blob: bc09c68417d187ad2d04aa21d81627a3c4926bfa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Transfomer that combines multiple dart script tags into a single one.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:html5lib/dom.dart' show Document, Element, Text;
import 'package:html5lib/dom_parsing.dart';
import 'package:html5lib/parser.dart' show parseFragment;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart' hide Element;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart' as analyzer show Element;
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'package:smoke/codegen/generator.dart';
import 'package:smoke/codegen/recorder.dart';
import 'package:code_transformers/resolver.dart';
import 'package:code_transformers/src/dart_sdk.dart';
import 'package:template_binding/src/mustache_tokens.dart' show MustacheTokens;
import 'package:polymer_expressions/expression.dart' as pe;
import 'package:polymer_expressions/parser.dart' as pe;
import 'package:polymer_expressions/visitor.dart' as pe;
import 'import_inliner.dart' show ImportInliner; // just for docs.
import 'common.dart';
/// Combines Dart script tags into a single script tag, and creates a new Dart
/// file that calls the main function of each of the original script tags.
/// This transformer assumes that all script tags point to external files. To
/// support script tags with inlined code, use this transformer after running
/// [ImportInliner] on an earlier phase.
/// Internally, this transformer will convert each script tag into an import
/// statement to a library, and then uses `initPolymer` (see polymer.dart) to
/// process `@initMethod` and `@CustomTag` annotations in those libraries.
class ScriptCompactor extends Transformer {
final Resolvers resolvers;
final TransformOptions options;
ScriptCompactor(this.options, {String sdkDir})
// TODO(sigmund): consider restoring here a resolver that uses the real
// SDK once the analyzer is lazy and only an resolves what it needs:
//: resolvers = new Resolvers(sdkDir != null ? sdkDir : dartSdkDirectory);
: resolvers = new Resolvers.fromMock({
// The list of types below is derived from:
// * types we use via our smoke queries, including HtmlElement and
// types from `_typeHandlers` (deserialize.dart)
// * types that are used internally by the resolver (see
// _initializeFrom in resolver.dart).
'dart:core': '''
library dart.core;
class Object {}
class Function {}
class StackTrace {}
class Symbol {}
class Type {}
class String extends Object {}
class bool extends Object {}
class num extends Object {}
class int extends num {}
class double extends num {}
class DateTime extends Object {}
class Null extends Object {}
class Deprecated extends Object {
final String expires;
const Deprecated(this.expires);
const Object deprecated = const Deprecated("next release");
class _Override { const _Override(); }
const Object override = const _Override();
class _Proxy { const _Proxy(); }
const Object proxy = const _Proxy();
class List<V> extends Object {}
class Map<K, V> extends Object {}
'dart:html': '''
library dart.html;
class HtmlElement {}
/// Only run on entry point .html files.
// TODO(nweiz): This should just take an AssetId when barback <0.13.0 support
// is dropped.
Future<bool> isPrimary(idOrAsset) {
var id = idOrAsset is AssetId ? idOrAsset :;
return new Future.value(options.isHtmlEntryPoint(id));
Future apply(Transform transform) =>
new _ScriptCompactor(transform, options, resolvers).apply();
/// Helper class mainly use to flatten the async code.
class _ScriptCompactor extends PolymerTransformer {
final TransformOptions options;
final Transform transform;
final TransformLogger logger;
final AssetId docId;
final AssetId bootstrapId;
/// HTML document parsed from [docId].
Document document;
/// List of ids for each Dart entry script tag (the main tag and any tag
/// included on each custom element definition).
List<AssetId> entryLibraries;
/// Whether we are using the experimental bootstrap logic.
bool experimentalBootstrap;
/// Initializers that will register custom tags or invoke `initMethod`s.
final List<_Initializer> initializers = [];
/// Attributes published on a custom-tag. We make these available via
/// reflection even if @published was not used.
final Map<String, List<String>> publishedAttributes = {};
/// Hook needed to access the analyzer within barback transformers.
final Resolvers resolvers;
/// Resolved types used for analyzing the user's sources and generating code.
_ResolvedTypes types;
/// The resolver instance associated with a single run of this transformer.
Resolver resolver;
/// Code generator used to create the static initialization for smoke.
final generator = new SmokeCodeGenerator();
_SubExpressionVisitor expressionVisitor;
_ScriptCompactor(Transform transform, this.options, this.resolvers)
: transform = transform,
logger = transform.logger,
docId =,
bootstrapId ='_bootstrap.dart');
Future apply() =>
/// Loads the primary input as an html document.
Future _loadDocument() =>
readPrimaryAsHtml(transform).then((doc) { document = doc; });
/// Populates [entryLibraries] as a list containing the asset ids of each
/// library loaded on a script tag. The actual work of computing this is done
/// in an earlier phase and emited in the `entrypoint._data` asset.
Future _loadEntryLibraries(_) =>
transform.readInputAsString(docId.addExtension('._data')).then((data) {
var map = JSON.decode(data);
experimentalBootstrap = map['experimental_bootstrap'];
entryLibraries = map['script_ids']
.map((id) => new AssetId.deserialize(id))
/// Removes unnecessary script tags, and identifies the main entry point Dart
/// script tag (if any).
void _processHtml(_) {
for (var tag in document.querySelectorAll('script')) {
var src = tag.attributes['src'];
if (src == 'packages/polymer/boot.js') {
if (tag.attributes['type'] == 'application/dart') {
logger.warning('unexpected script. The '
'ScriptCompactor transformer should run after running the '
'ImportInliner', span: tag.sourceSpan);
/// Emits the main HTML and Dart bootstrap code for the application. If there
/// were not Dart entry point files, then this simply emits the original HTML.
Future _emitNewEntrypoint(_) {
// If we don't find code, there is nothing to do.
if (entryLibraries.isEmpty) return null;
return _initResolver()
.whenComplete(() {
if (resolver != null) resolver.release();
/// Load a resolver that computes information for every library in
/// [entryLibraries], then use it to initialize the [recorder] (for import
/// resolution) and to resolve specific elements (for analyzing the user's
/// code).
Future _initResolver() {
// We include 'polymer.dart' to simplify how we do resolution below. This
// way we can assume polymer is there, even if the user didn't include an
// import to it. If not, the polymer build will fail with an error when
// trying to create _ResolvedTypes below.
var libsToLoad = [new AssetId('polymer', 'lib/polymer.dart')]
return resolvers.get(transform, libsToLoad).then((r) {
resolver = r;
types = new _ResolvedTypes(resolver);
/// Inspects the entire program to find out anything that polymer accesses
/// using mirrors and produces static information that can be used to replace
/// the mirror-based loader and the uses of mirrors through the `smoke`
/// package. This includes:
/// * visiting entry-libraries to extract initializers,
/// * visiting polymer-expressions to extract getters and setters,
/// * looking for published fields of custom elements, and
/// * looking for event handlers and callbacks of change notifications.
void _extractUsesOfMirrors(_) {
// Generate getters and setters needed to evaluate polymer expressions, and
// extract information about published attributes.
expressionVisitor = new _SubExpressionVisitor(generator, logger);
new _HtmlExtractor(logger, generator, publishedAttributes,
// Create a recorder that uses analyzer data to feed data to [generator].
var recorder = new Recorder(generator,
(lib) => resolver.getImportUri(lib, from: bootstrapId).toString());
// Process all classes and top-level functions to include initializers,
// register custom elements, and include special fields and methods in
// custom element classes.
for (var id in entryLibraries) {
var lib = resolver.getLibrary(id);
for (var fun in _visibleTopLevelMethodsOf(lib)) {
_processFunction(fun, id);
for (var cls in _visibleClassesOf(lib)) {
_processClass(cls, id, recorder);
/// Process a class ([cls]). If it contains an appropriate [CustomTag]
/// annotation, we include an initializer to register this class, and make
/// sure to include everything that might be accessed or queried from them
/// using the smoke package. In particular, polymer uses smoke for the
/// following:
/// * invoke #registerCallback on custom elements classes, if present.
/// * query for methods ending in `*Changed`.
/// * query for methods with the `@ObserveProperty` annotation.
/// * query for non-final properties labeled with `@published`.
/// * read declarations of properties named in the `attributes` attribute.
/// * read/write the value of published properties .
/// * invoke methods in event handlers.
_processClass(ClassElement cls, AssetId id, Recorder recorder) {
if (!_hasPolymerMixin(cls)) return;
// Check whether the class has a @CustomTag annotation. Typically we expect
// a single @CustomTag, but it's possible to have several.
var tagNames = [];
for (var meta in cls.node.metadata) {
var tagName = _extractTagName(meta, cls);
if (tagName != null) tagNames.add(tagName);
if (cls.isPrivate && tagNames.isNotEmpty) {
var name = tagNames.first;
logger.error('@CustomTag is not currently supported on private classes:'
' $name. Consider making this class public, or create a '
'public initialization method marked with `@initMethod` that calls '
'`Polymer.register($name, ${})`.',
span: _spanForNode(cls,;
// Include #registerCallback if it exists. Note that by default lookupMember
// and query will also add the corresponding getters and setters.
recorder.lookupMember(cls, 'registerCallback');
// Include methods that end with *Changed.
recorder.runQuery(cls, new QueryOptions(
includeFields: false, includeProperties: false,
includeInherited: true, includeMethods: true,
includeUpTo: types.htmlElementElement,
matches: (n) => n.endsWith('Changed') && n != 'attributeChanged'));
// Include methods marked with @ObserveProperty.
recorder.runQuery(cls, new QueryOptions(
includeFields: false, includeProperties: false,
includeInherited: true, includeMethods: true,
includeUpTo: types.htmlElementElement,
withAnnotations: [types.observePropertyElement]));
// Include @published and @observable properties.
// Symbols in @published are used when resolving bindings on published
// attributes, symbols for @observable are used via path observers when
// implementing *Changed an @ObserveProperty.
// TODO(sigmund): consider including only those symbols mentioned in
// *Changed and @ObserveProperty instead.
recorder.runQuery(cls, new QueryOptions(
includeUpTo: types.htmlElementElement,
withAnnotations: [types.publishedElement, types.observableElement,
// Include @ComputedProperty and process their expressions
var computed = [];
recorder.runQuery(cls, new QueryOptions(
includeUpTo: types.htmlElementElement,
withAnnotations: [types.computedPropertyElement]),
results: computed);
for (var tagName in tagNames) {
// Include an initializer that will call Polymer.register
initializers.add(new _CustomTagInitializer(id, tagName, cls.displayName));
// Include also properties published via the `attributes` attribute.
var attrs = publishedAttributes[tagName];
if (attrs == null) continue;
for (var attr in attrs) {
recorder.lookupMember(cls, attr, recursive: true,
includeUpTo: types.htmlElementElement);
/// Determines if [cls] or a supertype has a mixin of the Polymer class.
bool _hasPolymerMixin(ClassElement cls) {
while (cls != types.htmlElementElement) {
for (var m in cls.mixins) {
if (m.element == types.polymerClassElement) return true;
if (cls.supertype == null) return false;
cls = cls.supertype.element;
return false;
/// If [meta] is [CustomTag], extract the name associated with the tag.
String _extractTagName(Annotation meta, ClassElement cls) {
if (meta.element != types.customTagConstructor) return null;
return _extractFirstAnnotationArgument(meta, 'CustomTag', cls);
/// Extract the first argument of an annotation and validate that it's type is
/// String. For instance, return "bar" from `@Foo("bar")`.
String _extractFirstAnnotationArgument(Annotation meta, String name,
analyzer.Element context) {
// Read argument from the AST
var args = meta.arguments.arguments;
if (args == null || args.length == 0) {
logger.warning('Missing argument in @$name annotation',
span: _spanForNode(context, meta));
return null;
var lib = context;
while (lib is! LibraryElement) lib = lib.enclosingElement;
var res = resolver.evaluateConstant(lib, args[0]);
if (!res.isValid || res.value.type != types.stringType) {
logger.warning('The parameter to @$name seems to be invalid.',
span: _spanForNode(context, args[0]));
return null;
return res.value.stringValue;
/// Adds the top-level [function] as an initalizer if it's marked with
/// `@initMethod`.
_processFunction(FunctionElement function, AssetId id) {
bool initMethodFound = false;
for (var meta in function.metadata) {
var e = meta.element;
if (e is PropertyAccessorElement &&
e.variable == types.initMethodElement) {
initMethodFound = true;
if (!initMethodFound) return;
if (function.isPrivate) {
logger.error('@initMethod is no longer supported on private '
'functions: ${function.displayName}',
span: _spanForNode(function,;
initializers.add(new _InitMethodInitializer(id, function.displayName));
/// Process members that are annotated with `@ComputedProperty` and records
/// the accessors of their expressions.
_processComputedExpressions(List<analyzer.Element> computed) {
var constructor = types.computedPropertyElement.constructors.first;
for (var member in computed) {
for (var meta in member.node.metadata) {
if (meta.element != constructor) continue;
var expr = _extractFirstAnnotationArgument(
meta, 'ComputedProperty', member);
if (expr == null) continue;, true,
_spanForNode(member.enclosingElement, meta.arguments.arguments[0]));
/// Writes the final output for the bootstrap Dart file and entrypoint HTML
/// file.
void _emitFiles(_) {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer()..writeln(MAIN_HEADER);
Map<AssetId, String> prefixes = {};
int i = 0;
for (var id in entryLibraries) {
var url = assetUrlFor(id, bootstrapId, logger);
if (url == null) continue;
code.writeln("import '$url' as i$i;");
prefixes[id] = 'i$i';
// Include smoke initialization.
code.writeln('\nvoid main() {');
code.write(' useGeneratedCode(');
if (experimentalBootstrap) {
code.write(' startPolymer([');
} else {
code.write(' configureForDeployment([');
// Include initializers to switch from mirrors_loader to static_loader.
if (!initializers.isEmpty) {
for (var init in initializers) {
var initCode = init.asCode(prefixes[init.assetId]);
code.write(" $initCode,\n");
code.writeln(' ]);');
} else {
if (experimentalBootstrap) logger.warning(NO_INITIALIZERS_ERROR);
if (!experimentalBootstrap) {
code.writeln(' i${entryLibraries.length - 1}.main();');
transform.addOutput(new Asset.fromString(bootstrapId, code.toString()));
// Emit the bootstrap .dart file
var srcUrl = path.url.basename(bootstrapId.path);
'<script type="application/dart" src="$srcUrl"></script>'));
transform.addOutput(new Asset.fromString(docId, document.outerHtml));
_spanForNode(analyzer.Element context, AstNode node) {
var file = resolver.getSourceFile(context);
return file.span(node.offset, node.end);
abstract class _Initializer {
AssetId get assetId;
String get symbolName;
String asCode(String prefix);
class _InitMethodInitializer implements _Initializer {
final AssetId assetId;
final String methodName;
String get symbolName => methodName;
_InitMethodInitializer(this.assetId, this.methodName);
String asCode(String prefix) => "$prefix.$methodName";
class _CustomTagInitializer implements _Initializer {
final AssetId assetId;
final String tagName;
final String typeName;
String get symbolName => typeName;
_CustomTagInitializer(this.assetId, this.tagName, this.typeName);
String asCode(String prefix) =>
"() => Polymer.register('$tagName', $prefix.$typeName)";
const MAIN_HEADER = """
library app_bootstrap;
import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart';
'No polymer initializers were found. Make sure to either '
'annotate your polymer elements with @CustomTag or include a '
'top level method annotated with @initMethod that registers your '
'elements. Both annotations are defined in the polymer library ('
/// An html visitor that:
/// * finds all polymer expressions and records the getters and setters that
/// will be needed to evaluate them at runtime.
/// * extracts all attributes declared in the `attribute` attributes of
/// polymer elements.
class _HtmlExtractor extends TreeVisitor {
final Map<String, List<String>> publishedAttributes;
final SmokeCodeGenerator generator;
final _SubExpressionVisitor expressionVisitor;
final TransformLogger logger;
bool _inTemplate = false;
_HtmlExtractor(this.logger, this.generator, this.publishedAttributes,
void visitElement(Element node) {
if (_inTemplate) _processNormalElement(node);
if (node.localName == 'polymer-element') {
if (node.localName == 'template') {
var last = _inTemplate;
_inTemplate = true;
_inTemplate = last;
} else {
void visitText(Text node) {
if (!_inTemplate) return;
var bindings = _Mustaches.parse(;
if (bindings == null) return;
for (var e in bindings.expressions) {
_addExpression(e, false, false, node.sourceSpan);
/// Registers getters and setters for all published attributes.
void _processPolymerElement(Element node) {
var tagName = node.attributes['name'];
var value = node.attributes['attributes'];
if (value != null) {
publishedAttributes[tagName] =
value.split(ATTRIBUTES_REGEX).map((a) => a.trim()).toList();
/// Produces warnings for misuses of on-foo event handlers, and for instanting
/// custom tags incorrectly.
void _processNormalElement(Element node) {
var tag = node.localName;
var isCustomTag = isCustomTagName(tag) || node.attributes['is'] != null;
// Event handlers only allowed inside polymer-elements
node.attributes.forEach((name, value) {
var bindings = _Mustaches.parse(value);
if (bindings == null) return;
var isEvent = false;
var isTwoWay = false;
if (name is String) {
name = name.toLowerCase();
isEvent = name.startsWith('on-');
isTwoWay = !isEvent && bindings.isWhole && (isCustomTag ||
tag == 'input' && (name == 'value' || name =='checked') ||
tag == 'select' && (name == 'selectedindex' || name == 'value') ||
tag == 'textarea' && name == 'value');
for (var exp in bindings.expressions) {
_addExpression(exp, isEvent, isTwoWay, node.sourceSpan);
void _addExpression(String stringExpression, bool inEvent, bool isTwoWay,
SourceSpan span) {
if (inEvent) {
if (stringExpression.startsWith('@')) {
logger.warning('event bindings with @ are no longer supported',
span: span);
if (stringExpression == '') return;
if (stringExpression.startsWith('_')) {
logger.warning('private symbols cannot be used in event handlers',
span: span);
}, isTwoWay, span);
/// A polymer-expression visitor that records every getter and setter that will
/// be needed to evaluate a single expression at runtime.
class _SubExpressionVisitor extends pe.RecursiveVisitor {
final SmokeCodeGenerator generator;
final TransformLogger logger;
bool _includeSetter;
SourceSpan _currentSpan;
_SubExpressionVisitor(this.generator, this.logger);
/// Visit [exp], and record getters and setters that are needed in order to
/// evaluate it at runtime. [includeSetter] is only true if this expression
/// occured in a context where it could be updated, for example in two-way
/// bindings such as `<input value={{exp}}>`.
void run(pe.Expression exp, bool includeSetter, span) {
_currentSpan = span;
_includeSetter = includeSetter;
/// Adds a getter and symbol for [name], and optionally a setter.
_add(String name) {
if (name.startsWith('_')) {
logger.warning('private symbols are not supported', span: _currentSpan);
if (_includeSetter) generator.addSetter(name);
void preVisitExpression(e) {
// For two-way bindings the outermost expression may be updated, so we need
// both the getter and the setter, but we only need the getter for
// subexpressions. We exclude setters as soon as we go deeper in the tree,
// except when we see a filter (that can potentially be a two-way
// transformer).
if (e is pe.BinaryOperator && e.operator == '|') return;
_includeSetter = false;
visitIdentifier(pe.Identifier e) {
if (e.value != 'this') _add(e.value);
visitGetter(pe.Getter e) {
visitInvoke(pe.Invoke e) {
_includeSetter = false; // Invoke is only valid as an r-value.
if (e.method != null) _add(e.method);
/// Parses and collects information about bindings found in polymer templates.
class _Mustaches {
/// Each expression that appears within `{{...}}` and `[[...]]`.
final List<String> expressions;
/// Whether the whole text returned by [parse] was a single expression.
final bool isWhole;
_Mustaches(this.isWhole, this.expressions);
static _Mustaches parse(String text) {
if (text == null || text.isEmpty) return null;
// Use template-binding's parser, but provide a delegate function factory to
// save the expressions without parsing them as [PropertyPath]s.
var tokens = MustacheTokens.parse(text, (s) => () => s);
if (tokens == null) return null;
var length = tokens.length;
bool isWhole = length == 1 && tokens.getText(length) == '' &&
tokens.getText(0) == '';
var expressions = new List(length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
expressions[i] = tokens.getPrepareBinding(i)();
return new _Mustaches(isWhole, expressions);
/// Holds types that are used in queries
class _ResolvedTypes {
/// Element representing `HtmlElement`.
final ClassElement htmlElementElement;
/// Element representing `String`.
final InterfaceType stringType;
/// Element representing `Polymer`.
final ClassElement polymerClassElement;
/// Element representing the constructor of `@CustomTag`.
final ConstructorElement customTagConstructor;
/// Element representing the type of `@published`.
final ClassElement publishedElement;
/// Element representing the type of `@observable`.
final ClassElement observableElement;
/// Element representing the type of `@ObserveProperty`.
final ClassElement observePropertyElement;
/// Element representing the type of `@ComputedProperty`.
final ClassElement computedPropertyElement;
/// Element representing the `@initMethod` annotation.
final TopLevelVariableElement initMethodElement;
factory _ResolvedTypes(Resolver resolver) {
// Load class elements that are used in queries for codegen.
var polymerLib = resolver.getLibrary(
new AssetId('polymer', 'lib/polymer.dart'));
if (polymerLib == null) _definitionError('the polymer library');
var htmlLib = resolver.getLibraryByUri(Uri.parse('dart:html'));
if (htmlLib == null) _definitionError('the "dart:html" library');
var coreLib = resolver.getLibraryByUri(Uri.parse('dart:core'));
if (coreLib == null) _definitionError('the "dart:core" library');
var observeLib = resolver.getLibrary(
new AssetId('observe', 'lib/src/metadata.dart'));
if (observeLib == null) _definitionError('the observe library');
var initMethodElement = null;
for (var unit in {
if (unit.uri == 'src/loader.dart') {
initMethodElement = unit.topLevelVariables.firstWhere(
(t) => t.displayName == 'initMethod');
var customTagConstructor =
_lookupType(polymerLib, 'CustomTag').constructors.first;
var publishedElement = _lookupType(polymerLib, 'PublishedProperty');
var observableElement = _lookupType(observeLib, 'ObservableProperty');
var observePropertyElement = _lookupType(polymerLib, 'ObserveProperty');
var computedPropertyElement = _lookupType(polymerLib, 'ComputedProperty');
var polymerClassElement = _lookupType(polymerLib, 'Polymer');
var htmlElementElement = _lookupType(htmlLib, 'HtmlElement');
var stringType = _lookupType(coreLib, 'String').type;
if (initMethodElement == null) _definitionError('@initMethod');
return new _ResolvedTypes.internal(htmlElementElement, stringType,
polymerClassElement, customTagConstructor, publishedElement,
observableElement, observePropertyElement, computedPropertyElement,
_ResolvedTypes.internal(this.htmlElementElement, this.stringType,
this.polymerClassElement, this.customTagConstructor,
this.publishedElement, this.observableElement,
this.observePropertyElement, this.computedPropertyElement,
static _lookupType(LibraryElement lib, String typeName) {
var result = lib.getType(typeName);
if (result == null) _definitionError(typeName);
return result;
static _definitionError(name) {
throw new StateError("Internal error in polymer-builder: couldn't find "
"definition of $name.");
/// Retrieves all classses that are visible if you were to import [lib]. This
/// includes exported classes from other libraries.
List<ClassElement> _visibleClassesOf(LibraryElement lib) {
var result = [];
result.addAll(lib.units.expand((u) => u.types));
for (var e in lib.exports) {
var exported = e.exportedLibrary.units.expand((u) => u.types).toList();
_filter(exported, e.combinators);
return result;
/// Retrieves all top-level methods that are visible if you were to import
/// [lib]. This includes exported methods from other libraries too.
List<FunctionElement> _visibleTopLevelMethodsOf(LibraryElement lib) {
var result = [];
result.addAll(lib.units.expand((u) => u.functions));
for (var e in lib.exports) {
var exported = e.exportedLibrary.units
.expand((u) => u.functions).toList();
_filter(exported, e.combinators);
return result;
/// Filters [elements] that come from an export, according to its show/hide
/// combinators. This modifies [elements] in place.
void _filter(List<analyzer.Element> elements,
List<NamespaceCombinator> combinators) {
for (var c in combinators) {
if (c is ShowElementCombinator) {
var show = c.shownNames.toSet();
elements.retainWhere((e) => show.contains(e.displayName));
} else if (c is HideElementCombinator) {
var hide = c.hiddenNames.toSet();
elements.removeWhere((e) => hide.contains(e.displayName));