blob: c5779422d58d2356ce0377bce070f6a12b8bc144 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test.integration.server.domain;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/constants.dart';
import 'package:analysis_testing/reflective_tests.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'integration_tests.dart';
class ServerDomainIntegrationTest extends AbstractAnalysisServerIntegrationTest
test_getVersion() {
return server.send(SERVER_GET_VERSION, null).then((response) {
expect(response, isServerGetVersionResult);
test_shutdown() {
return server.send(SERVER_SHUTDOWN, null).then((response) {
expect(response, isNull);
return new Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 1)).then((_) {
server.send(SERVER_GET_VERSION, null).then((_) {
fail('Server still alive after server.shutdown');
// Give the server time to respond before terminating the test.
return new Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 1));
fail_test_setSubscriptions() {
// TODO(paulberry): fix the server so that it passes this test.
bool statusReceived = false;
Completer analysisBegun = new Completer();
server.onNotification(SERVER_STATUS).listen((_) {
statusReceived = true;
server.onNotification(ANALYSIS_ERRORS).listen((_) {
if (!analysisBegun.isCompleted) {
return server_setSubscriptions([]).then((response) {
expect(response, isNull);
writeFile('test.dart', '''
main() {
var x;
// Analysis should begin, but no server.status notification should be
// received.
return analysisBegun.future.then((_) {
expect(statusReceived, isFalse);
return server_setSubscriptions(['STATUS']).then((_) {
// Tickle test.dart just in case analysis has already completed.
writeFile('test.dart', '''
main() {
var y;
// Analysis should eventually complete, and we should be notified
// about it.
return analysisFinished;
test_setSubscriptions_invalidService() {
// TODO(paulberry): verify that if an invalid service is specified, the
// current subscriptions are unchanged.
return server_setSubscriptions(['bogus']).then((_) {
fail('setSubscriptions should have produced an error');
}, onError: (error) {
// The expected error occurred.
test_connected() {
expect(serverConnectedParams, isNull);
test_error() {
// TODO(paulberry): how do we test the 'server.error' notification given
// that this notification should only occur in the event of a server bug?
test_status() {
// TODO(paulberry): spec says that server.status is not subscribed to by
// default, but currently it's behaving as though it is.
// After we kick off analysis, we should get one server.status message with
// analyzing=true, and another server.status message after that with
// analyzing=false.
Completer analysisBegun = new Completer();
Completer analysisFinished = new Completer();
server.onNotification(SERVER_STATUS).listen((params) {
expect(params, isServerStatusParams);
if (params['analysis'] != null) {
if (params['analysis']['analyzing']) {
expect(analysisBegun.isCompleted, isFalse);
} else {
expect(analysisFinished.isCompleted, isFalse);
writeFile('test.dart', '''
main() {
var x;
expect(analysisBegun.isCompleted, isFalse);
expect(analysisFinished.isCompleted, isFalse);
return analysisBegun.future.then((_) {
expect(analysisFinished.isCompleted, isFalse);
return analysisFinished.future;
main() {