blob: bebdcd9149b40d4ccfe5d69c2c6b233f9993fde9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.incremental_serializer;
import 'dart:typed_data' show Uint8List;
import 'package:kernel/binary/ast_from_binary.dart' show SubComponentView;
import 'package:kernel/binary/ast_to_binary.dart' show BinaryPrinter;
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart' show Component, Library, LibraryDependency;
import 'kernel/utils.dart' show ByteSink;
class IncrementalSerializer {
final Map<Uri, SerializationGroup> uriToGroup =
new Map<Uri, SerializationGroup>();
final Set<Uri> invalidatedUris = new Set<Uri>();
/// Invalidate the uri: Will remove cache associated with it, depending on it
/// etc. Called by the incremental compiler.
void invalidate(Uri uri) {
/// Initializes the cache via a already serialized list of bytes based on the
/// view of those bytes. Called by the incremental compiler.
bool initialize(List<int> bytes, List<SubComponentView> views) {
if (uriToGroup.isNotEmpty) {
throw "Cannot initialize when already in use.";
// Find the sub-components that are packaged correctly.
List<SubComponentView> goodViews = [];
Set<Uri> uris = new Set<Uri>();
for (int i = 0; i < views.length; i++) {
SubComponentView view = views[i];
bool good = true;
String? packageName;
for (Library lib in view.libraries) {
Uri uri = lib.importUri;
// Uris need to be unique.
if (!uris.add(lib.fileUri)) return false;
if (uri.isScheme("package")) {
String thisPackageName = uri.pathSegments.first;
if (packageName == null) {
packageName = thisPackageName;
} else if (packageName != thisPackageName) {
good = false;
} else {
good = false;
if (good) {
// Add groups. Wrap in try because an exception will be thrown if a group
// has a dependency that isn't being met.
try {
List<SerializationGroup> newGroups = <SerializationGroup>[];
for (int i = 0; i < goodViews.length; i++) {
SubComponentView view = goodViews[i];
List<int> data = new Uint8List(view.componentFileSize);
data.setRange(0, data.length, bytes, view.componentStartOffset);
SerializationGroup newGroup = createGroupFor(view.libraries, data);
// Setup dependency tracking for the new groups.
for (int i = 0; i < goodViews.length; i++) {
SubComponentView view = goodViews[i];
List<Library> libraries = view.libraries;
SerializationGroup packageGroup = newGroups[i];
setupDependencyTracking(libraries, packageGroup);
} catch (e) {
return false;
return true;
/// Write packages to sink, cache new package data, trim input component.
void writePackagesToSinkAndTrimComponent(
Component? component, Sink<List<int>> sink) {
if (component == null) return;
if (component.libraries.isEmpty) return;
// If we're given a partial component (i.e. an actual delta component)
// incremental serialization (at least currently) doesn't work.
// The reason is that it might contain a new partial thing of what we
// already have cached while still depending on something from the same
// group that is currently cached. We would throw away the cache, but
// actually depend on something we just threw away --- we would try to
// include it and crash because we no longer have it.
// Alternative ways to fix this could be:
// * to group into smaller groups so this wouldn't happen.
// * cache the actual Libraries too, so we could re-serialize when needed
// (though maybe not eagerly).
if (!isSelfContained(component)) return;
// Remove cache pertaining to invalidated uris.
if (invalidatedUris.isNotEmpty) {
// Make sure we can serialize individual libraries.
// Split into package and non-package libraries.
List<Library> packageLibraries = <Library>[];
List<Library> nonPackageLibraries = <Library>[];
for (Library lib in component.libraries) {
Uri uri = lib.importUri;
if (uri.isScheme("package")) {
} else {
// Output already serialized packages and group needed non-serialized
// packages.
Map<String, List<Library>> newPackages = new Map<String, List<Library>>();
Set<SerializationGroup> cachedPackagesInOutput =
new Set<SerializationGroup>.identity();
for (Library lib in packageLibraries) {
SerializationGroup? group = uriToGroup[lib.fileUri];
if (group != null) {
addDataButNotDependentData(group, cachedPackagesInOutput, sink);
} else {
String package = lib.importUri.pathSegments.first;
(newPackages[package] ??= <Library>[]).add(lib);
// Add any dependencies that wasn't added already.
List<SerializationGroup> upFrontGroups = cachedPackagesInOutput.toList();
for (SerializationGroup group in upFrontGroups) {
if (group.dependencies != null) {
// Now also add all dependencies.
for (SerializationGroup dep in group.dependencies!) {
addDataAndDependentData(dep, cachedPackagesInOutput, sink);
// Serialize all new packages, create groups and add to sink.
Map<String, SerializationGroup> newPackageGroups =
new Map<String, SerializationGroup>();
for (String package in newPackages.keys) {
List<Library> libraries = newPackages[package]!;
List<int> data = serialize(component, libraries);
SerializationGroup newGroup = createGroupFor(libraries, data);
newPackageGroups[package] = newGroup;
// Setup dependency tracking for the new groups.
for (String package in newPackages.keys) {
List<Library> libraries = newPackages[package]!;
SerializationGroup packageGroup = newPackageGroups[package]!;
setupDependencyTracking(libraries, packageGroup);
// All packages have been added to the sink already.
bool isSelfContained(Component component) {
Set<Library> got = new Set<Library>.of(component.libraries);
for (Library lib in component.libraries) {
for (LibraryDependency dependency in lib.dependencies) {
if (!got.contains(dependency.targetLibrary)) {
if (dependency.targetLibrary.importUri.isScheme("dart")) {
return false;
return true;
/// Remove cached data based on what has been invalidated.
/// Note that invalidating a single file can remove many cached things because
/// of dependencies.
void removeInvalidated() {
// Remove all directly invalidated entries.
Set<SerializationGroup> removed = new Set<SerializationGroup>();
List<SerializationGroup> workList = <SerializationGroup>[];
for (Uri uri in invalidatedUris) {
removeUriFromMap(uri, removed, workList);
// Continuously remove all that depend on the removed groups.
// Note that with the current invalidating strategy in the incremental
// compiler this is not strictly necessary (assuming the incremental
// compiler is used via the incremental compiler) - but it is included for
// completeness.
// The reason we have to do this (assuming a different incremental
// compiler invalidation strategy), is that we group things into packages,
// meaning that a group as a whole might depend on another group containing
// libraries that is not in the input component. Not removing these groups
// could lead to including a group in an output where we cannot re-create
// the dependencies. Example:
// Group #1: [lib1]
// Group #2: [lib2, lib3]. Note that lib3 depends on lib1, but lib2 is
// standalone.
// Lib1 is invalidated and we thus remove group #1.
// We then serialize something that needs lib2. We thus output group #2.
// We should now also output group #1, but we don't have it so we can't.
// We can't re-create it either, because the input component only contains
// lib2 as it is standalone. Had we removed group #2 too everything would
// have been fine as we would then just serialize and cached lib2 by itself.
while (workList.isNotEmpty) {
SerializationGroup group = workList.removeLast();
if (group.othersDependingOnMe == null) continue;
for (SerializationGroup dependsOnGroup in group.othersDependingOnMe!) {
removeUriFromMap(dependsOnGroup.uris.first, removed, workList);
/// Setup dependency tracking for a single group having the specified
/// libraries. Note that all groups this depend on has to be created prior
/// to calling this.
void setupDependencyTracking(
List<Library> libraries, SerializationGroup packageGroup) {
for (Library lib in libraries) {
for (LibraryDependency dep in lib.dependencies) {
Library dependencyLibrary = dep.importedLibraryReference.asLibrary;
if (!dependencyLibrary.importUri.isScheme("package")) continue;
Uri dependencyLibraryUri =
SerializationGroup? depGroup = uriToGroup[dependencyLibraryUri];
if (depGroup == null) {
throw "Didn't contain group for $dependencyLibraryUri";
if (depGroup == packageGroup) continue;
/// Add the group but not its dependencies to the output if they weren't added
/// already.
void addDataButNotDependentData(SerializationGroup group,
Set<SerializationGroup> cachedPackagesInOutput, Sink<List<int>> sink) {
if (cachedPackagesInOutput.add(group)) {
/// Add the group and its dependencies to the output if they weren't added
/// already.
void addDataAndDependentData(SerializationGroup group,
Set<SerializationGroup> cachedPackagesInOutput, Sink<List<int>> sink) {
if (cachedPackagesInOutput.add(group)) {
if (group.dependencies != null) {
// Now also add all dependencies.
for (SerializationGroup dep in group.dependencies!) {
addDataAndDependentData(dep, cachedPackagesInOutput, sink);
/// Create a [SerializationGroup] for the input, setting up [uriToGroup].
SerializationGroup createGroupFor(List<Library> libraries, List<int> data) {
Set<Uri> libraryUris = new Set<Uri>();
for (Library lib in libraries) {
SerializationGroup newGroup = new SerializationGroup(data, libraryUris);
for (Uri uri in libraryUris) {
uriToGroup[uri] = newGroup;
return newGroup;
/// Serialize the specified libraries using other needed data from the
/// component.
List<int> serialize(Component component, List<Library> libraries) {
Component singlePackageLibraries = new Component(
libraries: libraries,
uriToSource: component.uriToSource,
nameRoot: component.root);
singlePackageLibraries.setMainMethodAndMode(null, false, component.mode);
ByteSink byteSink = new ByteSink();
final BinaryPrinter printer = new BinaryPrinter(byteSink);
return byteSink.builder.takeBytes();
/// Remove the specified uri from the [uriToGroup] map.
/// Also remove all uris in the group the uri belongs to, and add the group to
/// the worklist.
void removeUriFromMap(Uri uri, Set<SerializationGroup> removed,
List<SerializationGroup> workList) {
SerializationGroup? group = uriToGroup.remove(uri);
if (group == null) return;
bool added = removed.add(group);
for (Uri groupUri in group.uris) {
SerializationGroup? sameGroup = uriToGroup.remove(groupUri);
assert((groupUri == uri && sameGroup == null) ||
(groupUri != uri && sameGroup != null));
class SerializationGroup {
final List<int> serializedData;
final Set<Uri> uris;
Set<SerializationGroup>? dependencies;
Set<SerializationGroup>? othersDependingOnMe;
SerializationGroup(this.serializedData, this.uris);
/// Register the dependency that this group depends on the [other] one.
/// The registration is bilateral so that [other] is added as a dependency for
/// this, and this is added as a "others depend on me" for [other].
void registerDependency(SerializationGroup other) {
dependencies ??= new Set<SerializationGroup>.identity();
if (dependencies!.add(other)) {
other.othersDependingOnMe ??= new Set<SerializationGroup>.identity();