blob: 243fac3a1fba604a50885f0481cd750a53f96a57 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "bin/snapshot_utils.h"
#include "bin/dartutils.h"
#include "bin/dfe.h"
#include "bin/elf_loader.h"
#include "bin/error_exit.h"
#include "bin/file.h"
#include "bin/platform.h"
#include "include/dart_api.h"
#include <platform/mach_o.h>
#include "platform/utils.h"
namespace dart {
namespace bin {
static const int64_t kAppSnapshotHeaderSize = 5 * kInt64Size;
static const int64_t kAppSnapshotPageSize = 16 * KB;
static const char kMachOAppSnapshotSegmentName[] DART_UNUSED = "__CUSTOM";
static const char kMachOAppSnapshotSectionName[] DART_UNUSED =
class MappedAppSnapshot : public AppSnapshot {
MappedAppSnapshot(MappedMemory* vm_snapshot_data,
MappedMemory* vm_snapshot_instructions,
MappedMemory* isolate_snapshot_data,
MappedMemory* isolate_snapshot_instructions)
: vm_data_mapping_(vm_snapshot_data),
isolate_instructions_mapping_(isolate_snapshot_instructions) {}
~MappedAppSnapshot() {
delete vm_data_mapping_;
delete vm_instructions_mapping_;
delete isolate_data_mapping_;
delete isolate_instructions_mapping_;
void SetBuffers(const uint8_t** vm_data_buffer,
const uint8_t** vm_instructions_buffer,
const uint8_t** isolate_data_buffer,
const uint8_t** isolate_instructions_buffer) {
if (vm_data_mapping_ != NULL) {
*vm_data_buffer =
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(vm_data_mapping_->address());
if (vm_instructions_mapping_ != NULL) {
*vm_instructions_buffer =
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(vm_instructions_mapping_->address());
if (isolate_data_mapping_ != NULL) {
*isolate_data_buffer =
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(isolate_data_mapping_->address());
if (isolate_instructions_mapping_ != NULL) {
*isolate_instructions_buffer = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(
MappedMemory* vm_data_mapping_;
MappedMemory* vm_instructions_mapping_;
MappedMemory* isolate_data_mapping_;
MappedMemory* isolate_instructions_mapping_;
static AppSnapshot* TryReadAppSnapshotBlobs(const char* script_name,
File* file) {
if ((file->Length() - file->Position()) < kAppSnapshotHeaderSize) {
return nullptr;
int64_t header[5];
ASSERT(sizeof(header) == kAppSnapshotHeaderSize);
if (!file->ReadFully(&header, kAppSnapshotHeaderSize)) {
return nullptr;
ASSERT(sizeof(header[0]) == appjit_magic_number.length);
if (memcmp(&header[0], appjit_magic_number.bytes,
appjit_magic_number.length) != 0) {
return nullptr;
int64_t vm_data_size = header[1];
int64_t vm_data_position =
Utils::RoundUp(file->Position(), kAppSnapshotPageSize);
int64_t vm_instructions_size = header[2];
int64_t vm_instructions_position = vm_data_position + vm_data_size;
if (vm_instructions_size != 0) {
vm_instructions_position =
Utils::RoundUp(vm_instructions_position, kAppSnapshotPageSize);
int64_t isolate_data_size = header[3];
int64_t isolate_data_position = Utils::RoundUp(
vm_instructions_position + vm_instructions_size, kAppSnapshotPageSize);
int64_t isolate_instructions_size = header[4];
int64_t isolate_instructions_position =
isolate_data_position + isolate_data_size;
if (isolate_instructions_size != 0) {
isolate_instructions_position =
Utils::RoundUp(isolate_instructions_position, kAppSnapshotPageSize);
MappedMemory* vm_data_mapping = nullptr;
if (vm_data_size != 0) {
vm_data_mapping =
file->Map(File::kReadOnly, vm_data_position, vm_data_size);
if (vm_data_mapping == nullptr) {
FATAL1("Failed to memory map snapshot: %s\n", script_name);
MappedMemory* vm_instr_mapping = nullptr;
if (vm_instructions_size != 0) {
vm_instr_mapping = file->Map(File::kReadExecute, vm_instructions_position,
if (vm_instr_mapping == nullptr) {
FATAL1("Failed to memory map snapshot: %s\n", script_name);
MappedMemory* isolate_data_mapping = nullptr;
if (isolate_data_size != 0) {
isolate_data_mapping =
file->Map(File::kReadOnly, isolate_data_position, isolate_data_size);
if (isolate_data_mapping == nullptr) {
FATAL1("Failed to memory map snapshot: %s\n", script_name);
MappedMemory* isolate_instr_mapping = nullptr;
if (isolate_instructions_size != 0) {
isolate_instr_mapping =
file->Map(File::kReadExecute, isolate_instructions_position,
if (isolate_instr_mapping == nullptr) {
FATAL1("Failed to memory map snapshot: %s\n", script_name);
return new MappedAppSnapshot(vm_data_mapping, vm_instr_mapping,
isolate_data_mapping, isolate_instr_mapping);
static AppSnapshot* TryReadAppSnapshotBlobs(const char* script_name) {
File* file = File::Open(NULL, script_name, File::kRead);
if (file == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
RefCntReleaseScope<File> rs(file);
return TryReadAppSnapshotBlobs(script_name, file);
class ElfAppSnapshot : public AppSnapshot {
ElfAppSnapshot(Dart_LoadedElf* elf,
const uint8_t* vm_snapshot_data,
const uint8_t* vm_snapshot_instructions,
const uint8_t* isolate_snapshot_data,
const uint8_t* isolate_snapshot_instructions)
: elf_(elf),
isolate_snapshot_instructions_(isolate_snapshot_instructions) {}
virtual ~ElfAppSnapshot() { Dart_UnloadELF(elf_); }
void SetBuffers(const uint8_t** vm_data_buffer,
const uint8_t** vm_instructions_buffer,
const uint8_t** isolate_data_buffer,
const uint8_t** isolate_instructions_buffer) {
*vm_data_buffer = vm_snapshot_data_;
*vm_instructions_buffer = vm_snapshot_instructions_;
*isolate_data_buffer = isolate_snapshot_data_;
*isolate_instructions_buffer = isolate_snapshot_instructions_;
Dart_LoadedElf* elf_;
const uint8_t* vm_snapshot_data_;
const uint8_t* vm_snapshot_instructions_;
const uint8_t* isolate_snapshot_data_;
const uint8_t* isolate_snapshot_instructions_;
static AppSnapshot* TryReadAppSnapshotElf(
const char* script_name,
uint64_t file_offset,
bool force_load_elf_from_memory = false) {
const char* error = nullptr;
const uint8_t *vm_data_buffer = nullptr, *vm_instructions_buffer = nullptr,
*isolate_data_buffer = nullptr,
*isolate_instructions_buffer = nullptr;
Dart_LoadedElf* handle = nullptr;
#if !defined(DART_HOST_OS_FUCHSIA)
if (force_load_elf_from_memory) {
File* const file =
File::Open(/*namespc=*/nullptr, script_name, File::kRead);
if (file == nullptr) return nullptr;
MappedMemory* memory = file->Map(File::kReadOnly, /*position=*/0,
if (memory == nullptr) return nullptr;
const uint8_t* address =
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(memory->address());
handle =
Dart_LoadELF_Memory(address + file_offset, file->Length(), &error,
&vm_data_buffer, &vm_instructions_buffer,
&isolate_data_buffer, &isolate_instructions_buffer);
delete memory;
#if !defined(DART_HOST_OS_FUCHSIA)
} else {
handle = Dart_LoadELF(script_name, file_offset, &error, &vm_data_buffer,
&vm_instructions_buffer, &isolate_data_buffer,
if (handle == nullptr) {
Syslog::PrintErr("Loading failed: %s\n", error);
return nullptr;
return new ElfAppSnapshot(handle, vm_data_buffer, vm_instructions_buffer,
isolate_data_buffer, isolate_instructions_buffer);
return nullptr;
AppSnapshot* Snapshot::TryReadAppendedAppSnapshotElfFromMachO(
const char* container_path) {
File* file = File::Open(NULL, container_path, File::kRead);
if (file == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
RefCntReleaseScope<File> rs(file);
// Ensure file is actually MachO-formatted.
if (!IsMachOFormattedBinary(container_path)) {
"Attempted load target was not formatted as expected: "
"expected Mach-O binary.\n");
return nullptr;
// Parse the first 4bytes and extract the magic number.
uint32_t magic;
file->Read(&magic, sizeof(uint32_t));
const bool is64Bit =
magic == mach_o::MH_MAGIC_64 || magic == mach_o::MH_CIGAM_64;
const bool isByteSwapped =
magic == mach_o::MH_CIGAM || magic == mach_o::MH_CIGAM_64;
if (isByteSwapped) {
"Dart snapshot contained an unexpected binary file layout. "
"Expected non-byte swapped header but found a byte-swapped header.\n");
return nullptr;
// Read in the Mach-O header, which will contain information about all of the
// segments in the binary.
// From the header we determine where our special segment is located. This
// segment must be named according to the convention captured by
// kMachOAppSnapshotSegmentType and kMachOAppSnapshotSegmentName.
if (!is64Bit) {
"Dart snapshot compiled with 32bit architecture. "
"Currently only 64bit architectures are supported.\n");
return nullptr;
} else {
mach_o::mach_header_64 header;
file->Read(&header, sizeof(header));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < header.ncmds; ++i) {
mach_o::load_command command;
file->Read(&command, sizeof(mach_o::load_command));
file->SetPosition(file->Position() - sizeof(command));
if (command.cmd != mach_o::LC_SEGMENT &&
command.cmd != mach_o::LC_SEGMENT_64) {
file->SetPosition(file->Position() + command.cmdsize);
mach_o::segment_command_64 segment;
file->Read(&segment, sizeof(segment));
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < segment.nsects; ++j) {
mach_o::section_64 section;
file->Read(&section, sizeof(section));
if (segment.cmd == mach_o::LC_SEGMENT_64 &&
strcmp(section.segname, kMachOAppSnapshotSegmentName) == 0 &&
strcmp(section.sectname, kMachOAppSnapshotSectionName) == 0) {
// We have to do the loading "by-hand" because we need to set the
// snapshot length to a specific length instead of the "rest of the
// file", which is the assumption that TryReadAppSnapshotElf makes.
const char* error = nullptr;
const uint8_t* vm_data_buffer = nullptr;
const uint8_t* vm_instructions_buffer = nullptr;
const uint8_t* isolate_data_buffer = nullptr;
const uint8_t* isolate_instructions_buffer = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> snapshot(new uint8_t[section.size]);
file->Read(snapshot.get(), sizeof(uint8_t) * section.size);
Dart_LoadedElf* handle = Dart_LoadELF_Memory(
snapshot.get(), section.size, &error, &vm_data_buffer,
&vm_instructions_buffer, &isolate_data_buffer,
if (handle == nullptr) {
Syslog::PrintErr("Loading failed: %s\n", error);
return nullptr;
return new ElfAppSnapshot(handle, vm_data_buffer,
vm_instructions_buffer, isolate_data_buffer,
return nullptr;
#endif // defined(DART_TARGET_OS_MACOS)
AppSnapshot* Snapshot::TryReadAppendedAppSnapshotElf(
const char* container_path) {
if (IsMachOFormattedBinary(container_path)) {
return TryReadAppendedAppSnapshotElfFromMachO(container_path);
File* file = File::Open(NULL, container_path, File::kRead);
if (file == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
RefCntReleaseScope<File> rs(file);
// Check for payload appended at the end of the container file.
// If header is found, jump to payload offset.
int64_t appended_header[2];
if (!file->SetPosition(file->Length() - sizeof(appended_header))) {
return nullptr;
if (!file->ReadFully(&appended_header, sizeof(appended_header))) {
return nullptr;
// Length is always encoded as Little Endian.
const uint64_t appended_offset =
if (memcmp(&appended_header[1], appjit_magic_number.bytes,
appjit_magic_number.length) != 0 ||
appended_offset <= 0) {
return nullptr;
return TryReadAppSnapshotElf(container_path, appended_offset);
class DylibAppSnapshot : public AppSnapshot {
DylibAppSnapshot(void* library,
const uint8_t* vm_snapshot_data,
const uint8_t* vm_snapshot_instructions,
const uint8_t* isolate_snapshot_data,
const uint8_t* isolate_snapshot_instructions)
: library_(library),
isolate_snapshot_instructions_(isolate_snapshot_instructions) {}
~DylibAppSnapshot() { Utils::UnloadDynamicLibrary(library_); }
void SetBuffers(const uint8_t** vm_data_buffer,
const uint8_t** vm_instructions_buffer,
const uint8_t** isolate_data_buffer,
const uint8_t** isolate_instructions_buffer) {
*vm_data_buffer = vm_snapshot_data_;
*vm_instructions_buffer = vm_snapshot_instructions_;
*isolate_data_buffer = isolate_snapshot_data_;
*isolate_instructions_buffer = isolate_snapshot_instructions_;
void* library_;
const uint8_t* vm_snapshot_data_;
const uint8_t* vm_snapshot_instructions_;
const uint8_t* isolate_snapshot_data_;
const uint8_t* isolate_snapshot_instructions_;
static AppSnapshot* TryReadAppSnapshotDynamicLibrary(const char* script_name) {
void* library = Utils::LoadDynamicLibrary(script_name);
if (library == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
const uint8_t* vm_data_buffer = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(
Utils::ResolveSymbolInDynamicLibrary(library, kVmSnapshotDataCSymbol));
const uint8_t* vm_instructions_buffer =
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(Utils::ResolveSymbolInDynamicLibrary(
library, kVmSnapshotInstructionsCSymbol));
const uint8_t* isolate_data_buffer =
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(Utils::ResolveSymbolInDynamicLibrary(
library, kIsolateSnapshotDataCSymbol));
if (isolate_data_buffer == nullptr) {
FATAL1("Failed to resolve symbol '%s'\n", kIsolateSnapshotDataCSymbol);
const uint8_t* isolate_instructions_buffer =
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(Utils::ResolveSymbolInDynamicLibrary(
library, kIsolateSnapshotInstructionsCSymbol));
if (isolate_instructions_buffer == nullptr) {
FATAL1("Failed to resolve symbol '%s'\n",
return new DylibAppSnapshot(library, vm_data_buffer, vm_instructions_buffer,
isolate_data_buffer, isolate_instructions_buffer);
bool Snapshot::IsMachOFormattedBinary(const char* filename) {
File* file = File::Open(NULL, filename, File::kRead);
if (file == nullptr) {
return false;
RefCntReleaseScope<File> rs(file);
// Ensure the file is long enough to even contain the magic bytes.
if (file->Length() < 4) {
return false;
// Parse the first 4bytes and check the magic numbers.
uint32_t magic;
file->Read(&magic, sizeof(uint32_t));
return magic == mach_o::MH_MAGIC_64 || magic == mach_o::MH_CIGAM_64 ||
magic == mach_o::MH_MAGIC || magic == mach_o::MH_CIGAM;
#endif // defined(DART_TARGET_OS_MACOS)
AppSnapshot* Snapshot::TryReadAppSnapshot(const char* script_uri,
bool force_load_elf_from_memory,
bool decode_uri) {
Utils::CStringUniquePtr decoded_path(nullptr, std::free);
const char* script_name = nullptr;
if (decode_uri) {
decoded_path = File::UriToPath(script_uri);
if (decoded_path == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
script_name = decoded_path.get();
} else {
script_name = script_uri;
if (File::GetType(nullptr, script_name, true) != File::kIsFile) {
// If 'script_name' refers to a pipe, don't read to check for an app
// snapshot since we cannot rewind if it isn't (and couldn't mmap it in
// anyway if it was).
return nullptr;
AppSnapshot* snapshot = TryReadAppSnapshotBlobs(script_name);
if (snapshot != nullptr) {
return snapshot;
// For testing AOT with the standalone embedder, we also support loading
// from a dynamic library to simulate what happens on iOS.
// On Linux and OSX, resolve the script path before passing into dlopen()
// since dlopen will not search the filesystem for paths like ''.
std::unique_ptr<char, decltype(std::free)*> absolute_path{
realpath(script_name, nullptr), std::free};
script_name = absolute_path.get();
if (!force_load_elf_from_memory) {
snapshot = TryReadAppSnapshotDynamicLibrary(script_name);
if (snapshot != nullptr) {
return snapshot;
snapshot = TryReadAppSnapshotElf(script_name, /*file_offset=*/0,
if (snapshot != nullptr) {
return snapshot;
return nullptr;
static void WriteSnapshotFile(const char* filename,
const uint8_t* buffer,
const intptr_t size) {
File* file = File::Open(NULL, filename, File::kWriteTruncate);
if (file == NULL) {
ErrorExit(kErrorExitCode, "Unable to open file %s for writing snapshot\n",
if (!file->WriteFully(buffer, size)) {
ErrorExit(kErrorExitCode, "Unable to write file %s for writing snapshot\n",
static bool WriteInt64(File* file, int64_t size) {
return file->WriteFully(&size, sizeof(size));
void Snapshot::WriteAppSnapshot(const char* filename,
uint8_t* vm_data_buffer,
intptr_t vm_data_size,
uint8_t* vm_instructions_buffer,
intptr_t vm_instructions_size,
uint8_t* isolate_data_buffer,
intptr_t isolate_data_size,
uint8_t* isolate_instructions_buffer,
intptr_t isolate_instructions_size) {
File* file = File::Open(NULL, filename, File::kWriteTruncate);
if (file == NULL) {
ErrorExit(kErrorExitCode, "Unable to write snapshot file '%s'\n", filename);
file->WriteFully(appjit_magic_number.bytes, appjit_magic_number.length);
WriteInt64(file, vm_data_size);
WriteInt64(file, vm_instructions_size);
WriteInt64(file, isolate_data_size);
WriteInt64(file, isolate_instructions_size);
ASSERT(file->Position() == kAppSnapshotHeaderSize);
file->SetPosition(Utils::RoundUp(file->Position(), kAppSnapshotPageSize));
Syslog::PrintErr("%" Px64 ": VM Data\n", file->Position());
if (!file->WriteFully(vm_data_buffer, vm_data_size)) {
ErrorExit(kErrorExitCode, "Unable to write snapshot file '%s'\n", filename);
if (vm_instructions_size != 0) {
file->SetPosition(Utils::RoundUp(file->Position(), kAppSnapshotPageSize));
Syslog::PrintErr("%" Px64 ": VM Instructions\n", file->Position());
if (!file->WriteFully(vm_instructions_buffer, vm_instructions_size)) {
ErrorExit(kErrorExitCode, "Unable to write snapshot file '%s'\n",
file->SetPosition(Utils::RoundUp(file->Position(), kAppSnapshotPageSize));
Syslog::PrintErr("%" Px64 ": Isolate Data\n", file->Position());
if (!file->WriteFully(isolate_data_buffer, isolate_data_size)) {
ErrorExit(kErrorExitCode, "Unable to write snapshot file '%s'\n", filename);
if (isolate_instructions_size != 0) {
file->SetPosition(Utils::RoundUp(file->Position(), kAppSnapshotPageSize));
Syslog::PrintErr("%" Px64 ": Isolate Instructions\n", file->Position());
if (!file->WriteFully(isolate_instructions_buffer,
isolate_instructions_size)) {
ErrorExit(kErrorExitCode, "Unable to write snapshot file '%s'\n",
void Snapshot::GenerateKernel(const char* snapshot_filename,
const char* script_name,
const char* package_config) {
ASSERT(Dart_CurrentIsolate() == nullptr);
uint8_t* kernel_buffer = NULL;
intptr_t kernel_buffer_size = 0;
dfe.ReadScript(script_name, &kernel_buffer, &kernel_buffer_size);
if (kernel_buffer != NULL) {
WriteSnapshotFile(snapshot_filename, kernel_buffer, kernel_buffer_size);
} else {
PathSanitizer script_uri_sanitizer(script_name);
PathSanitizer packages_config_sanitizer(package_config);
bool null_safety =
Dart_KernelCompilationResult result = dfe.CompileScriptWithGivenNullsafety(
script_name, package_config, /*snapshot=*/true, null_safety);
if (result.status != Dart_KernelCompilationStatus_Ok) {
Syslog::PrintErr("%s\n", result.error);
WriteSnapshotFile(snapshot_filename, result.kernel, result.kernel_size);
#endif // !defined(EXCLUDE_CFE_AND_KERNEL_PLATFORM) && !defined(TESTING)
void Snapshot::GenerateAppJIT(const char* snapshot_filename) {
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
// Snapshots with code are not supported on IA32.
uint8_t* isolate_buffer = NULL;
intptr_t isolate_size = 0;
Dart_Handle result = Dart_CreateSnapshot(NULL, NULL, &isolate_buffer,
&isolate_size, /*is_core=*/false);
if (Dart_IsError(result)) {
ErrorExit(kErrorExitCode, "%s\n", Dart_GetError(result));
WriteAppSnapshot(snapshot_filename, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, isolate_buffer,
isolate_size, NULL, 0);
uint8_t* isolate_data_buffer = NULL;
intptr_t isolate_data_size = 0;
uint8_t* isolate_instructions_buffer = NULL;
intptr_t isolate_instructions_size = 0;
Dart_Handle result = Dart_CreateAppJITSnapshotAsBlobs(
&isolate_data_buffer, &isolate_data_size, &isolate_instructions_buffer,
if (Dart_IsError(result)) {
ErrorExit(kErrorExitCode, "%s\n", Dart_GetError(result));
WriteAppSnapshot(snapshot_filename, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, isolate_data_buffer,
isolate_data_size, isolate_instructions_buffer,
static void StreamingWriteCallback(void* callback_data,
const uint8_t* buffer,
intptr_t size) {
File* file = reinterpret_cast<File*>(callback_data);
if (!file->WriteFully(buffer, size)) {
ErrorExit(kErrorExitCode, "Unable to write snapshot file\n");
void Snapshot::GenerateAppAOTAsAssembly(const char* snapshot_filename) {
File* file = File::Open(NULL, snapshot_filename, File::kWriteTruncate);
RefCntReleaseScope<File> rs(file);
if (file == NULL) {
ErrorExit(kErrorExitCode, "Unable to open file %s for writing snapshot\n",
Dart_Handle result = Dart_CreateAppAOTSnapshotAsAssembly(
StreamingWriteCallback, file, /*strip=*/false,
if (Dart_IsError(result)) {
ErrorExit(kErrorExitCode, "%s\n", Dart_GetError(result));
bool Snapshot::IsAOTSnapshot(const char* snapshot_filename) {
// Header is simply "ELF" prefixed with the DEL character.
const char elf_header[] = {0x7F, 0x45, 0x4C, 0x46, 0x0};
const int64_t elf_header_len = strlen(elf_header);
File* file = File::Open(NULL, snapshot_filename, File::kRead);
if (file == nullptr) {
return false;
if (file->Length() < elf_header_len) {
return false;
auto buf = std::unique_ptr<char[]>(new char[elf_header_len]);
bool success = file->ReadFully(buf.get(), elf_header_len);
return (strncmp(elf_header, buf.get(), elf_header_len) == 0);
} // namespace bin
} // namespace dart