blob: d6bc92ed24bf11535f092afb1f18c9df90e30a1d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/globals.h"
#include "vm/heap.h"
namespace dart {
class ActivationFrame;
class Breakpoint;
class Instance;
class Isolate;
class Object;
class StreamInfo;
class String;
class TimelineEventBlock;
class ServiceEvent {
enum EventKind {
kVMUpdate, // VM identity information has changed
kIsolateStart, // New isolate has started
kIsolateRunnable, // Isolate is ready to run
kIsolateExit, // Isolate has exited
kIsolateUpdate, // Isolate identity information has changed
kIsolateReload, // Result of a reload request
kServiceExtensionAdded, // A service extension was registered
kPauseStart, // --pause-isolates-on-start
kPauseExit, // --pause-isolates-on-exit
kNone, // isolate has not been made runnable yet.
struct LogRecord {
int64_t sequence_number;
int64_t timestamp;
intptr_t level;
const String* name;
const String* message;
const Instance* zone;
const Object* error;
const Instance* stack_trace;
struct ExtensionEvent {
const String* event_kind;
const String* event_data;
ServiceEvent(Isolate* isolate, EventKind event_kind);
Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; }
// Used by the C embedding api.
Dart_Port isolate_id() const {
return isolate_->main_port();
EventKind kind() const { return kind_; }
bool IsPause() const {
switch (kind()) {
case kPauseStart:
case kPauseExit:
case kPauseBreakpoint:
case kPauseInterrupted:
case kPauseException:
return true;
return false;
const char* embedder_kind() const { return embedder_kind_; }
const char* KindAsCString() const;
void set_embedder_kind(const char* embedder_kind) {
embedder_kind_ = embedder_kind;
const StreamInfo* stream_info() const;
const char* stream_id() const;
void set_embedder_stream_id(const char* stream_id) {
embedder_stream_id_ = stream_id;
Breakpoint* breakpoint() const {
return breakpoint_;
void set_breakpoint(Breakpoint* bpt) {
ASSERT(kind() == kPauseBreakpoint ||
kind() == kBreakpointAdded ||
kind() == kBreakpointResolved ||
kind() == kBreakpointRemoved);
breakpoint_ = bpt;
ActivationFrame* top_frame() const {
return top_frame_;
void set_top_frame(ActivationFrame* frame) {
ASSERT(kind() == kPauseBreakpoint ||
kind() == kPauseInterrupted ||
kind() == kPauseException ||
kind() == kResume);
top_frame_ = frame;
const String* extension_rpc() const {
return extension_rpc_;
void set_extension_rpc(const String* extension_rpc) {
extension_rpc_ = extension_rpc;
const Object* exception() const {
return exception_;
void set_exception(const Object* exception) {
ASSERT(kind_ == kPauseException);
exception_ = exception;
const Error* reload_error() const {
ASSERT(kind_ == kIsolateReload);
return reload_error_;
void set_reload_error(const Error* error) {
ASSERT(kind_ == kIsolateReload);
reload_error_ = error;
bool at_async_jump() const {
return at_async_jump_;
void set_at_async_jump(bool value) {
at_async_jump_ = value;
const Object* inspectee() const {
return inspectee_;
void set_inspectee(const Object* inspectee) {
ASSERT(kind_ == kInspect);
inspectee_ = inspectee;
const Heap::GCStats* gc_stats() const {
return gc_stats_;
void set_gc_stats(const Heap::GCStats* gc_stats) {
gc_stats_ = gc_stats;
const uint8_t* bytes() const {
return bytes_;
intptr_t bytes_length() const {
return bytes_length_;
void set_bytes(const uint8_t* bytes, intptr_t bytes_length) {
bytes_ = bytes;
bytes_length_ = bytes_length;
void set_log_record(const LogRecord& log_record) {
log_record_ = log_record;
void set_extension_event(const ExtensionEvent& extension_event) {
extension_event_ = extension_event;
void UpdateTimestamp();
int64_t timestamp() const {
return timestamp_;
const TimelineEventBlock* timeline_event_block() const {
return timeline_event_block_;
void set_timeline_event_block(const TimelineEventBlock* block) {
ASSERT(kind() == kTimelineEvents);
timeline_event_block_ = block;
void PrintJSON(JSONStream* js) const;
void PrintJSONHeader(JSONObject* jsobj) const;
Isolate* isolate_;
EventKind kind_;
const char* embedder_kind_;
const char* embedder_stream_id_;
Breakpoint* breakpoint_;
ActivationFrame* top_frame_;
const TimelineEventBlock* timeline_event_block_;
const String* extension_rpc_;
const Object* exception_;
const Error* reload_error_;
bool at_async_jump_;
const Object* inspectee_;
const Heap::GCStats* gc_stats_;
const uint8_t* bytes_;
intptr_t bytes_length_;
LogRecord log_record_;
ExtensionEvent extension_event_;
int64_t timestamp_;
} // namespace dart