blob: ff7c87a3d1876ce7945759d51c84f78549f5847e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Testing Bigints with and without intrinsics.
// VMOptions=--intrinsify --no-enable-asserts
// VMOptions=--intrinsify --enable-asserts
// VMOptions=--no-intrinsify --enable-asserts
// VMOptions=--no-intrinsify --no-enable-asserts
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
const debugPrint = bool.fromEnvironment('debugPrint');
void check(int length, BigInt base) {
assert(length >= 5);
assert(base >;
// Check with slight adjustments. We choose -3..+3 so that the lowest bit in
// the 2's-complement representation is both zero and one for both the postive
// [n] and its negative complement [m] below.
for (int delta = -3; delta <= 3; delta++) {
BigInt n = base + BigInt.from(delta);
assert(n >=;
// Compute the bitLength by shifting the value into a small integer range
// and adjust the `int.bitLength` value by the shift count.
int shiftCount = length - 5;
int shiftedN = (n >> shiftCount).toInt();
int expectedLength = shiftCount + shiftedN.bitLength;
int nLength = n.bitLength;
Expect.equals(expectedLength, nLength);
// Use identity `x.bitLength == (-x-1).bitLength` to check negative values.
BigInt m = -n -;
int mLength = m.bitLength;
if (debugPrint) {
final printLength = length + 4;
final nDigits =
final mDigits = m.toUnsigned(printLength).toRadixString(2);
print('$nDigits: $nLength');
print('$mDigits: $mLength');
Expect.equals(nLength, mLength);
void main() {
// For small values, [BigInt.bitLength] should be the same as [int.bitLength].
for (int i = 0; i <= 64; i++) {
Expect.equals(i.bitLength, BigInt.from(i).bitLength);
// Note: This is not quite redundant for `i==0` since on the web platform
// `-i` is negative zero and not the same as `0-i`.
Expect.equals((-i).bitLength, BigInt.from(-i).bitLength);
// Test x.bitLength for a large variety of lengths.
for (int length = 5; length <= 512; length++) {
BigInt base = << (length - 1);
Expect.equals(length, base.bitLength);
// Power of two.
check(length, base);
// Two high bits set.
check(length, base | base >> 1);
// Check for values with an additional bit set near a potential internal
// digit boundary.
for (int i1 = 16; i1 < length; i1 += 16) {
for (int i2 = -1; i2 <= 1; i2++) {
int i = i1 + i2;
if (i < length - 1) {
check(length, base | << (i - 1));