blob: 78a086ba8713cdb57fa0851c9195574e2f6554f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Data structures representing an API definition, and visitor base classes
/// for visiting those data structures.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer_utilities/html_dom.dart' as dom;
/// Toplevel container for the API.
class Api extends ApiNode {
final String version;
final List<Domain> domains;
final Types types;
final Refactorings? refactorings;
Api(this.version,, this.types, this.refactorings,
dom.Element html,
{bool? experimental})
: super(html, experimental, false);
/// Base class for objects in the API model.
class ApiNode {
/// A flag to indicate if this API is experimental.
final bool experimental;
/// A flag to indicate if this API is deprecated.
final bool deprecated;
/// Html element representing this part of the API.
final dom.Element? html;
ApiNode(this.html, bool? experimental, bool? deprecated)
: experimental = experimental ?? false,
deprecated = deprecated ?? false;
/// Base class for visiting the API definition.
abstract class ApiVisitor<T> {
/// Dispatch the given [type] to the visitor.
T visitTypeDecl(TypeDecl type) => type.accept(this);
T visitTypeEnum(TypeEnum typeEnum);
T visitTypeList(TypeList typeList);
T visitTypeMap(TypeMap typeMap);
T visitTypeObject(TypeObject typeObject);
T visitTypeReference(TypeReference typeReference);
T visitTypeUnion(TypeUnion typeUnion);
/// Definition of a single domain.
class Domain extends ApiNode {
final String name;
final List<Request> requests;
final List<Notification> notifications;
Domain(, this.requests, this.notifications, dom.Element html,
{bool? experimental, bool? deprecated})
: super(html, experimental, deprecated);
/// API visitor that visits the entire API hierarchically by default.
class HierarchicalApiVisitor extends ApiVisitor {
/// The API to visit.
final Api api;
/// If [type] is a [TypeReference] that is defined in the API, follow the
/// chain until a non-[TypeReference] is found, if possible.
/// If it is not possible (because the chain ends with a [TypeReference] that
/// is not defined in the API), then that final [TypeReference] is returned.
TypeDecl? resolveTypeReferenceChain(TypeDecl? type) {
while (type is TypeReference && api.types.containsKey(type.typeName)) {
type = api.types[type.typeName]?.type;
return type;
void visitApi() {;
void visitDomain(Domain domain) {
void visitNotification(Notification notification) {
if (notification.params != null) {
void visitRefactoring(Refactoring refactoring) {
if ( != null) {
if (refactoring.options != null) {
void visitRefactorings(Refactorings? refactorings) {
void visitRequest(Request request) {
if (request.params != null) {
if (request.result != null) {
void visitTypeDefinition(TypeDefinition typeDefinition) {
void visitTypeEnum(TypeEnum typeEnum) {
void visitTypeEnumValue(TypeEnumValue typeEnumValue) {}
void visitTypeList(TypeList typeList) {
void visitTypeMap(TypeMap typeMap) {
void visitTypeObject(TypeObject typeObject) {
void visitTypeObjectField(TypeObjectField typeObjectField) {
void visitTypeReference(TypeReference typeReference) {}
void visitTypes(Types types) {
void visitTypeUnion(TypeUnion typeUnion) {
/// Description of a notification method.
class Notification extends ApiNode {
/// Name of the domain enclosing this request.
final String domainName;
/// Name of the notification, without the domain prefix.
final String event;
/// Type of the object associated with the "params" key in the notification
/// object, or null if the notification has no parameters.
final TypeObject? params;
Notification(this.domainName, this.event, this.params, dom.Element html,
{bool? experimental})
: super(html, experimental, false);
/// Get the name of the notification, including the domain prefix.
String get longEvent => '$domainName.$event';
/// Get the full type of the notification object, including the common "id"
/// and "error" fields.
TypeDecl get notificationType {
var fields = <TypeObjectField>[
TypeObjectField('event', TypeReference('String', null), null,
value: '$domainName.$event')
if (params != null) {
fields.add(TypeObjectField('params', params!, null));
return TypeObject(fields, null);
/// Description of a single refactoring.
class Refactoring extends ApiNode {
/// Name of the refactoring. This should match one of the values allowed for
/// RefactoringKind.
final String kind;
/// Type of the refactoring feedback, or null if the refactoring has no
/// feedback.
final TypeObject? feedback;
/// Type of the refactoring options, or null if the refactoring has no
/// options.
final TypeObject? options;
Refactoring(this.kind,, this.options, dom.Element html,
{bool? experimental})
: super(html, experimental, false);
/// A collection of refactoring definitions.
class Refactorings extends ApiNode with IterableMixin<Refactoring> {
final List<Refactoring> refactorings;
Refactorings(this.refactorings, dom.Element html, {bool? experimental})
: super(html, experimental, false);
Iterator<Refactoring> get iterator => refactorings.iterator;
/// Description of a request method.
class Request extends ApiNode {
/// Name of the domain enclosing this request.
final String domainName;
/// Name of the request, without the domain prefix.
final String method;
/// Type of the object associated with the "params" key in the request object,
/// or null if the request has no parameters.
final TypeObject? params;
/// Type of the object associated with the "result" key in the response
/// object, or null if the response has no results.
final TypeObject? result;
this.domainName, this.method, this.params, this.result, dom.Element html,
{bool? experimental, bool? deprecated})
: super(html, experimental, deprecated);
/// Get the name of the request, including the domain prefix.
String get longMethod => '$domainName.$method';
/// Get the full type of the request object, including the common "id" and
/// "method" fields.
TypeDecl get requestType {
var fields = <TypeObjectField>[
TypeObjectField('id', TypeReference('String', null), null),
TypeObjectField('method', TypeReference('String', null), null,
value: '$domainName.$method')
if (params != null) {
fields.add(TypeObjectField('params', params!, null));
return TypeObject(fields, null);
/// Get the full type of the response object, including the common "id" and
/// "error" fields.
TypeDecl get responseType {
var fields = <TypeObjectField>[
TypeObjectField('id', TypeReference('String', null), null),
TypeObjectField('error', TypeReference('RequestError', null), null,
optional: true)
if (result != null) {
fields.add(TypeObjectField('result', result!, null));
return TypeObject(fields, null);
/// Base class for all possible types.
abstract class TypeDecl extends ApiNode {
TypeDecl(dom.Element? html, bool? experimental, bool? deprecated)
: super(html, experimental, deprecated);
T accept<T>(ApiVisitor<T> visitor);
/// Description of a named type definition.
class TypeDefinition extends ApiNode {
final String name;
final TypeDecl type;
bool isExternal = false;
TypeDefinition(, this.type, dom.Element html,
{bool? experimental, bool? deprecated})
: super(html, experimental, deprecated);
/// Type of an enum. We represent enums in JSON as strings, so this type
/// declaration simply lists the allowed values.
class TypeEnum extends TypeDecl {
final List<TypeEnumValue> values;
TypeEnum(this.values, dom.Element html,
{bool? experimental, bool? deprecated})
: super(html, experimental, deprecated);
T accept<T>(ApiVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitTypeEnum(this);
/// Description of a single allowed value for an enum.
class TypeEnumValue extends ApiNode {
final String value;
TypeEnumValue(this.value, dom.Element html,
{bool? experimental, bool? deprecated})
: super(html, experimental, deprecated);
/// Type of a JSON list.
class TypeList extends TypeDecl {
final TypeDecl itemType;
TypeList(this.itemType, dom.Element html, {bool? experimental})
: super(html, experimental, false);
T accept<T>(ApiVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitTypeList(this);
/// Type of a JSON map.
class TypeMap extends TypeDecl {
/// Type of map keys. Note that since JSON map keys must always be strings,
/// this must either be a [TypeReference] for [String], or a [TypeReference]
/// to a type which is defined in the API as an enum or a synonym for
/// [String].
final TypeReference keyType;
/// Type of map values.
final TypeDecl valueType;
TypeMap(this.keyType, this.valueType, dom.Element html, {bool? experimental})
: super(html, experimental, false);
T accept<T>(ApiVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitTypeMap(this);
/// Type of a JSON object with specified fields, some of which may be optional.
class TypeObject extends TypeDecl {
final List<TypeObjectField> fields;
TypeObject(this.fields, dom.Element? html,
{bool? experimental, bool? deprecated})
: super(html, experimental, deprecated);
T accept<T>(ApiVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitTypeObject(this);
/// Return the field with the given [name], or null if there is no such field.
TypeObjectField? getField(String name) {
for (var field in fields) {
if ( == name) {
return field;
return null;
/// Description of a single field in a [TypeObject].
class TypeObjectField extends ApiNode {
final String name;
final TypeDecl type;
final bool optional;
/// Value that the field is required to contain, or null if it may vary.
final Object? value;
TypeObjectField(, this.type, dom.Element? html,
{this.optional = false, this.value, bool? experimental, bool? deprecated})
: super(html, experimental, deprecated);
/// A reference to a type which is either defined elsewhere in the API or which
/// is built-in ([String], [bool], or [int]).
class TypeReference extends TypeDecl {
final String typeName;
TypeReference(this.typeName, dom.Element? html, {bool? experimental})
: super(html, experimental, false) {
if (typeName.isEmpty) {
throw Exception('Empty type name');
T accept<T>(ApiVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitTypeReference(this);
/// A collection of type definitions.
class Types extends ApiNode with IterableMixin<TypeDefinition> {
final Map<String, TypeDefinition> types;
List<String> importUris = <String>[];
Types(this.types, dom.Element html, {bool? experimental})
: super(html, experimental, false);
Iterator<TypeDefinition> get iterator => types.values.iterator;
Iterable<String> get keys => types.keys;
TypeDefinition? operator [](String typeName) => types[typeName];
bool containsKey(String typeName) => types.containsKey(typeName);
/// Type which represents a union among multiple choices.
class TypeUnion extends TypeDecl {
final List<TypeDecl> choices;
/// The field that is used to disambiguate this union
final String field;
TypeUnion(this.choices, this.field, dom.Element html, {bool? experimental})
: super(html, experimental, false);
T accept<T>(ApiVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitTypeUnion(this);