sra): Process fields for storing separately.
return true;
return false;
if (selector.isGetter) {
processInstanceFunctions(methodName, (Element member) {
if (selector.appliesUnnamed(member, compiler)) {
registerClosurizedMember(member, compiler.globalDependencies);
return true;
return false;
* Documentation wanted -- johnniwinther
* Invariant: [element] must be a declaration element.
void registerStaticUse(Element element) {
if (element == null) return;
assert(invariant(element, element.isDeclaration));
compiler.backend.registerStaticUse(element, this);
void registerGetOfStaticFunction(FunctionElement element) {
void registerDynamicInvocation(Element context, Selector selector) {
assert(selector != null);
registerInvocation(context, selector);
void registerSelectorUse(Element context, Selector selector) {
if (selector.isGetter) {
registerInvokedGetter(context, selector);
} else if (selector.isSetter) {
registerInvokedSetter(context, selector);
} else {
registerInvocation(context, selector);
void registerDynamicGetter(Element context, Selector selector) {
registerInvokedGetter(context, selector);
void registerDynamicSetter(Element context, Selector selector) {
registerInvokedSetter(context, selector);
void registerGetterForSuperMethod(Element element) {
void registerFieldGetter(Element element) {
void registerFieldSetter(Element element) {
void registerIsCheck(DartType type, Registry registry) {
type = universe.registerIsCheck(type, compiler);
// Even in checked mode, type annotations for return type and argument
// types do not imply type checks, so there should never be a check
// against the type variable of a typedef.
assert(type.kind != TypeKind.TYPE_VARIABLE ||
* If a factory constructor is used with type arguments, we lose track
* which arguments could be used to create instances of classes that use their
* type variables as expressions, so we have to remember if we saw such a use.
void registerFactoryWithTypeArguments(Registry registry) {
universe.usingFactoryWithTypeArguments = true;
void registerGenericCallMethod(Element element, Registry registry) {
compiler.backend.registerGenericCallMethod(element, this, registry);
void registerClosurizedMember(Element element, Registry registry) {
registerIfGeneric(element, registry);
void registerIfGeneric(Element element, Registry registry) {
if (element.computeType(compiler).containsTypeVariables) {
compiler.backend.registerGenericClosure(element, this, registry);
void registerClosure(LocalFunctionElement element, Registry registry) {
registerIfGeneric(element, registry);
void forEach(void f(WorkItem work)) {
do {
while (queue.isNotEmpty) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Find an optimal process order.
filter.processWorkItem(f, queue.removeLast());
List recents = recentClasses.toList(growable: false);
if (!onQueueEmpty(recents)) recentClasses.addAll(recents);
} while (queue.isNotEmpty || recentClasses.isNotEmpty);
/// [onQueueEmpty] is called whenever the queue is drained. [recentClasses]
/// contains the set of all classes seen for the first time since
/// [onQueueEmpty] was called last. A return value of [true] indicates that
/// the [recentClasses] have been processed and may be cleared. If [false] is
/// returned, [onQueueEmpty] will be called once the queue is empty again (or
/// still empty) and [recentClasses] will be a superset of the current value.
bool onQueueEmpty(Iterable<ClassElement> recentClasses) {
return compiler.backend.onQueueEmpty(this, recentClasses);
void logSummary(log(message)) {
/// Log summary specific to the concrete enqueuer.
void _logSpecificSummary(log(message));
String toString() => 'Enqueuer($name)';
/// [Enqueuer] which is specific to resolution.
class ResolutionEnqueuer extends Enqueuer {
* Map from declaration elements to the [TreeElements] object holding the
* resolution mapping for the element implementation.
* Invariant: Key elements are declaration elements.
final Set<AstElement> resolvedElements;
final Queue<ResolutionWorkItem> queue;
* A deferred task queue for the resolution phase which is processed
* when the resolution queue has been emptied.
final Queue<DeferredTask> deferredTaskQueue;
CompilationInformation compilationInfo;
ResolutionEnqueuer(Compiler compiler,
ItemCompilationContext itemCompilationContextCreator())
: super('resolution enqueuer', compiler, itemCompilationContextCreator),
resolvedElements = new Set<AstElement>(),
queue = new Queue<ResolutionWorkItem>(),
deferredTaskQueue = new Queue<DeferredTask>() {
compilationInfo = new CompilationInformation(this, compiler.dumpInfo);
bool get isResolutionQueue => true;
bool isProcessed(Element member) => resolvedElements.contains(member);
/// Returns `true` if [element] has been processed by the resolution enqueuer.
bool hasBeenResolved(Element element) {
return resolvedElements.contains(element.analyzableElement.declaration);
/// Registers [element] as resolved for the resolution enqueuer.
void registerResolvedElement(AstElement element) {
/// Returns [:true:] if [element] has actually been used.
bool isLive(Element element) {
if (seenClasses.contains(element)) return true;
if (hasBeenResolved(element)) return true;
return false;
* Decides whether an element should be included to satisfy requirements
* of the mirror system.
* During resolution, we have to resort to matching elements against the
* [MirrorsUsed] pattern, as we do not have a complete picture of the world,
* yet.
bool shouldIncludeElementDueToMirrors(Element element,
{bool includedEnclosing}) {
return includedEnclosing || compiler.backend.requiredByMirrorSystem(element);
bool internalAddToWorkList(Element element) {
assert(invariant(element, element is AnalyzableElement,
message: 'Element $element is not analyzable.'));
if (hasBeenResolved(element)) return false;
if (queueIsClosed) {
throw new SpannableAssertionFailure(element,
"Resolution work list is closed. Trying to add $element.");
queue.add(new ResolutionWorkItem(element, itemCompilationContextCreator()));
// Enable isolate support if we start using something from the isolate
// library, or timers for the async library. We exclude constant fields,
// which are ending here because their initializing expression is compiled.
LibraryElement library = element.library;
if (!compiler.hasIsolateSupport &&
(!element.isField || !element.isConst)) {
String uri = library.canonicalUri.toString();
if (uri == 'dart:isolate') {
} else if (uri == 'dart:async') {
if ( == '_createTimer' || == '_createPeriodicTimer') {
// The [:Timer:] class uses the event queue of the isolate
// library, so we make sure that event queue is generated.
if (element.isGetter && == Compiler.RUNTIME_TYPE) {
// Enable runtime type support if we discover a getter called runtimeType.
// We have to enable runtime type before hitting the codegen, so
// that constructors know whether they need to generate code for
// runtime type.
compiler.enabledRuntimeType = true;
// TODO(ahe): Record precise dependency here.
compiler.backend.registerRuntimeType(this, compiler.globalDependencies);
} else if (element == compiler.functionApplyMethod) {
compiler.enabledFunctionApply = true;
return true;
void enableIsolateSupport() {
compiler.hasIsolateSupport = true;
void enableNoSuchMethod(Element element) {
if (compiler.enabledNoSuchMethod) return;
if (compiler.backend.isDefaultNoSuchMethodImplementation(element)) return;
compiler.enabledNoSuchMethod = true;
compiler.backend.enableNoSuchMethod(element, this);
* Adds an action to the deferred task queue.
* The action is performed the next time the resolution queue has been
* emptied.
* The queue is processed in FIFO order.
void addDeferredAction(Element element, DeferredAction action) {
if (queueIsClosed) {
throw new SpannableAssertionFailure(element,
"Resolution work list is closed. "
"Trying to add deferred action for $element");
deferredTaskQueue.add(new DeferredTask(element, action));
bool onQueueEmpty(Iterable<ClassElement> recentClasses) {
return super.onQueueEmpty(recentClasses);
void emptyDeferredTaskQueue() {
while (!deferredTaskQueue.isEmpty) {
DeferredTask task = deferredTaskQueue.removeFirst();
compiler.withCurrentElement(task.element, task.action);
void registerJsCall(Send node, ResolverVisitor resolver) {
nativeEnqueuer.registerJsCall(node, resolver);
void _logSpecificSummary(log(message)) {
log('Resolved ${resolvedElements.length} elements.');
/// [Enqueuer] which is specific to code generation.
class CodegenEnqueuer extends Enqueuer {
final Queue<CodegenWorkItem> queue;
final Map<Element, js.Expression> generatedCode =
new Map<Element, js.Expression>();
final Set<Element> newlyEnqueuedElements;
CompilationInformation compilationInfo;
CodegenEnqueuer(Compiler compiler,
ItemCompilationContext itemCompilationContextCreator())
: queue = new Queue<CodegenWorkItem>(),
newlyEnqueuedElements = compiler.cacheStrategy.newSet(),
super('codegen enqueuer', compiler, itemCompilationContextCreator) {
compilationInfo = new CompilationInformation(this, compiler.dumpInfo);
bool isProcessed(Element member) =>
member.isAbstract || generatedCode.containsKey(member);
* Decides whether an element should be included to satisfy requirements
* of the mirror system.
* For code generation, we rely on the precomputed set of elements that takes
* subtyping constraints into account.
bool shouldIncludeElementDueToMirrors(Element element,
{bool includedEnclosing}) {
return compiler.backend.isAccessibleByReflection(element);
bool internalAddToWorkList(Element element) {
if (compiler.hasIncrementalSupport) {
// Don't generate code for foreign elements.
if (element.isForeign(compiler)) return false;
// Codegen inlines field initializers. It only needs to generate
// code for checked setters.
if (element.isField && element.isInstanceMember) {
if (!compiler.enableTypeAssertions
|| element.enclosingElement.isClosure) {
return false;
if (queueIsClosed) {
throw new SpannableAssertionFailure(element,
"Codegen work list is closed. Trying to add $element");
CodegenWorkItem workItem = new CodegenWorkItem(
element, itemCompilationContextCreator());
return true;
void _logSpecificSummary(log(message)) {
log('Compiled ${generatedCode.length} methods.');
/// Parameterizes filtering of which work items are enqueued.
class QueueFilter {
bool checkNoEnqueuedInvokedInstanceMethods(Enqueuer enqueuer) {
enqueuer.task.measure(() {
// Run through the classes and see if we need to compile methods.
for (ClassElement classElement in enqueuer.universe.instantiatedClasses) {
for (ClassElement currentClass = classElement;
currentClass != null;
currentClass = currentClass.superclass) {
return true;
void processWorkItem(void f(WorkItem work), WorkItem work) {