| // Copyright (c) 2013 the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // @dart = 2.9 |
| |
| import "package:expect/expect.dart"; |
| |
| const whiteSpace = const [ |
| "", |
| "\x09", |
| "\x0a", |
| "\x0b", |
| "\x0c", |
| "\x0d", |
| "\x85", |
| "\xa0", |
| "\u1680", |
| "\u2000", |
| "\u2001", |
| "\u2002", |
| "\u2003", |
| "\u2004", |
| "\u2005", |
| "\u2006", |
| "\u2007", |
| "\u2008", |
| "\u2009", |
| "\u200a", |
| "\u2028", |
| "\u2029", |
| "\u202f", |
| "\u205f", |
| "\u3000", |
| "\uFEFF" |
| ]; |
| |
| void expectNumEquals(num expect, num actual, String message) { |
| if (expect is double && expect.isNaN) { |
| Expect.isTrue(actual is double && actual.isNaN, "isNaN: $message"); |
| } else { |
| Expect.identical(expect, actual, message); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test source surrounded by any combination of whitespace. |
| void testParseAllWhitespace(String source, num result) { |
| for (String ws1 in whiteSpace) { |
| for (String ws2 in whiteSpace) { |
| String padded = "$ws1$source$ws2"; |
| // Use Expect.identical because it also handles NaN and 0.0/-0.0. |
| // Except on dart2js: http://dartbug.com/11551 |
| expectNumEquals(result, num.parse(padded), "parse '$padded'"); |
| padded = "$ws1$ws2$source"; |
| expectNumEquals(result, num.parse(padded), "parse '$padded'"); |
| padded = "$source$ws1$ws2"; |
| expectNumEquals(result, num.parse(padded), "parse '$padded'"); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test source and -source surrounded by any combination of whitespace. |
| void testParseWhitespace(String source, num result) { |
| assert(result >= 0); |
| testParseAllWhitespace(source, result); |
| testParseAllWhitespace("-$source", -result); |
| } |
| |
| // Test parsing source, optionally preceded and/or followed by whitespace. |
| void testParse(String source, num result) { |
| expectNumEquals(result, num.parse(source), "parse '$source'"); |
| expectNumEquals(result, num.parse(" $source"), "parse ' $source'"); |
| expectNumEquals(result, num.parse("$source "), "parse '$source '"); |
| expectNumEquals(result, num.parse(" $source "), "parse ' $source '"); |
| } |
| |
| // Test parsing an integer in decimal or hex format, with or without signs. |
| void testInt(int value) { |
| testParse("$value", value); |
| testParse("+$value", value); |
| testParse("-$value", -value); |
| var hex = "0x${value.toRadixString(16)}"; |
| var lchex = hex.toLowerCase(); |
| testParse(lchex, value); |
| testParse("+$lchex", value); |
| testParse("-$lchex", -value); |
| var uchex = hex.toUpperCase(); |
| testParse(uchex, value); |
| testParse("+$uchex", value); |
| testParse("-$uchex", -value); |
| } |
| |
| // Test parsing an integer, and the integers just around it. |
| void testIntAround(int value) { |
| testInt(value - 1); |
| testInt(value); |
| testInt(value + 1); |
| } |
| |
| void testDouble(double value) { |
| testParse("$value", value); |
| testParse("+$value", value); |
| testParse("-$value", -value); |
| if (value.isFinite) { |
| String exp = value.toStringAsExponential(); |
| String lcexp = exp.toLowerCase(); |
| testParse(lcexp, value); |
| testParse("+$lcexp", value); |
| testParse("-$lcexp", -value); |
| String ucexp = exp.toUpperCase(); |
| testParse(ucexp, value); |
| testParse("+$ucexp", value); |
| testParse("-$ucexp", -value); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void testFail(String source) { |
| var object = new Object(); |
| Expect.throws(() { |
| num.parse(source, (s) { |
| Expect.equals(source, s); |
| throw object; |
| }); |
| }, (e) => identical(object, e), "Fail: '$source'"); |
| } |
| |
| void main() { |
| testInt(0); |
| testInt(1); |
| testInt(9); |
| testInt(10); |
| testInt(99); |
| testInt(100); |
| testIntAround(256); |
| testIntAround(0x80000000); // 2^31 |
| testIntAround(0x100000000); // 2^32 |
| testIntAround(0x10000000000000); // 2^52 |
| testIntAround(0x20000000000000); // 2^53 |
| testIntAround(0x40000000000000); // 2^54 |
| // 0x7ffffffffffffffe on int-is-64-bit implementations, rounded up on |
| // int-is-double implementations. |
| testIntAround(0x7ffffffffffff000 + 0xffe); // 2^63 |
| |
| testDouble(0.0); |
| testDouble(5e-324); |
| testDouble(2.225073858507201e-308); |
| testDouble(2.2250738585072014e-308); |
| testDouble(0.49999999999999994); |
| testDouble(0.5); |
| testDouble(0.50000000000000006); |
| testDouble(0.9999999999999999); |
| testDouble(1.0); |
| testDouble(1.0000000000000002); |
| testDouble(4294967295.0); |
| testDouble(4294967296.0); |
| testDouble(4503599627370495.5); |
| testDouble(4503599627370497.0); |
| testDouble(9007199254740991.0); |
| testDouble(9007199254740992.0); |
| testDouble(1.7976931348623157e+308); |
| testDouble(double.infinity); |
| testDouble(double.nan); // //# 01: ok |
| |
| // Strings that cannot occur from toString of a number. |
| testParse("000000000000", 0); |
| testParse("000000000001", 1); |
| testParse("000000000000.0000000000000", 0.0); |
| testParse("000000000001.0000000000000", 1.0); |
| testParse("0x0000000000", 0); |
| testParse("0e0", 0.0); |
| testParse("0e+0", 0.0); |
| testParse("0e-0", 0.0); |
| testParse("-0e0", -0.0); |
| testParse("-0e+0", -0.0); |
| testParse("-0e-0", -0.0); |
| testParse("1e0", 1.0); |
| testParse("1e+0", 1.0); |
| testParse("1e-0", 1.0); |
| testParse("-1e0", -1.0); |
| testParse("-1e+0", -1.0); |
| testParse("-1e-0", -1.0); |
| testParse("1.", 1.0); |
| testParse(".1", 0.1); |
| testParse("1.e1", 10.0); |
| testParse(".1e1", 1.0); |
| |
| testParseWhitespace("0x1", 1); |
| testParseWhitespace("1", 1); |
| testParseWhitespace("1.0", 1.0); |
| testParseWhitespace("1e1", 10.0); |
| testParseWhitespace(".1e1", 1.0); |
| testParseWhitespace("1.e1", 10.0); |
| testParseWhitespace("1e+1", 10.0); |
| testParseWhitespace("1e-1", 0.1); |
| |
| // Negative tests - things not to allow. |
| |
| // Spaces inside the numeral. |
| testFail("- 1"); |
| testFail("+ 1"); |
| testFail("2 2"); |
| testFail("0x 42"); |
| testFail("1 ."); |
| testFail(". 1"); |
| testFail("1e 2"); |
| testFail("1 e2"); |
| // Invalid characters. |
| testFail("0x1H"); |
| testFail("12H"); |
| testFail("1x2"); |
| testFail("00x2"); |
| testFail("0x2.2"); |
| // Empty hex number. |
| testFail("0x"); |
| testFail("-0x"); |
| testFail("+0x"); |
| // Double exponent without value. |
| testFail(".e1"); |
| testFail("e1"); |
| testFail("e+1"); |
| testFail("e-1"); |
| testFail("-e1"); |
| testFail("-e+1"); |
| testFail("-e-1"); |
| // Incorrect ways to write NaN/Infinity. |
| testFail("infinity"); |
| testFail("INFINITY"); |
| testFail("1.#INF"); |
| testFail("inf"); |
| testFail("nan"); |
| testFail("NAN"); |
| testFail("1.#IND"); |
| testFail("indef"); |
| testFail("qnan"); |
| testFail("snan"); |
| } |