blob: 2749149ea859591fc3ee0868800cdc7757841284 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef VM_UNIT_TEST_H_
#define VM_UNIT_TEST_H_
#include "include/dart_api.h"
#include "vm/ast.h"
#include "vm/dart.h"
#include "vm/globals.h"
#include "vm/heap.h"
#include "vm/isolate.h"
#include "vm/longjump.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
#include "vm/object_store.h"
#include "vm/simulator.h"
#include "vm/zone.h"
// The UNIT_TEST_CASE macro is used for tests that do not need any
// default isolate or zone functionality.
#define UNIT_TEST_CASE(name) \
void Dart_Test##name(); \
static const dart::TestCase kRegister##name(Dart_Test##name, #name); \
void Dart_Test##name()
// The TEST_CASE macro is used for tests that need an isolate and zone
// in order to test its functionality.
#define TEST_CASE(name) \
static void Dart_TestHelper##name(); \
{ \
TestIsolateScope __test_isolate__; \
StackZone __zone__(__test_isolate__.isolate()); \
HandleScope __hs__(__test_isolate__.isolate()); \
Dart_TestHelper##name(); \
} \
static void Dart_TestHelper##name()
// The ASSEMBLER_TEST_GENERATE macro is used to generate a unit test
// for the assembler.
#define ASSEMBLER_TEST_GENERATE(name, assembler) \
void AssemblerTestGenerate##name(Assembler* assembler)
// The ASSEMBLER_TEST_EXTERN macro is used to declare a unit test
// for the assembler.
extern void AssemblerTestGenerate##name(Assembler* assembler);
// The ASSEMBLER_TEST_RUN macro is used to execute the assembler unit
// test generated using the ASSEMBLER_TEST_GENERATE macro.
// C++ callee-saved registers are not preserved. Arguments may be passed in.
#define ASSEMBLER_TEST_RUN(name, test) \
static void AssemblerTestRun##name(AssemblerTest* test); \
TEST_CASE(name) { \
Assembler __assembler__; \
AssemblerTest test(""#name, &__assembler__); \
AssemblerTestGenerate##name(test.assembler()); \
test.Assemble(); \
AssemblerTestRun##name(&test); \
} \
static void AssemblerTestRun##name(AssemblerTest* test)
// Populate node list with AST nodes.
#define CODEGEN_TEST_GENERATE(name, test) \
static void CodeGenTestGenerate##name(CodeGenTest* test)
// Populate node list with AST nodes, possibly using the provided function
// object built by a previous CODEGEN_TEST_GENERATE.
#define CODEGEN_TEST2_GENERATE(name, function, test) \
static void CodeGenTestGenerate##name(const Function& function, \
CodeGenTest* test)
// Pass the name of test and the expected results as RawObject.
#define CODEGEN_TEST_RUN(name, expected) \
static void CodeGenTestRun##name(const Function& function); \
TEST_CASE(name) { \
CodeGenTest __test__(""#name); \
CodeGenTestGenerate##name(&__test__); \
__test__.Compile(); \
CodeGenTestRun##name(__test__.function()); \
} \
static void CodeGenTestRun##name(const Function& function) { \
Object& result = Object::Handle(); \
result = DartEntry::InvokeFunction(function, Object::empty_array()); \
EXPECT(!result.IsError()); \
Instance& actual = Instance::Handle(); \
actual ^= result.raw(); \
EXPECT(actual.Equals(Instance::Handle(expected))); \
// Pass the name of test, and use the generated function to call it
// and evaluate its result.
#define CODEGEN_TEST_RAW_RUN(name, function) \
static void CodeGenTestRun##name(const Function& function); \
TEST_CASE(name) { \
CodeGenTest __test__(""#name); \
CodeGenTestGenerate##name(&__test__); \
__test__.Compile(); \
CodeGenTestRun##name(__test__.function()); \
} \
static void CodeGenTestRun##name(const Function& function)
// Generate code for two sequences of AST nodes and execute the first one.
// The first one may reference the Function object generated by the second one.
#define CODEGEN_TEST2_RUN(name1, name2, expected) \
static void CodeGenTestRun##name1(const Function& function); \
TEST_CASE(name1) { \
/* Generate code for name2 */ \
CodeGenTest __test2__(""#name2); \
CodeGenTestGenerate##name2(&__test2__); \
__test2__.Compile(); \
/* Generate code for name1, providing function2 */ \
CodeGenTest __test1__(""#name1); \
CodeGenTestGenerate##name1(__test2__.function(), &__test1__); \
__test1__.Compile(); \
CodeGenTestRun##name1(__test1__.function()); \
} \
static void CodeGenTestRun##name1(const Function& function) { \
Object& result = Object::Handle(); \
result = DartEntry::InvokeFunction(function, Object::empty_array()); \
EXPECT(!result.IsError()); \
Instance& actual = Instance::Handle(); \
actual ^= result.raw(); \
EXPECT(actual.Equals(Instance::Handle(expected))); \
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM) || defined(TARGET_ARCH_MIPS)
#if defined(HOST_ARCH_ARM) || defined(HOST_ARCH_MIPS)
// Running on actual ARM or MIPS hardware, execute code natively.
#define EXECUTE_TEST_CODE_INT32(name, entry) reinterpret_cast<name>(entry)()
#define EXECUTE_TEST_CODE_INT64_LL(name, entry, long_arg0, long_arg1) \
reinterpret_cast<name>(entry)(long_arg0, long_arg1)
#define EXECUTE_TEST_CODE_FLOAT(name, entry) reinterpret_cast<name>(entry)()
#define EXECUTE_TEST_CODE_DOUBLE(name, entry) reinterpret_cast<name>(entry)()
#define EXECUTE_TEST_CODE_INT32_F(name, entry, float_arg) \
#define EXECUTE_TEST_CODE_INT32_D(name, entry, double_arg) \
// Not running on ARM or MIPS hardware, call simulator to execute code.
#define EXECUTE_TEST_CODE_INT32(name, entry) \
static_cast<int32_t>(Simulator::Current()->Call( \
bit_cast<int32_t, uword>(entry), 0, 0, 0, 0))
#define EXECUTE_TEST_CODE_INT64_LL(name, entry, long_arg0, long_arg1) \
static_cast<int64_t>(Simulator::Current()->Call( \
bit_cast<int32_t, uword>(entry), \
Utils::Low32Bits(long_arg0), \
Utils::High32Bits(long_arg0), \
Utils::Low32Bits(long_arg1), \
#define EXECUTE_TEST_CODE_FLOAT(name, entry) \
bit_cast<float, int32_t>(Simulator::Current()->Call( \
bit_cast<int32_t, uword>(entry), 0, 0, 0, 0))
#define EXECUTE_TEST_CODE_DOUBLE(name, entry) \
bit_cast<double, int64_t>(Simulator::Current()->Call( \
bit_cast<int32_t, uword>(entry), 0, 0, 0, 0))
#define EXECUTE_TEST_CODE_INT32_F(name, entry, float_arg) \
static_cast<int32_t>(Simulator::Current()->Call( \
bit_cast<int32_t, uword>(entry), \
bit_cast<int32_t, float>(float_arg), \
0, 0, 0))
#define EXECUTE_TEST_CODE_INT32_D(name, entry, double_arg) \
static_cast<int32_t>(Simulator::Current()->Call( \
bit_cast<int32_t, uword>(entry), \
Utils::Low32Bits(bit_cast<int64_t, double>(double_arg)), \
Utils::High32Bits(bit_cast<int64_t, double>(double_arg)), \
0, 0))
#endif // defined(HOST_ARCH_ARM) || defined(HOST_ARCH_MIPS)
#endif // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM) || defined(TARGET_ARCH_MIPS)
inline Dart_Handle NewString(const char* str) {
return Dart_NewStringFromCString(str);
namespace dart {
// Forward declarations.
class Assembler;
class CodeGenerator;
class VirtualMemory;
class TestCaseBase {
explicit TestCaseBase(const char* name);
virtual ~TestCaseBase() { }
const char* name() const { return name_; }
virtual void Run() = 0;
void RunTest();
static void RunAll();
static TestCaseBase* first_;
static TestCaseBase* tail_;
TestCaseBase* next_;
const char* name_;
class TestCase : TestCaseBase {
typedef void (RunEntry)();
TestCase(RunEntry* run, const char* name) : TestCaseBase(name), run_(run) { }
static Dart_Handle LoadTestScript(const char* script,
Dart_NativeEntryResolver resolver);
static Dart_Handle lib();
static const char* url() { return "dart:test-lib"; }
static Dart_Isolate CreateTestIsolateFromSnapshot(uint8_t* buffer) {
return CreateIsolate(buffer);
static Dart_Isolate CreateTestIsolate() {
return CreateIsolate(NULL);
static Dart_Handle library_handler(Dart_LibraryTag tag,
Dart_Handle library,
Dart_Handle url);
virtual void Run();
static Dart_Isolate CreateIsolate(uint8_t* buffer) {
char* err;
Dart_Isolate isolate = Dart_CreateIsolate(NULL, NULL, buffer, NULL, &err);
if (isolate == NULL) {
OS::Print("Creation of isolate failed '%s'\n", err);
EXPECT(isolate != NULL);
return isolate;
RunEntry* const run_;
class TestIsolateScope {
TestIsolateScope() {
isolate_ = reinterpret_cast<Isolate*>(TestCase::CreateTestIsolate());
Dart_EnterScope(); // Create a Dart API scope for unit tests.
~TestIsolateScope() {
Dart_ExitScope(); // Exit the Dart API scope created for unit tests.
ASSERT(isolate_ == Isolate::Current());
isolate_ = NULL;
Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; }
Isolate* isolate_;
class AssemblerTest {
AssemblerTest(const char* name, Assembler* assembler)
: name_(name),
code_(Code::ZoneHandle()) {
ASSERT(name != NULL);
ASSERT(assembler != NULL);
~AssemblerTest() { }
Assembler* assembler() const { return assembler_; }
const Code& code() const { return code_; }
uword entry() const { return entry_; }
// Assemble test and set code_ and entry_.
void Assemble();
const char* name_;
Assembler* assembler_;
Code& code_;
uword entry_;
class CodeGenTest {
explicit CodeGenTest(const char* name);
~CodeGenTest() { }
// Accessors.
const Function& function() const { return function_; }
SequenceNode* node_sequence() const { return node_sequence_; }
void set_default_parameter_values(const Array& value) {
default_parameter_values_ = value.raw();
// Compile test and set code in function.
void Compile();
LocalVariable* CreateTempConstVariable(const char* name_part);
Function& function_;
SequenceNode* node_sequence_;
Array& default_parameter_values_;
class CompilerTest : public AllStatic {
// Test the Compiler::CompileScript functionality by checking the return
// value to see if no parse errors were reported.
static bool TestCompileScript(const Library& library, const Script& script);
// Test the Compiler::CompileFunction functionality by checking the return
// value to see if no parse errors were reported.
static bool TestCompileFunction(const Function& function);
#define EXPECT_VALID(handle) \
do { \
Dart_Handle tmp_handle = (handle); \
if (Dart_IsError(tmp_handle)) { \
dart::Expect(__FILE__, __LINE__).Fail( \
"expected '%s' to be a valid handle but found an error handle:\n" \
" '%s'\n", \
#handle, Dart_GetError(tmp_handle)); \
} \
} while (0)
#define EXPECT_ERROR(handle, substring) \
do { \
Dart_Handle tmp_handle = (handle); \
if (Dart_IsError(tmp_handle)) { \
dart::Expect(__FILE__, __LINE__).IsSubstring((substring), \
Dart_GetError(tmp_handle)); \
} else { \
dart::Expect(__FILE__, __LINE__).Fail( \
"expected '%s' to be an error handle but found a valid handle.\n", \
#handle); \
} \
} while (0)
#define EXPECT_TRUE(handle) \
do { \
Dart_Handle tmp_handle = (handle); \
if (Dart_IsBoolean(tmp_handle)) { \
bool value; \
Dart_BooleanValue(tmp_handle, &value); \
if (!value) { \
dart::Expect(__FILE__, __LINE__).Fail("expected True, but was '%s'\n", \
#handle); \
} \
} else { \
dart::Expect(__FILE__, __LINE__).Fail("expected True, but was '%s'\n", \
#handle); \
} \
} while (0)
} // namespace dart
#endif // VM_UNIT_TEST_H_