blob: c1160401993611849720e363a897252782e2708d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This code was auto-generated, is not intended to be edited, and is subject to
// significant change. Please see the README file for more information.
library services.src.correction.assist;
import 'package:analysis_services/correction/assist.dart';
import 'package:analysis_services/correction/change.dart';
import 'package:analysis_services/search/hierarchy.dart';
import 'package:analysis_services/search/search_engine.dart';
import 'package:analysis_services/src/correction/name_suggestion.dart';
import 'package:analysis_services/src/correction/source_buffer.dart';
import 'package:analysis_services/src/correction/source_range.dart';
import 'package:analysis_services/src/correction/util.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_core.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/scanner.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart';
* The computer for Dart assists.
class AssistProcessor {
final SearchEngine searchEngine;
final Source source;
final String file;
final CompilationUnit unit;
final int selectionOffset;
final int selectionLength;
CompilationUnitElement unitElement;
LibraryElement unitLibraryElement;
String unitLibraryFile;
String unitLibraryFolder;
final List<Edit> edits = <Edit>[];
final Map<String, LinkedPositionGroup> linkedPositionGroups = <String,
Position endPosition = null;
final List<Assist> assists = <Assist>[];
int selectionEnd;
CorrectionUtils utils;
AstNode node;
AssistProcessor(this.searchEngine, this.source, this.file, this.unit,
this.selectionOffset, this.selectionLength) {
unitElement = unit.element;
unitLibraryElement = unitElement.library;
unitLibraryFile = unitLibraryElement.source.fullName;
unitLibraryFolder = dirname(unitLibraryFile);
selectionEnd = selectionOffset + selectionLength;
* Returns the EOL to use for this [CompilationUnit].
String get eol => utils.endOfLine;
List<Assist> compute() {
utils = new CorrectionUtils(unit);
node = new NodeLocator.con2(
// try to add proposals
// done
return assists;
FunctionBody getEnclosingFunctionBody() {
FunctionExpression function =
node.getAncestor((node) => node is FunctionExpression);
if (function != null) {
return function.body;
FunctionDeclaration function =
node.getAncestor((node) => node is FunctionDeclaration);
if (function != null) {
return function.functionExpression.body;
MethodDeclaration method =
node.getAncestor((node) => node is MethodDeclaration);
if (method != null) {
return method.body;
return null;
void _addAssist(AssistKind kind, List args, {String assistFile}) {
if (assistFile == null) {
assistFile = file;
FileEdit fileEdit = new FileEdit(file);
edits.forEach((edit) => fileEdit.add(edit));
// prepare Change
String message = JavaString.format(kind.message, args);
Change change = new Change(message);
(group) => change.addLinkedPositionGroup(group));
change.endPosition = endPosition;
// add Assist
Assist assist = new Assist(kind, change);
// clear
endPosition = null;
* Adds a new [Edit] to [edits].
void _addInsertEdit(int offset, String text) {
Edit edit = new Edit(offset, 0, text);
void _addProposal_addTypeAnnotation() {
// prepare VariableDeclarationList
VariableDeclarationList declarationList =
node.getAncestor((node) => node is VariableDeclarationList);
if (declarationList == null) {
// may be has type annotation already
if (declarationList.type != null) {
// prepare single VariableDeclaration
List<VariableDeclaration> variables = declarationList.variables;
if (variables.length != 1) {
VariableDeclaration variable = variables[0];
// we need an initializer to get the type from
Expression initializer = variable.initializer;
if (initializer == null) {
DartType type = initializer.bestType;
// prepare type source
String typeSource;
if (type is InterfaceType || type is FunctionType) {
typeSource = utils.getTypeSource(type);
} else {
// add edit
Token keyword = declarationList.keyword;
if (keyword is KeywordToken && keyword.keyword == Keyword.VAR) {
SourceRange range = rangeToken(keyword);
_addReplaceEdit(range, typeSource);
} else {
_addInsertEdit(variable.offset, '$typeSource ');
// add proposal
_addAssist(AssistKind.ADD_TYPE_ANNOTATION, []);
void _addProposal_assignToLocalVariable() {
// prepare enclosing ExpressionStatement
Statement statement = node.getAncestor((node) => node is Statement);
if (statement is! ExpressionStatement) {
ExpressionStatement expressionStatement = statement as ExpressionStatement;
// prepare expression
Expression expression = expressionStatement.expression;
int offset = expression.offset;
// ignore if already assignment
if (expression is AssignmentExpression) {
// ignore "throw"
if (expression is ThrowExpression) {
// prepare expression type
DartType type = expression.bestType;
if (type.isVoid) {
// prepare source
SourceBuilder builder = new SourceBuilder(file, offset);
builder.append("var ");
// prepare excluded names
Set<String> excluded = new Set<String>();
ScopedNameFinder scopedNameFinder = new ScopedNameFinder(offset);
// name(s)
List<String> suggestions =
getVariableNameSuggestionsForExpression(type, expression, excluded);
for (int i = 0; i < suggestions.length; i++) {
String name = suggestions[i];
if (i == 0) {
builder.append(" = ");
// add proposal
_addAssist(AssistKind.ASSIGN_TO_LOCAL_VARIABLE, []);
void _addProposal_convertToBlockFunctionBody() {
FunctionBody body = getEnclosingFunctionBody();
// prepare expression body
if (body is! ExpressionFunctionBody) {
Expression returnValue = (body as ExpressionFunctionBody).expression;
// prepare prefix
String prefix = utils.getNodePrefix(body.parent);
// add change
String indent = utils.getIndent(1);
String returnSource = 'return ' + _getSource(returnValue);
String newBodySource = "{$eol$prefix${indent}$returnSource;$eol$prefix}";
_addReplaceEdit(rangeNode(body), newBodySource);
// add proposal
_addAssist(AssistKind.CONVERT_INTO_BLOCK_BODY, []);
void _addProposal_convertToExpressionFunctionBody() {
// prepare current body
FunctionBody body = getEnclosingFunctionBody();
if (body is! BlockFunctionBody) {
// prepare return statement
List<Statement> statements = (body as BlockFunctionBody).block.statements;
if (statements.length != 1) {
if (statements[0] is! ReturnStatement) {
ReturnStatement returnStatement = statements[0] as ReturnStatement;
// prepare returned expression
Expression returnExpression = returnStatement.expression;
if (returnExpression == null) {
// add change
String newBodySource = "=> ${_getSource(returnExpression)}";
if (body.parent is! FunctionExpression ||
body.parent.parent is FunctionDeclaration) {
newBodySource += ";";
_addReplaceEdit(rangeNode(body), newBodySource);
// add proposal
_addAssist(AssistKind.CONVERT_INTO_EXPRESSION_BODY, []);
* Converts "!isEmpty" -> "isNotEmpty" if possible.
void _addProposal_convertToIsNotEmpty() {
// prepare "expr.isEmpty"
AstNode isEmptyAccess = null;
SimpleIdentifier isEmptyIdentifier = null;
if (node is SimpleIdentifier) {
SimpleIdentifier identifier = node as SimpleIdentifier;
AstNode parent = identifier.parent;
// normal case (but rare)
if (parent is PropertyAccess) {
isEmptyIdentifier = parent.propertyName;
isEmptyAccess = parent;
// usual case
if (parent is PrefixedIdentifier) {
isEmptyIdentifier = parent.identifier;
isEmptyAccess = parent;
if (isEmptyIdentifier == null) {
// should be "isEmpty"
Element propertyElement = isEmptyIdentifier.bestElement;
if (propertyElement == null || "isEmpty" != {
// should have "isNotEmpty"
Element propertyTarget = propertyElement.enclosingElement;
if (propertyTarget == null ||
getChildren(propertyTarget, "isNotEmpty").isEmpty) {
// should be in PrefixExpression
if (isEmptyAccess.parent is! PrefixExpression) {
PrefixExpression prefixExpression =
isEmptyAccess.parent as PrefixExpression;
// should be !
if (prefixExpression.operator.type != TokenType.BANG) {
// do replace
_addRemoveEdit(rangeStartStart(prefixExpression, prefixExpression.operand));
_addReplaceEdit(rangeNode(isEmptyIdentifier), "isNotEmpty");
// add proposal
_addAssist(AssistKind.CONVERT_INTO_IS_NOT_EMPTY, []);
void _addProposal_convertToIsNot_onIs() {
// may be child of "is"
AstNode node = this.node;
while (node != null && node is! IsExpression) {
node = node.parent;
// prepare "is"
if (node is! IsExpression) {
IsExpression isExpression = node as IsExpression;
if (isExpression.notOperator != null) {
// prepare enclosing ()
AstNode parent = isExpression.parent;
if (parent is! ParenthesizedExpression) {
ParenthesizedExpression parExpression = parent as ParenthesizedExpression;
// prepare enclosing !()
AstNode parent2 = parent.parent;
if (parent2 is! PrefixExpression) {
PrefixExpression prefExpression = parent2 as PrefixExpression;
if (prefExpression.operator.type != TokenType.BANG) {
// strip !()
if (getExpressionParentPrecedence(prefExpression) >=
TokenType.IS.precedence) {
} else {
rangeStartEnd(prefExpression, parExpression.leftParenthesis));
rangeStartEnd(parExpression.rightParenthesis, prefExpression));
_addInsertEdit(isExpression.isOperator.end, "!");
// add proposal
_addAssist(AssistKind.CONVERT_INTO_IS_NOT, []);
void _addProposal_convertToIsNot_onNot() {
// may be () in prefix expression
if (node is ParenthesizedExpression && node.parent is PrefixExpression) {
node = node.parent;
// prepare !()
if (node is! PrefixExpression) {
PrefixExpression prefExpression = node as PrefixExpression;
// should be ! operator
if (prefExpression.operator.type != TokenType.BANG) {
// prepare !()
Expression operand = prefExpression.operand;
if (operand is! ParenthesizedExpression) {
ParenthesizedExpression parExpression = operand as ParenthesizedExpression;
operand = parExpression.expression;
// prepare "is"
if (operand is! IsExpression) {
IsExpression isExpression = operand as IsExpression;
if (isExpression.notOperator != null) {
// strip !()
if (getExpressionParentPrecedence(prefExpression) >=
TokenType.IS.precedence) {
} else {
rangeStartEnd(prefExpression, parExpression.leftParenthesis));
rangeStartEnd(parExpression.rightParenthesis, prefExpression));
_addInsertEdit(isExpression.isOperator.end, "!");
// add proposal
_addAssist(AssistKind.CONVERT_INTO_IS_NOT, []);
void _addProposal_exchangeOperands() {
// check that user invokes quick assist on binary expression
if (node is! BinaryExpression) {
BinaryExpression binaryExpression = node as BinaryExpression;
// prepare operator position
if (!_isOperatorSelected(
selectionLength)) {
// add edits
Expression leftOperand = binaryExpression.leftOperand;
Expression rightOperand = binaryExpression.rightOperand;
// find "wide" enclosing binary expression with same operator
while (binaryExpression.parent is BinaryExpression) {
BinaryExpression newBinaryExpression =
binaryExpression.parent as BinaryExpression;
if (newBinaryExpression.operator.type !=
binaryExpression.operator.type) {
binaryExpression = newBinaryExpression;
// exchange parts of "wide" expression parts
SourceRange leftRange = rangeStartEnd(binaryExpression, leftOperand);
SourceRange rightRange = rangeStartEnd(rightOperand, binaryExpression);
_addReplaceEdit(leftRange, _getSource2(rightRange));
_addReplaceEdit(rightRange, _getSource2(leftRange));
// add proposal
_addAssist(AssistKind.EXCHANGE_OPERANDS, []);
void _addProposal_extractClassIntoPart() {
// TODO(scheglov) implement
// // should be on the name
// if (node is! SimpleIdentifier) {
// return;
// }
// if (node.parent is! ClassDeclaration) {
// return;
// }
// ClassDeclaration classDeclaration = node.parent as ClassDeclaration;
// SourceRange linesRange =
// utils.getLinesRange2(rangeNode(classDeclaration));
// // prepare name
// String className =;
// String fileName = CorrectionUtils.getRecommentedFileNameForClass(className);
// // prepare new file
// JavaFile newFile = new JavaFile.relative(_unitLibraryFolder, fileName);
// if (newFile.exists()) {
// return;
// }
// // remove class from this unit
// SourceChange unitChange = new SourceChange(_source.shortName, _source);
// unitChange.addEdit(new Edit.range(linesRange, ""));
// // create new unit
// Change createFileChange;
// {
// String newContent = "part of ${_unitLibraryElement.displayName};";
// newContent += utils.endOfLine;
// newContent += utils.endOfLine;
// newContent += _getSource2(linesRange);
// createFileChange = new CreateFileChange(fileName, newFile, newContent);
// }
// // add 'part'
// SourceChange libraryChange =
// _getInsertPartDirectiveChange(_unitLibrarySource, fileName);
// // add proposal
// Change compositeChange =
// new CompositeChange("", [unitChange, createFileChange, libraryChange]);
// _proposals.add(
// new ChangeCorrectionProposal(
// compositeChange,
// AssistKind.EXTRACT_CLASS,
// [fileName]));
void _addProposal_importAddShow() {
// TODO(scheglov) implement
// // prepare ImportDirective
// ImportDirective importDirective =
// node.getAncestor((node) => node is ImportDirective);
// if (importDirective == null) {
// return;
// }
// // there should be no existing combinators
// if (!importDirective.combinators.isEmpty) {
// return;
// }
// // prepare whole import namespace
// ImportElement importElement = importDirective.element;
// Map<String, Element> namespace =
// getImportNamespace(importElement);
// // prepare names of referenced elements (from this import)
// Set<String> referencedNames = new Set();
// for (Element element in namespace.values) {
// List<SearchMatch> references =
// searchEngine.searchReferences(element, null, null);
// for (SearchMatch match in references) {
// LibraryElement library = match.element.library;
// if (unitLibraryElement == library) {
// referencedNames.add(element.displayName);
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// // ignore if unused
// if (referencedNames.isEmpty) {
// return;
// }
// // prepare change
// String sb = " show ${StringUtils.join(referencedNames, ", ")}";
// _addInsertEdit(importDirective.end - 1, sb.toString());
// // add proposal
// _addAssist(AssistKind.IMPORT_ADD_SHOW, []);
void _addProposal_invertIf() {
// TODO(scheglov) implement
// if (node is! IfStatement) {
// return;
// }
// IfStatement ifStatement = node as IfStatement;
// Expression condition = ifStatement.condition;
// // should have both "then" and "else"
// Statement thenStatement = ifStatement.thenStatement;
// Statement elseStatement = ifStatement.elseStatement;
// if (thenStatement == null || elseStatement == null) {
// return;
// }
// // prepare source
// String invertedCondition = utils.invertCondition(condition);
// String thenSource = _getSource(thenStatement);
// String elseSource = _getSource(elseStatement);
// // do replacements
// _addReplaceEdit(rangeNode(condition), invertedCondition);
// _addReplaceEdit(rangeNode(thenStatement), elseSource);
// _addReplaceEdit(rangeNode(elseStatement), thenSource);
// // add proposal
// _addAssist(AssistKind.INVERT_IF_STATEMENT, []);
void _addProposal_joinIfStatementInner() {
// TODO(scheglov) implement
// // climb up condition to the (supposedly) "if" statement
// AstNode node = this.node;
// while (node is Expression) {
// node = node.parent;
// }
// // prepare target "if" statement
// if (node is! IfStatement) {
// return;
// }
// IfStatement targetIfStatement = node as IfStatement;
// if (targetIfStatement.elseStatement != null) {
// return;
// }
// // prepare inner "if" statement
// Statement targetThenStatement = targetIfStatement.thenStatement;
// Statement innerStatement =
// CorrectionUtils.getSingleStatement(targetThenStatement);
// if (innerStatement is! IfStatement) {
// return;
// }
// IfStatement innerIfStatement = innerStatement as IfStatement;
// if (innerIfStatement.elseStatement != null) {
// return;
// }
// // prepare environment
// String prefix = utils.getNodePrefix(targetIfStatement);
// // merge conditions
// String condition;
// {
// Expression targetCondition = targetIfStatement.condition;
// Expression innerCondition = innerIfStatement.condition;
// String targetConditionSource = _getSource(targetCondition);
// String innerConditionSource = _getSource(innerCondition);
// if (_shouldWrapParenthesisBeforeAnd(targetCondition)) {
// targetConditionSource = "(${targetConditionSource})";
// }
// if (_shouldWrapParenthesisBeforeAnd(innerCondition)) {
// innerConditionSource = "(${innerConditionSource})";
// }
// condition = "${targetConditionSource} && ${innerConditionSource}";
// }
// // replace target "if" statement
// {
// Statement innerThenStatement = innerIfStatement.thenStatement;
// List<Statement> innerThenStatements =
// CorrectionUtils.getStatements(innerThenStatement);
// SourceRange lineRanges = utils.getLinesRange(innerThenStatements);
// String oldSource = utils.getText3(lineRanges);
// String newSource = utils.getIndentSource2(oldSource, false);
// // TODO(scheglov)
//// _addReplaceEdit(
//// rangeNode(targetIfStatement),
//// MessageFormat.format(
//// "if ({0}) '{'{1}{2}{3}'}'",
//// [condition, eol, newSource, prefix]));
// }
// // done
// _addAssist(AssistKind.JOIN_IF_WITH_INNER, []);
void _addProposal_joinIfStatementOuter() {
// TODO(scheglov) implement
// // climb up condition to the (supposedly) "if" statement
// AstNode node = this.node;
// while (node is Expression) {
// node = node.parent;
// }
// // prepare target "if" statement
// if (node is! IfStatement) {
// return;
// }
// IfStatement targetIfStatement = node as IfStatement;
// if (targetIfStatement.elseStatement != null) {
// return;
// }
// // prepare outer "if" statement
// AstNode parent = targetIfStatement.parent;
// if (parent is Block) {
// parent = parent.parent;
// }
// if (parent is! IfStatement) {
// return;
// }
// IfStatement outerIfStatement = parent as IfStatement;
// if (outerIfStatement.elseStatement != null) {
// return;
// }
// // prepare environment
// String prefix = utils.getNodePrefix(outerIfStatement);
// // merge conditions
// String condition;
// {
// Expression targetCondition = targetIfStatement.condition;
// Expression outerCondition = outerIfStatement.condition;
// String targetConditionSource = _getSource(targetCondition);
// String outerConditionSource = _getSource(outerCondition);
// if (_shouldWrapParenthesisBeforeAnd(targetCondition)) {
// targetConditionSource = "(${targetConditionSource})";
// }
// if (_shouldWrapParenthesisBeforeAnd(outerCondition)) {
// outerConditionSource = "(${outerConditionSource})";
// }
// condition = "${outerConditionSource} && ${targetConditionSource}";
// }
// // replace outer "if" statement
// {
// Statement targetThenStatement = targetIfStatement.thenStatement;
// List<Statement> targetThenStatements =
// CorrectionUtils.getStatements(targetThenStatement);
// SourceRange lineRanges = utils.getLinesRange(targetThenStatements);
// String oldSource = utils.getText3(lineRanges);
// String newSource = utils.getIndentSource2(oldSource, false);
// // TODO(scheglov)
//// _addReplaceEdit(
//// rangeNode(outerIfStatement),
//// MessageFormat.format(
//// "if ({0}) '{'{1}{2}{3}'}'",
//// [condition, eol, newSource, prefix]));
// }
// // done
// _addAssist(AssistKind.JOIN_IF_WITH_OUTER, []);
void _addProposal_joinVariableDeclaration_onAssignment() {
// check that node is LHS in assignment
if (node is SimpleIdentifier &&
node.parent is AssignmentExpression &&
identical((node.parent as AssignmentExpression).leftHandSide, node) &&
node.parent.parent is ExpressionStatement) {
} else {
AssignmentExpression assignExpression = node.parent as AssignmentExpression;
// check that binary expression is assignment
if (assignExpression.operator.type != TokenType.EQ) {
// prepare "declaration" statement
Element element = (node as SimpleIdentifier).staticElement;
if (element == null) {
int declOffset = element.nameOffset;
AstNode declNode = new NodeLocator.con1(declOffset).searchWithin(unit);
if (declNode != null &&
declNode.parent is VariableDeclaration &&
identical((declNode.parent as VariableDeclaration).name, declNode) &&
declNode.parent.parent is VariableDeclarationList &&
declNode.parent.parent.parent is VariableDeclarationStatement) {
} else {
VariableDeclaration decl = declNode.parent as VariableDeclaration;
VariableDeclarationStatement declStatement =
decl.parent.parent as VariableDeclarationStatement;
// may be has initializer
if (decl.initializer != null) {
// check that "declaration" statement declared only one variable
if (declStatement.variables.variables.length != 1) {
// check that the "declaration" and "assignment" statements are
// parts of the same Block
ExpressionStatement assignStatement =
node.parent.parent as ExpressionStatement;
if (assignStatement.parent is Block &&
assignStatement.parent == declStatement.parent) {
} else {
Block block = assignStatement.parent as Block;
// check that "declaration" and "assignment" statements are adjacent
List<Statement> statements = block.statements;
if (statements.indexOf(assignStatement) ==
statements.indexOf(declStatement) + 1) {
} else {
// add edits
int assignOffset = assignExpression.operator.offset;
_addReplaceEdit(rangeEndStart(declNode, assignOffset), " ");
// add proposal
_addAssist(AssistKind.JOIN_VARIABLE_DECLARATION, []);
void _addProposal_joinVariableDeclaration_onDeclaration() {
// prepare enclosing VariableDeclarationList
VariableDeclarationList declList =
node.getAncestor((node) => node is VariableDeclarationList);
if (declList != null && declList.variables.length == 1) {
} else {
VariableDeclaration decl = declList.variables[0];
// already initialized
if (decl.initializer != null) {
// prepare VariableDeclarationStatement in Block
if (declList.parent is VariableDeclarationStatement &&
declList.parent.parent is Block) {
} else {
VariableDeclarationStatement declStatement =
declList.parent as VariableDeclarationStatement;
Block block = declStatement.parent as Block;
List<Statement> statements = block.statements;
// prepare assignment
AssignmentExpression assignExpression;
// declaration should not be last Statement
int declIndex = statements.indexOf(declStatement);
if (declIndex < statements.length - 1) {
} else {
// next Statement should be assignment
Statement assignStatement = statements[declIndex + 1];
if (assignStatement is ExpressionStatement) {
} else {
ExpressionStatement expressionStatement =
assignStatement as ExpressionStatement;
// expression should be assignment
if (expressionStatement.expression is AssignmentExpression) {
} else {
assignExpression = expressionStatement.expression as AssignmentExpression;
// check that pure assignment
if (assignExpression.operator.type != TokenType.EQ) {
// add edits
int assignOffset = assignExpression.operator.offset;
_addReplaceEdit(rangeEndStart(, assignOffset), " ");
// add proposal
_addAssist(AssistKind.JOIN_VARIABLE_DECLARATION, []);
void _addProposal_removeTypeAnnotation() {
AstNode typeStart = null;
AstNode typeEnd = null;
// try top-level variable
TopLevelVariableDeclaration declaration =
node.getAncestor((node) => node is TopLevelVariableDeclaration);
if (declaration != null) {
TypeName typeNode = declaration.variables.type;
if (typeNode != null) {
VariableDeclaration field = declaration.variables.variables[0];
typeStart = declaration;
typeEnd = field;
// try class field
FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration =
node.getAncestor((node) => node is FieldDeclaration);
if (fieldDeclaration != null) {
TypeName typeNode = fieldDeclaration.fields.type;
if (typeNode != null) {
VariableDeclaration field = fieldDeclaration.fields.variables[0];
typeStart = fieldDeclaration;
typeEnd = field;
// try local variable
VariableDeclarationStatement statement =
node.getAncestor((node) => node is VariableDeclarationStatement);
if (statement != null) {
TypeName typeNode = statement.variables.type;
if (typeNode != null) {
VariableDeclaration variable = statement.variables.variables[0];
typeStart = typeNode;
typeEnd = variable;
// add edit
if (typeStart != null && typeEnd != null) {
SourceRange typeRange = rangeStartStart(typeStart, typeEnd);
_addReplaceEdit(typeRange, "var ");
// add proposal
_addAssist(AssistKind.REMOVE_TYPE_ANNOTATION, []);
void _addProposal_replaceConditionalWithIfElse() {
ConditionalExpression conditional = null;
// may be on Statement with Conditional
Statement statement = node.getAncestor((node) => node is Statement);
if (statement == null) {
// variable declaration
bool inVariable = false;
if (statement is VariableDeclarationStatement) {
VariableDeclarationStatement variableStatement = statement;
for (VariableDeclaration variable in
variableStatement.variables.variables) {
if (variable.initializer is ConditionalExpression) {
conditional = variable.initializer as ConditionalExpression;
inVariable = true;
// assignment
bool inAssignment = false;
if (statement is ExpressionStatement) {
ExpressionStatement exprStmt = statement;
if (exprStmt.expression is AssignmentExpression) {
AssignmentExpression assignment =
exprStmt.expression as AssignmentExpression;
if (assignment.operator.type == TokenType.EQ &&
assignment.rightHandSide is ConditionalExpression) {
conditional = assignment.rightHandSide as ConditionalExpression;
inAssignment = true;
// return
bool inReturn = false;
if (statement is ReturnStatement) {
ReturnStatement returnStatement = statement;
if (returnStatement.expression is ConditionalExpression) {
conditional = returnStatement.expression as ConditionalExpression;
inReturn = true;
// prepare environment
String indent = utils.getIndent(1);
String prefix = utils.getNodePrefix(statement);
// Type v = Conditional;
if (inVariable) {
VariableDeclaration variable = conditional.parent as VariableDeclaration;
_addRemoveEdit(rangeEndEnd(, conditional));
String conditionSrc = _getSource(conditional.condition);
String thenSrc = _getSource(conditional.thenExpression);
String elseSrc = _getSource(conditional.elseExpression);
String name =;
String src = eol;
src += prefix + 'if ($conditionSrc) {' + eol;
src += prefix + indent + '$name = $thenSrc;' + eol;
src += prefix + '} else {' + eol;
src += prefix + indent + '$name = $elseSrc;' + eol;
src += prefix + '}';
_addReplaceEdit(rangeEndLength(statement, 0), src);
// v = Conditional;
if (inAssignment) {
AssignmentExpression assignment =
conditional.parent as AssignmentExpression;
Expression leftSide = assignment.leftHandSide;
String conditionSrc = _getSource(conditional.condition);
String thenSrc = _getSource(conditional.thenExpression);
String elseSrc = _getSource(conditional.elseExpression);
String name = _getSource(leftSide);
String src = '';
src += 'if ($conditionSrc) {' + eol;
src += prefix + indent + '$name = $thenSrc;' + eol;
src += prefix + '} else {' + eol;
src += prefix + indent + '$name = $elseSrc;' + eol;
src += prefix + '}';
_addReplaceEdit(rangeNode(statement), src);
// return Conditional;
if (inReturn) {
String conditionSrc = _getSource(conditional.condition);
String thenSrc = _getSource(conditional.thenExpression);
String elseSrc = _getSource(conditional.elseExpression);
String src = '';
src += 'if ($conditionSrc) {' + eol;
src += prefix + indent + 'return $thenSrc;' + eol;
src += prefix + '} else {' + eol;
src += prefix + indent + 'return $elseSrc;' + eol;
src += prefix + '}';
_addReplaceEdit(rangeNode(statement), src);
// add proposal
void _addProposal_replaceIfElseWithConditional() {
// TODO(scheglov) implement
// // should be "if"
// if (node is! IfStatement) {
// return;
// }
// IfStatement ifStatement = node as IfStatement;
// // single then/else statements
// Statement thenStatement =
// CorrectionUtils.getSingleStatement(ifStatement.thenStatement);
// Statement elseStatement =
// CorrectionUtils.getSingleStatement(ifStatement.elseStatement);
// if (thenStatement == null || elseStatement == null) {
// return;
// }
// // returns
// if (thenStatement is ReturnStatement || elseStatement is ReturnStatement) {
// ReturnStatement thenReturn = thenStatement as ReturnStatement;
// ReturnStatement elseReturn = elseStatement as ReturnStatement;
// // TODO(scheglov)
//// _addReplaceEdit(
//// rangeNode(ifStatement),
//// MessageFormat.format(
//// "return {0} ? {1} : {2};",
//// [
//// _getSource(ifStatement.condition),
//// _getSource(thenReturn.expression),
//// _getSource(elseReturn.expression)]));
// }
// // assignments -> v = Conditional;
// if (thenStatement is ExpressionStatement &&
// elseStatement is ExpressionStatement) {
// Expression thenExpression = thenStatement.expression;
// Expression elseExpression = elseStatement.expression;
// if (thenExpression is AssignmentExpression &&
// elseExpression is AssignmentExpression) {
// AssignmentExpression thenAssignment = thenExpression;
// AssignmentExpression elseAssignment = elseExpression;
// String thenTarget = _getSource(thenAssignment.leftHandSide);
// String elseTarget = _getSource(elseAssignment.leftHandSide);
// if (thenAssignment.operator.type == TokenType.EQ &&
// elseAssignment.operator.type == TokenType.EQ &&
// StringUtils.equals(thenTarget, elseTarget)) {
// // TODO(scheglov)
//// _addReplaceEdit(
//// rangeNode(ifStatement),
//// MessageFormat.format(
//// "{0} = {1} ? {2} : {3};",
//// [
//// thenTarget,
//// _getSource(ifStatement.condition),
//// _getSource(thenAssignment.rightHandSide),
//// _getSource(elseAssignment.rightHandSide)]));
// }
// }
// }
// // add proposal
// _addAssist(
// []);
void _addProposal_splitAndCondition() {
// TODO(scheglov) implement
// // check that user invokes quick assist on binary expression
// if (node is! BinaryExpression) {
// return;
// }
// BinaryExpression binaryExpression = node as BinaryExpression;
// // prepare operator position
// int offset =
// _isOperatorSelected(binaryExpression, _selectionOffset, _selectionLength);
// if (offset == -1) {
// return;
// }
// // should be &&
// if (binaryExpression.operator.type != TokenType.AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND) {
// return;
// }
// // prepare "if"
// Statement statement = node.getAncestor((node) => node is Statement);
// if (statement is! IfStatement) {
// return;
// }
// IfStatement ifStatement = statement as IfStatement;
// // check that binary expression is part of first level && condition of "if"
// BinaryExpression condition = binaryExpression;
// while (condition.parent is BinaryExpression &&
// (condition.parent as BinaryExpression).operator.type ==
// condition = condition.parent as BinaryExpression;
// }
// if (!identical(ifStatement.condition, condition)) {
// return;
// }
// // prepare environment
// String prefix = utils.getNodePrefix(ifStatement);
// String indent = utils.getIndent(1);
// // prepare "rightCondition"
// String rightConditionSource;
// {
// SourceRange rightConditionRange =
// rangeStartEnd(binaryExpression.rightOperand, condition);
// rightConditionSource = _getSource2(rightConditionRange);
// }
// // remove "&& rightCondition"
// _addRemoveEdit(
// rangeEndEnd(binaryExpression.leftOperand, condition));
// // update "then" statement
// Statement thenStatement = ifStatement.thenStatement;
// Statement elseStatement = ifStatement.elseStatement;
// if (thenStatement is Block) {
// Block thenBlock = thenStatement;
// SourceRange thenBlockRange = rangeNode(thenBlock);
// // insert inner "if" with right part of "condition"
// {
// String source =
// "${eol}${prefix}${indent}if (${rightConditionSource}) {";
// int thenBlockInsideOffset = thenBlockRange.offset + 1;
// _addInsertEdit(thenBlockInsideOffset, source);
// }
// // insert closing "}" for inner "if"
// {
// int thenBlockEnd = thenBlockRange.end;
// String source = "${indent}}";
// // may be move "else" statements
// if (elseStatement != null) {
// List<Statement> elseStatements =
// CorrectionUtils.getStatements(elseStatement);
// SourceRange elseLinesRange = utils.getLinesRange(elseStatements);
// String elseIndentOld = "${prefix}${indent}";
// String elseIndentNew = "${elseIndentOld}${indent}";
// String newElseSource =
// utils.getIndentSource(elseLinesRange, elseIndentOld, elseIndentNew);
// // append "else" block
// source += " else {${eol}";
// source += newElseSource;
// source += "${prefix}${indent}}";
// // remove old "else" range
// _addRemoveEdit(
// rangeStartEnd(thenBlockEnd, elseStatement));
// }
// // insert before outer "then" block "}"
// source += "${eol}${prefix}";
// _addInsertEdit(thenBlockEnd - 1, source);
// }
// } else {
// // insert inner "if" with right part of "condition"
// {
// String source = "${eol}${prefix}${indent}if (${rightConditionSource})";
// _addInsertEdit(ifStatement.rightParenthesis.offset + 1, source);
// }
// // indent "else" statements to correspond inner "if"
// if (elseStatement != null) {
// SourceRange elseRange =
// rangeStartEnd(ifStatement.elseKeyword.offset, elseStatement);
// SourceRange elseLinesRange = utils.getLinesRange2(elseRange);
// String elseIndentOld = prefix;
// String elseIndentNew = "${elseIndentOld}${indent}";
// edits.add(
// utils.createIndentEdit(elseLinesRange, elseIndentOld, elseIndentNew));
// }
// }
// // indent "then" statements to correspond inner "if"
// {
// List<Statement> thenStatements =
// CorrectionUtils.getStatements(thenStatement);
// SourceRange linesRange = utils.getLinesRange(thenStatements);
// String thenIndentOld = "${prefix}${indent}";
// String thenIndentNew = "${thenIndentOld}${indent}";
// edits.add(
// utils.createIndentEdit(linesRange, thenIndentOld, thenIndentNew));
// }
// // add proposal
// _addAssist(AssistKind.SPLIT_AND_CONDITION, []);
void _addProposal_splitVariableDeclaration() {
// TODO(scheglov) implement
// // prepare DartVariableStatement, should be part of Block
// VariableDeclarationStatement statement =
// node.getAncestor((node) => node is VariableDeclarationStatement);
// if (statement != null && statement.parent is Block) {
// } else {
// return;
// }
// // check that statement declares single variable
// List<VariableDeclaration> variables = statement.variables.variables;
// if (variables.length != 1) {
// return;
// }
// VariableDeclaration variable = variables[0];
// // remove initializer value
// _addRemoveEdit(
// rangeEndStart(, statement.semicolon));
// // TODO(scheglov)
//// // add assignment statement
//// String indent = _utils.getNodePrefix(statement);
//// String assignSource =
//// MessageFormat.format(
//// "{0} = {1};",
//// [, _getSource(variable.initializer)]);
//// SourceRange assignRange = rangeEndLength(statement, 0);
//// _addReplaceEdit(assignRange, "${eol}${indent}${assignSource}");
//// // add proposal
//// _addUnitCorrectionProposal(
//// []);
void _addProposal_surroundWith() {
// TODO(scheglov) implement
// // prepare selected statements
// List<Statement> selectedStatements;
// {
// SourceRange selection =
// rangeStartLength(_selectionOffset, _selectionLength);
// StatementAnalyzer selectionAnalyzer =
// new StatementAnalyzer.con1(_unit, selection);
// _unit.accept(selectionAnalyzer);
// List<AstNode> selectedNodes = selectionAnalyzer.selectedNodes;
// // convert nodes to statements
// selectedStatements = [];
// for (AstNode selectedNode in selectedNodes) {
// if (selectedNode is Statement) {
// selectedStatements.add(selectedNode);
// }
// }
// // we want only statements
// if (selectedStatements.isEmpty ||
// selectedStatements.length != selectedNodes.length) {
// return;
// }
// }
// // prepare statement information
// Statement firstStatement = selectedStatements[0];
// Statement lastStatement = selectedStatements[selectedStatements.length - 1];
// SourceRange statementsRange = utils.getLinesRange(selectedStatements);
// // prepare environment
// String indentOld = utils.getNodePrefix(firstStatement);
// String indentNew = "${indentOld}${utils.getIndent(1)}";
// // "block"
// {
// _addInsertEdit(statementsRange.offset, "${indentOld}{${eol}");
// {
// Edit edit =
// utils.createIndentEdit(statementsRange, indentOld, indentNew);
// edits.add(edit);
// }
// _addInsertEdit(statementsRange.end, "${indentOld}}${eol}");
// _proposalEndRange = rangeEndLength(lastStatement, 0);
// // add proposal
// _addAssist(AssistKind.SURROUND_WITH_BLOCK, []);
// }
// // "if"
// {
// {
// int offset = statementsRange.offset;
// SourceBuilder sb = new SourceBuilder.con1(offset);
// sb.append(indentOld);
// sb.append("if (");
// {
// sb.startPosition("CONDITION");
// sb.append("condition");
// sb.endPosition();
// }
// sb.append(") {");
// sb.append(eol);
// _insertBuilder(sb);
// }
// {
// Edit edit =
// utils.createIndentEdit(statementsRange, indentOld, indentNew);
// edits.add(edit);
// }
// _addInsertEdit(statementsRange.end, "${indentOld}}${eol}");
// _proposalEndRange = rangeEndLength(lastStatement, 0);
// // add proposal
// _addAssist(AssistKind.SURROUND_WITH_IF, []);
// }
// // "while"
// {
// {
// int offset = statementsRange.offset;
// SourceBuilder sb = new SourceBuilder.con1(offset);
// sb.append(indentOld);
// sb.append("while (");
// {
// sb.startPosition("CONDITION");
// sb.append("condition");
// sb.endPosition();
// }
// sb.append(") {");
// sb.append(eol);
// _insertBuilder(sb);
// }
// {
// Edit edit =
// utils.createIndentEdit(statementsRange, indentOld, indentNew);
// edits.add(edit);
// }
// _addInsertEdit(statementsRange.end, "${indentOld}}${eol}");
// _proposalEndRange = rangeEndLength(lastStatement, 0);
// // add proposal
// _addAssist(AssistKind.SURROUND_WITH_WHILE, []);
// }
// // "for-in"
// {
// {
// int offset = statementsRange.offset;
// SourceBuilder sb = new SourceBuilder.con1(offset);
// sb.append(indentOld);
// sb.append("for (var ");
// {
// sb.startPosition("NAME");
// sb.append("item");
// sb.endPosition();
// }
// sb.append(" in ");
// {
// sb.startPosition("ITERABLE");
// sb.append("iterable");
// sb.endPosition();
// }
// sb.append(") {");
// sb.append(eol);
// _insertBuilder(sb);
// }
// {
// Edit edit =
// utils.createIndentEdit(statementsRange, indentOld, indentNew);
// edits.add(edit);
// }
// _addInsertEdit(statementsRange.end, "${indentOld}}${eol}");
// _proposalEndRange = rangeEndLength(lastStatement, 0);
// // add proposal
// _addAssist(AssistKind.SURROUND_WITH_FOR_IN, []);
// }
// // "for"
// {
// {
// int offset = statementsRange.offset;
// SourceBuilder sb = new SourceBuilder.con1(offset);
// sb.append(indentOld);
// sb.append("for (var ");
// {
// sb.startPosition("VAR");
// sb.append("v");
// sb.endPosition();
// }
// sb.append(" = ");
// {
// sb.startPosition("INIT");
// sb.append("init");
// sb.endPosition();
// }
// sb.append("; ");
// {
// sb.startPosition("CONDITION");
// sb.append("condition");
// sb.endPosition();
// }
// sb.append("; ");
// {
// sb.startPosition("INCREMENT");
// sb.append("increment");
// sb.endPosition();
// }
// sb.append(") {");
// sb.append(eol);
// _insertBuilder(sb);
// }
// {
// Edit edit =
// utils.createIndentEdit(statementsRange, indentOld, indentNew);
// edits.add(edit);
// }
// _addInsertEdit(statementsRange.end, "${indentOld}}${eol}");
// _proposalEndRange = rangeEndLength(lastStatement, 0);
// // add proposal
// _addAssist(AssistKind.SURROUND_WITH_FOR, []);
// }
// // "do-while"
// {
// _addInsertEdit(statementsRange.offset, "${indentOld}do {${eol}");
// {
// Edit edit =
// utils.createIndentEdit(statementsRange, indentOld, indentNew);
// edits.add(edit);
// }
// {
// int offset = statementsRange.end;
// SourceBuilder sb = new SourceBuilder.con1(offset);
// sb.append(indentOld);
// sb.append("} while (");
// {
// sb.startPosition("CONDITION");
// sb.append("condition");
// sb.endPosition();
// }
// sb.append(");");
// sb.append(eol);
// _insertBuilder(sb);
// }
// _proposalEndRange = rangeEndLength(lastStatement, 0);
// // add proposal
// _addAssist(AssistKind.SURROUND_WITH_DO_WHILE, []);
// }
// // "try-catch"
// {
// _addInsertEdit(statementsRange.offset, "${indentOld}try {${eol}");
// {
// Edit edit =
// utils.createIndentEdit(statementsRange, indentOld, indentNew);
// edits.add(edit);
// }
// {
// int offset = statementsRange.end;
// SourceBuilder sb = new SourceBuilder.con1(offset);
// sb.append(indentOld);
// sb.append("} on ");
// {
// sb.startPosition("EXCEPTION_TYPE");
// sb.append("Exception");
// sb.endPosition();
// }
// sb.append(" catch (");
// {
// sb.startPosition("EXCEPTION_VAR");
// sb.append("e");
// sb.endPosition();
// }
// sb.append(") {");
// sb.append(eol);
// //
// sb.append(indentNew);
// {
// sb.startPosition("CATCH");
// sb.append("// TODO");
// sb.endPosition();
// sb.setEndPosition();
// }
// sb.append(eol);
// //
// sb.append(indentOld);
// sb.append("}");
// sb.append(eol);
// //
// _insertBuilder(sb);
// }
// // add proposal
// _addAssist(AssistKind.SURROUND_WITH_TRY_CATCH, []);
// }
// // "try-finally"
// {
// _addInsertEdit(statementsRange.offset, "${indentOld}try {${eol}");
// {
// Edit edit =
// utils.createIndentEdit(statementsRange, indentOld, indentNew);
// edits.add(edit);
// }
// {
// int offset = statementsRange.end;
// SourceBuilder sb = new SourceBuilder.con1(offset);
// //
// sb.append(indentOld);
// sb.append("} finally {");
// sb.append(eol);
// //
// sb.append(indentNew);
// {
// sb.startPosition("FINALLY");
// sb.append("// TODO");
// sb.endPosition();
// }
// sb.setEndPosition();
// sb.append(eol);
// //
// sb.append(indentOld);
// sb.append("}");
// sb.append(eol);
// //
// _insertBuilder(sb);
// }
// // add proposal
// _addAssist(
// []);
// }
* Adds a new [Edit] to [edits].
void _addRemoveEdit(SourceRange range) {
_addReplaceEdit(range, '');
* Adds a new [Edit] to [edits].
void _addReplaceEdit(SourceRange range, String text) {
Edit edit = new Edit(range.offset, range.length, text);
* Returns an existing or just added [LinkedPositionGroup] with [groupId].
LinkedPositionGroup _getLinkedPosition(String groupId) {
LinkedPositionGroup group = linkedPositionGroups[groupId];
if (group == null) {
group = new LinkedPositionGroup(groupId);
linkedPositionGroups[groupId] = group;
return group;
* Returns the text of the given range in the unit.
String _getSource(AstNode node) {
// TODO(scheglov) rename
return utils.getText(node);
* Returns the text of the given range in the unit.
String _getSource2(SourceRange range) {
// TODO(scheglov) rename
return utils.getText3(range);
* Inserts the given [SourceBuilder] at its offset.
void _insertBuilder(SourceBuilder builder) {
String text = builder.toString();
_addInsertEdit(builder.offset, text);
// add linked positions
builder.linkedPositionGroups.forEach((LinkedPositionGroup group) {
LinkedPositionGroup fixGroup = _getLinkedPosition(;
group.positions.forEach((Position position) {
group.proposals.forEach((String proposal) {
* This method does nothing, but we invoke it in places where Dart VM
* coverage agent fails to provide coverage information - such as almost
* all "return" statements.
static void _coverageMarker() {
* Returns `true` if the selection covers an operator of the given
* [BinaryExpression].
static bool _isOperatorSelected(BinaryExpression binaryExpression, int offset,
int length) {
AstNode left = binaryExpression.leftOperand;
AstNode right = binaryExpression.rightOperand;
// between the nodes
if (offset >= left.endToken.end && offset + length <= right.offset) {
return true;
// or exactly select the node (but not with infix expressions)
if (offset == left.offset && offset + length == right.endToken.end) {
if (left is BinaryExpression || right is BinaryExpression) {
return false;
return true;
// invalid selection (part of node, etc)
return false;